The Hitchhiker's Guide to Vitubia

Welcome to the world of Vitubia, where the threads you've come to love and hate are countries with their own culture based on the posting habits of their respective anons. Whether you're new and feeling lost or just in need of a refresher, this collection of short descriptions is designed to help you dip your toes into this world and see what /vtwbg/ is all about.


The Empire of the Rising Moon, otherwise known as the Anykarian Empire or the Empire of Nijisanji is a realm split between two shoguns, one in the east and one in the west. The western one is isolationist while the eastern one is expansionist. The Mononobe Shogunate, is the focus of this intro. It is a state of contradictions. A state of honor and respect that has two trade companies that act counter to those principles. A state of warriors that sends mercenaries to do its dirty work. A state of tradition that is accelerating into the future. But this mighty power is splitting at the seams. It has commitments everywhere that complicate all matters. Its traditionalist population is not adjusting well to the acceleration. But the wealth keeps flowing in and the mighty Imperial Navy is more than a match to anyone it seems. With an indecisive Shogun, the Empire is a fuse waiting to be set. Whether that fuse blows itself up or reignites the nation into the main global superpower remains to be seen...

/inf/, /∞/

An island nation built with unbending steel and cloaked in cloying smoke, the ticking of their clockwork can be heard for miles. Once a landmark of wealth, culture, and the sciences, the Kronies endured a volcanic winter that forced the nation under an oppressive, isolationist regime for centiries. But the Kronie people survived, and now The Holy Republic of Infinitum returns to the world, armed with the most advanced weaponry and navy in the continent - and an abundance of eager, dogmatic men flying their banners in the workforce and the military. Embroiled in a seemingly unending civil war, the Kronies showcase their technological might every day with rifled muskets, explosive shell cannons, and ironclad ships in the battle against the Ouroboros separatists. The infinite quest for knowledge drives the Kronies to seek allies in the world to learn from, compiling everything they know in the Infinitum's world renowned Grand Archive, a library of all manner of art and studies. Strange and socially stunted hermits to most, bright and eccentric geniuses to some, the Kronie people of Infinitum soldier on, developing ever further, hoping to one day build a nation worthy of the Kroniisiah's flawless splendor.

/kfp/, /Takanashi Kiara/

The Takanashi Kaisereich has two faces. The one of little villages perched upon hillsides, where people dance and sing in Dirndl and Lederhosen, heads absent of thought. Where a picture of the beloved Kaiserin is hung in every home. The other is of the Hyper Militaristic monarchy ruled by a god Queen, with a court of squabbling nobles beneath her, whom when not plotting each others demise for a chance to bask in the Kaiserins grace, indulge themselves in the greatest displays of hedonism on Vitubia. A nation that defeated the schizos not by repelling their invasions, but by learning their power so they could turn it against them.
Main lore doc: (Dated: much lore here is due to change)


A "union" of 3 nations, 3 different cultures, and three different religions into one. Pomerania, Eliria, and Syrenia. Their alliance as the Old Principalities of the Empire of Ninisani remains true and under Pomerlane, they have regained their former glory, but for how long will this last? Peace is only a temporary thing within the lands of Ninisani after all, and with Selenium looking for revenge, who knows what chaos these nations will endure when the great unifier himself dies. Will the warlike, well-disciplined troops of Pomerania hold it together? Or will it collapse like it has many times before?


Referred to as the Candy Kingdom and collectively as luknights, lunaitos, and lumen. Lunaitos are a culture inspired by traditional ideas of knighthood taken to the utmost extreme with every citizen, be they a fighter or not, wearing armor as their regular clothing and striving to work towards knightly greatness no matter what profession they take. The Candy Kingdom is largely made out of edible treats, gingerbread trees, jelly bean bushes, and chocolate pits are just some naturally occurring desserts.
Lunaitos all have unnaturally high blood sugar levels to the point where their fluids and flesh are sweet to taste. They are ruled by the Hime Vessel, a forever young representation of the lunar goddess Himemori Luna who is protected by an honored guard of Elite Lunaitos.


