/NSG/'s Videos


  • Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
  • Europa the Last Battle
  • Hellstorm
    • Documentary on the punishment and barbarity unleashed on Germany during and after its defeat in World War Two. Includes the British and American campaign of deathly firebombing on German cities, the relentless rape of German woman and children by the Soviet horde, the killing of German civilians during their flight from the Baltic states, how defeat and subjugation in the Western front was in many aspects as horrible as in the Eastern front, Eisenhower's death camps, the persecution and torture of German NSDAP and even non-NSDAP citizens and military officers, and the death of millions of Germans expelled from their ancestral provinces. 1,5 hour long.
  • A Last Appeal to Reason
    • Tells the history of how WW2 started. 80 minutes long.
  • Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed
  • Short video about the degeneracy of Weimar Germany
  • Berlin, Sin City of Weimar Germany
    • Documentary about the decadence of Weimar Berlin and Germany to some extent. Normie-friendly. 45 minutes long.
  • The Weimar Republic | Ultimate Fashion History
    • Same as above, but focuses on German art as a whole and draws many parallels between Weimar Germany and today's society. Normie-friendly, but ends up praising some aspects of it and mourns the overthrow of Weimar Germany by National Socialism. 44 minutes long.
  • The Not So Chosen People Cartoon
    • A 10 minutes long but extremely impacting video exposing the obvious falsification that is the claim the Jews are "God's Chosen People" or even that they are all of the peoples in the Old Testament, as well as many other Jewish lies. A must-watch.
  • The Not So Chosen People Series
    • Playlist. The above (cartoon) is only a very short and focused summarisation of Jews_for_Hitler's documentary series on the Bible, which focuses on the history of the Old Testament and which dives very deeply into some more controversial topics, like Christian Identity. Nonetheless a series which I believe is a must-watch for any National Socialist who identifies as a Christian. Altogether almost 5 hours long.
  • High Ashkenazi Jewish IQ Debunked
    • 33 minutes long.
  • The Nazi Economy
    • Great documentary explaining in practice and through examples and statistics how the NatSoc economy worked. 2 hours long.
  • One Third of the Holocaust
    • A holocaust revisionist documentary on the subjects of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec, which, according to the standard narrative, accounts for one third of Holocaust deaths. A must-watch on the Holocaust. 4 hours total.

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Pub: 10 Oct 2022 12:42 UTC
Edit: 12 May 2024 00:55 UTC
Views: 8320