Rowlet-Anon's Hub

Hi, I'm Rowlet-Anon, and welcome to Jackass. Everything I make and do surrounding the Clover Guild will go here.

Go visit the main page at

Types of my Writing

My stories can be divided into five categories, listed below. Each story has a differing point of view and perspective, and you can usually tell how serious or developing the story is by how I tag it. I will always tag the story somewhere as one of these categories, so be on the lookout for them.

  • ENTRY - These will be first person, journal entry-type of short stories detailing Rowlet’s perspective on certain events within the Clover Guild. They're simple ways to cover a canonical week's worth of events quickly. The narration is obviously semi-unreliable, as Cider is completely biased to himself. loose The pictures act as flashbacks and unless specified, are not actually there in-universe.
  • MISSN - These are third person objective tellings of explorations, solo expeditions, or other events that occur to Cider requiring an 'all-seeing' narrator. These stories detail important developments of the gifted explorer’s career, and capitalize on character arcs that are hinted at in the Entry stories.
  • FRISM - These will be third person short stories about non-major, non-canon, or light-hearted events. If you see the word FRISM anywhere in the story's titles or url, you'll know that the story is going to be all in good fun, or just outright wholesome.
  • EXPED - These are third person objective tellings of explorations and the like, but include other guild mates. They could also be part of a joint storyline, or are simply marked as Expeditions because they are full-on collaborations between me and another writer.
  • RSRCH - And these will simply be my Worldbuilding or Lore entries. My focus is mainly on Ghost-types and their relationships with Aura, so most of my Research entries will be about that. They can be first or third person depending on what I require from the narrator.


Stories written by me, or that I otherwise had a hand in.

ENTRY #001: One-Leaf Clover

  • Synopsis: Desperation, led on by a few honey lies, has resulted in an aspiring Explorer joining the - quite possibly - worst Guild on the planet. One can only imagine the emotions that went into penning these entries.
  • Featured Characters: Cider
  • Timeline Placement: A few days (at most a week) after The Wag of a Finger: Second Course.
  • Required Reading: None.
  • Published: 3/7/24

MISSN #1: Rock Bottom

  • link'll go here
  • Synopsis: A string of disappearances and Pokémon simply withering away in their sleep has rendered law enforcement of Capim Town and its neighboring towns baffled. Desiring someone capable of silently scouting ahead to figure out the identity of the assailant, the Clover Guild can offer the sheriffs only one Explorer...
  • Featured Characters: Cider, Kecleon, The Black Fog
  • Timeline Placement: Two weeks after One-Leaf Clover.
  • Required Reading: One-Leaf Clover.
  • Published: {Coming Soon.}


Information on the characters that I created goes here. They're automatically free to use by anyone. this section isn't done btw



Personality Blurb:
Reference sheet link: WIP i promise

  • Battle Style: Ranged Attacker. (Attackers are Pokémon that have low Endurance, but excel at dealing heavy damage to opponents.)
  • Ability: Overgrow
  • Available Equipment: Blade Quills (x30), Treasure Satchel (16 items)
  • IQ Group: D
  • Rare Quality: Food Finder
  • Techniques: Astonish, Leafage, Peck, Gust, Synthesis
  • Moveset: None yet.

Type Blurbs

Grass-type: Grass types are nature lovers with a keen sense of the surface environment and a natural green thumb. Instinctively, they are gifted survivalists, and their bodies have developed an autoimmune response to certain natural poisons. This response negates the effects of harmful spores or leeching roots and seeds, and they resist energy draining attacks. Grass-types are not considered good combatants due to their many weaknesses and delicate physiology, but many Explorers prove such sentiments wrong through the resourcefulness and survivability inherent to all Grass-types.

Flying-type: The Flying type is distinguished by aerial maneuverability and speed. Flying-types typically wear their opponents down by dodging attacks and assaulting from unplanned angles, and usually the only thing that can rival a Flying-type in aerial combat is another Flying type. Most Flying-types like to mob opponents, but when working solo Flying-types opt for quick subduements from stealth. Flying types are usually very fragile and incapable of taking many hits, so they use their evasion and other crafty tricks to tip the tide in their favor.


