Kingdom of Szczerbiec

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Official Name: Królestwo Szczerbiec
Demonym: Szczerbiak
Type of Government: Parliamentary Elective Monarchy
Capital: Fałcow
King: King Kazimierz IV Tęczyński (1119 to Present)
Language(s): Niebiański
Religion(s): Nijiridisian: Skowronekism
Ethnicities and Cultures: Niebiańskians, Bedstviyites

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The Kingdom has a rather unique and interesting government. For the first couple centuries of its existence, it was ruled hereditarily by the Szydłowiecki Dynasty. However, when this dynasty died out in 989, and after a bloody civil war that resulted in a stalemate, Władysław III Lubomirski was crowned King under the conditions that the Sejm would be allowed to elect monarchies from now on. This gave the Sejm a lot of power over the nation that had not yet been seen before and increased the power of the Szlachta that made up the Sejm greatly. It has proven to be successful government that has also developed into somewhat of a Stratocracy over the years, as need for niewolnik (Slaves), and glory have caused the nation to wage near constant wars on its northern neighbors.

But underneath this stability is a rotting, corrupt, structure that has been allowed to fester with the power of the Szlachta being so high. Reforms are needed to cut down on their power and anti-corrupt laws are desperately needed in the nation. Combine this was the notable depravity of the Szlachta and trouble may come in the future if reforms are not passed soon.

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The Economy of Szczerbiec is relies heavily on its agriculture and is dependent on the chłopów (serfs) and niewolnik that man its great manors. It is rather outdated by some standards but regionally brings the greatest agricultural yields of food, and cash crops.

Agriculture and Fishing

To avoid repetition, Agriculture is the most common and profitable business in the Kingdom. The vast quantities of Wheat, Potatoes, Rice, Beans and other staple food crops the Kingdom grows in unmatched. It is known as the breadbasket of the East for a good reason. Beyond these staple crops, many different types of fruits and vegetables are also grown in great amounts and as is the greatest cash crop of the Kingdom, Tea. Tea is the largest export from the Kingdom and the Tea plantations manned by slaves bring in a lot of money for the nobles that own them. Sugar is also another important commodity grown, among others like Cinnamon and Cotton.

Livestock are also present in many farms for their numerous uses, but the Royal Stud Farms are famous for the high-quality horses that are breed from there. These horses are known for their abilities as warhorses, like many Horses in the Confederacy. In particular, the (name) Horses are famed for their power, size and speed.

Fishing along the coast and the (blank) river are important parts of the local economies but not as prevalent as it is for the Tsardom for example.


While not as grand as the Agricultural sector and certainly not as common, the Kingdom has several profitable Copper and Silver mines in its borders, along with quarries that harvest Limestone, Sandstone, Saltpeter and other minerals used for a variety of uses.


The Kingdom doesn't really have much of a logging industry, with most trees having been clear cut long ago for Agricultural land.


Artisans are the main producer of common and luxury goods but have been in decline in recent years thanks to a price hike on some of the raw materials that are essential to their crafts. Baking, Brewing, Weaving, and Stonecutting are the most common guilds in the Kingdom

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Skowronekism is part of the Nijiridisian pantheon and follows many of the same principles found throughout it, including the structure of the church, sharing many rites, and worshipping the other deities in the Pantheon. However, Skowronekism like all branches is unique in its own way. It has been called the most degenerate of all of the sects, given its morbid and lustful tendencies but is also known for its beauty from the singing, chants and pleasing use of aesthetics in worship.

Its organization reflects the greater Pantheon, with the Archbishop of Fałcow being the head of the religion and playing an important role in the state itself. His appointment is made by the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Pantheon, located at (name). The archbishop, per what is usual and stated above, also appoints the other clerical members within the realm, from Bishops to Priests.

Services towards Enna as characterized by song, chants, iconography and... can see the execution of criminals, the abuse of animals (birds in particular), the worship of the feet of Enna, and self-flagellation. These latter morbid and lustful acts are generally conducted during Holy days or on the regular by monks and nuns dedicated to Enna. self flagellation is done every day by the latter, but all Szczerbiaks do it several times a year. One for Enna's birthday, one for the birth of Ethyria, one for Millie's birthday and one for Elira's birthday.

