
=Harahel v0.7.13=
Race: [Slime], [Humie], [Elf]
Sex: [Male]
Hair: [Blue]
Eyes: [Blue]
Skin: [Blue]
Face: [Masculine]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Flat]
Hips: [Masculine]
Butt: [Masculine]
Fitness: [Ripped] Much of this muscle mass seems to be hidden away.

This slime loves you. Unfortunately, its love language is tentacle rape.

[Buckets Of Cum] + [Fluid Druid]
[Love Nectar]

[Tasty Fate]
[Monster Mash x2] + [Ubermensch] This creature is made of slime, but tends to take the shape of an elf or half-elf.
[Aqua Affinity]
[Pain Zero]
[Sleigh Beggy]
[Auxiliary Systems] This slime appears to be hiding an additional slime core that provides it with enhanced endurance.
[Big Boi] + [HUGE BOI] Where is it hiding all of this mass?

[Flavour Town] Do I taste... blue raspberry?
[Fertile Fields]
[Porn Physics] + [Pron Studio]
[Biggus Dickus]
[Mr Clean] + [World Clean]
[The Vore Option]

Spawn Point: [LOST]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Onoskelis - Arbiter of Perversion]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]

Death Mods:
[Metamorphosis] + [You're Finally Awake x3]+ [Anti-Cheat Skill]

[Slime Time]
[Knife Ear]
[Angry Monster Noises] No idea what it's trying to say, but at least it seems happy.
[No Metagaming]
[Calamity Magnet]
[Dankest Dungeons]
[Hephaestus’ Curse]
[Off With A Bang] This creature definitely came from a dungeon tainted by Onoskelis.
[Rape Instinct] No surprise there.
[Mark Of Failure]
[Continental EXTACY] It loves the taste of everything... and everyone.
[Just Passin’ Through]

[Hush Money]
[Nuru Nuru~]
[Warm Welcome]
[Tasty Prof]
[The Apprentice x5]
[Destiny Drive]
[Man Portions]
[Aura’s Veil]
[Hero] + [Demon Lord]
[Hammerspace Inventory] + [Galvanized] + [Gluttony] The inside of this slime is a pocket dimension, filled with even more slime! Sometimes it pulls random adventurer weapons and armor from it's maw. Don't mind the various moaning sounds that escape when it does so.
[Flavour Flay]
[Sensory Overdose]
[Communism] + [Capitalism]
[Talk To Me] Touching the slime usually results in experiencing disturbing or enticing images involving the viewer being ravaged by tentacles.

[Slime Armour] A third slime core. Pretty sure this thing absorbed another slime at some point. This has somehow made it even more durable.

Strength 4
Agility 4
Endurance 4
Durability 4
Luck 4
Sex 5
It seems to use its impressive physical stats towards a singular purpose. Additionally, the actual slime substance appears to be a potent aphrodisiac. This can be absorbed through the skin, but is even stronger if ingested.

Edit Report
Pub: 27 Jan 2024 04:13 UTC
Edit: 27 Mar 2024 02:36 UTC
Views: 280