=Harahel v0.7.7=
Race: [Bunjinn] (used Neko)
Sex: [Male]
Hair: [Brown]
Eyes: [Grey]
Skin: [Fair]
Face: [Masculine] (Young man)
Height: [Tall]
Bust: [Flat]
Hips: [Masculine]
Butt: [Masculine]
Fitness: [Buff]
Physical Description: A tall bunjinn male with short and messy brown hair from which sprouts two bunny ears. He usually wears light garments that make it easy for him to move.
Personality Description: Thumper is enthusiastic about being an advenutrer and helping people. Beneath his calm monk demeanor is actually a well of anxiety. Much of that anxiety stems from his fear of his own rabbit-like libido. He is constantly terrified that he will succumb to his instincts and embarrass himself.
Backstory: Thumper is an orphan, raised in a Mastema monastery located in Aria. Growing up, Thumper dedicated himself to learning martial arts and Mastema's teachings. Unfortunately, Thumper drew the eye of Onoskelis who, as a twisted prank, has been impersonating Mastema and giving Thumper quests that ultimately result in lewd situations. The Arbiter of Perversion finds it amusing whenever Thumper breaks his monk vow of chastity.
[Buckets Of Cum] + [Fluid Druid] + [Arka Tanks x1] (balls) + [Arka Fountains]
[Curse of A Thousand Maidens]
[Life, Uh, Finds A Way] + [Breeding Season] (Does experience a period of estrus in which he feels compelled to breed.)
[Magnum Dong]
[Love Nectar]
[Tasty Fate]
[Unusual Aesthetic]
[Tireless] (He's the goddamn energizer bunny.)
[Blood Overdrive]
[Aqua Affinity]
[Chimera Ant x1] (Rabbit traits.)
[Pain Zero]
[Mushi] + [Sleigh Beggy]
[Auxiliary Systems]
[Fertile Fields]
[Porn Physics] + [Pron Studio]
[Biggus Dickus]
[Mr Clean] + [World Clean]
Spawn Point: [Aria]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Onoskelis - Arbiter of Perversion]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]
Death Mods:
[Chosen] (Believes he is a Chosen of Mastema)
[No Metagaming]
[Calamity Magnet]
[Dankest Dungeons]
[Hephaestus’ Curse]
[Rape Instinct]
[Mark Of Failure]
[Gaijin Goon]
[Bestial] (Rabbit)
[Just Passin’ Through]
[Hush Money] + [Tasty Prof]
[The Apprentice x3]
[Permanence] + [Man Portions]
[Destiny Drive]
[Aura’s Veil] (Generally tries to hide his arousal state from anyone who might be able to see it via Status.)
[Hero] + [Demon Lord]
[Hammerspace Inventory]
[Remote Capture], [Gate Of Babylon]
[Nuru Nuru~]
[Flavour Flay]
[Sensory Overdose]
[Super Seducer]
[Midas Slut]
[Warm Welcome] + [Popular]
[Relative Realism]
[Riftgate Licence]
[Dungeon Dowser]
[Survival Guide]
Strength 3
Agility 4
Endurance 5
Durability 3
Combat 4
Spatial 3 (Self gravity manipulation and short range portals.)
Elemental 3 (Elemental punches.)
Light 3 (Holy punches.)
Luck 4
Sex 3