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10 clippy
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
Bird's Tree Brushes | 2102521 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Foilage 2 | 2048830 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Simple Water Brush (シンプル水ブラシ) | 2061763 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Cracks | 1911975 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Komi patterns | 1909841 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Decoration Line Brushes Set | 1820765 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Woodmark | 1796831 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Brush that looks roughly like grass (대충 풀처럼 보이는 브러시) | 1858865 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Lavender brush (薰衣草刷) | 1858865 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Ink brush part2 (墨筆ブラシpart2) | 2134743 | 10 GOLD, 10 CLIPPY | |
My model (for a limited time) ((期間限定無料)My model) | 2009303 | 10 CLIPPY | |
Time-saving fur (時短ファー) | 2095238 | 10 CLIPPY | |
20 clippy
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
Taxe Dongle Shadow Set (Taxe 동글그림자세트) | 1925789 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Lace Brushes Set | 1832833 | 20 CLIPPY | |
【Limited Time 20CP】Flying White Frill Brush | 2124758 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Wave Brush (물결 브러쉬) | 2036724 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Magic Flying Water Brush (魔法の飛水ブラシ) | 1891319 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Ice Brush Set (アイスブラシセット) | 2121689 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Anime background . . . wood grain (動漫背景_木紋) | 1877073 | 20 CLIPPY | |
BUSH&Flower Brush | 2117957 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Natural Landscape Brush Set | 1830125 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Wolftail brush (狼尾草刷) | 1830125 | 20 CLIPPY | |
TradInk | 2144621 | ||
Denim Brush Set (デニムブラシセット) | 2068471 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Jersey Brush Set (ジャージブラシセット) | 2068471 | 20 CLIPPY | |
Fakemon Brush Set | 2150636 | 20 CLIPPY | |
30~100 clippy
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
Liquid set 1 | 2108529 | 50 Clippy | |
Taxe Dot Particle Brush (Taxe 도트 파티클 브러쉬) | 1738864 | 30 Clippy | |
Rough Lace brush | 1820674 | 50 Clippy | |
Sparrow Brush Set (すずめブラシセット) | 1876148 | 100 Clippy | |
Thick Paint Set | 2113865 | 50 Clippy | |
Texture Brushes | 2000729 | 50 Clippy | |
Camellia Brush Set | 1926563 | 50 Clippy | |
Water Set (水セット) | 1566730 | 100 Clippy, 10 Gold | |
Western tile pattern (西洋タイルパターン) | 2119825 | 50 Clippy | |
8 Patterns | 1923840 | 30 Clippy | |
Celtic patterns | 1911055 | 30 Clippy | |
Fire Brush | 1919051 | 30 Clippy | |
Forest brush set | 1962297 | 100 Clippy | |
A pen set that paints wood and stone walls (木目や石壁を描くペンセット) | 1942640 | 80 Clippy | |
Leaf Brush Set (葉っぱブラシセット) | 2000985 | 30 CLIPPY | |
Aquatic Brush Set (水草ブラシセット) | 1711675 | 50 Clippy | |
Seaweed & gaint sea kelp Brushes | 2116466 | 50 Clippy | |
Reed brush (갈대 브러쉬) | 1941089 | 50 Clippy | |
