forgive me, I am awfully awkward.

Cichlid ♪ 15.03.23﹕love of my life
Cichlid, my heart. you of all people know how absolutely awful I am at this. I can hear you calling me gay for even thinking of writing this in my head... perhaps you're right. You have truly changed my life (and me) for the better, you make me softer, kinder, gentler. You bring out the best parts of me, and it absolutely terrified me at first. Getting to know you, however, has been one of the greatest joys I've ever known. I wouldn't change anything about what we have for the world, infact, you are my whole world. So there. You are so funny, the light of each of my days, even when we don't talk. I could honestly fill this whole thing with pure affection for you, and solely you. You are the only one who fills my mind, thoughts and dreams. I am thoroughly captivated by you, and nothing will change that. You bring such joy into my life, and no matter what becomes of us, I will never forget or regret meeting you, getting to call you mine. You are truly a star when I'm lost in the dark. My handsome angelboy, my perfect princess, my universe... my Cichlid.

Schlatt ♪ ﹕friend
Hi shithead. You have been kind to me even when I was an absolute dickhead, and I suppose that deserves some thanks. You're funny, and as much as you hide behind your "big guy" persona, you are a really sweet guy. I'm glad to call myself your friend. I'm sorry I don't say it more often.

Wilbur ♪ ﹕friend, sysmate
You idiot. I love you, I'm grateful to have you as a host, and as a voice of reason. Thank you for sticking with me, for being so patient when I was struggling to settle into the system, for everything. You have helped to calm me down countless times, and we've been there for eachother through it all. You're a great host, I know you doubt it, but I promise you, you're doing great. I'm always happy to talk, whether it be late night rambles or a serious talk, I'm here for you.

Pub: 12 Mar 2023 14:50 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 16:38 UTC
Views: 125