=Harahel v0.7.7=
Race: [Kitsune]
Sex: [Male]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Amber]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Androgynous]
Height: [Short]
Bust: [Flat]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Love Nectar]
G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Regeneration], [Unusual Aesthetic], [Bio-Immortal], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Claws], [Kyuu]
U.T.T.: [Excalibur], [Biggus Dickus], [Absolute Comfy], [Porn Physics]
Spawn Point: [Ballad]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Uzza - Arbiter of Strength]
Death Mods: [Metamorphosis]
Banes: [Lightweight], [Mark Of Failure]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Divine Intervention], [Frens], [Tasty Prof], [Destiny Drive]
Items: [A Home]
Strength 1
Agility 2
Endurance 1
Combat 3
Smithing 1
Cooking 2
Strategy 3
Illusion 1
Light 1

Made a character for fun, I haven't been around here to look at CYOA's for years.

I may have a thing for having my fox ears rubbed.

Edit Report
Pub: 27 Mar 2023 17:24 UTC
Edit: 27 Mar 2023 17:24 UTC
Views: 444