Switch SD Card Info

Knowing the quality of your sd card is not only a good idea, it's sometimes essential to identifying where problems may be coming from.

Complete tests:

Name Description OS Link
:one: H2Testw Gold standard / Suggested test. Widows :link: Link
:two: F3 A external link to a guide for linux users. Linux :link: Link
:three: F3XSwift A external link to a guide fo mac users. Mac :link: Link

Hekate's Benchmark:

:triangular_flag_on_post: it is not a complete test. Generally it gives a good indication of card speeds or other potential errors. It is however faster and doesn't require you to backup any current data. Just be aware it's a reference and not a complete test as the above are.

Name Description OS Link
:scroll: Hekate's benchmark A faster reference Switch itself with hekate :link: Link

:one: • H2Testw - Gold Standard

H2Testw has been around for awhile, and it's concept is simple. Fill up the card and check the data, verifying that the card can do that. Without issues. Sounds good right? Well there's a few catches.

To properly test a card you should ideally format it (so, it can check everything of course.) Yes, this means you'll have to backup everything for this process if necessary. Sorry to say... the hard new doesn't stop there.

Generally speaking, this test is extremely slow.

So why do it? Because it's a one time test to know that the card is ok and isn't the source of any problems or issues.
It's highly suggested to run this test one time (ideally right away) when you get any new sd card.

• Please backup your card / data as necessary before proceeding.
• Format the card. For this test, the format doesn't necessarily matter, however as a general reminder please only ever use fat32 for switch operations.
• This test does take a very long time - plan accordingly. The larger the card, the longer it will take, sometimes an extremely long time.
• Using a USB 3.0 microSD reader / adapter and a 3.0 port will speed up the process if available. (It is not necessary, just faster.)

How to use H2testw:

  1. Download H2testw here
  2. Unpack h2testw.exe to your desktop and run it:
    h2testw unpack and run.
  3. Select English
  4. Select your drive letter as the target:
    select drive letter.
  5. Make sure all available space is selected:
    Make sure all available space is selected
  6. Then select Write + Verify:
    Then select Write + Verify:
  7. Wait for it to be done or produce any type of error message.

H2testw Results:

In the below examples, the size of the cards is irrelevant.
The information about failure messages and comparing extremely low end speeds vs acceptable speed applies to all sd cards.

H2testw Failure:

If you see anything similar to this, sorry to say the card has issues and can't be trusted.
There really are no work around or fixes to resolve bad hardware.
It is highly suggested you replace the card. - Otherwise you can simply expect to have random problems at any point.

H2testw Failure:

H2testw passes but lemon vs real card (generalization):
This card passes but:

This card passes h2testw, but don't assume too quickly everything with it is fine. Look at how slow the read and write speeds are. While the storage space capacity of the card may in fact be real in total, the card is simply so slow that it's likely to cause issues. Compare this to the next image for reference.

Pass but poop:

This card is real:

Obviously speeds of cards vary a lot depending on how high or low end they are. You certainly don't need the highest end card available but as a reference to the difference between a lemon above, and a real card below, you should understand that you don't want to be at the bottom end.

VS Real:

:scroll: Hekate as a faster reference

  1. Boot first into :link: Hekate
  2. From the top menu select Console Info
    Console Info
  3. Under Storage and Battery Info in the upper right hand corner select microSD
    Select MicoSD
  4. At the top right select the option Benchmark - Indicated in A: below.
  5. Allow it to run the benchmark.
    Take note of and make sure to take note of anything in B: indicated below

![Hekate Benchmark](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/986141152774352916/1001598728525856768/unknown.png"Hekate Benchmark")
🇦 Run a benchmark of the card speed
🇧 Review for any fails / errors
🇨 If your card is listed as fake here = it is.
🇩 Card format. Should only be fat32. Not exfat.

  • A: Can run for an overview of card speed
  • B: Any :triangular_flag_on_post: Init fails: | Read / Write fails: | or Read / Write errors :triangular_flag_on_post: =
    Very likely to have card problems or card reader problems. A complete test of the card or replacement of it is suggested.
  • C: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: See fake here, it is. This card is bad. Do not attempt to use it. Get a new one. :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:
  • D: Your SD's card current format. You should only be using fat32. See here for more information.
  • You can compare the benchmark to average card speeds. Anything that seems extremely slow indicates a problem with the card as well.
Edit Report
Pub: 17 Jun 2022 09:27 UTC
Edit: 19 Nov 2023 19:54 UTC
Views: 5783