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10 clippy

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
Bird's Tree Brushes 2102521 10 CLIPPY
Foilage 2 2048830 10 CLIPPY
Simple Water Brush (シンプル水ブラシ) 2061763 10 CLIPPY
Cracks 1911975 10 CLIPPY
Komi patterns 1909841 10 CLIPPY
Decoration Line Brushes Set 1820765 10 CLIPPY
Woodmark 1796831 10 CLIPPY
Brush that looks roughly like grass (대충 풀처럼 보이는 브러시) 1858865 10 CLIPPY
Lavender brush (薰衣草刷) 1858865 10 CLIPPY
Ink brush part2 (墨筆ブラシpart2) 2134743 10 GOLD, 10 CLIPPY
My model (for a limited time) ((期間限定無料)My model) 2009303 10 CLIPPY
Time-saving fur (時短ファー) 2095238 10 CLIPPY


20 clippy

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
Taxe Dongle Shadow Set (Taxe 동글그림자세트) 1925789 20 CLIPPY
Lace Brushes Set 1832833 20 CLIPPY
【Limited Time 20CP】Flying White Frill Brush 2124758 20 CLIPPY
Wave Brush (물결 브러쉬) 2036724 20 CLIPPY
Magic Flying Water Brush (魔法の飛水ブラシ) 1891319 20 CLIPPY
Ice Brush Set (アイスブラシセット) 2121689 20 CLIPPY
Anime background . . . wood grain (動漫背景_木紋) 1877073 20 CLIPPY
BUSH&Flower Brush 2117957 20 CLIPPY
Natural Landscape Brush Set 1830125 20 CLIPPY
Wolftail brush (狼尾草刷) 1830125 20 CLIPPY
TradInk 2144621
Denim Brush Set (デニムブラシセット) 2068471 20 CLIPPY
Jersey Brush Set (ジャージブラシセット) 2068471 20 CLIPPY
Fakemon Brush Set 2150636 20 CLIPPY


30~100 clippy

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
Liquid set 1 2108529 50 Clippy
Taxe Dot Particle Brush (Taxe 도트 파티클 브러쉬) 1738864 30 Clippy
Rough Lace brush 1820674 50 Clippy
Sparrow Brush Set (すずめブラシセット) 1876148 100 Clippy
Thick Paint Set 2113865 50 Clippy
Texture Brushes 2000729 50 Clippy
Camellia Brush Set 1926563 50 Clippy
Water Set (水セット) 1566730 100 Clippy, 10 Gold
Western tile pattern (西洋タイルパターン) 2119825 50 Clippy
8 Patterns 1923840 30 Clippy
Celtic patterns 1911055 30 Clippy
Fire Brush 1919051 30 Clippy
Forest brush set 1962297 100 Clippy
A pen set that paints wood and stone walls (木目や石壁を描くペンセット) 1942640 80 Clippy
Leaf Brush Set (葉っぱブラシセット) 2000985 30 CLIPPY
Aquatic Brush Set (水草ブラシセット) 1711675 50 Clippy
Seaweed & gaint sea kelp Brushes 2116466 50 Clippy
Reed brush (갈대 브러쉬) 1941089 50 Clippy
Ancient altar ruins (古代の祭壇跡) 2120951 50 Clippy
One piece that can change the softness blur brush (柔らかさを変えられる片ぼかしブラシ) 2128903 100 CLIPPY
Grass Brush (草むらブラシ) 1755860 100 CLIPPY
Foxtail brushes (エノコログサ ブラシ) 1698966 100 CLIPPY
Line and contrast without changing the pen (펜을 바꾸지 않고 선과 명암을) 1796650 90 Clippy
Cloth Texture (布テクスチャ) 2077516 30 CLIPPY
East and Pafen (동and파펜) 1992847 30 CLIPPY
Lazy suits (懶惰套裝) 2150555 50 CLIPPY
POP & KAWAII Deco Brush Set (POP&KAWAIIデコブラシセット) 2058535 80 CLIPPY

110~500 clippy

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
Tie-dye Style material collection (タイダイ風素材集) 1941821 100 GOLD,500 CLIPPY
Chibi Chara Big Head Take4 2013471 500 CLIPPY
Mizu Old Statue 2107468 500 Clippy, 100 Gold
Luxury bath with a night view _ With shower room * Night view is separate (夜景が見える高級風呂_シャワールーム付き※夜景は別途) 2105616 500 CLIPPY
Taxe Band-To-Gobsi (Taxe 반창고브러시 1846688 150 Clippy
Taxe paper set (Taxe 종이세트) 1820225 300 Clippy
Taxe White Sculpture (Taxe 흰빛조각) 2087535 150 Clippy
Digital oil (Digital oil) 2122828 200 CLIPPY
FIRE_monotone (FIRE_monotone) 1940896 300 CLIPPY, 30 Gold
Loafers for drawing aids (作画補助用ローファー) 2140271 300 CLIPPY
Reed Brush Set (갈대브러쉬 세트) 1965672 150 Clippy
Fictional Language Brushes 2140343 250 Clippy


Over 500 clippy

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
Parallel line 12 species set (平行線12種セット) 1702691 600 CLIPPY
Dirty Piece Wire Set (汚しカケ線セット) 1731899 850 CLIPPY
Smoke Flow Set (煙流れセット) 1718809 850 CLIPPY
Handsome brush [Limited time CLIPPY sale] (イケメンブラシ【期間限定CLIPPY販売】) 2102957 2,000 CLIPPY
Full set of white, black and black hair (白・黒・先黒髪フルセット) 2113364 1,500 CLIPPY, 200 Gold
Can't Believe It's Not Paper! (VER. 3) 2076014 900 CLIPPY
Fog clearance correction (안개 맑음 보정) 2124088 2,000 CLIPPY
Line art blur auto action (선화 흐림 오토액션) 2127105 2,000 CLIPPY



