Tempus soundclips from /MANS/
Audio clips collected from /MANS/ (as soundposts or loose mp3s) in the first year of Tempus.
Clippers/source timestamps unknown (not mine).
Clips may later be included in the appropriate sections on the main clips page(s) & themes page as sources are found.
- ❓ Clip = link to mp3, clipped by an unknown /MANS/ anon
- ❓ Source = source video timestamp unknown
- 📺 Source = source video timestamp found (hover for vid title)
- Header # ←click header to reveal an anchor to link directly to that section (or use table of contents links)
Voice clips
Soundbites (may or may not have had an attached video clip in a soundpost but can stand on their own)
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 1 (full) ❓ Clip 2 (shorter) 🎇 "Locate a poisonous material, ingest, and wait for the heart rate to slow. Basically, kill yourself."
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🧤 "Commit sudoku."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ [Xbox mic] "Can you guys just, like, kill yourselves or something? I dunno..." [laughs]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Can't—Can she just, like, fucking kill herself or something? Dude, honestly!"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Get a gun, stick it in your mouth, and shoot yourself." (reupload b/c idr original filename)
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip (video) ❓ Clip (audio) 🏹 "I need you to...kill yourself."
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 📗 "Just do us all a favor and, like, kill yourself."
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🏹 "Let's take our meds to see if it's real. ...K. Our meds did nothing."
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🏹 "K, lemme go ahead and take some—take my meds. ...K, meds have been taken."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🏹 "Meds, meds, meds...take my meds...K?"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🪫"Why do I keep falling for it if it's bait?"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🧤"What a bait! That's like an expert bait. That's like a—That's like a m—expert bait right there, Je-sus!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Thank you so much for cunning—gah, not cunni—"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Uwa~! Kawaii kono shota BOY!!"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🧤 "Heh, what are they gonna do, fire me?"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🧤"I hate you guys, man!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 📗 "3D pig disgusting! [laugh] 3DPD. [laugh]"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 📗 "DISGUSTING!" [spits]
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 📗 "NO!! No touching! I'm an idol. You can't touch me."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 📗 "You stupid zoomer. You imbecile zoomer!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 📗 "It's me. I'm your dad."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 📗 "Dios mio..."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 📗 " 'Yabba dabba do,' interesting, interesting."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 📗 "You're so wet..." [hysterical laughter]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Graduation announcement, let's fucking go!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "cunt"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Huh?"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Oh, I can't read!" [cries]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ " 'Just think, Axel!' You think I'm that fuckin' smart, you guys can be like, 'just think!'?"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "It should've been me!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "It's just a prank, bro. Chill out, it's just a prank. Just a little bit of heeheehaha..."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ "Thank you so much, man, thank you. I appreciate it."
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip ⛓ "Ara ara~" (from post #32275694, probably by Altyumesoundanon)
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🪫 "Unfortunately, a lot of things I do are not logical."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🪫 " 'Homo Machina.' ...We love that."
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🪫 "You think I give a fuck about your stupid numbers?! You think I give a fuck about that?!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🎩"Edward" (x7)
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🎇 [breathy/panting] "You...! You shut the fuck up! Just shut up..."
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🧤 "OK, reverse it, reverse it? Reverse it, reverse it, reverseitEEEEEEEEEGH!!! REVERSEIT!!!!!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🧤📗 [laughing]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 📗 [max volume screaming as Kronii laughs] "AAAAAAAGH!! LEMME OUT!!!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip ⛓️ [JO crystal pasta]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip THEY ARE (from Zetaxel collab)
- 📜 " 'They are.' "
- ⛓️ " 'They are.' "
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip huge tracts of land (reupload b/c idr original filename)
- 📗 "Yeah, but, um, we have to—we have to add, like, a codeword, right? Like, we can't say booba anymore. We have to say 'huge tracts of land.' "
- 🎇 [sigh] "Hey Vesper, all I wanna do is put my head against your huge tracts of land."
- 📗 [laughs]
- 📺 Source
❓ Clip (404)❓ Clip (reuploaded) (from #37982186 - has video) MILFs (interview w/ Ironmouse 😈)- 🧤 "If it's got MILFs, I know about it."
