Switch General Fixes Guide

Name Description
:one: Easy clean install. Does not effect installed games or saves! Prepack and quick use info for clean install. Links to things included.
:two: Is your firmware / atmosphere updated? How to check the specifics. CFW and Firmware update information.
:three: Have you updated your sigpatches / applied them properly? Overview of sigpatches
:four: How are you booting? Making sure patches are applied: Boot methods and various patch info. How to add other boot options to hekate.
:five: Are you blocking communications to nintendo properly? Properly and checks to know. +90DNS Info
:six: Common fixes Quick info
Fat32 vs Exfat Differences in card formats and possible problems associated.
I updated / changed things and I can't boot! A general fix for issues related to not being able to boot.
Maintenance Mode Clears pending updates and the switches cache. General fix for other issues.
Fix archive bit General fix. Mac users are much more likely to need this fix.
Airplane mode Sometimes trying to load a game with airplane mode enabled works. More details on this.
Link a fake account Some games require a linked account to load. How to fake link an account with tinfoil or linkalho.
Reset required version Some games may say they require updates, or are missing content, or want to connect to nintendo. This may fix that.
Checking data you have for specific information. Check what's installed. Check it's integrity. See specific info.
Other guides / Suggestions Description
:seven: Check your SD card quality / details / info Guide and quick information on SD card testing
:eight: :confused: When all else fails and you need more help. This can actually help!

The Switch Hackings is Easy guide is highly suggested for first time set ups or additional information. This guide is no way associated with them. For additional information or guides that may be helpful please review it also.

:one: Easy clean install

It's never necessary to use a prepack. You can accomplish all of this manually and doing so likely will help you learn more. However if you have attempted a few fixes, or are feeling lost or frustrated, or simply want a double check that you are using a proper set up it's a valid option sometimes. If you do not wish to use this - that's entirely ok! You can also follow :link: Captain's Info for all the links etc if you wish.

Using the prepack makes a clean install process fast however!

The fastest method to fix most issues is to clean install atmosphere / hekate / etc. Don't worry! You can do so without effecting you installed games or saves. You can do so manually or use a trusted prepack. You may still potentially have issues, however it's not a bad idea to try a clean install, then proceed to check out the other fixes after that.

This is the first suggested fix as it resolves the majority of problems as well as gets things updated. However, there are several additional fixes and information that could be helpful after that or if you don't wish to use that method. This will disable your themes and system modules but again: does not effect your games or saves. Please see the section below for information related to restoring / updating your system modules or theme stuff if necessary.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Please also note that while using a prepack can get your atmosphere / hekate / etc. updated it does not update your actual firmware. If you need to accomplish that as well please reference the firmware update section.

Always update your atmosphere / hekate / etc. before updating your firmware!

A fast method to clean install using a prepack is as follows:

  • :link: Captain's Prepack ➜ more info so you can trust it or use the links to put it together yourself ➜ :link: Captain's Info
  • Explore your SD card and rename atmosphere to oldatmosphere and bootloader to oldbootloader (if you do not use hekate / have a bootloader folder ignore renaming the bootloader folder) ➜
  • Copy over the contents of the above prepack ➜
    Open the folder called copy contents to sd and copy everything in it to the root of your SD card. Merge / overwrite to anything else prompted after renaming the above is fine - it can only be an update. ➜

You can inject either the included hekate.bin or fusee.bin. However hekate is preconfigured to also have fusee as a boot option.

You can review the pack's hekate launch options here if you need more details.

The purpose of the old folders is simply for a quick backup / reference if necessary. ➜

Once everything is working as you like, and you are no longer concerned you can safely delete the old folders. If you need a reference to previously installed system modules or the like you had installed: review SD:\oldatmosphere\contents folder. Using this reference ➜ it's a good idea to find the most recent versions of these things and reinstall them. These keeps them updated as well and reduces the chance at potential conflicts.

:two: Is your firmware / atmosphere updated?

Using the linked prepack should assure your :heavy_check_mark: atmosphere and custom firmware things are updated. This :x: does not update your switches firmware.