Other degenerative behavior is a known part of the sect, including the drinking of sweat, blood and urine, The spreading of menstrual blood on their warriors before battles, and beating of women per the words of Enna herself "Women do not deserve any respect."

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In reflection with their Goddess, the culture of Szczerbiaks, and more specifically the majority group, the Niebiańskians is one of great beauty and great horror. The legendary bards, opera singers, and long history of the patronage of Music by the Niebiańskians is truly unmatched within the Empire and it is argued that there are scantly few cultures and peoples in the world that have the pedigree of excellence that the Niebiańskians have. So many great composers, singers, and talented bards comes from this realm that the word Niebiańskian has become associated with the standard of what music should be like within the Empire. Even across the seas, symphonies that originated from the Niebiański School are widely played and marvelled upon. There have been many Niebiańskian composers that have found homes in foreign courts, much to the delight of their patrons, over the years as well. Beyond their skill, Music itself plays a major role in the everyday life of most Szczerbiaks. Singing is encouraged as a nature way of prayer, and a natural way of honoring your own life. "Sing in the rain, sing in pain, sing in happiness, sing in sadness, sing in victory and sing in defeat" is a popular motto that accurately describes the role of song in the lives of Szczerbiaks.

Song is also used psychologically against the enemies of the state, on both military levels and in torture. The notorious "Song of Death" is sung before every battle by the army and is known to send a shiver down the spine of most enemies. Even those who have heard it many times have described it as unnerving. It is also the use of horns designed with a particular wretched sound used before the typical cavalry charge that adds to this use of psychological terror in war. The other infamous song is the "Song of Torture", used to draw confessions from criminals, spies, traitors and heretics alike with great success.

However, the sado-masochistic nature of the people themselves are far more known in the Empire than around the world, where it has been whitewashed. The acts described previously are a central part of the culture and has led some to compare them to the Matiyotl, the renown cannibals themselves. However, what is true is that the Szczerbiak culture firmly rejects the ways of the Matiyotl and their cults, not because they stand in opposition of each other, but out of their own pride in their own disgusting practices. In the minds of the people, it is a matter of pride at their own degeneracy perhaps.

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The Królewska Armia or Royal Army is one of the more powerful and feared armies on the eastern side of the continent. It is the result of the longstanding tradition of the warrior elite that make up the ruling class of the Kingdom and the constant wars with its neighbors.

The Army is based around is cavalry, which without a doubt contains the best lancers on the entire continent. Whether it be the legendary Ptaki Nieba or their lighter cousins, the Ułanów, the cavalry is nearly unmatched as a whole.

The Ptaki Nieba are heavily armored shock lancers that sport wings on their back as means of showing their dedication to Enna as her prized fighters. Their reputation is well deserved, as there has only been a few select foes that have ever been able to stand against a charge from them and all the times they have been repulsed were in situations that they likely shouldn't have been used. This force represents the continuation of the Knightly tradition the state was founded on and all of the men within their ranks are blue blooded nobles and knights, continuing the tradition for the foreseeable future.

The lesser known but also extremely effective Ułanów or Uhlans are excellent Light Cavalry and are among the best in on the continent. They are comprised mostly of men who aren't eligible for their famed heavier cousins but want to win glory in battle as well.

The other cavalry units like Hussars, and Dragoons still are excellent cavalry units, just not to the same standard as the former two

The Infantry of the army is made up of men drawn from the allotment system and while they are not nearly the force that the cavalry is, they can hold their own against most line infantry just as well as any.

The Artillery is out of date, but a branch that is still valued despite its need for modernization.

The Kingdom's Navy is rather small and is dedicated to coastal defense, River Patrolling and local anti-pirate activities.

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Pub: 01 Sep 2022 13:57 UTC
Edit: 11 Oct 2022 11:12 UTC
Views: 616