Apple Cider Personality Blurb


  • Cider's Portrait
  • Nature: Lonely
  • Battle Style: Ranged Attacker. (Attackers are Pokémon that have low Endurance, but excel at dealing heavy damage to opponents.)
  • Ability: Overgrow
  • IQ Group: D
  • Rare Quality: Food Finder

More comprehensive information on Cider's appearance, equipment, and moveset can be found at the Rowlet-anon hub:
Back to Character Blurbs:

Intro Story:

Born an orphan, Cider's egg was delivered to Spinda's Cafe where it hatched into a Rowlet, whose entire childhood was spent in Treasure Town. Raised as if he was Spinda's own, he helped work in the Cafe, dreaming up lofty ideals of venturing into the world, acquiring riches. and discovering unknown lands.
Ever since he was a fledgling, he fell in love with the tales of Explorers and the heroics they perform on a daily basis, and aspired to be just like them. Latching on to the Guild of his hometown, his excitement and adoration for any and all famed dungeoneers of the Exploration bred confidence and desire. Determined - and perhaps a little desperate - to follow in the footsteps of the greatest Explorers, Cider's fervent desire to become a dungeoneer has led him to the Clover's Guild, which he considers a terrible and Alpha-forsaken dump.
He insists that the Clover Guild is a mere stepping stone on his path towards greatness, but he'll come around.


Cider is easily excitable and rather hyper when talking about things he’s passionate about, and is always enthusiastic for things he's interested in, and does well with sharing that kind of passion with others. He is a massive fanboy of both Exploration and Rescue Teams, especially Wigglytuff’s Guild, and he idolizes Chatot to an unhealthy degree. His knowledge of any and all things regarding Explorers and Dungeon-diving is indicative of his utter devotion to the craft, almost as if he was born for it.
He certainly thinks he was.
Aspiring to be an Explorer from a young age, his lack of world experience has led to a vain, inflated sense of confidence, and he’s grown to love his independence, insisting that he can accomplish all tasks on his own. His arrogance has only solidified within the Clover Guild, and he sections himself off from the other guildmates in a mixture of wariness at the eccentricities of the Clovermates and his own belief that he's simply on a level of devotion to the Explorer craft far beyond the others.
Lonely by nature, Cider found himself satisfied with the company of his own thoughts more than anything else, but this does not mean he broods or is antisocial. He's simply used to fending for himself and standing on his own two feet, and so he does. Yet despite what he tells himself - deep down there is a piece of his heart that's longing, desperate for a friend. A true friend who would stick with him through thick and thin. The type of friend he's been silently searching for all this time.
A partner, of sorts.

Character Traits

  • Cider's plumage has been personally preened solely to resemble Chatot's in general flow and texture. Probably hard to notice unless you're a bird.
  • Cider has a tendency to hoot or 'hoo' when tired or startled. He can't do it on command, it's simply a natural response. Forcing it out just gives you some awkward pronounciation of 'who.'
  • Cider is a neat freak and a germaphobe, and absolutely hates getting his feathers wet or dirt, and will usually drop whatever he's doing to clean them. Cider's room is also spotless and organized, and if there's one thing misplaced or otherwise missing from it he'll notice right away.
  • Cider is incredibly silent with almost everything he does, and his wings being built for minimal flapping while in flight helps facilitate this. He slinks around the Guild with ease, and is hard to track down because of how silently he can up and vanish.
  • Cider is capable of clicking his beak and making a horrible hissing noise. (Look up how Barn Owls intimidate things)

Important Relationships

  • Spinda's Cafe: Spinda is his mom lmao. He'll never admit it up front, but he has a familial relationship with Spinda and the rest of the Spinda's Cafe owners, viewing them as his surrogate family. He often writes to them, usually complaining about the Guild and warning them not to even bother visiting.
  • Chatot: Chatot is his idol, and Cider claims to be Chatot's number one superfan. A vast majority of Chatot's mail is made up of letters and various other fan mail from Cider. Cider considers Chatot to be one of the model examples of an Explorer and strives to be like him in every way possible.


Master Rank: Cider desires to reach the rank of Master Explorer, which he will consider as the peak of his exploration career. He definitely won’t rest until he has that shiny black badge.

Explorer's Life: Despite him desiring the much more prestigious Wigglytuff’s Guild, he is content enough to train at the Clover Guild to achieve his dreams, and ideally graduate before long. He intends to become a famous Explorer on the level of Chatot and Wigglytuff, one that will serve as inspiration to those that'll come after him, repeating the cycle.

Master Mirror Move: Cider seeks to master the Mirror Move technique, which is a Flying-type move that perfectly copies an enemy's attack, no matter what it is. He's convinced that once he learns the technique, he'll have fully mastered the art of Flying-type combat. Plus he'll be on Chatot's level.

Pub: 08 Mar 2024 06:19 UTC
Edit: 13 Mar 2024 01:42 UTC
Views: 345