Ancient altar ruins (古代の祭壇跡) | 2120951 | 50 Clippy | |
One piece that can change the softness blur brush (柔らかさを変えられる片ぼかしブラシ) | 2128903 | 100 CLIPPY | |
Grass Brush (草むらブラシ) | 1755860 | 100 CLIPPY | |
Foxtail brushes (エノコログサ ブラシ) | 1698966 | 100 CLIPPY | |
Line and contrast without changing the pen (펜을 바꾸지 않고 선과 명암을) | 1796650 | 90 Clippy | |
Cloth Texture (布テクスチャ) | 2077516 | 30 CLIPPY | |
East and Pafen (동and파펜) | 1992847 | 30 CLIPPY | |
Lazy suits (懶惰套裝) | 2150555 | 50 CLIPPY | |
POP & KAWAII Deco Brush Set (POP&KAWAIIデコブラシセット) | 2058535 | 80 CLIPPY | |
[TOP] |
110~500 clippy
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
Tie-dye Style material collection (タイダイ風素材集) | 1941821 | 100 GOLD,500 CLIPPY | |
Chibi Chara Big Head Take4 | 2013471 | 500 CLIPPY | |
Mizu Old Statue | 2107468 | 500 Clippy, 100 Gold | |
Luxury bath with a night view _ With shower room * Night view is separate (夜景が見える高級風呂_シャワールーム付き※夜景は別途) | 2105616 | 500 CLIPPY | |
Taxe Band-To-Gobsi (Taxe 반창고브러시 | 1846688 | 150 Clippy | |
Taxe paper set (Taxe 종이세트) | 1820225 | 300 Clippy | |
Taxe White Sculpture (Taxe 흰빛조각) | 2087535 | 150 Clippy | |
Digital oil (Digital oil) | 2122828 | 200 CLIPPY | |
FIRE_monotone (FIRE_monotone) | 1940896 | 300 CLIPPY, 30 Gold | |
Loafers for drawing aids (作画補助用ローファー) | 2140271 | 300 CLIPPY | |
Reed Brush Set (갈대브러쉬 세트) | 1965672 | 150 Clippy | |
Fictional Language Brushes | 2140343 | 250 Clippy |
Over 500 clippy
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
Parallel line 12 species set (平行線12種セット) | 1702691 | 600 CLIPPY | |
Dirty Piece Wire Set (汚しカケ線セット) | 1731899 | 850 CLIPPY | |
Smoke Flow Set (煙流れセット) | 1718809 | 850 CLIPPY | |
Handsome brush [Limited time CLIPPY sale] (イケメンブラシ【期間限定CLIPPY販売】) | 2102957 | 2,000 CLIPPY | |
Full set of white, black and black hair (白・黒・先黒髪フルセット) | 2113364 | 1,500 CLIPPY, 200 Gold | |
Can't Believe It's Not Paper! (VER. 3) | 2076014 | 900 CLIPPY | |
Fog clearance correction (안개 맑음 보정) | 2124088 | 2,000 CLIPPY | |
Line art blur auto action (선화 흐림 오토액션) | 2127105 | 2,000 CLIPPY | |
10~100 Gold
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
Foxtail brushes (エノコログサ ブラシ) | 1698966 | 10 GOLD | |
Ink brush part2 (墨筆ブラシpart2) | 2134743 | 10 GOLD, 10 CLIPPY | |
Custom Paper Chain 3D Rev2 (カスタム紙鎖 3D rev2) | 1960403 | 20 GOLD | |
Automatic Braid Rev2 (自動 三つ編み rev2) | 1894740 | 50 GOLD | |
Background for Pandemonium | 2005529 | 100 GOLD | |
Umetate Pen for Pandemonium | 2005528 | 100 GOLD | |
A single piece of pen with a heavy weight | 1999118 | 100 GOLD | |
A piece of deep pen | 1999117 | 100 GOLD | |
Parallel-poi pen for Pandemonium | 1843897 | 100 GOLD | |
Deception cross-hatching Line | 1841029 | 100 GOLD | |
Dodge cross-hatching Dot | 1839774 | 100 GOLD | |
Dodge cross-hatching Tiles | 1838500 | 100 GOLD | |
Mizu Old Statue | 2107468 | 500 Clippy, 100 Gold | |
Cloud Brush Pro (雲ブラシpro) | 2102636 | 100 GOLD | |
Super easy ground surface brush (超簡単土地面ブラシ) | 2105032 | 100 GOLD | |
Easy gravel brush (簡単砂利ブラシ) | 2117142 | 100 GOLD | |
Loitering Set (道草セット) | 1695610 | 100 GOLD | |
Hand-picked Herb brush set (手摘みハーブブラシセット) | 1751942 | 100 GOLD | |
Over 100 Gold
