/vtwbg/ World Building Prompts


What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!


What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?


What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?


What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?

Alcohol and Drink

what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?


What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?

Funeral Rites

How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?


What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?


Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?


How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?


What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?

Greetings and Gestures

What gestures are obscene in your nation? What is a common greeting? And how much do your people use their hands while talking, etc.


What kind of pets are kept in your lands? Is there a preference for one in particular? What about breeds?

Other Prompts

Story/Lore Perspectives


If you were to take a tour of your nation, what would it look like?

Pub: 06 Aug 2022 02:56 UTC
Edit: 22 Jan 2023 13:24 UTC
Views: 1532