div 1

gold bar⠀for ﹐ schlatt𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from wilbur
schlatt, my perfect angel. you are the light of my life, the reason I get excited to wake up, no-one knows me like you do. you're the sweetest person I've met and your kindness towards me is something I will never get over /pos. you are honestly the love of my life, I adore you and I always will. thank you for everything you do for me, my baby <3


watermelon⠀for ﹐ jrazil𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from wilbur
hi baby! i love you so so much, I'm so grateful for you being in my life as long as you have been <33 you are the funniest person i know GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :]] my silly MWAH MWAH. HAPPY 6 MONTHS I CANT WAIT FOR SO MANy MORE


clipboard thing⠀for ﹐ jicadia𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from taunt
jic!!! my love!!!! :DDD meeting you is the best thing to ever happen to me, i still can't believe we are boyfriends :]. you make me sososo so unbelievably happy everytime we talk i get soso giddy and just AHH!!! after the night we started dating i kept replaying it over and over in my head., i love you forever my sweet boy <333


hearts⠀for ﹐ sleeper𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from crush
hi dove <33 my sweet angel. I'm so in love with you, I'm over the moon you asked me to be yours, and I can't believe we've been together over a month already. I adore you and everything you do, thank you for brightening up my life, and know that I will always be here to support you. <33


microphone⠀for ﹐ journey𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from slasher
journey!!! hi you're so hot hey, I don't usually write paragraphs but I really am so grateful for you. you're so pretty and funny and cute, I still can't believe we're dating like. you picked me over anyone else AHHH. you're the only one who can rlly calm me down when I'm upset, thank you so much for everything handsome<3 love you


smooch⠀for ﹐ basalt𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from corsage
My sweet pet. It feels like I've waited forever to call you mine, and now when I say it it's really true. I love you so much. Genuinely everything about you is perfect to me. I love your voice, your height, the way you get flustered, the nicknames you give me. Everything about you is perfect, I really couldn't wish for more. Thank you for making me the luckiest man alive, angel, thank you for saying yes. <3


hearts⠀for ﹐ jay𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from moonbur
jay, i love you so much. I love supporting you, and I hope to do so for the rest of time. I'm so happy we met and even more so that you're mine, and I'm yours. talking to you is always the highlight of my day, you are the sweetest man I know. I hope you're doing well, handsome, and if you need me I'm always only a message away. I love you more than anything.


sparkles⠀for ﹐ jyd𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from soot
hi jyd! I know we haven't been dating for ages but honestly I'm so in love with you, you're so cute and smart and funny, your voice has a certain way of calming me down that I can't describe. I can't wait to hold you and kiss you, my darling. every time we talk I get so happy, god I love you so much. thank you for everything you've done for me, baby :]


eye⠀for ﹐ kites𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from cooper
kites!!! youre so. wow. okay. heyy. Hey. i love you so much man, i wish i could put my emotions into words better but you honestly mean sm to me. IM SO HAPPY YOU SAID YES WHEN I ASKED YOU OUT GOSH!! hii hi :]]. im rlly glad to know and love you, and lucky to call myself ur boyfriend :] I LVOE YOU okay yeah


star⠀for ﹐ hs!schlatt𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from hs!wilbur
RHSHZJSJA HII HI!!! I'm not the best at writing stuff like this, but god knows you deserve it so!! hi handsome :]. I still can't really believe we're dating, everything about you is just so perfect and attractive, the fact you like me honestly blows my mind. when I talk to you I'm always soso giddy and happy AHHRHRHbsb please there's so much more I could say. I love you sweetheart<3


wine⠀for ﹐ rev!schlatt𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from revivedbur
hi, darling!! I've never really been the best at saying how I feel but I love you so much. your patience with me and how sweet and loving you are means more than I'll probably ever be able to express, I love spending time with you, whether it's playing minecraft, talking, or just sitting in silence. i guess it sounds weird to say since we technically just started dating, but i really am in love with you, you mean the world to me. thank you for being here and being so good to me, handsome.