It's not always necessary to update to the most recent atmosphere and firmware. However, you should be aware of what you are using.

|•Check your atmosphere / firmware version• |

On the switch itself check:
System settings Go all the way to the bottom: System Look for the firmware string under System Update

Atmosphere / Firmware version check!
:cool: E at the end of the string indicates you are using an emunand / emummc - an emulated firmware run entirely from the sd card.
:ok: S at the end of the string indicates you are using the sysnand. Things done are running on the switches internal memory.
:small_orange_diamond: If you show a pending firmware update, please see the Maintenance Mode section of this guide to clear it if necessary.

| Update things that are outdated if necessary• |

If your atmosphere and or firmware is outdated it certainly can be a problem. Please reference:

:link: Follow this link to update your atmosphere. (:heavy_check_mark: •If using the above prepack, this is taken care of for you.)
:link: Follow this link to update your firmware. :triangular_flag_on_post: Always update your atmosphere / hekate / etc. before updating your firmware! :triangular_flag_on_post:

:three: Have you updated your sigpatches / applied them properly?

:heavy_check_mark: *(•If using the above prepack, this is taken care of for you. If so, skip this section.)*

:large_orange_diamond: Many guides, or outdated information do not provide accurate information on how to both install sigpatches, and apply them properly. Please avoid assumptions that because you followed a guide exactly as it was laid out that 'you did everything correctly'. Continue to read this guide in order to check these factors.

• You should be using :link:these sigpatches.
• Even if 'somethings work, and something new does not' do not assume that your sigpatches are fine. New sigpatches may be needed in order to load new content (including dlc or game updates).
• If you are booting with hekate and it's launch options: You need a properly configured hekate_ipl.ini to load sigpatches. Alternatively you can boot hekate, then load fusee. Please review the How are you booting section to follow for fixes / more information on this issue.

:four: How are you booting? Making sure patches are applied:

:heavy_check_mark: *(•If using the above prepack, this is taken care of for you. If so, skip this section.)*

•I'm booting via hekate:

:large_orange_diamond: Some guides do not give you a proper set up to use hekate's launch options that apply sigpatches. Review the following to correct this problem. There are a few methods to do so depending on how you boot.

If you wish to use hekate you can either chainload fusee from hekate or use a proper hekate_ipl.ini. (Found in SD:\bootloader\hekate_ipl.ini)

• Chainload fusee from hekate

• Grab the most recent fusee.bin from the :link: atmosphere releases page
Please note that the fusee.bin is separate from the atmosphere.zip download. This specifically references the fusee.bin

• Place it in SD:\bootloader\payloads\ leaving you with SD:\bootloader\payloads\fusee.bin➜
• From hekate's main menu select the payloads tab, then select fusee.bin

Fusee.bin auto applies all patches present and defaults to emunand / emummc if present. If it's not it loads sysnand.

• Use a proper hekate_ipl.ini

Hekate's launch options can also be used to boot specific options rather than fusee.bin's load emunand / emummc if present sysnand otherwise. Some people prefer this approach as it can only load what it's told to specifically. For example if it's told to only load an emunand / emummc - it can not default to loading a sysnand instead. The catch with this approach is having a properly configured hekate_ipl.ini Otherwise it can accomplish exactly the same things that booting with fusee.bin can. Let's look at how:

Explore your SD card and find SD:\bootloader\ hekate_ipl.ini
Open it with a text editor. You can add any of the following boot entries as you please. Just add what options you wish to the hekate_ipl.ini and save it after doing so.

• To add a boot entry for emunand/emummc that applies patches add the following:

[Atmosphere FSS0 EmuMMC]

• To add a boot entry for sysnand that applies patches read the following note:

:triangular_flag_on_post:Be warned that installing things to the system is a ban risk. Understand this clearly or look into using an emunand / emummc.:triangular_flag_on_post:

If you understand the above you can add the following:

[Atmosphere FSS0 SYS]

• Alternatively, if you wish to have a launch option for fusee.bin read the following note:

This requires the most recent fusee.bin from the atmosphere releases page being placed in SD:\bootloader\payloads. If you do so, you can launch fusee.bin from either hekate's launch options or hekate's payloads menu.