- 😈 "Oh, you're a MILF enjoyer?"
- 🧤 "Yeah. ...I dunno if I'm an 'enjoyer.' Because, like..."
- 😈 "A connoisseur?"
- 🧤 "Like...Do you enjoy water? You need water. Are you an enjoyer of water? You need water to live. You know what I mean?
- 😈 "Oh, so you need MILFs to live?"
- 🧤"So I wouldn't say I'm—I'm not saying I'm—I wouldn't really say I'm an 'enjoyer,' you know...It's just, like, part of...like...of, like, my...You know, it's just in the rotation, you know? It is what it is...you know? But, uh, yeah, yeah..."
- 😈 [laughing]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🧤 Calli-senpai
- 🧤 "Every—It's like every day I wake up and what has Calli-senpai said or tweeted or tagged me in?"
- 💀 [laughs] "You gotta watch out."
- 🧤 "Or what cursed Sonic/Shrek crossover video has Calli-senpai sent me?"
- 💀 [laughs] "That's what I call a good rapport!"
Video clips
These make more sense with video context. Some are audio+video, some have audio/video split for soundpost reasons (see soundpost link for video).
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip (audio split from video) / Soundpost 🧤[tiny voice] "Hey guys, like, my name's...Magant...Antmond, my name's Magant, uh, welcome to my stream. My ant hashtag will be—for fanart will be, um...#DrawAnt? ...Antnation, where we at?! Antnation, can I get an awoo?"
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip (audio split from video) / Soundpost ⛓️ "What's this, what can I get out of—? A fuckin' fish?? ...A fuckin' fish?"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip (audio split from video) / Soundpost ⛓️ "Ah—! You ain't—you ain't going nowhere! OK...We shall move on!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip (audio with video, longer) 🏹 "I think we've seen everything there—Ooh...!" [wheezing laughing, coughing] "Psish! It's psish!" [wheezing laughing] "Fish!" [sniff] "It's fish. It's just the side painted it's ju—fi—" [wheezing laughing]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip (audio only, shorter) 🏹 [wheezing laughing, coughing] "Psish!" [...]"...ide painted it's ju—fi—" [wheezing laughing]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip (audio with video) 📗 "I love Jill! ...Shut up, fuckboy, nobody asked you. LET'S GO! She's literally me! Did you see that? Oh my God, she is unironically me, for real, for real."
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip (audio with video) 📗 " 'This place looks familiar.' [excited whoop] ...Alright, shut up! Shut up, everybody! Shut up, play it cool, play it cool! Shut up, everybody. 'Excuse me, is this the VA-ll Hall-A bar?' Yes, indeed, it is, m'lady!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip (audio with video) 🧤 Magni chickadoo
(Most of these were from unarchived karaokes)
- 📺 Source ❓ Clip 🧤 [over intro music] "Can I get an amen?!" [music] "...I said, can I get an amen, Magnation?" [music] "Hallelujah!"
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🧤 [singing Barbie Girl] ♪ "I'm a blond bimbo girl in a fantasy world!" ♪
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🧤 [singing Barbie Girl] ♪ "Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please~ I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees..." ♪
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🏹 Barbie Girl
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🧤🏹 Barbie Girl edit
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🧤 [Billie Jean loopstation]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🧤 [RIP loopstation]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🎩 sad clown hours [scuffed Twitter space BGM]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🪫 [singing Fly Me to the Moon]
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🔅 [singing Bohemian Rhapsody] ♪ "MAMAAA OOOOOH" ♪
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🔅 [singing Cigaro] ♪ "My cock is much bigger than yours! With a feeling so pure, it's got you screaming back for morrrrre!" ♪
- ❓ Source ❓ Clip 🔅 [singing Pain] ♪ "Pain, I can't get enough...Pain, I like it rough, 'cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all..." ♪
Bonus: ❓ Clip 🍀 On Top of Ya Girl (Top of the World parody by /MANS/ anons: lyrics OP #34066967, vocals OP #34373071)
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