10~100 Gold

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
Foxtail brushes (エノコログサ ブラシ) 1698966 10 GOLD
Ink brush part2 (墨筆ブラシpart2) 2134743 10 GOLD, 10 CLIPPY
Custom Paper Chain 3D Rev2 (カスタム紙鎖 3D rev2) 1960403 20 GOLD
Automatic Braid Rev2 (自動 三つ編み rev2) 1894740 50 GOLD
Background for Pandemonium 2005529 100 GOLD
Umetate Pen for Pandemonium 2005528 100 GOLD
A single piece of pen with a heavy weight 1999118 100 GOLD
A piece of deep pen 1999117 100 GOLD
Parallel-poi pen for Pandemonium 1843897 100 GOLD
Deception cross-hatching Line 1841029 100 GOLD
Dodge cross-hatching Dot 1839774 100 GOLD
Dodge cross-hatching Tiles 1838500 100 GOLD
Mizu Old Statue 2107468 500 Clippy, 100 Gold
Cloud Brush Pro (雲ブラシpro) 2102636 100 GOLD
Super easy ground surface brush (超簡単土地面ブラシ) 2105032 100 GOLD
Easy gravel brush (簡単砂利ブラシ) 2117142 100 GOLD
Loitering Set (道草セット) 1695610 100 GOLD
Hand-picked Herb brush set (手摘みハーブブラシセット) 1751942 100 GOLD


Over 100 Gold

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
Basketball with an impossible depth 1959276 500 GOLD
Black piece pen with impossible terrible 1981738 500 GOLD
A Cacegrade with an improbable terrible 1993726 500 GOLD
The Sandy eye pen with the depth 1929439 500 GOLD
Sandy eyes with gradation weight 1910357 500 GOLD
Sandy eyes with a gradation depth 1910356 500 GOLD
White piece pen with a deep depth 1860127 500 GOLD
White piece pen with a heavy weigh 1902339 500 GOLD
A Cacegrade with impossible weight 1834153 500 GOLD
A Cacegrade with an impossible depth 1815303 500 GOLD
Sandy eyes with an improbable depth 1910373 300 GOLD
A Neusgrade with an impossible depth 1896200 300 GOLD
Dirty and Shadow lines! Building description Material Set (汚しや影線!建物描写素材セット) 1731713 280 GOLD
Men's Feet Real (男性の足 リアル) 2062573 500 Gold
Inline skating (インラインスケート) 2044493 300 Gold
Long Boots Buckle (ロングブーツ バックル) 2044837 300 GOLD
【3D】Glamour body (【3D】グラマーな体) 2093782 1200 GOLD
【3D】Glamour full-body model (【3D】グラマーな全身モデル) 2095420 5000 GOLD
【3D】Female Full Body Model Ver.1.0.1 (【3D】女性の全身モデル Ver.1.0.1) 2095115 5000 GOLD
Antique Decoration Brushes (アンティーク装飾ブラシ) 1743447 200 GOLD
Hanafuda Decorative Brush Set (花札装飾ブラシセット) 1747748 200 GOLD
For bird's-eye view - small town by the river + night view (鳥瞰用-川辺の小さな街+夜景) 2103240 1,450 GOLD,20000 CLIPPY
Shake! 18 kinds of decorative brushes (揺れる!飾りブラシ 18種) 2106692 290 GOLD
Flow effect Brush (水流エフェクトブラシ) 1981163 300 GOLD
Decorative Pattern Line Brush (装飾文様ラインブラシ) 2111119 200 GOLD
The patterns of Arabic and wall fabric (brushes and textiles) (アラビア風・壁布床の柄(ブラシとテキスタイルパターン)) 1985096 200 GOLD
Autumn Field Brush (秋の野原ブラシ) 1792156 200 GOLD
Herb Brushes (ハーブブラシ) 1703777 150 GOLD
Coin Launderette Store (コインランドリー店内) 2007296 500 GOLD


Deleted Brushes

Name Store Link Price Thumbnail Notes
Mandarin Crayon & Pencil 1781568
뉴이 수채화 2 1765098
[Lineart & Sketch] Semi-Analog Brushes 2093901
bong pen (?) 1988454
肉ダマ鉛筆 1884780
Distant Sketch Brush (遠景スケッチブラシ) 2114090 20 CLIPPY Creator reuploaded the brush set under ID 2114462
Rustling brush (カサカサブラシ) 2125469 10 CLIPPY
Cold Pen 1843740


Non asset store Brushes

Note Name Store Link Price Thumbnail
[유료배포] 이담해 리얼 연필 SET Postype 10,000P
CLIPSTUDIO用 lackドットテクスチャブラシ Booth 1,500 JPY
Fancy Brushes Pack for CSP 🍁🖌️ Patreon - Shop - lemonsqueezy Free when you join a Patreon or 6€
DAILY PASTA - NEO 브러쉬 Postype 5,000P
[판매종료] 이담해 리얼 수채붓 Postype 99,900P
[유료배포] 이담해 리얼 마카 SET Postype 8,000P
[유료배포] 이담해 리얼 펜 SET Postype 6,000P
This guy just wiped clean his gumroad, he's prob going to nuke his CM as well. AD Cartoonist Brushes v.1.5 Creative Market 20$
my lineart brush for Clip Studio Paint Ko-fi 4$
SAI watertool for clip studio paint Ko-fi 5$


Pub: 21 Nov 2023 18:02 UTC
Edit: 12 Feb 2025 09:24 UTC
Views: 7511