To add this option add the following:

[Fusee boot]

Note: You can change the names of the boot entries in brackets to whatever you like to call them. Such as [Atmosphere FSS0 SYS] can instead be called [Atmopshere System Nand] etc.

• I'm booting directly via fusee:

A common issue is people assuming they have updated everything and are actually booting with an older version. This can happen in a few ways. Make sure you are working with the most recent fusee.bin:

:link: Go to the release page of atmosphere to find the most recent fusee.bin

The fusee.bin download is separate from the atmosphere.zip | The following references fusee.bin

Making sure you are working with the most recent atmosphere / fusee.bin and double check the following factors:

• Whatever method you are using to inject with is not using a prepacked older fusee.
• You are not attempting to use anything named primary or secondary - these things no longer exist and if you see / use things with these references you can be sure you are using outdated / old things.
• If you are using a portable rcm injector you may need to update it's payloads also.
• If you are booting from hekate's payloads tab (this isn't directly booting fusee... but anyways...) Assure you have replaced SD:\bootloader\payloads\fusee.bin with the most recent as well.

:five: Are you blocking communications to nintendo properly?

:heavy_check_mark: *(•If using the above prepack, this is taken care of for you. If so, skip this section.)* Except for the 90 dns info

Even if you aren't overly concerned with being banned, or are already banned, or any factor like that ➜ blocking connections to nintendo generally helps avoid problems such as update nags for firmware, games demanding they be updated etc. It's not a bad idea to have some redundant protections, but you should avoid using a manual 90 DNS connection on the switch itself. The suggested redundant protections are MITM host file blocking and either exosphere or incognito.

:no_entry: You should not use a manual 90dns connection on the switch itself. :no_entry:

:triangular_flag_on_post: Incognito can present difficulties sometimes if people aren't sure how to use it correctly / undo it. If you are not familiar with it, or don't want to read up on the details, exosphere is suggested instead.

You should use MITM host file blocking and:a: exosphere or :b: incognito.

:link: • MITM host file blocking - blocks connections to nintendo via host files on any connection you make.

and either :a: or :b: below:

:link: :a: • Exosphere: Blanks your serial via patches.
:link: :b: • Incognito: Blanks your serial via file system modification. :triangular_flag_on_post: Please see the note above related to using incognito :triangular_flag_on_post:

• Blocking double check:

:fearful: Worried the that your serial blanking or connection blocking to nintendo is set up properly? You can check your serial in system setting on the switch to verify that is working. If you want to verify your connections to nintendo are blocked otherwise you can use the homebrew application :link:90 DNS Tester ➜ Place the Switch_90DNS_tester.nro into the SD:\switch\ folder on your SD card, and run it from the homebrew menu.

Check that connections are blocked.

All green indicates that blocking is working properly

Note: You can remove the checker by deleting the Switch_90DNS_tester.nro if you like / no longer want it.

:no_entry: •Avoid a manual 90 DNS connection :no_entry::

:warning: Some guides suggest using a connection on the switch itself to block communication to nintendo. This is inferior to MITM host file blocking for several reasons. A manual 90dns connection only applies to the connection it's set to. If you connect to anything else it does not apply. If 90dns goes down for some reason - it will fail. A manual 90dns connection tends to slow things down or cause other connection issues while MITM host file blocking does not. MITM host file blocking applies to any connection you make.

:triangular_flag_on_post: You should put in place other protections before removing your manual 90 DNS connection however! Use the prepack or this guide.

I'm not sure if I'm using a manual 90 DNS / how to remove it:

On the switch itself: go to •System Settings ➜ •Internet ➜ •Internet Settings ➜ Select your •Registered Network (the access point you connect to) ➜•Change Settings ➜ •DNS Settings =

Switching to automatic = manual 90 DNS is removed.

