/NSG/'s Redpills

Welcome, newfag. Take your time and bookmark this tab for later, there is a lot to unpack here. Feel free to use the table of contents below to jump to any portion that piques your curiosity. If anything is hard to read, right-click and open in new tab.

On National Socialism

On Ideology

What is National Socialism?

Two sides of the same coin

National Socialism’s Third Positionism by Gottfried Feder

National Socialism’s Third Positionism by Gottfried Feder (2)

Does this statement from 1930s Germany sound exactly like what we in America are facing today?

"Then it may perhaps be said that the woman's is a smaller world..."

On National Socialist Germany

Why are (((they))) so determined to shut us down?

Facebook screencap - Hitler for the people

Really makes you think

Living in Hitler's Germany

Did Hitler ban the guns?

The beauty of labour!

Achievements of the German State Banking System (1/2)

Achievements of the German State Banking System (2/2)
Both of the above are from Stephen Mitford Goodson's A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind.

On World War Two

How WW2 started - Poland and the Bromberg Massacre screencap and redpills

Why did Germany invade the USSR?

The second world War summed up in a paragraph

On Other Examples

The evil deeds done by Muammar Gaddafi
Libya under Gaddafi, much like Germany under Hitler, is a prime example of what a country can achieve once it breaks free from the thraldom of interest and private central banking.

National Socialism is NOT fascism

On the Aryan Race

Question: Which European peoples were considered to be Aryan by the National-Socialists?

The National Socialists did not hate slavs

Generalplan Ost
Simply put, “Aryan” is a more ancient word (both in origin and significance) that was chosen by German National Socialists to refer to what we call the White Race. Germans also never declared themselves to be the Master Race, only that they were a part of a Master Race (Whites!)

On the Jewish Question

On control

Who controls your mind? 2023

Media big screencap

How Jewish is America?

Hard statistics on Jewish overrepresentation in the elite

On Subversion

% of kikes in top USSR positions

Jewish contributions - LGBT

Jewish contributions - Feminism

Jewish contributions - Pornography

Jewish Billionaires and Drag Queen Story Hour

2,000+ Rabbis support welcoming refugees

Jews in the Soviet government

Jews in the German communist revolt

Origin of the word "racist"

Jews and "morally acceptable" behaviour

On Anti-White Hatred

Anti-White books by Jews


Anti-Gentile quotes

Anti-White Jews on Twitter

On the Holocaust

Major flaws of the Holocaust narrative copypasta

Facts about Holocaust Revisionism

Absurd numbers of escapes from "death" camps

Babies and machine guns

6 million before there were 6 million

Torture of German "war-criminals"

On Economics

On Currency and Debt

Economic Slavery

How metal-backed currency (and fiat) money works

On the Economical Elites

Occupy Wall Street

On Race

On Genetics and Biology

13-minute long video by the American Renaissance applying evolutionary biology to the human races and how winter in particular shaped the European race. It goes much deeper than that, but what I gave is a good summary.
10-minute long video by the American Renaissance on R and K type reproductive strategies. A great and short introduction to the whole subject.

On The Great Replacement

% of world population of European descent

Percentage of non-European births in Europe, 2020

the decline of the White British population in major UK cities

Ethno-racial composition by age in the US

Inverted pyramid

On Intelligence

IQ and race worldwide

Bell curve

SAT scores

Frontal lobe

On Crime and Attitude

Gun ownership and black population compared to crime

New roomate

If all blacks suddenly left America

Sub-saharan nations and black America

On Race-Mixing

Heidi Klum 1 - screencap

Heidi Klum 2 - comparison



Some of those below are more dense and complex than the above.

How to survive redpilling on /pol/

I'm going to teach you how to change the world

The War Against The West, George Soros, Zion, Gamergate, and You

Operation Preinstall Minecraft

Every single stage of Feminism has been bad

  • Knowing this is a NatSoc redpill pastebin I want to keep it as on-topic as possible, but I believe every man — specially, every man who wishes for himself a lasting and stable marriage — should read these two redpills on feminism and women below:

Goebbels quote

/NSG/! The Great /National Socialism General/! Every Sunday at 4PM UTC at 4chan's /pol/!
Redpills (You are here)
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Pub: 10 Oct 2022 13:22 UTC
Edit: 08 Apr 2023 14:24 UTC
Views: 42840