Welcome to the Build Archive for Harahel v0.7
The Archivist constructed this repository to house information discovered about Earth-Origin Harahelians (henceforth EOH, pronounciation: ayy-yo.) I, Camilla (or Milly), am the current maintainer of the archives. Most of what is below is the work of my forebear, with additions made sporadically by means of my own observations and meetings.
Please make yourself comfortable, and remember these files are the personal information of the individuals in question, I — as current maintainer of the archives — know nothing of how they work or mentality so if there is a question you'll have to try and catch them in the guildhall or perchance run into them in the world. Harahel is currently in a state of flux so records may not be accurate, information is from recent observations.
Names in "quotes" never gave their name, at least that I could find, so I have taken time to give them one as a means of reference.
So tell me, who would you like to know about?
Name: Adalinda Tiamat
Note: Sorceress Dragon Queen of the nation of Cadenza in northern Arpeggio. She has a strong sense of justice and morals and seeks those whom share these ideals to invite them to join her in creating a brighter future.
Data: https://rentry.co/Adalinda
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFDcoX7s6rE
Name: Adriel Anjou
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/ogqemo4xop
Name: Aelia Beatrix
Note: Up above, a sublime figure gazes at the bountiful land, admiring its beauty and claiming it for her own.
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/kvobycjbcf
Name: Aiden Conall
Note: A drake-blooded wolf-tinged humie twice-chosen who, nonetheless, shall face a terrible cataclysm.
Data: https://rentry.co/f8kc27d5
Name: Alice
Note: Pixie explorer of everything, be it nature, civilization, senses or just anything new. Some kleptomania and desire for pranks aside, she does mean well and won't hesitate to help, if in her own way.
Data: https://rentry.co/ey9in2cf
Name: Amelie
Note: An elf that seems to have embraced their nature rather fully — exception here being an attunement less to the... traditional taming techniques of her forebears and more to 'polite' society.
Data: https://rentry.co/wep3o
Name: Amity "Magicat" Ricard
Note: Small cat does her best to be the support her friends need. Prefers damage prevention over healing.
Note: https://textbin.net/raw/anw3mdgegg
Name: Amughar Crystalbud
Note: Reaper-Fairy-Mazoku owner of an orphanage on the coast of Dolce. A newly made Vampire Lord who tries to help out his friends and can be a bit dense.
Data: https://rentry.co/AmugharBuild
Name: Angus Sandihimbo
Note: A friendly himbo minotaur raised to be a breeding stud on a farm in Encore. He has since become an adventurer with questionable decision making skills counterbalanced by remarkable luck.
Data: https://rentry.co/Angus
Name: Arapygia
Note: A tall, thicc, periwinkle-skinned, elven woman with a love for sex, music, dungeon diving, alchemy, and intoxication.
Data: https://rentry.co/Arapygia
Name: Athena
Note: A halfbreed that hides a deep hatred for humanity, yet aspires to be their champion.
Data: https://textbin.net/72ybantopx
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viDKam_hmGM
Name: Aurelia Morgana
Note: Aurelia is a siren born in the deepest dungeon under the ocean. She will unabashedly exploit the knowledge from her previous life and combined with the capitol she accrued as a pirate queen she built an advanced merchant fleet. Normally cool and collected, she's got a mischievous streak and with the right rival can go full Chuni.
Data: https://textbin.net/ghuaymwz3f
Music: https://youtu.be/xgcap-5IBsY ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YECwy_u0oNY
Name: Basil
Note: A jovial, boisterous, womanizing dhampir adventurer hotshot with a strong sense of justice and more wits to him than what he lets on.
Data: https://rentry.co/2hg3g
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1eQpls4gJ0
Name: Benefactum
Note: A cold-blooded lamia who found two loves to warm her up on lonely nights. She has plans to establish a kingdom in the frigid north and to bring into being an inordinate amount of children.
Data: https://rentry.co/Harahel_Benefactum
Music: https://youtu.be/qRnzCSCJpmo
Name: Blob, The
Note: Particularly ravenous specimen of slime, unknown depths of appetite.
Data: https://rentry.org/yckdvw
Name: Blue
Note: A slime that knows unity, in that both fighting and fucking use tentacles.
Data: https://rentry.org/BlueBuild
Name: Bocchi No. 2
Note: A Sith in Harahel who may or may not also be a Japanese woman who plays in a band — though the latter isn't proven yet.