plant⠀for ﹐ jaeger𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from daze
HI HIII JAEGER hi jenga. /ij HI!!! hi sweets oh my god I love you!! I love you I love you, I cannot wait to hold you in my arms. you are the love of my life, from the moment we met I just knew you were going to be something so special to me. and look at us now! though we don't talk every day, I fall in love with you more and more with every day that passes. talking to you is my favourite thing EVER, besides, well, you! please never doubt how much you mean to me, my gosh I am so in love! <33


silly dog⠀for ﹐ dugout𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from solar
hi, sweetheart! oh my god hi <33, I'm so happy you said yes omg. pls. ur so handsome and sweet and I LOVE YOU. I was actually so surprised you like me back. I am beyond proud of you, darling, and AHHH everything about you is so cute?? you're such a sweet boy, I can't wait to get to know you better. :]]


star, music note⠀for ﹐ brandy𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from habit
hi brandy looking mm i know we just met recently but you've been so sweet to me and im rlly glad to be your friend !!!!; you're so cute and just :(( mm I love the petnames you use for me plspls ur so handsomemmm and and im so excited to get closer to you,!!!! you seem like such a sweetheart and I've loved every minute of talking to you so far,, :]]


snowflake⠀for ﹐ kalos𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from ouroboros
hey cutie ;) HELP. okay fr though you are so cute!! I've loved talking to you so far and would love to talk more whenever you front.. you're so handsome :]. thank you for tolerating me LMAO you seem so sweet!!


blue bottle⠀for ﹐ sturgeon𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from corbeaux
mm hi!! youre so funny and sweet mmnbb and and I love every time we speak so much,, you're so sweet with me it makes me melt. im soso glad to be your friend, sturgeon:] thank you for being so lovely to me<33


dog⠀for ﹐ jediah𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from dallas
hi silly! I love being your friend sm and I think it's so cool we share source memories. I can't help but stim so much when talking to you!!!! RAHHGDHD ur liek my favourit e ever thankyou for dealing with me ILY+!!!!! ur so handsome okay bye :]]]


blushing⠀for ﹐ jebidiah𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from anonymous
hi!! firstly let me say, you're so handsome. so so handsome and sweet and funny, I'm really glad to know you. I'm kinda shy about confessing but um! I kindof have a massive crush on you, embarrassingly. I love everytime we talk so much, and I hope you're well. take care pretty kitty<33


flower⠀for ﹐ bloom𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from otto
ahh bloom ,, my honey :[ I'm so happy and surprised you like me back please I'm over the moon. I'm so excited to get to know you better, to finally get to call myself your boyfriend. it's quite embarrassing honestly, how long I've been crushing on you without saying anything. I'm so happy. so so so happy. thank you for being so sweet, and for asking me out. you mean so much to me, sweet honeyboy <33


blush⠀for ﹐ valentine𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from perfume
hi, valentine! you're such a sweetheart, and i just wanted to say thank you for not getting freaked out when you learnt about my crush on you. I'm really happy you feel the same, as I think you're really cool and pretty. I'm also grateful to get closer to you. thanks for being so nice to me :]], I love you honey!!


love⠀for ﹐ jare𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from cc!wilbur
jare. where to even begin, I could write about you for hours. you're hilarious, handsome, sweet-- I'm beginning to believe everything about you is something desirable. I have the biggest crush on you, you dork. I'm so lucky you feel the same! I love you so much!! I'm really grateful to be your boyfriend, and I care about you a lot. take care of yourself, my pretty boy.


bear⠀for ﹐ jonah𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from will
jonah, my pretty jonah. we've been together for nearly a year, now, and I still get bright red at every "I love you", every petname, every paragraph. you are so so important to me, my best friend and boyfriend. my world, my perfect symphony and so much more. thank you so much for making that silly pda all the way back in May, I don't know where I'd be without you. I'm so in love with you, you big dork, even though we don't get to talk often I enjoy every moment spent together, and I will always have a special place in my heart for you, schlatt. thank you for showing me what true love feels like. I adore you more than anything.


teddy bear⠀for ﹐ dagwood𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from alois
hello! silly bear boy<33 I loved talking to you so much!! even though the last time we spoke I was really eepy... I hope we can become as close as we were in source and it's been lovely speaking to you!! ask for me to front anytime frfr. ur so sweet. silly goofy. patting ur head sm!


