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- Textures can be exported by applying to default brushes and exporting
- This Rentry is for asset store items purchased with clippies and GOLD only
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or you can use the userscript to format for you - Categorization: Add brushes to Unsorted if unsure to avoid confusion
Pencil & Chalk
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Real pencil Full Set + α (リアル鉛筆フルセット+α) | 1486469 | DL | ||
dp-木炭 / dp-FuzzyCharcoal (dp-木炭 / dp-FuzzyCharcoal) | 1688572 | DL | ||
Soft pencil (やわらか鉛筆) | 1727019 | DL | ||
Real Pencil | 1728880 | DL | ||
Pencil Bush | 1729756 | DL | ||
Graffiti A (落書きかすかす) | 1756510 | DL | ||
HiBipencil | 1764501 | DL | ||
△ Pastel brush (△パステルブラシ) | 1781895 | DL | ||
Reed Pencils | 1796482 | DL | ||
A Blockaded Chalk Brush | 1806807 | DL | ||
pencil pack | 1860188 | DL | ||
charcoal | 1876713 | DL | ||
P-ROUGH | 1879575 | DL | ||
Pencil set/Pencil set/연필 세트 ver2.1 (鉛筆セット/Pencil Set/연필 세트 ver2.1) | 1880938 | DL | ||
Pencil-in-pencil (연필인척하는연필) | 1895220 | DL | ||
CHARCOAL Pack | 1895565 | DL | ||
Sunna - Charcoal | 1922141 | DL | ||
Flat Pencil | 1929442 | DL | ||
Tae's Pencil | 1933221 | DL | ||
Reed Pencil EX | 1973714 | DL | ||
Real Pencil (リアル鉛筆) | 1979772 | DL | ||
Pencil Kawagishi 5 years Evolution version for thin animators (シン・アニメーター専用鉛筆令和5年進化版) | 2017905 | DL | ||
sketch_MO | 2025178 | DL | ||
Lineart pencil+Auto Action | 2034276 | DL | ||
Paper Pencil | 2063817 | DL | ||
tote pencil | 2068045 | DL | ||
Pencil style mixed with white (白混じりペンシル風) | 2086488 | DL | ||
Rakugaki pencil (らくがき鉛筆) | 2087408 | DL | ||
Even pencil (もこ鉛筆) | 1803056 | DL | ||
outline pencils :p | 2098651 | DL | ||
Sketchbook Set | 2090680 | DL | ||
Soft Pencil | 2057517 | DL | ||
KS pencil-like paper brush (KS鉛筆っぽい紙質ブラシ) | 2089824 | DL | ||
pencil marker | 2113131 | DL | ||
The strongest rough pen (最強のラフペン) | 2116256 | DL | ||
draftPencil | 2127328 | DL | ||
Flat pencil | 2127181 | DL | ||
Pencil style pen set (鉛筆風ぺんセット) | 2132973 | DL | ||
Ghost blunt pencil (幽靈鈍鉛筆) | 2140088 | DL |
Ink & Lineart
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Naughty Pen | 1579600 | DL | |
Oily Ballpoint pen (油性ボールペン) | 1695956 | DL | |
Faded Calligraphy pen ver. 2 (かすれるカリグラフィーペンver.2) | 1700330 | DL | |
Line Marker | 1704554 | DL | |
REAGANS2 PEN | 1715553 | DL | |
Full reproduction G-pen milli pen (完全再現Gペン・ミリペン) | 1716302 | DL | |
Black Pen (黒ぺん) | 1729246 | DL | |
Pen of the rain bag (비백의펜) | 1731961 | DL | |
Print Brush Set | 1731995 | DL | |
Acting Bush | 1731997 | DL | |
MALZA PEN 2 | 1735387 | DL | |
MALZA PEN 2.5 | 1735870 | DL | |
Gel Ink Ballpoint pen Style ver. 3 (ゲルインクボールペン風のペンver.3) | 1738505 | DL | |
YOTTI GPEN G-Pen (YOTTI GPEN 욧띠G펜) | 1758388 | DL | |
High Pen Set (ハイペンセット) | 1760069 | DL | |
Sasson Bushash | 1767443 | DL | |
NACHOJO PEN | 1786271 | DL | |
Choppy pen Set (途切れるかすれペンセット) | 1788976 | DL | |
pennnn | 1800628 | DL | |
Real Fountain pen (リアルめ万年筆) | 1808705 | DL | |
Boichi Pen | 1809677 | DL | |
YOTTI PEN2 Yottipen2 (YOTTI PEN2 욧띠펜2) | 1809923 | DL | |
Jet Pen (제트펜) | 1811236 | DL | |
Color Ink Pen (遊色インクペン) | 1816569 | DL | |
Boichi Pen v2 | 1818179 | DL | |
Jelling Pen Gelling Pen (Jelling Pen 젤링펜) | 1825494 | DL | |
NANANAPEN | 1826873 | DL | |
Fakemon Lineart Brush | 1826969 | DL | |
Fade Pen | 1883068 | DL | |
MorPEN | 1830782 | DL | |
Adelie Manju G Pen (아델리만쥬 G펜) | 1830869 | DL | |
Knipen custom | 1853448 | DL | |
Yam G-pen (とろろGペン) | 1856718 | DL | |
SOE PEN | 1859241 | DL | |
Doodle G | 1860221 | DL | |
Crossburash | 1860693 | DL | |
Crunchy pen set (바삭 펜 세트) | 1865278 | DL | |
(Updated) Currigraphy Ink | 1891014 | DL | |
Sumpen | 1899211 | DL | |
ShunPen (삳펜) | 1900295 | DL | |
ks-pen | 1900656 | DL | |
NEW Senpen | 1902116 | DL | |
DAE SKETCH SET | 1902566 | DL | |
pen | 1907068 | DL | |
Fakemon Lineart | 1910838 | DL | |
Twin pens for line drawings (線画用ツインペン) | 1912607 | DL | |
triangular brush | 1919595 | DL | |
realistic ink brushes | 1924955 | DL | |
soft brush | 1930522 | DL | |
Berufen (베루펜) | 1932363 | DL | |
crabopen 3 | 1941798 | DL | |