Data: https://rentry.org/bocchi02
Name: Cassandra Kurano
Note: A Kitsune-Tenshi-Kotengu from Arpeggio and noblewoman of Aria. A skilled healer and mage who enjoys helping people in need, she's still young and naïve and alternates between teasing or pulling pranks and trying to act like a mature adult.
Data: https://rentry.co/harahelcassandrakurano
Name: Céline
Note: One of the hottest new idols on the Nocturne scene accompanied by her cemetery of skeletal backup dancers.
Data: https://rentry.org/CelineBuild
Name: Charlie Ryne
Note: An androgynous, puzzle-loving dragonkin who attracts stares (and more) wherever he goes.
Data: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/62595972/#62716184
Name: Christina
Data: https://rentry.co/Christina_Build
Name: Cristina
Note: A (naive) witch somewhat prone to landing herself in tight spots, but capable in the arcane arts.
Data: https://sharetext.me/upwns4ilaw
Name: Darcy Mabbit
Note: Librarian and keeper of a dungeon within, Darcy oversees those that would delve into its depths.
Data: https://rentry.co/DarcyMabbitProfile
Name: Dojima
Note: Suggestion: Give ear rubs.
Data: https://rentry.org/DojimaBuild
Name: Domitian
Note: The last scion of a fallen noble family, accomplished strategist, and wizard of the spatial and arcane variety. Possessed of a murky past and alien, incomprehensible nature—but a friendly enough fellow should one meet him.
Data: https://rentry.co/DomitianBuild
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJRnNm_jhEs
Name: Don't Worry About It
Note: Xadera Slime with a taste for forbidden fruit.
Data: https://rentry.org/d2fs4
Name: Dorothy "Dolly" Byxmori
Note: The cutest moth ever. She is a friendly yet slightly paranoid girl that has slowly been open up to people with some good bad and great results.
Data: https://rentry.co/MothPixie
Music: https://youtu.be/CSr101g3e_A
Name: Dreamer
Note: An enigmatic figure that seems to drift from the corporeal and incorporeal worlds...
Data: https://rentry.org/DreamerBuildHarahel
Name: Dremos
Note: A friendly and summonable Incubus who specializes in lewd magics. He can imbue others with stat enhancing tattoos, but they usually come with lewd side effects.
Data: https://rentry.co/Dremos
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccY25Cb3im0
Name: Echo
Note: A mute dungeon slime that uses a captured skeleton to hold its shape.
Data: https://s1.desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1629/93/1629936579752.png
Name: Eclipsa
Note: A cursed half-blood, denied her vampiric birthright...
Data: https://textbin.net/qifncfdy6r
Note: A physically-powerful dual-chosen tenshi with a number of other skills and magics.
Data: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1715/80/1715802466561.png
Music: https://youtu.be/8q-S-A38m50?si=6fL5pLsgXkZDOi3X
Name: Eden
Note: A comfy tree house filled with cute maids and biomechanical chimeras. Your friendly neighborhood tentacle monster!
Data: https://textbin.net/gngilnh4u8
Music: https://youtu.be/62RvnXZgHwQ
Name: Embla
Note: A [Dryad] intent on plumbing the depths of biology and magic, but there is something dark beneath the surface...
Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/146ckJ54ZHIY6n7agGnbrjZqjBpEyJZJeDvffgFIAF60/edit?usp=sharing
Name: Emily
Note: Marionette who trades service for safety and comfort. Has been known to come across as emotionless and overly dedicated to the craft of maidery.
Data: https://rentry.co/HarahelMeidoSan
Name: Eris Valerius
Note: A Xadera Lich living on the southern peninsula of Largo where he conducts Alchemical and Dark magic experiments to fuel his thirst for knowledge and eventually, conquest. (Note: NPC)
Data: https://rentry.org/HarahelEris
Name: Esve Besk
Note: Tiny healslut elf who wants to play a role in an adventurer's story!
Data: https://rentry.co/Esve
Name: Euthymia
Note: A seraphic proctor with no small amount of influence...
Data: https://rentry.co/E-S-P
Name: Fhera Briar
Note: A witch-knight who walks a fine line twixt her only chance and simply enjoying the world of Harahel for all its worth — when not dealing with the mischief and machinations of mushi and arbiters alike.