Physical - A plumage that varies between golden-brown and pale cream, incredibly sharp talons, and well developed legs to facilitate grasps and kicks are the hallmarks of any Rowlet. Their powerful, yet silent wings sport leaves lining the undersides of his wings. Older Rowlet sometimes even grow leaves at the tips of their bodies. Like most Grass-types, these leaves are in a symbiotic relationship with the mon, constantly performing photosynthesis and providing food and natural energy to the host. They also empower Cider’s Grass-type moves and heighten his connection to nature.

These leaves are emerald green all throughout Spring and Summer, then turn a vivid scarlet in the Autumn, before falling off on the winter solstice, replaced by a fresh, stronger set of greens. The Rowlet line considers the winter solstice to be the day where their latest coat of feathers has grown in, and treat it like their birthdays. Rowlet are buoyant and sustained fliers, reaching top speeds of 20 mph.

Blade Quills - Each wing of a Rowlet carries a pair of 15 bristle, kunai-like feathers called ‘Blade Quills,’ or simply Quills for short. These Quills are unique in shape to each Rowlet, but all are sharp and pointed enough to pierce rock and concrete. These feathers are loosely attached to the wing and with certain muscle flexes, they can be primed and thrown with simple wing sweeps.

A Rowlet who uses up all 30 Quills in a day must wait for a day so they can regrow. Rowlets CAN bristle their other feathers and use them as additional Quills, but this begins to impact their flying and their non-Quill feathers do not grow in as quickly as Quills. Thus, most Rowlet would rather die than pull out their own feathers for combat.

Aura - The Rowlet line stands among others for their innate connection to Aura, manifesting even in the first stage. Aura wraps around these owls in an unusual way, and as they grow and evolve, the connection strengthens until they become a Decidueye, and gain full access to legendary techniques like the Aura Sphere. Their Blade Quills, being extensions of the body, are also very useful for channeling Aura techniques, allowing them to execute certain moves from afar.

This same Aura, however, is also easily tainted by Ghost-type energies, moreso than other species. Their pure spirits lack resistance to Ghost-type powers, resulting in twisted, aberrant developments. Indeed, tales of undead Decidueye who stalk the night with soul-shackling Quills are whispered in areas where the Rowlet line is plentiful.

Fighting Style

Ranged - Blade Quills are the bread and butter of the Rowlet line, and Cider is no exception. In a fight, he will attempt to keep back from an opponent, or outright take to the skies, before launching the knifelike feathers at his opponents, usually aiming for weak points, or to set up entrapments for his other moves. These Quills are incredibly sharp and piercing, but are limited in supply and must be properly aimed.
The most important part is keeping away from the enemy and avoiding attacks, since Cider is incapable of taking many hits.

Stealth - Rowlet are built for stealth, their wings are buoyant and massive when compared to their bodies, allowing them to stay afloat with minimal flapping. Those who live in the rare areas with populations of the Rowlet line thusly refer to them as 'Ghost Owls' and they are lumped together with mons like Greninja and Acelgor when referring to 'ninja Pokemon.'
Cider is inclined to use trickery like ambushes and employing the not-so-secret 'back strike' technique, which quite literally involves hitting an opponent from behind when they're distracted. Many of Cider's moves are geared towards deception and tricking up the opponent so he can score a vital hit.

Agile Style - Cider's style of choice is the Agile Style, which is focused on agility and speed, chaining attacks and other techniques to weaken the opponent, before slamming them with a finishing blow. Because of the intense stamina and energy requirement of this style, Cider is not good in battles of attrition.


Techniques are very basic moves that are inherent to a Pokémon's biology, and can always be used in some way. They differ from Martial Moves in that most Techniques do not utilize Aura energy to empower them, or otherwise use trace amounts of it. This lack of Aura results in Ghost-types being able to phase through certain techniques, if quick enough.
Techniques are not very strong due to the lack of Aura energy, but they also do not exhaust a mon as easily.
Astonish - The user attacks the target in a startling fashion. This may also make the target flinch.
Cider’s astonish is a combination of shrill growls and shrieks filled with latent ghost-energy to produce a harmful sound wave, or a feinting tackle that forces a flinch in opponents.
Growl - Cider quickly inhales, then lets out a loud, piercing shriek meshed with a hiss that distorts the air with semi-visible, light-purple shock waves.
Feint - Cider rushes towards the opponent, pretending he’s going for a tackle or other physical assault. If he sparks a flinch from the opponent, he kicks them back.