UwU Brush Pack | 1942534 | DL | |
fuz and noise brush | 1942854 | DL | |
Vant_Line pen | 1947718 | DL | |
Texture Ink Pen Kai | 1949936 | DL | |
Aaron Crisis (아롱사태) | 1956878 | DL | |
Malenfen (말랑펜) | 1959800 | DL | |
Reagan-RG pen (Reagan-RG펜) | 1964554 | DL | |
G Brush (g브러쉬) | 1966401 | DL | |
Turtle Graffiti Pen | 1967291 | DL | |
Mountain Rough Pen (お山ラフペン) | 1969165 | DL | |
Brown sugar brush (Cassonade Brush) | 1973834 | DL | |
Sketch and Lineart | 1981375 | DL | |
JS pen (JS펜) | 1982241 | DL | |
Slanted Brush | 1986944 | DL | |
Vanshound pen | 1990364 | DL | |
ASTRO fluffy marker | 1991182 | DL | |
RE Cartoon ink Pen (【RE】漫画インクペン) | 2000036 | DL | |
Pipi Naxer Pen (피피낙서펜) | 2000217 | DL | |
My Cartoons textured pen (自分用漫画ざらつきペン) | 2003228 | DL | |
JUJU Line【Addition】 (JUJU线【追加】) | 2004742 | DL | |
A brush that turns into a hand feel (손느낌으로 바꿔주는 브러시) | 2009833 | DL | |
(S)oft (S)ketch pencil | 2011276 | DL | |
Line drawing pen for yourself (自分用線画ペン) | 2020521 | DL | |
Moda_Wacker's Dream Pen (모다_왹져의 꿈 pen) | 2025671 | DL | |
emm | 2034792 | DL | |
Honyapen (Honyapen) | 2035803 | DL | |
ryou's brush | 2037201 | DL | |
Ppen2 | 2039068 | DL | |
Again rough pen (또또러프펜) | 2050199 | DL | |
AMAZON PEN (AMAZON펜) | 2058224 | DL | |
Boodle Pen (부들펜) | 2069034 | DL | |
Yes Pen (はいぺん) | 2069895 | DL | |
Manga Brush MIO Ver.2 (Manga Brush MIO Ver.2) | 2079384 | DL | |
Vintage G-Pen Brushs素材集 (Vintage G-Pen Brushs素材集) | 2084635 | DL | |
Juwa ink pen (じゅわ墨ペン) | 2091572 | DL | |
Dokzonpen (독존펜) | 2095136 | DL | |
~7/31 물물펜 MMpen (~7/31 물물펜 MMpen) | 2099811 | DL | |
~7/31 물물펜2 MMpen2 (~7/31 물물펜2 MMpen2) | 2101456 | DL | |
스며펜 세트 smear pen set (스며펜 세트 smear pen set) | 2106630 | DL | |
Gray and gray hook group (灰灰勾线组) | 2110625 | DL | |
Retro sound effect pen (レトロ描き文字ペン) | 1668690 | DL | |
DOO_line Pen (DOO_line펜) | 2006505 | DL | |
Sakuzaku pen (さくざくペン) | 2124378 | DL | |
Handsome pen (イケメンペン) | 2122579 | DL | |
Ink Brush | 2129637 | DL | |
Material catalog | 2090182 | DL | |
Pen with easy starting and ending (入り抜きが出やすいペン) | 2128566 | DL | |
Tako Ballpoint | 2132149 | DL | |
Gungle Pen | 2137576 | DL | |
Blank is super easy to use02 ✏️ (blank超好用✏️02) | 2138539 | DL | |
BOO pen | 2139230 | DL | |
Line Drawing Pen 線画用ペン | 2139466 | DL |
Paint & Rendering
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
MAGUPEN | 1910059 | DL | ||
Oil pen c | 1970099 | DL | ||
Similar SA Brushes (유사SA브러쉬) | 1997792 | DL | ||
Pop Oil (ポップ油彩) | 2089442 | DL | ||
Wai Favorite Acrylic Gouache (ワイ好みアクリルガッシュ) | 2086809 | DL | ||
Coo Pen | 1788256 | DL | ||
Noa Coarse | 1863528 | DL | ||
Similar to the Mike Pen (類似麥克筆) | 1967780 | DL | ||
Nemonemmo | 1946684 | DL | ||
Meltea Brush | 1722147 | DL | ||
Paraphen (낙디펜) | 1925636 | DL | ||
105 flat brush, delicately painted and stretched (105平筆・繊細塗り伸ばし) | 1742303 | DL | ||
Pressure brush set for weak people (re) (筆圧弱い人の厚塗りブラシセット(再)) | 1973299 | DL | ||
soft blend. | 1977417 | DL | ||
Blending skin shading brush | 1825597 | DL | ||
Amiette Flat Paint | 1811187 | DL | ||
Oil Brush | 1875289 | DL | ||
Flat Paint and Blend Brush :D | 1934024 | DL | ||
pynk | 1953432 | DL | ||
Oil Brush Set | 1956194 | DL | ||
Heavy Brush Set | 1967206 | DL | ||
Flat Brush Set | 1990058 | DL | ||
bristle set | 1964453 | DL | ||
Mede Oil Painting Set (めーでー油彩セット) | 2055948 | DL | ||
Photosphere | 1849047 | DL | ||
Darong Brush Set (다롱브러시 세트) | 2069180 | DL | ||
쩰Sorpen (쩰수채펜) | 1863682 | DL | ||
BBJ_ ink painting (BBJ_수묵화) | 2064922 | DL | ||
Color Texture Brush | 2033101 | DL | ||
Flat blub brush | 1981366 | DL | ||
Ultimate Shadow Brush | 1938650 | DL | ||
cocoa | 1934141 | DL | ||
Ponpon Brush (ほっぺぽんぽんブラシ) | 1861249 | DL | ||
Coloring brushes (채색 브러쉬) | 1980035 | DL | ||
Textured Brushes (テクスチャブラシ) | 2071298 | DL | ||
waterpen [version 2] | 1877454 | DL | ||
Crab's real Oil brush | 1943215 | DL | ||
XXgoodbrush 123 | 1927383 | DL | ||
oil brushstroke | 2073470 | DL | ||
Textured pen in seconds (秒で質感ペン) | 2075030 | DL | ||
Thick painter | 1961006 | DL | ||
csp No.19 | 1958073 | DL | ||
softBrush♦B8pencil♦DryInk | 1944219 | DL | ||
SAMAT BrushSet | 1923417 | DL | ||