Data: https://rentry.org/FheraBriar
Name: Freya Vanagandir
Note: An envoy of nature and engineering, an Okami artificer with a penchant for attracting and befriending (and "befriending") the beasts of the wild.
Data: https://rentry.co/swobnx
Name: Frostbite
Note: Corruptted Yukionna ghost who masquerades as a cursed sword spirit to drain life for her sugar daddy senketsu.
Data: https://textbin.net/e7netmpzbr
Name: Fuko
Note: A cursed girl who was separated from her clan. She knows not where they are or if they still live, for what precious little she remember is buried deep inside her frozen heart.
Data: https://textbin.net/50tlztcrts
Music: https://youtu.be/M7G7l59oejI
Name: Geneva "Genny" Boreen
Note: A most flamboyant pirate. Or she could've been anyway. Currently a washed up rambler who turned up on the shores of Ballad after yet another job gone bad. Prone to bad choices and archaic swearing, but tries to maintain some semblance of honor. Had potential as a navigator and pilot, but squandered her talent and her coin. Currently reduced to taking odd jobs around the docks.
Data: https://rentry.co/yarrcat
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLBGqJAdY8k
Name: Grisellia "Saw" Papillon
Note: A possibility that could have been. A vigilante from Nocture taking full advantage of Aura's Veil.
Data: https://textbin.net/sl1smcde4q
Theme: https://youtu.be/ZK17UY14INs
Name: Hariti Iza
Note: The phantom of a prideful kunoichi messenger that vehemently refuses to quit her work! May have the curse from the Shinobi armor expansion (Without the benefits of the armor itself as fits the rules)
Data: https://pastebin.com/vLreM30R
Name: Haswell
Data: https://textbin.net/bzfvsviyb3
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWL080QOqfY
Name: Humble Merchant
Note: A gentleman in the business of supplying fine wares...
Data: https://rentry.org/aMostHumbleMerchant
Name: Idriana Drakaine
Note: Fey queen bent on world domination
Data: https://textbin.net/vsqmj4hkz3
Name: Ifra, the Swindler
Note: Ifra is a rude short stack goblin girl who tries to steal and swindle everyone she meets.
Data: https://textbin.net/p3jzupgs2x
Name: Inkubus
Note: A dungeon born incubus with a particular specialty in lust crests and related magical effects with which to imbue them.
Data: https://rentry.co/Inkubus
Name: Julia Ancrath
Note: A snow white okami with a fire that contrasts the arctic aesthetic; a wanderer of the world bereft of direction that she knows little of...
Data: https://rentry.co/Julia_Ancrath
Name: Katelyn Arkanis
Note: Knight-errant doing her best to be the hero she'd always wanted to be. Uses illusion magic to take on the appearance of a heroic warrior and disguise her undead nature.
Data: https://textbin.net/sc4g7pbeot
Music: https://youtu.be/_6ENAumWhMY
Name: Kayla
Data: https://textbin.net/97cenhjx9e
Name: Kimiko Rubato
Note: A cute vampire lord demon fox that lives a life of luxury and pampering, but likes to escape from her manor from time to time.
Data: https://textbin.net/pelkaytelx
Name: Korrina "Rina" Arelian
Note: A small Dragonkin Neko hybrid in search of adventure, but more importantly...loot
Data: https://rentry.co/dragonkitty
Name: Korinna "Zanni" Canali
Note: A woman in constant search of adventure and new stimulus. For this, she reinvents herself from time to time. Her current persona is a chaotic jester that travels the land in search of a role to play in an interesting story.
Data: https://textbin.net/hyegzj8zjk
Music: https://youtu.be/-m4HuVYxtD0
Name: L'appel Du Vide
Note: A woman taming the great wilds with the power of "love"
Data: https://textbin.net/w37yl7zuw2
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnCBzKyVPSI
Name: Laura Nofelind
Note: Master thief, unwitting agent of chaos, and deviant masochist all rolled into one huggable, rubbable, and bullyable little catgirl.
Data: https://rentry.co/LauraNofelind
Name: Liliat
Note: Master strategist and huge submissive pervert who just wants to enjoy living with a loving companion who cater to her fetishes.