:six: Common fixes:

Fat32 vs Exfat
I updated / changed things and I can't boot!
Maintenance Mode
Fix archive bit
Airplane mode
Link a fake account
Reset required version
Specific game data info

Fat32 vs Exfat:

While the switch can work with either exfat or fat32 formatted cards, is simply is not optional:


:no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :warning: Exfat is not ok. :warning: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign:

The switch is simply terrible with the exfat format, and can corrupt it randomly. Even if you've had it work previously, it's simply a corruption time bomb. You are very likely to be fine for awhile, have things corrupt, then have to fix whatever it corrupts... until it corrupts again. There is a misconception that you can't install games larger than four gigs while using fat32. This is simply not true.

:smile: There is no game size install limitation. You can install games larger than four gigs easily with methods such as usb installs.
:boom: Exfat is a corruption time bomb.
:point_right: Even if you have used exfat previously and 'things worked' = does not matter.
:star: Even if you have to switch - do so.

How do I check my cards current format?

Find the drive on your computer, right click on it and select properties. The format is listed next to file system:

But my computer will not allow me to format to fat32:

Sure you can. Please follow this guide to do so.

I updated / changed things and I can't boot!

• Boot issues - outdated system modules or theme stuff:

The most common reason for failure to boot after updating or other changes is conflicting system modules / theme related issues. These are stored in SD:\atmosphere\contents generally speaking. Therefore a quick fix often is:

Rename SD:\atmosphere\contents to oldcontents and attempt booting again. If this fixes booting problems, then system modules / theme stuff was the issue. You can use oldcontents if necessary to reference what you had installed previously ➜ look for updates to these things. Once satisfied you can delete the oldcontents folder.

Maintenance Mode:

Booting into maintenance mode deletes pending switch updates clears the cache, often resolving issues:

How you access maintenance mode is dependent on what you wish to apply it to:

To apply maintenance mode to a sysnand:
• Boot into maintenance mode by holding vol+ and vol- while turning on your Switch from a fully off state.

To apply maintenance mode to an emunand / emummc:
•Inject fusee.bin and directly after injecting it hold vol+ and vol- to access maintenance mode.

  • If you are a hekate user: you can grab the most recent fusee.bin from the :link: atmosphere releases page, and place it in SD:\bootloader\payloads then run it from hekate's payload tab. Hold vol+ and vol- directly after selecting it.

Once you boot into maintenance mode menu, do not select any of the options, simply restart your switch.
Maintenance Mode Example

Fix Archive Bit:

From time to time, bits can get set incorrectly and cause issues. This is a much more common problems for mac's. You are welcome to try this fix as a 'general fix' without it causing any other issues.

• Boot first into :link: Hekate
• Press Tools at the top of hekate's main menu.
• Tap on: Arch bit • RCM Touch • Pkg1/2
(This is in the lower right hand corner of hekate's tools menu. Tap on it to access the other menu.)
• Select Fix Archive Bit.

Load Hekate:
Hekate Tools �klzzwxh:0232�

Select Fix Archive Bit:
Fix Archive Bit Example

If no bits are set or unset, this made no changes. If some bits are set or unset, it may resolve problems.

Airplane mode:

Some games will work if you attempt to load them with airplane mode enabled. Sometimes it's only required to load the game one time, and then airplane mode is no longer required. Simply try loading the game with airplane mode enabled for this reference.

Some games require an account to be linked in order to function. •Tinfoil or •Linkalho can be used to fake link accounts.

:link: •Tinfoil: ➜ Go to options tab in tinfoil. Scroll down on the left hand side tabs to find it. ➜ From within that menu, find the option titled Fake Link Nintendo Online Account and select it. (Image example of tinfoil's fake link - click to view)
:link:•Linkalho: ➜ Go to the :link: releases page and find linkalho.zip and download it. ➜ Extract the linkalho.nro to the SD:\switch\ folder ➜ run linkalho from the switches homebrew menu ➜and select link all accounts. (Image example of Linkalho - click to view)

Note: If you still have account related errors after fake linking an account a reinstall of the game may be required.

Reset required version:

In some cases you may face an issue where the game demands updates or to connect online to update despite other fixes / solutions. In this case you can attempt resetting the required version of the game with either tinfoil or dbi.