Candi's Paint | 1867667 | DL | ||
SAI Feng Shuicolor Pen 2 kinds. (SAI風水彩筆2種) | 1700410 | DL | ||
Soft brushes (ソフトブラシ) | 1843464 | DL | ||
Brush with a cactus 2 (カクのbrush 2) | 1821594 | DL | ||
Or did you brush (やたかブラシ) | 1952649 | DL | ||
H-Pen (H펜) | 1746109 | DL | ||
OIL BRUSH | 2088558 | DL | ||
油性パステル | 1936998 | DL | ||
Basic brushes for stacking (쌓기용 기본 브러쉬) | 1887806 | DL | ||
Brush set | 2067892 | DL | ||
Soft Water Brush | 2085170 | DL | ||
Perfect paint brushes | 2067098 | DL | ||
Regency Brush Set | 1997049 | DL | ||
Self-made multi-flat brushes (自作マルチ平筆) | 1741193 | DL | ||
Headache pen (두통펜) | 1977241 | DL | ||
anime soft brush | 2091775 | DL | ||
Ower - Soft Brush | 1939868 | DL | ||
PNEVMONAS - FLAT OIL BRUSH | 1882083 | DL | ||
Like Milk | 1964784 | DL | ||
Impressionist style oil painting brush set (印象派風油彩ブラシセット) | 1645736 | DL | ||
105 dia Marker (105ダイヤマーカー) | 1766794 | DL | ||
Ink Colour Brush (먹살채색브러시) | 1997615 | DL | ||
S-I pencil-like pen (S●I鉛筆風ペン) | 1771305 | DL | ||
Chiduk PEN (치덕PEN) | 1930343 | DL | ||
Bree's Real Oils - V.2 | 1841885 | DL | ||
my brush | 2096316 | DL | ||
Soft blur brush (やわらかいぼかしブラシ) | 2107408 | DL | ||
THE LEMON BRUSH | 2006035 | DL | ||
Piglet's brushset (Updated) | 2094610 | DL | ||
Clumsy lukewarm pen (不器用ぬるペン) | 2106966 | DL | ||
Heather coloring pen (히스채색펜) | 2108550 | DL | ||
Froot Pack | 1953033 | DL | ||
Argos Pastel | 1939883 | DL | ||
Coloring brush | 2116346 | DL | ||
DAE_PAINTPEN | 1804061 | DL | ||
Akino Painting Brush Set (あきのにわ Painting Brush Set) | 1685943 | DL | ||
Akari Painting Brush Set (ゆきあかり Painting Brush Set) | 1705523 | DL | ||
Painting Brush Set (うみのいえ Painting Brush Set) | 1682434 | DL | ||
Secret Ponkichi Painting Brush Set (ひみつきち Painting Brush Set) | 1690099 | DL | ||
Natsuno Yume Painting Brush Set (なつのゆめ Painting Brush Set) | 1955466 | DL | ||
Haru Uta Painting Brush Set (はるのうた Painting Brush Set) | 1801955 | DL | ||
Cat Forest Painting Brush Set (ねこのもり Painting Brush Set) | 1679729 | DL | ||
Just the right marker (ちょうどいいマーカー) | 2120516 | DL | ||
[updated] easy oil painting | 2124145 | DL | ||
Light colored brush | 2127178 | DL | ||
Oil-like (油画っぽい) | 2121619 | DL | ||
Colored pen (色塗りペン) | 2124975 | DL | ||
(48 hours Limited 10CP) Quick Graffiti ((48時間限定10cp)クイック落書き) | 2008221 | DL | ||
SOFT PAINT | 2007743 | DL | ||
lx semi-realistic set (lx半写実セット) | 2139056 | DL | ||
bleed coloring pen (도련채색펜) | 2140156 | DL | ||
Hokky19 (Hokky19) | 2140724 | DL |
Watercolor & Markers
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Watercolor brush with a lot of water bleeding (水多めにじみ水彩ブラシ) | 1690819 | DL | |
Forjjol brush | 1712744 | DL | |
Magic Finely painted pen ver.4 (マジック細塗りペンver.4) | 1738501 | DL | |
Water-Transparent pen ver. 2 (透けない水性ペンver.2) | 1738551 | DL | |
Even a watercolor brush (もこもこ水彩ブラシ) | 1773296 | DL | |
Analog Texture Brush Set (アナログ質感ブラシセット) | 1777447 | DL | |
Oil painting Brush Set (油絵ブラシセット) | 1791623 | DL | |
New Transparent Watercolor Set (New透明水彩セット) | 1806630 | DL | |
Byguma brush set (pt2) | 1843287 | DL | |
Byguma brush set (pt1) | 1843294 | DL | |
Ink Painting (수묵화그리기) | 1906417 | DL | |
Worn Watercolor Set | 1932019 | DL | |
SAZANAMI_Lite | 1936839 | DL | |
DURU Brush (DURU 브러쉬) | 1947114 | DL | |
It is a watercolor brush though it is not watercolor. (水彩じゃないけど水彩ブラシです) | 1956074 | DL | |
◆ Watercolor with irregularity from the beginning (◆最初からムラのある水彩) | 1975346 | DL | |
Cotton Candy Watercolor Brush | 2007221 | DL | |
Mold-universal pen (霉-万能笔) | 2000955 | DL | |
bleeding markers (にじみマーカー) | 2019249 | DL | |
MARKER PACK(10) | 2029245 | DL | |
Watercolor brush / HJ 5 types set (【期間限定100】水彩ブラシ/HJ5種類セット) | 2031990 | DL | |
Watercolor triangular pen (水彩三角ペン) | 2069697 | DL | |
watercolor_set | 2086914 | DL | |
Dusty collection | 2087136 | DL | |
ゆめかわ♡pink_water_pen 3種 | 2093895 | DL | |
Jarijari mineral pigment style brush (じゃりじゃり岩絵具風ブラシ) | 2107675 | DL | |
Tsukumman Texture Brush Set (쮸쀼맨 텍스쳐 브러쉬 세트) | 2114710 | DL | |
Rough Watercolor Set (荒水彩セット) | 2138015 | DL |
All purpose-in-1 & Sets
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
2-in-1 Line and Paint pen | 1831377 | DL | |