Data: https://rentry.org/5ygbp
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOKAZQ4nv1I
Name: Lily
Note: A succubus who desires friends and true love
Data: https://rentry.co/LilyHarahelBuild
Name: Lilly
Note: A bewitching enchantress with an eternally fashionable wardrobe and a taste for being in control.
Data: https://textbin.net/bhn1xq1ikw
Name: Lindt von Teschen (aka Lisa Minci)
Note: A librarian of the Royal Archive of Greyweul, who certainly has no secrets or a false name or interests in magic and alchemy.
Data: https://rentry.org/Lisa_Minci_of_Aria
Name: Liritchia Ecludea
Note: A summoner that is always in search of means to get new ingredients for summoning magic with her shadow familiar.
Data: https://textbin.net/iu2ha9gpky
Name: Livia
Note: THE SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY: a nation builder that utilizes demons for harsh labor with ironclad contracts
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/kw650uadpu
Name: Louise Luchthonn/Adelaide Wargaz
Note: Mister Jekyll and Mister Hyde, but as an okami alchemist.
Data: https://rentry.org/WolfGilJnH
Name: Lucia
Note: Corrupter of Gods! Origin of Sin! Scarlet Beast! Demon Queen Lucia!
Data: https://textbin.net/jtcdigj3sj
Name: Lyra Tallbeast
Note: Constantly angry halfling who also happens to be an inventing genius. She's not a tsundere, she actually hates you.
Data: https://rentry.org/gzehk
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzmQRdVCSGQ
Name: Magnus Ashford, The Burning Edge
Note: A man made out of pure Will, Pride, and Purpose.
Data: https://textbin.net/krahjwavm9
Music: https://youtu.be/nxXcuDAv7Ss
Name: Mahou Shoujo Kiki-Chan
Note: A harbinger of the ways of the magical girl, Kiki patrols the borderlands of Encore and the Great Wilds, collecting accolades — and perhaps some other things — along the way!
Data: https://rentry.org/MahouShoujoKikiChanBuild
Name: Ma'ia
Note: Puzzling slime tenshi from one of several origins; possibly a fallen angel, an embodiment of lewd dungeons, or a peculiar species of sea slug.
Data: https://textbin.net/xeffq5xvcq
Name: Manasa
Note: One who devours those of infernal origin and re-creates them without that inherent taint.
Data: https://rentry.org/ManasaBuildHarahel
Name: Mara, the Lich Maid
Note: Taking Arbeit Macht Frei into undeath.
Data: https://rentry.co/MaraLichMaidBuild
Name: Marcelle Misericordia
Note: Chuuni farmer and her seedbed servant coming to a plot near you.
Data: https://rentry.org/wzi48
Name: "Master and Slave"
Note: Two in one or one in two? Similar subby reaperionettes.
Data: https://rentry.co/MasterAndSlaveBuild
Name: Mayumi Kosug'Umo/Murasaki Miyu
Note: Idol by day, ara ara~ onee-chan by night.
Data: https://textbin.net/lvn2x9dlau
Name: Mello
Note: Playing Monster Breeder: Harahel Edition featuring special appearances from the Taimanin series and more!
Data: https://rentry.org/MelloBuild
Name: Mira Psychi
Note: An incredibly durable reaper with a wide breadth of magical potential.
Data: https://rentry.org/HarahelBuildMiraPsychi
Name: Morgan de Yorke
Note: A feminine marionette who hides a surprising tool just out of sight.
Data: https://rentry.co/3gcyr
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YwH3yYIkJ4
Name: Mugen
Note: A thuggish, hot-blooded ghoul from Nocturne with an insatiable hunger for battle and street justice. Aloof, vulgar, and meatheaded to a fault, but his heart is in the right place - most of the time.
Data: https://textbin.net/my3hcbeo0j
Music: https://youtu.be/x0G9meFiMXk
Name: Mundilföri
Note: A strange crusader against the xadera menace. If viewed with [Status] she's just a powerless humie girl, though...
Data: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1660/37/1660372404417.png
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YztzNyDGcpc
Name: Neo
Note: A well-rounded humie-slime with the capability to grow however they choose.
Data: https://rentry.co/ChangelingNeo
Name: Nita Balor
Note: A firey mazoku-vampire-lord with a certain conflagrating nature about her...
Data: https://rentry.co/Nita_Balor
Music: https://youtu.be/wfCcs0vLysk
Name: Nyx the Ghoul (now Vampire)
Note: A bard ghoul who, having undergone rebirth, claimed her position as a true vampire.