Leafage - The user attacks by pelting the target with leaves.
Cider’s usage of Leafage involves firing sharpened quills from its wings, or simply utilizing the terrain to his advantage.
Quill - Cider quickly swings his wings in the direction of the enemy, propelling a cone of quills at the opponent. These quills are shaped like arrows and have a sharp tip, allowing him to pin down foes. His feathers only carry a limited supply of quills (30 quills total) before he runs out of quills. Further usage of the quills past 30 counts results in him no longer being able to fly. The quills regrow naturally during rest.
Dust - Cider flies low to the ground in an area with a lot of grass and spins around rapidly, making a spiral of dirt, leaves, and other plant matter like seeds, whip up towards the opponent, blinding and pelting them to deal minor damage and distract. Literally just Grass-type Sand Attack, unreliable due to dependence on terrain.

Peck - The target is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
Cider’s usage of Peck involves multiple, rapid jabs with his beak, or a single, piercing jab with an energy-elongated beak.
Pluck - Cider clenches his beak, then rapidly jabs the opponent several times in an attempt to cause a flinch. The flinch fails on stronger opponents. If the enemy is holding a food item or has a bag, Cider pecks until he gets a flinch, then plucks a food item from the mon.
Peck - Cider clenches his beak, then stimulates his body to produce a white, glowing, stabbing beak around his usual one. He then divebombs the opponent, or otherwise thrusts the beak into the foe, aiming to puncture or pierce flesh.

Gust - A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the target to inflict damage.
Cider’s usage of Gust is similar to most other Flying-types, where wings are flapped harshly or at high speeds to create a billowing gust of wind to blow away foes or debris. Due to Cider’s small wings, he cannot create winds that damage foes.
Defog - Cider raises his wings and imbues them with a light-blue energy. He then sweeps downwards, creating a huge gust of wind that clears minor debris and blows away haze, fog, wind, spikes, and stealth rocks. Strengthens with age.
Gust - Cider flaps his wings harshly, creating a small gust of wind that blows him back, allowing him to rapidly ascend or move whilst grounded. The gust manifests as a self-contained spiraling circle of wind that picks up dust and minor debris, but otherwise does little to nothing.

Synthesis - Allows HP to be restored by the sunlight. In battle, half the user's max HP is restored.
This technique is learned solely by Grass-types and Pokémon sporting plant matter. By using inner energy to stimulate the natural Photosynthesis process, Grass-types are capable of restoring their stamina even if there's a lack of sunlight.
Inner Energy/Aura replaces the normally used Sunlight in this process, causing rapid generation of oxygen and glucose. Synthesis is identified by any leaves on a Pokémon’s body glowing golden and their bodies engulfed with light and sparkles.
Roost - Allows the Pokémon to rest and perch on an area, then enter a minor trance that forces every ounce of their body to relax for a minute, restoring stamina rapidly. Usually employed by bird mons, this technique forces its user to linger for a moment, and can be risky in battle due to leaving a user wide open.
Morning Sun - At sunrise and during harsh sunlight, Synthesis is heightened to Morning Sun, restoring a vast amount of the user’s stamina and increasing their agility for a moment.


Also called Martials, Artes, or referred to with the blanket term of 'Martial Artes,' these are the ‘4 moveslot’ moves you know about, that civilized Pokémon and stronger Wilds utilize in fights. These specialized techniques are taxing but varied in strength and type-coverage, and as such most Pokémon only focus on 4 moves and usually must outright forget one to learn another. This limitation can be circumvented by some truly powerful Pokémon, however.
Learned either from experience and personal development of a Pokémon’s body, taught by Move Tutors, or from mysterious Technical Machines that just work. They just work.

Bandit and Loot


Blue Kecleon


The Black Fog


The Black Fog


Pub: 08 Mar 2024 03:26 UTC
Edit: 13 Mar 2024 01:13 UTC
Views: 158