Reed Rough Pen | 1973306 | DL | |
R Sketch (+Rスケッチ) | 1742653 | DL | |
Y2paint built in blur | 1975156 | DL | |
241PEN | 1933558 | DL | |
MIEY Set | 1925691 | DL | |
MONEY pen (BANI pen) | 2010261 | DL | |
BANI sketch pen (BANI croquis pen) | 2068850 | DL | |
tae's painting set | 1933206 | DL | |
YN Painting Brush Set | 1943027 | DL | |
drawing set (お絵かきセット) | 2016926 | DL | |
Happy One (ぴつぺん) | 1725240 | DL | |
히스펜 2 (Historic pen 2) | 1983458 | DL | |
BigBrushSet! | 2004452 | DL | |
Lemon pencil | 1832533 | DL | |
Bonita | 1860247 | DL | |
MLFL | 1799664 | DL | |
Flat Curry Brush | 1890466 | DL | |
Handafen (한다펜) | 2053760 | DL | |
Re Various Pen Sets (Reいろいろぺんセット) | 2046575 | DL | |
Vintage Brush Set | 2007630 | DL | |
Dual-function Brush ver. Floral | 2006348 | DL | |
sb_Brushes (sb_Brushes) | 1786432 | DL | |
sb_Brushes_2 (sb_Brushes_2) | 1933250 | DL | |
SB Shaggi Pencil Brush Set (sbシャギ鉛筆ブラシセット) | 2061878 | DL | |
Lineart Variety Pack | 1957160 | DL | |
Brush Variety Pack | 1878320 | DL | |
Napda Brush Set (냅다 브러쉬 세트) | 1988968 | DL | |
INK + MARKER + OIL sketch brush | 1973976 | DL | |
Leaf's Watercolor Pencil | 2026210 | DL | |
허접펜 (허접펜へたへたペン) | 2065396 | DL | |
Random brush set | 2024938 | DL | |
Kayajam Painting Brush Set | 2009081 | DL | |
Brush with greedily and stretch and Blur (塗りも伸ばしもぼかしも欲張ったブラシ) | 1734578 | DL | |
ミリペンカスタム3種SET (ミリペンカスタム3種SET) | 2068131 | DL | |
ICICLE PEN | 2073280 | DL | |
Just the right brush (ちょうどいいブラシ) | 2032565 | DL | |
Fade pen that also makes line art big (線画もデキるフェードペン) | 2074629 | DL | |
MyoPen | 2073810 | DL | |
tori brush set | 1862508 | DL | |
S@i Brush | 2073811 | DL | |
Un-Komei brush (un孔明ブラシ) | 1990355 | DL | |
Sora no Painting Brush Set (そらのくに Painting Brush Set) | 1695748 | DL | |
The brush when I paint anime (アニメ塗りする時のブラシ) | 1759031 | DL | |
ks-note set | 1835118 | DL | |
UP_Custom_Log_pen_+ (UP_Custom_Log_pen_+) | 2002835 | DL | |
Infinite pen + Erase (無限ペン+消し) | 1914660 | DL | |
All in one brush (オールインワンブラシ) | 2000807 | DL | |
Night Watcher Pencil Set | 1878948 | DL | |
A2 (A2붓) | 1889009 | DL | |
Soft Water pen (Soft Water pen) | 2076071 | DL | |
Honey Pen (みつこまペン) | 1840719 | DL | |
General Purpose / Decorative Brushes (汎用/装飾ブラシ集) | 2043552 | DL | |
Soft Curry Brush | 1890471 | DL | |
Deer Cartoon Pen Set Ⅱ (鹿漫画ペンセットⅡ) | 1743114 | DL | |
13 brushes | 2088165 | DL | |
Dusty brushes | 2110626 | DL | |
Hook paint aaa (勾勾涂涂aaa) | 2114192 | DL | |
Void Pack | 1967510 | DL | |
Grey and grey colouring set (灰灰上色套组) | 2110655 | DL | |
Line Drawing & Coloring Brush Set (선화&채색 브러쉬 세트) | 2103595 | DL | |
Shine Brush SET (빛나 브러쉬 SET) | 2122273 | DL | |
2021 Brush Reprinted collection (2021ブラシ再録集) | 1861368 | DL | |
Ink Brush Pen Set (水墨毛筆ペンセット) | 1844086 | DL |
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Solid brush with no line protrude (線をはみ出さないベタ塗りブラシ) | 1819725 | DL | Easy fill brush | |
Retrofit border of watercolor tool (後付け水彩境界ツール) | 1836038 | DL | ||
Colored tres Brushes (色トレスブラシ) | 1927013 | DL | ||
close and fill + erasing brush without gaps (隙間無く囲って塗る+消すブラシ) | 2099404 | DL | Easy fill brush |
Blender & Blur
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Maa Blur | 1722050 | DL | |
Texture blur brush Set (質感ぼかしブラシセット) | 1770104 | DL | |
New Stretch atmosphere Brush set (Newのばし雰囲気ブラシセット) | 1803317 | DL | |
cones water blur | 1936417 | DL | |
For blurring ends (끝흐리기용) | 2044301 | DL | |
Information volume UP with one stroke / Penetration brushes - 30 types (一筆で情報量UP/浸透ブラシ-30種) | 2047059 | DL | |
【Brush addition】Write color mixing & blurring (【ブラシ追加】書込み混色&ぼかし) | 2088455 | DL | |
All-in-One - Hatching Paint Brush (オールインワン-ハッチングペイントブラシ) | 2113566 | DL | |
Clothes Blur Brush 布ペン | 2138332 | DL |
Effect & Special
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Scar brush | 1913968 | DL | ||
Diamond Crystal Brushes (ダイヤ結晶ブラシ) | 1788949 | DL | ||
Filled with tiles (ちょい埋めタイル) | 1799762 | DL | ||
Brush 2 Breaking up (崩すブラシ2) | 1874642 | DL | ||
Explosion Brush | 1789216 | DL | ||
Glitter Brush for Skin etc. | 1853539 | DL | ||
Nadda Flush (냅다 홍조) | 1937728 | DL | ||
Gradelip Blassi | 1742584 | DL | ||