Data: https://textbin.net/o08819rn4z
Name: (The) Overlad
Note: Sworn destroyer in recompense for crimes against his very person, each village, town, city upon this continent shall burn to sate his wrath...
Data: https://rentry.org/ok4ni (profile: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/56841820/#57073340 )
Name: Patches
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/luobsyfjgq
Name: Pallas, Prince of Greyweul
Note: A cocky yet chivalric knight-prince who wants to be the strongest humie and likes fighting and feasting above all.
Data: https://rentry.co/Pallasbuild
Music: https://youtu.be/_vGQpHhIuas
Name: Pandora
Note: The greatest of Chosen! Queen of the Heavens! Will of the World!
Data: https://textbin.net/uigx27vprp
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxTprtLZurY
Name: Quinci "QT" Trinquet
Note: Mastema's Cupid, Code Name: QT-π, a Tenshi with the holy mission of making sure that all the EOHs find a loving partner (or more) under the presumption that that is gonna make them less dangerous.
Data: https://rentry.co/PinkCupid
Music: https://youtu.be/PLWuq0Cnp7o
Name: Quinn Abaddonicus
Note: Aspect of Chaos, Herald of Arc.
Data: https://rentry.co/HarahelQuinnBuild
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OntwwcBVe6o
Name: Rainoue Koshuu
Note: A romantic, jealous, short-tempered, passionate, adventurous oni princess leaving her family's secluded kingdom for the first time!
Data: https://test.desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1637/45/1637451539707.jpg
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-9bDpjQOcY
Name: Rosalind Code
Note: A Kuudere Neko Maidrionette that enjoys romance novels and looking at her current master in silence, but only when she feels like it.
Data: https://rentry.co/NekoMaidrionette
Name: Ruka Watanabe
Note: The "Protagonist" that left their choices to Arc to decide, with predictably unpredictable results.
Data: rentry.co/RukaW
Name: Sanguine
Desc: The greatest hunter! The taster of tasty things!
Build: https://textbin.net/jhs4expadr
Name: Sayaka
Note: Just an ordinary girl if you ask her. If you're unfortunate enough to get on her bad side, you'll learn quickly that she's quite cruel. But how could she be anything else? Not many look at her kind with warmness. Fewer with love.
Data: https://textbin.net/0sxk4ltae5
Music: https://youtu.be/qaWcKTNx5nk
Name: Selene Von Verträumte Rose
Note: The Crimson Gold Idol of Nocturne. Eternally prideful and scheming. Afflicts her enemies with melodious maladies and soothes allies with musical panaceas. Easily flustered.
Data: https://rentry.co/9uvbr
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nNPW6TUIrE
Name: Silenus, Impoverished Occultist
Note: A case study in diabolism and operating expenses attempting to move up in the world and get a cushy east-side apartment.
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/paakrgobiy
Name: Stahl
Note: A dead-silent brawler, armor-clad from head to toe.
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/fm5hw985se
Name: Stelia Conosa (and Ari)
Note: A lewd pink slimegirl royal who frequently gets into many sexual shenanigans to the dismay of her dark elf servant Ari.
Data: https://textbin.net/ofnzchsiyw
Name: 74B1 (Tabi)
Notes: A well-rounded though bottom-heavy elfionette, now powered by Semens®.
Data: https://textbin.net/uu1c8fgbxg
Name: Takti
Notes: A master nyaalchemist with an impressively low center of gravity.
Data: https://rentry.org/Takti
Name: Talia Myr Lynn
Notes: Elfzokutaur who is horny, horny, and also a rather capable adventurer with connections in many a place.
Data: https://rentry.co/TaliaMyrlinn
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBzkBmh9Ebs
Name: Tera (and Gaia)
Note: 2 out of 10 Kitsune Marionettes created to assist the Great Wilds mainly through the DarkFae. These two are smitten sadists skilled in nature and trickery.
Data: https://rentry.org/sdttp
Music: https://youtu.be/cVxeY2UYw8A
Name: Tess
Note: Ghoul-Cyborg mercenary roaming Harahel in search of employers. Utilizes hot-swapped limbs for combat purposes, created by Tess using a combination of smiting and dark-arka.