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
Basketball with an impossible depth | 1959276 | 500 GOLD | |
Black piece pen with impossible terrible | 1981738 | 500 GOLD | |
A Cacegrade with an improbable terrible | 1993726 | 500 GOLD | |
The Sandy eye pen with the depth | 1929439 | 500 GOLD | |
Sandy eyes with gradation weight | 1910357 | 500 GOLD | |
Sandy eyes with a gradation depth | 1910356 | 500 GOLD | |
White piece pen with a deep depth | 1860127 | 500 GOLD | |
White piece pen with a heavy weigh | 1902339 | 500 GOLD | |
A Cacegrade with impossible weight | 1834153 | 500 GOLD | |
A Cacegrade with an impossible depth | 1815303 | 500 GOLD | |
Sandy eyes with an improbable depth | 1910373 | 300 GOLD | |
A Neusgrade with an impossible depth | 1896200 | 300 GOLD | |
Dirty and Shadow lines! Building description Material Set (汚しや影線!建物描写素材セット) | 1731713 | 280 GOLD | |
Men's Feet Real (男性の足 リアル) | 2062573 | 500 Gold | |
Inline skating (インラインスケート) | 2044493 | 300 Gold | |
Long Boots Buckle (ロングブーツ バックル) | 2044837 | 300 GOLD | |
【3D】Glamour body (【3D】グラマーな体) | 2093782 | 1200 GOLD | |
【3D】Glamour full-body model (【3D】グラマーな全身モデル) | 2095420 | 5000 GOLD | |
【3D】Female Full Body Model Ver.1.0.1 (【3D】女性の全身モデル Ver.1.0.1) | 2095115 | 5000 GOLD | |
Antique Decoration Brushes (アンティーク装飾ブラシ) | 1743447 | 200 GOLD | |
Hanafuda Decorative Brush Set (花札装飾ブラシセット) | 1747748 | 200 GOLD | |
For bird's-eye view - small town by the river + night view (鳥瞰用-川辺の小さな街+夜景) | 2103240 | 1,450 GOLD,20000 CLIPPY | |
Shake! 18 kinds of decorative brushes (揺れる!飾りブラシ 18種) | 2106692 | 290 GOLD | |
Flow effect Brush (水流エフェクトブラシ) | 1981163 | 300 GOLD | |
Decorative Pattern Line Brush (装飾文様ラインブラシ) | 2111119 | 200 GOLD | |
The patterns of Arabic and wall fabric (brushes and textiles) (アラビア風・壁布床の柄(ブラシとテキスタイルパターン)) | 1985096 | 200 GOLD | |
Autumn Field Brush (秋の野原ブラシ) | 1792156 | 200 GOLD | |
Herb Brushes (ハーブブラシ) | 1703777 | 150 GOLD | |
Coin Launderette Store (コインランドリー店内) | 2007296 | 500 GOLD | |
Deleted Brushes
Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail | Notes |
Mandarin Crayon & Pencil | 1781568 | |||
뉴이 수채화 2 | 1765098 | |||
[Lineart & Sketch] Semi-Analog Brushes | 2093901 | |||
bong pen (?) | 1988454 | ![]() |
肉ダマ鉛筆 | 1884780 | |||
Distant Sketch Brush (遠景スケッチブラシ) | 2114090 | 20 CLIPPY | Creator reuploaded the brush set under ID 2114462 | |
Rustling brush (カサカサブラシ) | 2125469 | 10 CLIPPY | ||
Cold Pen | 1843740 | |||
Non asset store Brushes
Note | Name | Store Link | Price | Thumbnail |
[유료배포] 이담해 리얼 연필 SET | Postype | 10,000P | ||
CLIPSTUDIO用 lackドットテクスチャブラシ | Booth | 1,500 JPY | ||
Fancy Brushes Pack for CSP 🍁🖌️ | Patreon - Shop - lemonsqueezy | Free when you join a Patreon or 6€ | ![]() |
DAILY PASTA - NEO 브러쉬 | Postype | 5,000P | ||
[판매종료] 이담해 리얼 수채붓 | Postype | 99,900P | ||
[유료배포] 이담해 리얼 마카 SET | Postype | 8,000P | ||
[유료배포] 이담해 리얼 펜 SET | Postype | 6,000P | ||
This guy just wiped clean his gumroad, he's prob going to nuke his CM as well. | AD Cartoonist Brushes v.1.5 | Creative Market | 20$ | ![]() |
my lineart brush for Clip Studio Paint | Ko-fi | 4$ | ![]() |
SAI watertool for clip studio paint | Ko-fi | 5$ | ![]() |