Eight Jewel effect brushes | 1925785 | DL | ||
Bruise Brush (멍 브러쉬) | 2069131 | DL | ||
5 Eye Effect Brushes (눈동자 효과 브러쉬 5종) | 2062732 | DL | ||
Glitter shadow (글리터 섀도우) | 1824719 | DL | ||
Infinity Pattern 2 (無限パターン図形2) | 1744299 | DL | ||
Naughty sound effect image collection [large] (エッチな描き文字画像集[大]さ) | 1948293 | DL | ||
Heaven gradation (天国グラデ) | 1898960 | DL | ||
Elemental 3-Piece Set [Ver.4] (원소 3종 세트 [ver.4]) | 2096873 | DL | ||
Glitter crystal (반짝 크리스탈) | 2034712 | DL | ||
Gleam Pikakira Hitomi PACK (かがやけ!ピカキラ瞳 PACK) | 1904166 | DL | ||
Elemental Magic Brush Set | 2074775 | DL | ||
Distributed Brushes 2 (分散ブラシ2) | 1877147 | DL | ||
Cyber punk material collection in a single shot (一発でサイバーパンク素材集) | 1825808 | DL | ||
Scale Brush (비늘 브러쉬) | 2091140 | DL | ||
Brush for Drawing Eyes and Iris vol2 (瞳と虹彩を描くブラシ vol2) | 2086609 | DL | ||
Glass chip brushes (ガラス破片ブラシ) | 1961084 | DL | ||
Skin Quality Brush Set (肌質ブラシセット) | 1721978 | DL | ||
Fluffy pupil pen (ほわフチ瞳ペン) | 2049097 | DL | ||
Foot Smoke Brush (足元の煙ブラシ) | 1884088 | DL | ||
Ready-to-draw cityscape brush [Limited time 30pt] (すぐ描ける街並みブラシ【期間限定30pt】) | 2115660 | DL | Needs update | |
Set_Rotation Line to speed line art (線画をスピード線化するセット_回転線) | 2124372 | DL | ||
Eye highlight Brush (set) (瞳のハイライトブラシ(セット)) | 1931903 | DL | ||
Various Effect Brushes (다양한 효과 브러쉬) | 2136848 | DL | ||
Dust and burnt brush (塵と焼き焦げブラシ) | 2041511 | DL | ||
My Brushes set (Update) | 2103169 | DL | ||
Fantasy Map Brushes (ファンタジー地図ブラシ) | 1847231 | DL |
Texture & Rakes
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Ground Representation Materials Collection (地面表現素材集) | 1512198 | DL | ||
Rust brushes (錆ブラシ) | 1701296 | DL | ||
Metal brush in five minutes (5分で金属ブラシ) | 1742952 | DL | ||
Wall Brush in three minutes (3分で壁ブラシ) | 1744307 | DL | ||
Wood brush in 5 minutes (5分で木目ブラシ) | 1744309 | DL | ||
Rock brush in three minutes (3分で岩ブラシ) | 1744310 | DL | ||
Skin Highlight Brushes (肌用ハイライトブラシ) | 1751214 | DL | ||
Concrete brushes in 3 minutes (3分でコンクリブラシ) | 1754389 | DL | ||
Scratch Brush | 1834154 | DL | ||
Decay pen | 1840666 | DL | ||
Information increasing brush (情報増しブラシ) | 1845383 | DL | ||
Paper pen (종이펜) | 1858821 | DL | ||
Scar Brush (흉터 브러쉬) | 1873356 | DL | ||
My Nuance Brush (マイニュアンスブラシ) | 1879681 | DL | ||
Information brush (情報量ブラシ) | 1925157 | DL | ||
Mizu Wood | 1938287 | DL | Needs Update | |
Mizu Stone | 1938941 | DL | ||
258.Scar brush & image material (258.흉터 브러시&화상소재) | 1965965 | DL | ||
258.dust Brushes used by people who don't like flatness (258.dust 플랫함이 싫은 사람이 쓰는 브러시) | 1979100 | DL | ||
Line brush | 2040356 | DL | ||
Tissue Fluffiness Brush (ティッシュふわがさブラシ) | 2070300 | DL DL | ||
Diagonal Brush (뱐 사선브러쉬) | 2070322 | DL | ||
texture brush | 2096322 | DL | ||
Rusting brush (錆びるブラシ) | 2047915 | DL | ||
2 types of color mixing brushes ( 混色ブラシ2種) | 2046399 | DL | ||
Information Booster Brush 2: Additional Update (情報増しブラシ2:追加アップデート) | 2057135 | DL | ||
Stone brush (石ブラシ) | 2085716 | DL | ||
Skin Texture Brush (피부질감 브러시) | 2063304 | DL | ||
Basic Cloth Texturizers | 2082059 | DL | ||
Basic Cloth Texturizers II | 2097187 | DL | ||
Basic Cloth Texturizers III | 2097521 | DL | ||
Rough texture brush set (粗糙紋理筆刷套組) | 2097734 | DL | ||
Tape, fade brush + grunge texture (テープ・かすれ消しブラシ+グランジテクスチャ) | 2104493 | DL | ||
Hey Mo Textured Brush Set (おいもテクスチャブラシセット) | 2114084 | DL | ||
Grunge Line Brush (グランジラインブラシ) | 2120255 | DL | ||
4 Rough Textured Brushes | 2123639 | DL | ||
YYR Metal Painting Brushes | 2124521 | DL |
Hatching & Half-tones
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
cross-hatching brushes (カケアミブラシ) | 1364005 | DL | |
Texture brush set to draw a variety (いろいろ描けちゃう質感ブラシセット) | 1731690 | DL | |
Hand-painted effect set No. 2 (手描き効果セットNo.2) | 1736401 | DL | |
Hatch-like brushes (ハッチング風ブラシ) | 1736956 | DL | |
Fluently paint Tone brush (スルスル塗れるトーンブラシ) | 1772102 | DL | |
Agama-Ray Brush (3 types) (カゲ線ブラシ(3種)) | 1799129 | DL | |
Stroke long hand drawn diagonal set (ストローク長め手描き斜線セット) | 1819421 | DL | |
Halftone Screen Print Texture | 1829094 | DL | |
Tone brush with two colors (2色でぬれるトーンブラシ) | 1866521 | DL | |