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/xy9mtklbai
Music: https://youtu.be/h-rj8HVW3PQ
Name: Thumper
Note: Monastic bunnjin that seeks enlightenment and wisdom in order to obtain self-mastery — his libido disagrees.
Data: https://rentry.org/Thumper
Name: Toko, the Mercantile Demon
Note: A true Demon of Hell. The very avatar of Greed!
Data: https://rentry.co/vih8o
Name: Tomoe Sensobuki
Note: The Uncrowned Queen of the Oni. She's set out to prove herself ready to lead her clan and hone her blade. Though, this is only the first step along the path she's chosen. Inside her burns a desire to rally her kin and set this world alight with the flames of war.
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/knxbwbu9ds
Music: https://youtu.be/lm881caBFW4
Name: Veles
Note: Tanuki trickster tactfully fabricating falsehoods.
Data: https://rentry.co/VelesBuild
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-mrUZIMTbU
Battle Themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSGOj5-PnJA (Playful) / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojVHHs2ifBo (Serious)
Name: Velvet Scarlatina
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/dbjtk37iuu
Name: Virt
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/3qp9jpka4y
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vohFxJ982Ic
Name: Vittorio Coseltro
Note: A wandering minstrel knight searching for true love, ultimate power, and the thrill of ever greater battles; accompanied by a sinister, manipulative 'familiar'.
Data: https://s1.desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1636/92/1636920490778.jpg
Vittorio's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJkGX1CLgUY
Theme of Pseudo-Balmung: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdLat4f7z30
Dorotea's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drROQQY-F9k
Name: The Voice
Note: One who desires that all shall be saved by love — or perhaps hedonism? An abomination of sorts, older than many and provided with the divine power to once again be whole.
Data: https://textbin.net/ce8mkiegbq
Name: Whisper
Note: Tall fey mothboy who lives as a hermit, healer, and alchemist in the Great Wilds. He surrounds himself with the many beasts, monsters, and forest critters that he has tamed and made his friends.
Data: https://rentry.co/Whisper (no longer valid; hijacked, awaiting new link)
Name: Xana Blackthorne/Justice Nova
Note: Young Mahou Shoujo with much yet to learn and a dark past. Evildoers beware!
Data: https://textbin.net/j2gng1xbwi
Name: Xaraxxa
Note: A voracious undead calamity made manifest in material form.
Data: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1715/96/1715966301685.png
Name: Yatagarasu
Data: https://textbin.net/zklywkwrna
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FsWwIaxMho
Name: Yilian
Note: A support attached to Liliat, profile currently in development.
Data: https://rentry.org/vgfwa
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v47KZwY5Ih0
Name: Yulia Esca (of the Esca Clan)
Note: Ice cream Princess/Heir of the Esca clan, Yuki Onna who watch over the western Nocturne mountain range. Fledgling adventurer and talented artist.
Data: https://textbin.net/ubcwlljhf5
Name: Yumumi
Note: A stoic but soft-hearted marionette a la burial idol hat provides both armies of "statue" servants and burial services.
Data: https://textbin.net/gllt6uz4ne
Name: Captain Zelus
Note: A swashbuckling captain that calls upon magical summons in the search of fame and fortune.
Data: https://rentry.co/zelusbuild
-Theme Song
-Battle Theme
Archivist's Storage (retired)
Lily/Young/Low Power Builds
Name: Alice {LP}
Build: https://textbin.net/raw/u1e8tean1q
Name: Baima Ningxia
Build: https://textbin.net/hznctjbba0
Name: Domi {Lily}
Build: https://rentry.co/DomiLilyBuild
Name: Eden {Pruned}
Build: https://rentry.co/EdenPruned
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg5soPZhXAE
Name: Eris {Lily}
Build: https://rentry.co/ErisLily
Name: Laura {Lily}
Build: https://rentry.co/LauraLilyBuild
Name: Pallas {Lily}
Build: https://rentry.co/PallasLily
Name: Whisper {LP}
Build: https://rentry.co/Whisper#whisper-lower-power
Name: William Graves
Build: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1639/58/1639589545239.png
For Archiving Purposes
Name: Baetyl Jinn
Data: https://rentry.co/4vzvn
Name: Meatsuit Slime (and Servant)
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/cng4kxggfx
Name: Sigmar
Data: https://textbin.net/raw/ylvm781mxf