CSP Materials Hub

  • Deeply consider if you want a brush before downloading it or you will have 5000 with no easy way to delete
  • If you like a brush you may want to support by liking the brush in store
  • Also consider purchasing if you have clippies to spare so you never have to ask for a re-upload if it gets an update.
Paid Paid asset store materials
3D 3D asset store materials
Deleted For assets removed from the store
Wishlist To wishlist CSP assets
Translated Plugins English Translated plugins for CSP
Userscripts Contains 3 scripts. 1. Rentry markdown converter, 2. wishlist checker, 3. Download on asset page
OP Potential opening post

Name Store Link Thumbnail
Eye Strain barrier 1745733
close and fill tool without gaps 1759448
Tool to remove without gaps 1759450
No gaps close and fill + for erasing tool reference layer 1759451
Erase along edge 1800143
Pen and Eraser to detect reference line 1801748
1px move 1784755


Edit Report
Pub: 14 Sep 2023 11:36 UTC
Edit: 05 Apr 2024 18:02 UTC
Views: 29370