A solid tone pen (ベタに塗るトーンペン) | 1871593 | DL | |
Pressure and angle Change Hatching Blassi | 1876940 | DL | |
15 types of hatch-like brushes (ハッチング風ブラシ15種) | 1892996 | DL | |
hatching blassi | 1903157 | DL | |
Just paint the screen tone pattern brush 36 types (塗るだけスクリーントーンパターンブラシ 36種類) | 2002077 | DL | |
Tinkerpen (땡땡이펜) | 2035296 | DL | |
Print-style tone material collection ◆ With painting brush (印刷風トーン素材集◆塗りブラシ付き) | 2036095 | DL | |
Hand-drawn cross-hatching brush set (手描き風カケアミブラシセット) | 2092777 | DL | |
Effect Speed Line Brush Set (効果スピード線ブラシセット) | 2094394 | DL | |
Pattern cross-hatching brush set (パターンカケアミブラシセット) | 2097972 | DL | |
Rough touch set (ラフかけタッチセット) | 2101677 | DL | |
Printmaking Touch Brush Set (版画タッチブラシセット) | 2105222 | DL | |
Set fill faint (かすれベタ塗りセット) | 2111977 | DL | |
Various sets of hatching (ハッチング色々セット) | 2118942 | DL | |
Halftone Airbrush (ハーフトーンエアブラシ) | 2130841 | DL | |
【Limited time 10cp】Fade out halftones (【限时10cp】淡出半色调) | 2133832 | DL |
Sky & Weather
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Rain Brush (雨ブラシ) | 1702272 | DL | |
Rain brush | 1744323 | DL | |
Melting Cloud Brushes (溶ける雲ブラシ) | 1748465 | DL | |
Prism Snow Brush Material Collection (プリズムスノウ 雪ブラシ素材集) | 1759790 | DL | |
Rain-drizzle brush material Collection- (Rain -小雨ブラシ素材集-) | 1777173 | DL | |
Rain Line Brush Set | 1926651 | DL | |
Snow brushes [5 types] (雪ブラシ【5種類】) | 2067798 | DL | |
Starry sky brush | 2069269 | DL | |
Pakipaki Detail Brush Set (パキパキディテールブラシセット) | 2100643 | DL | |
Water Spill Cloud Brush (물번짐구름 브러쉬) | 2102272 | DL |
Light & Shadow
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Shadow Pen breaks (影ペン改) | 1745944 | DL | |
Melting Light Brush (とろける光ブラシ改) | 1750974 | DL | |
sunlight under a tree brush | 1844097 | DL | |
Sunlight brushes (木漏れ日ブラシ) | 1912794 | DL | |
Shadow brush and action over curtains (カーテン越しの影 ブラシ&アクション) | 1983554 | DL | |
Candi's Lightsource | 2033938 | DL | |
Shadow Fill Brush (影塗りブラシ) | 2039808 | DL | |
Light border fill (光の境界線塗り) | 2088239 | DL | |
Two-color Shadow Brush & Peach Skin Color Palette (2色対応 影ブラシ&ピーチスキンカラーパレット) | 2093819 | DL | |
Brush that can draw AO (AOを描けるブラシ) | 2107836 | DL | |
Raku Light Brush (らく光ブラシ) | 2108907 | DL | |
Light ray brushes (光線ブラシ) | 1751963 | DL |
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Sea Brush Set (海ブラシセット) | 1717978 | DL | |
Watercolor Water Brush Set (水彩水面ブラシセット) | 1773827 | DL | |
Flying Liquid Brushes (飛び散る液体ブラシ) | 1782651 | DL | |
Real Bubble brushes (リアル泡ブラシ) | 1811866 | DL | |
Glowing waves (光る波) | 1862089 | DL | |
Bubble | 1918420 | DL | |
Bubble #2 | 1940454 | DL | |
Bubble #3 | 1940713 | DL | |
Wave brush to the beach [set] (浜辺に寄せる波ブラシ[セット]) | 1949108 | DL | |
Waves, sand brushes [10 types] (波、砂ブラシ【10種類】) | 2017799 | DL | |
Swaying of the water surface & bonus (水面の揺れせっと&おまけ) | 2045297 | DL | |
Pen in the sea (海の中ペン) | 2078755 | DL | |
Wavy brush in 10 seconds (10秒で波打ちぎわがかけるブラシ) | 2083171 | DL | |
【Limited Time 10CP】Sea Light Brush (【期間限定10cp】海の光ブラシ) | 2122412 | DL |
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Botanical brushes 01 (植物系ブラシ01) | 1356813 | DL | |
Leaf and grass Material collection (葉・草素材集) | 1490524 | DL | |
Leaf brushes (葉ブラシ) | 1535496 | DL | |
Softwood brushes (針葉樹ブラシ) | 1704323 | DL | |
HM Grass set 4 (with two ears and a long fine) (hm草セット4(長細2・穂つき)) | 1721248 | DL | |
Five species of plant brushes (植物ブラシ5種) | 1753091 | DL | |
Hydrangea Pantyliner Brush (紫陽花ふわブラシ) | 1754127 | DL | |
Bushes Groundwork Brushes (茂みの下地ブラシ) | 1756648 | DL | |
Winter Plant Decoration Brushes (冬の植物装飾ブラシ) | 1759683 | DL | |
LeafPens(old ver) | 1765961 | DL | |
Leaf Brush Set (葉っぱブラシセット) | 1773819 | DL | |
Botanical Leasing Set (ボタニカルリースセット) | 1797505 | DL | |
leaves and grasses | 1829085 | DL | |
Lavender (ラベンダー) | 1844955 | DL | |
Nature Brush Pack | 1874837 | DL | |
LeafPens (new ver) | 1911861 | DL | |
Tall flower brush Scatter for distant view (遠景用背高花ブラシ散・集) | 1915179 | DL | |
6 Kinds of Lavender brushes (ラベンダーブラシ6種) | 1927414 | DL | |
Grass and Water Plants | 1934598 | DL | |
SunnyBrushes♦set | 1935712 | DL | |
Anemone brush (アネモネブラシ) | 1943136 | DL | |
