god, sweetheart, where do i start? im not really usually the best at writing these things, but you of all people deserve it, and so much more. you're my muse, the only person who can calm me down with just your presence alone. my boy, my stars, my darling, the love of my life. you're hilarious, handsome, sweet, and so hot (hey. heyyyy),, i couldn't wish for a better partner. i got so lucky meeting you, getting closer with you felt like i was floating. every day with you is lovely. i can't explain how much you help me, it's beyond words, and I'm so grateful. i could dedicate a thousand songs and poems to you, and none of it would be able to fully capture all that i feel for you; how happy you make me, how flustered, how safe you make me feel. it's beyond anything that i believe anyone could understand, nevermind try to put into words. you're so special to me, and I'm excited to grow together, and to be with you for as long as you allow me to. you are so pretty, so sweet, so funny, and so so special to me. you are so fucking perfect, Journey. I could repeat "I love you" 10000 times and it wouldn't come close to expressing my feelings for you. thank you for everything, for being my boyfriend, my perfect angel, my shining star, my hope when things get difficult. I love you forever, my sweet sweet boy <333.

Pub: 06 Mar 2023 18:55 UTC
Edit: 13 Nov 2023 17:40 UTC
Views: 238