love letter⠀for ﹐ chalcedony𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from saccharine
hi, sweetheart! I love talking to you so much, you're so so handsome and sweet! I'm really glad we've gotten closer recently, and I can't wait to see how our relationship progresses. you're really funny and cute :]


tv⠀for ﹐ transmission𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from wilbur
I know we've only spoken once, so far, but you were so sweet and understanding towards me that I'd feel bad if I didn't write at least a little thank you. you helped me a lot, last night, and I'm really grateful, and happy to call you my friend. thanks for being so kind, I hope we get to talk more in the future :–]


bubbles⠀for ﹐ jhase𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from havelock
jhase! im really glad to be your friend, I would call you my best friend. I get so giddy and happy talking to you, its like we're meeting again for the first time /pos, but you also have an undescribable feeling of familiarity. I feel so safe with you, and you also excite me. I think you're really pretty and sweet! I'm so glad we get to be this close, and I've realised after knowing you these few months that I have a slight crush. I'm so lucky you feel the same, honestly I feel so lucky to even know you. to finish, thank you for being such a great friend and boyfriend, and I love you!! I hope we can stay this close for a super long time!!


shy⠀for ﹐ opaline𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from lovesick
opaline, where do I even begin. you're so perfect, so sweet to me. I think you're really pretty, and I adore talking to you so much. I don't know what I did to deserve your presence, but I really am grateful. I look forward to our next conversation, and I love you!


pixel⠀for ﹐ crypto𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from cassian
hi :] i love you sm!! you were my first friend and you're my best friend, and now boyfriend, too. I care for you so much and I hope we get to speak again soon. I'm so grateful for you, and happy you said yes. talking to you is always such a joy, you're so funny and sweet. I can't quite believe you're mine .. AND ILY :]]


piano⠀for ﹐ joe𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from stadium
holy shit is that joe lovejoy!!! holds you in my palm hi joe.... thank you for being my first friend in your system, and now my lovely boyfriend too <333. I love talking to you sm— you're so funny, sweet, cute & handsome :]. take care of yourself darling, I love you!


dancing⠀for ﹐ reef𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from stadium
REEF. the schlatt introject to ever. you were my second friend in your system!! I love you very dearly as well and I'm glad to be your friend. you're so silly and funny ILY!!!!!


heart⠀for ﹐ bayou𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from absinthe
hi pretty!! my sweet darling kitty, I hope you're well!! I miss you terribly, talking to you is always such a joy, even if I do get teased for it. you are so lovely, Bayou, and I look forward to our future conversations and getting closer with you.


money⠀for ﹐ scammer𓈒 ♫
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from hitman
heyyt hi silly!! we've only really spoken once I think, but I haven't been able to get you off my mind since :michigan: ,, you're really funny and handsome I think, I'd love to get closer with you !! I hope you're well, I miss you!!


galaxy⠀for ﹐ cichlid𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from freighter
woahh hey handsome! I'm really not the best at writing these, but I thought I'd give it a shot for you. I really really like you; I mean, how could I not. you're funny, smart, pretty... I still can't quite grasp the fact you're mine. I hope you know I'm going to be here to support and look after you. I care for you so much. you make me feel warm inside. I like you like 100000. thank you for saying yes :].


flower⠀for ﹐ nicholas𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from vash
nick!! nico, my perfect boy. you make me so happy, and you're so funny. everything about you is something to adore, in my opinion. you're my ideal partner and even more, the dumb flirting and petnames will never fail to make me flustered. you're so sweet to me, so gentle, it's like nothing I've ever experienced before. I'm so lucky to get to love you, baby, and I promise I'm gonna treat you as you deserve, for as long as you'll let me. ♡


moon⠀for ﹐ terror𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from virtue
hi baby :] ahh i'm so so happy to be able to get to call you mine.. you're so handsome, sweet and just lovely. I'm so in love with you, I hope you know that. you light up my whole world, and you make fronting such a joy. you're so funny and kind, your love is like nothing I've ever experienced before. I'm beyond grateful for you, my love, and I love you so much.


fishbowl⠀for ﹐ mark𓈒
⠀⠀ ⠀ —⠀from guppy
omg heyy silly!!! i love you so much, i love calling you and hearing your voice and making you laugh and being able to hear the smile on your voice, i love finding new stupid ways to make you blush. i love talking to you in general— you always find some way to make me laugh, even if you're teasing me (ur so mean!!). you're funny and sweet and lovely and im so proud of you!!! im so glad we're boyfriends my love :] <3

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Pub: 13 Nov 2022 18:11 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2024 15:26 UTC
Views: 2059