Six Daffodils brush (水仙ブラシ6種) | 1968086 | DL | |
Reed Brushes | 1975352 | DL | |
Watercolor shade Tree (水彩木陰tree) | 2008373 | DL | |
Dianthus brush (modified) 10 types (ナデシコブラシ(改)10種) | 2029716 | DL | |
6 types of lily brushes (百合ブラシ6種) | 2030015 | DL | |
8 types of iris brushes (アヤメブラシ8種) | 2031283 | DL | |
9 types of cosmos brushes (コスモスブラシ9種) | 2040508 | DL | |
(Updated) Foliage Brush Set | 2072840 | DL | |
Grape Brushes | 2139808 | DL |
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Aquarium Material Collection (アクアリウム素材集) | 1699626 | DL | |
Sparkling Fish Flock Brush (きらめく魚の群れブラシ) | 1746968 | DL | |
Watercolor Butterfly and Flower brush (水彩の蝶と花のブラシ) | 1822472 | DL | |
Watercolor Goldfish Brush (水彩の金魚ブラシ) | 1853013 | DL | |
Rat Brush 2 (鼠ブラシ 2) | 2091333 | DL |
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Stair Brush Collection (階段ブラシ集) | 1703497 | DL | |
Cable Brush 2 (ケーブルブラシ2) | 1708914 | DL | |
Bottle brush | 1709863 | DL | |
Stage Brush Set (ステージブラシセット) | 1726025 | DL | |
Candy pod (キャンディポッド) | 1797876 | DL | |
SB Candle (sbキャンドル) | 1806688 | DL | |
Magic Chemical Shelf set (inside) (魔法の薬品棚セット(中身入り)) | 1882626 | DL | |
Bottles, pots, glass domes. (瓶とか壺とか硝子ドーム) | 1886011 | DL | |
Wall Brush set of stone, weeds, wood (石垣・雑草・木の板ブラシセット) | 2001316 | DL | |
Strawberry Jam Brush (いちごジャムブラシ) | 2103254 | DL |
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
Audience brushes (観客ブラシ) | 1702668 | DL | |
Idol live audience (female) brushes (アイドルライブの観客(女性)ブラシ) | 1944790 | DL |
Patterns & Image Material
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Set of red fruit patterns (apples, strawberries, cherries) (빨간 과일 패턴 세트 (사과, 딸기, 체리)) | 1809399 | DL | ||
Set of yellow fruit patterns (lemon, banana, karambola, pineapple, mango) (노란 과일 패턴 세트 (레몬, 바나나, 카람볼라, 파인애플, 망고)) | 1809598 | DL | ||
Pink fruit pattern set (peach, strawberry) (분홍 과일 패턴 세트 (복숭아, 딸기)) | 1809697 | DL | ||
Set of blue fruit patterns (blueberries, grapes, plums) (파란 과일 패턴 세트 (블루베리, 포도, 자두)) | 1810659 | DL | ||
Orange fruit pattern set (orange, tangerine, persimmon, pumpkin, papaya, grapefruit) (주황 과일 패턴 세트 (오렌지, 귤, 감, 호박, 파파야, 자몽)) | 1811351 | DL | ||
Tie pattern (ネクタイパターン) | 1869414 | DL | ||
Tie Pattern 2 (ネクタイパターン2) | 1928512 | DL | ||
raging sea 01 (raging sea 01) | 2058221 | DL | ||
Shurikens thrown at the camera (Shurikens thrown at the camera) | 2072101 | DL | ||
Medieval cobblestone pattern (中世っぽい石畳パターン) | 2121973 | DL | ||
Flooring Pattern (フローリングパターン) | 2123359 | DL | ||
7 analog watercolor textures (アナログ水彩テクスチャ7種) | 2127745 | DL |
Clothes & Deco
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail |
10 kinds of frills laced ribbon brushes | 1904047 | DL | |
22 kinds of seam-like brush breaks | 1945465 | DL | |
Crochet Border Pack 1.3 | 1915252 | DL | |
Lace Border Pack 1.1 | 914806 | DL | |
Five hand-painted wind chain brushes | 1866295 | DL | |
Shibori Texture Brush | 2001828 | DL | |
A Little dress brush (ちょっとした服飾ブラシ) | 1742090 | DL | |
Water balloon pattern brush [set] (水風船の柄ブラシ[セット]) | 1935334 | DL | |
Heisei Pop (平成ポップ) | 2069414 | DL | |
Roughly wrinkle brush (대충대충 옷주름 브러쉬) | 2066950 | DL | |
Pantyliner cation Wrinkle Brush (ふわカチ シワ塗りブラシ) | 1999995 | DL | |
Ribbon string brush (리본끈 브러쉬) | 2065303 | DL | |
Knit Brush (ニットブラシ) | 1733427 | DL | |
Fantasy Costume Brushes (ファンタジー衣装ブラシ) | 1863302 | DL | |
Hand-painted knit tone + brush Set (手描きニットトーン+ブラシセット) | 1731171 | DL | |
Set of 15 hand-drawn Art Nouveau brushes (手描きアールヌーボブラシ15本セット) | 2087317 | DL | |
Dual balloon pen Set (デュアルフキダシペンセット) | 1878980 | DL | |
Velvet Texture Brush (ベルベット質感ブラシ) | 1763700 | DL | |
Hilo | 1809235 | DL | |
Rose & Butterfly Tattoo Brush (장미&나비 문신 브러시) | 2031368 | DL | |
Snake Tattoo & Vascular Brush (뱀 문신 & 혈관 브러시) | 2027459 | DL | |
A Set Of Gold Brushes | 2087838 | DL | |
Coin Accessory Brush (コインアクセサリーブラシ) | 2028487 | DL | |
A brush that easily removes wrinkles on sheets (シーツの皺がサクッと簡単にかけちゃうブラシ) | 2077695 | DL | |
Wrinkle brush with five minutes (5分でしわ塗りブラシ) | 1773729 | DL | |
Universal wrinkle brush (万能シワブラシ) | 2088348 | DL | |
Wave Decopene (파도 데코펜) | 1957962 | DL | |
harness collection | 2085808 | DL | |