• Tinfoil how to reset required version:

• In tinfoil's Installed tab highlight a game title. ➜
• Press the (X) button with it highlighted to bring up uninstall menu. Don't worry, the game is not uninstalled from this point.
• You should notice the option (Y) Reset Required Version
![Foil reset required version](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/986141152774352916/989795232751181854/unknown.png "Tinfoil reset required version (Y)")
• Press (Y) to do so.

•Dbi how to reset required version:

:link: Go to the release page of DBI and download the dbi.nro (No other files are required for this.) ➜
• Place the dbi.nro on your SD card in SD:\switch\dbi\ (make the folder if neccessary) leaving you with SD:\switch\dbi\ dbi.nro
• Load up DBI from the homebrew menu ➜
• From DBI's main menu select Browse Installed Applications
• Highlight the title you wish to reset. The title context menu can be displayed by clicking on (+) on the selected title(s). ➜
From there select Reset required version

Checking the data you are working with specific information.

Specific information can often help you determine what the problem could be. Let's get more details.

:link: DBI does an excellent job of presenting information about installed content.

:link: Go to the release page of DBI and download the dbi.nro (No other files are required for this.) ➜
• Place the dbi.nro on your SD card in SD:\switch\dbi\ (make the folder if necessary) leaving you with SD:\switch\dbi\ dbi.nro
• Load up DBI from the homebrew menu ➜
• From DBI's main menu select Browse Installed Applications

:no_entry:If you see a title in red: Only an update and/or DLC is installed, the game itself is NOT installed.:no_entry:
A game in red is missing it's base and can not function.

From the installed applications menu to check a games integrity:
Highlight the title you wish to review. The title context menu can be displayed by clicking on (+) on the selected title(s). From there ➜
Check integrity - checks the data integrity of the selected titles. This can be useful to double check if the data itself is good.

:seven: MicroSD Card testing / benchmark

Knowing the quality of your SD is extremely important. Many times people try everything else and overlook the microsd card being the issue. Avoid such problems by knowing!

If you can't find your problem / solution anywhere else, or haven't preformed a card test before - it's suggested.

This guide was made specifically to assist with card testing methods. You can follow it for many more details on each process.

:link: H2testw

is the suggested method, and not only suggested but: It is highly suggested to run h2testw on any / all of your cards one time.

Cons: It's an extremely long test. Most people consider it a pain. It will involve backing up and restoring any data to preform it correctly.
Pros: That said - you only have to do this test one time and it tells the truth about the card. Do it one time. Know.

You can see this section of the above guide for h2testw.

:link: Hekate's benchmark

If you can't be bothered with that however... or need a faster reference without backing things up, hekate's benchmark works as a reference.

Cons: Is a reference, not a complete test. You can not say you are sure about the card with this alone.
Pros: Does not require backing up or restoring data. Is faster.

Hekate's Benchmark is a very good reference. it is not a complete test however.
Please understand the difference between a benchmark (a general faster reference) and a complete test that h2testw preforms.

You can see this section of the above guide for hekate's benchmark information.

If you require additional methods (such as not having windows) please see Switch SD Info


If all of the above does not fix your problem and you need more help:

Try to ask good questions. It generally speeds up getting assistance and is easier on everyone.

• Do not say you are using the 'most recent' anything. Be specific with as many details as possible.

:no_entry: Bad Question example: •"I'm using the most recent atmosphere. Things don't work. How fix?"

Instead please try to give as many details as possible when asking for help. Such as:

:smiley: Good Question example: •"I am using atmosphere version | my firmware version is X.XX | I am booting with hekate or fusee etc | I am trying to do what specific thing | I have been following this guide or this link | I am having this specific problem or am getting this specific error when I do this specific action or at what point the problem occurs. | I have previously done these things that may relate to the problem or the problem originally started at this point."

:gem: Review | •Check your atmosphere / firmware version• | to provide as least some minimal information. You do not have to provide all of the above information of course, but the more details you provide the more likely it is you will get better / faster assistance.

Pub: 14 Jun 2022 11:25 UTC
Edit: 15 Sep 2023 21:35 UTC
Views: 30157