Romance · Frills fourteen species (ロマンス·フリル 14種) | 1968352 | DL | |
Shaded sewing brush set (影付き 縫いブラシセット) | 2078596 | DL | |
Ruffle Brush 2 (フリルブラシ2) | 1821376 | DL | |
Easy Metal Coloring (Easy Metal Coloring) | 1953424 | DL | |
Metal Chain + Charm Brush | 2121745 | DL | |
Star-moon decopene (별달 데코펜) | 1936381 | DL | |
145 BRUSHES - Tapes & Cords PACK 1.0 JF (145 BRUSHES - Tapes & Cords PACK 1.0 JF) | 1913237 | DL | |
30 Laces, Decorations, Lingerie... | 2104755 | DL | |
Art Deco Set 2 (アールデコ風セット2) | 2062379 | DL | |
A Little dress Brush 2 (ちょっとした服飾ブラシ2) | 1746667 | DL | |
Antique Decoration Set (アンティーク装飾セット) | 2055973 | DL | |
Brush collection to fill the margins (余白を埋めるブラシ集) | 1758934 | DL | |
Cyber Brush | 1715104 | DL |
Hair & Fur
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Write Brush 3set | 1907024 | DL | ||
Highlight Brushes (ハイライトブラシ) | 2005122 | DL | ||
MokoMoko Set | 1971769 | DL | Needs update | |
Brush to automatically draw hair | 1974490 | DL | ||
Rugged Texture pen (ざらざら質感ペン) | 1937121 | DL | ||
Pantyliner also a character creation kit | 1972326 | DL | ||
Pantyliner Hair Bundle Pen (ふわ髪束ペン) | 1855004 | DL | ||
Color Hair Highlight Brush (混色髪ハイライトブラシ) | 1761066 | DL | ||
[ME] Hair Brushes | 1988242 | DL | ||
Hair Brush Set (一発髪の毛ブラシセット) | 1816272 | DL | ||
A slightly fuzz thick brush (やや毛羽立ちのある厚塗りブラシ) | 1974469 | DL | ||
Hair brushes (髪ブラシ) | 1747737 | DL | ||
Solid Brush with shiny hair (髪ツヤベタブラシ) | 1746436 | DL | ||
Para Hairbrush (パラ髪ブラシ) | 2087774 | DL | ||
Hair texture painting brush (髪の質感塗りブラシ) | 2082866 | DL | ||
Soft towel brush (ふんわりやわらかタオル地ブラシ) | 2043342 | DL | ||
Hair Gloss Brush × 3 (髪ツヤブラシ×3) | 1788419 | DL | ||
Brush for wetting hair (髪をぬるためのブラシ) | 2094134 | DL | ||
Hair Light Brush (머리광 브러시) | 1943978 | DL | ||
Hair Light Brush (머리광 브러시) | 1891207 | DL | ||
More Highlights (きらハイライト) | 1941724 | DL | ||
Gleam Sarakira Hair PACK (かがやけ!サラキラ髪 PACK) | 1893712 | DL | ||
Gleam Sarakira Hair PACK ver. 2 (かがやけ!サラキラ髪 PACK ver.2) | 1933936 | DL | ||
Gleam Sarakira Hair PACK ver. 3 (かがやけ!サラキラ髪 PACK ver.3) | 1976225 | DL | ||
Angel Circle Highlight Brush Set (天使の輪ハイライトブラシセット) | 2090873 | DL | ||
Hair Highlights Mega Pack | 1826539 | DL | ||
HiS Hair Brushes | 2069934 | DL | ||
BW Manga Eyelash Brush Set (BWマンガまつげブラシセット) | 2098737 | DL | ||
White Eyelash Brushes (白まつげブラシ) | 1911010 | DL | ||
Hair Highlight Brush (髪ハイライトブラシ) | 2049905 | DL | ||
Hair shine brush (頭髮光澤筆刷) | 2050381 | DL | ||
MANGA HAIR SET | 1942502 | DL | ||
Glossy Sticky Brush Set (ツヤベタブラシセット) | 2050706 | DL | ||
Hair Shadow Brush (머리카락 그림자 브러쉬) | 2127176 | DL | ||
Fur edge Nov 2024 | 2130395 | DL | ||
A brush that makes fur fluffy (ファーをモフモフに盛るブラシ) | 2138437 | DL |
Sweat, Blood, Tears, Cum
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Blood brush Set No. 1 [18.7.18 UPDATE] (血ブラシセットNo.1【18.7.18更新】) | 1718129 | DL | ||
Blood brush set No. 2 (血ブラシセットNo.2) | 1715359 | DL | ||
Blood brush set No. 3 (血ブラシセットNo.3) | 1718173 | DL | ||
Blood Brush Set No. 4 [23.3.19 UPDATE] (血ブラシセットNo.4【23.3.19更新】) | 1989695 | DL | ||
Blood brush set No. 5 (血ブラシセットNo.5) | 1719867 | DL | Needs update | |
Blood Brush set No. 6 (血ブラシセットNo.6) | 1722783 | DL | ||
Color Blood Stains Brush Set (カラー血痕ブラシセット) | 1720952 | DL | ||
Sex Appeal pen Set (お色気ペンセット) | 1763831 | DL | ||
Sweat brush | 1790153 | DL | ||
Cum brushes | 1812155 | DL | ||
Brush set of Blood (血のブラシセット) | 1875244 | DL | ||
Hororo 2 Color pen [set] (ほろろ2色ペン[セット]) | 1909570 | DL | ||
258.Blood stain brush (258.혈흔 브러시) | 1964885 | DL | ||
Drops Brush | 2007635 | DL | ||
10-piece blood splash brush set (血飛沫ブラシ10点セット) | 2038133 | DL | ||
<48시간무료> Lanto Liquid</48시간무료> (<48시간무료> 란또 액체) | 2073367 | DL | ||
Water Wet Expression & Liquid Brush Set (水濡れ表現&液体ブラシセット) | 2090308 | DL | ||
Cross Blood Stain Set (クロス血の染みセット) | 2110269 | DL | ||
【Appde version】Gorigori blood brush set (【アプデ版】ゴリゴリ血のブラシセット) | 2110495 | DL |
Name | Store Link | DL | Thumbnail | Notes |
Automatic Speed Blur | 1989356 | DL | ||
Fluffy brush material collection (ふわぱちブラシ素材集) | 2138911 | DL | ||
Very Large Color set from Hakoda | 2108731 | DL | ||
**** | DL |