The tropical people of /meat/ is a deeply religious people, who have burdened themselves with the responsibility of consuming vtuber gods through their followers in an attempt to stave off the collapse of heaven due to overpopulation. Their religious fervour, enhanced by macabre magic, has driven them to utilise every bit of their prey to great effect.
/meat/heads are a seafaring people, searing the image of great raiding fleets into the collective consciousness of many of its targets, long after their naval dominance was contested. While smaller raids continue to happen against undefended coasts, /meat/have since expanded its seeming omnipresent cult of cannibalism and sadomasochism across the world, subtly influencing other countries and securing more discrete food sources.
Despite their infamy, /meat/heads are remarkably friendly towards visitors and others outside their raids. In addition to a strong sense of sacred hospitality, some of the more enterprising /meat/heads have utilised /meat/'s unique tropical environment and ecosystem to trade with the rest of the world. Some welcome what they see as the beginning of /meat/'s reformation into a "normal" country, while others are worried by what they consider to be but another facade of the ever-expanding cult.
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The Kingdom of Lusitania, the Organic Kingdom. A “Society of Artisans” that promotes decentralization, guild economics and distributism. Formed from the Faberi, Malleusi, Equaesi, Ferrusi, Aereusi and Insanisi tribes in 746 but not coming into its true form until 957, when after a 20 year civil war and interregnum, the Organic Kingdom as we know it came into existence. The Kingdom is a place where every man is to be respected and treated well by all, but where each man also has is part of the “Corpus” of the state. You would be hard pressed to fine better crafted goods of all types than those that come from Lusitanian Artisans, and it is without doubt that Lusitania has one of the most advanced and one of the highest quality metalworking industries in the world. Lusitania has adopted a policy of armed neutrality, protectionism and the limitation of trade; yet all visitors and strangers to the Kingdom must be our moral code be treated like family. Quality over Quantity is the motto of the armed forces, who rely on their advanced weaponry, and unit tactics to keep all threats at bay, including the hostile Caliphate of its southern neighbors. In a world where the strong eat the weak, where entangling relationships cause wars, and where morality is lost for the sake of profit; Lusitania stands as a shining light in the Alivirian Sea. Her secrets protected, her borders fortified and her people strong; a bright future awaits the Organic Kingdom.


The Deadbeats' bones have been hardened by centuries of endless schizo raids, attacks on their land and faith from other nations, civil warfare setting Deadbeat against Deadbeat in useless, bloody conflicts. The people who remain on the island are those who did not cower, did not recoil, did not run in the face of adversity. Those pressures have forged the people of Moriji into the relentless, undying men and women we find today. Their love for Their Mori has turned their skin white and their bones to steel, and they sail a fearsome navy to take the fight to those who would dare assault their home. In the Underworld, deadly shrine maidens guard Mont Mori, where the Goddess awaits the Last Battle on the mountaintop. In the streets of their cities, the Deadbeats hold up a man's liberty to choose his path to meeting Mori as the primordial principle around which their society is organized. In the harbors, they welcome the foreign and the exotic with open arms; if you can find in yourself love for Mori, you will find friends in Moriji.
If you approach their land with sword in hand and heresy on your mind, however, heed these words: Deadbeats Fear not the Reaper; she's an old friend, who will welcome your blasphemous soul as warmly as any other.
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The Tribal Confederation of Risu is a nation of humanoids with squirrel tails and ears. They are known for using a variety of nuts as their currency instead of traditional coin as well as their extreme obsession with sex. Prostitution is not only accepted but encouraged to foreigners. Risuners are so obsessed with their countries natural beauty that they try to keep foreign intervention at the beaches and lumber chopping is highly regulated. Deep within the forests are witches that use gemstones for magic purposes and even grow gems out of trees underground in secret caverns. They have a famous capitol punishment called the "geese chamber" which is just a pit filled with monstrous man eating geese.


The Tokoyami Ward is a hivemind entity that is fanatically devout to their leader, Tokoyami Towa-sama, and are highly amicable and basically worship those who have befriended her, bestowing upon them the common title of, "Towafriend". Those part of the hivemind, at a glance, functions nearly the same as a typical individual would, with their own thoughts, identity, personality. However, once an idea, thought or goal has been introduced or created by the Kenzoku, it can quickly propagate amongst the populace overtaking most of an individual's individuality until time has been passed if merely a simple thought or the goal has been accomplished.


The Retro Reich is a nation focused on the collection of old technologies, artifacts and relics for which the nation has many workshops of many different faiths and culture that do their best to restore, maintain and modify these retro things. In order to achieve this goal, it has grown into one of the biggest mercantile and naval nations of the world to amass enough wealth to be able to buy other people's retro stuff. It's ruling class is mostly made up by Onobots who in their naive minds would rather see the humanoids live in unity than in conflict.
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The lands of Warung Kopi are cold and unforgiving. Nations that dare to call this desolate wasteland home struggle for their survival. And when things seemed to be going right for once for the people of the south, the Kobonesi, or Koboniggers as we call them attacked and shattered the three nations of the Confederacy forever. In the west, a Kingdom without a King or Royal Family, Dilupakan is being rebuilt from the ground up by its cruel masters from the Empire of the Rising Moon. The Four Kingdoms of Pertunjukan in the Center stand as the last bastion of the former Bulan Empire, from where one of their own invited the Kobonesi. To the east, the Kingdom of Kebebasan barely holds on due to its independent spirit and the good fortunes from the gods. But the rest of the land has been overrun by the Kobonesi, who aim to conquer the whole of Warung Kopi and enslave its former citizens.


The Writhaven Governance is a nation of artists and scholars seeking to constantly improve their mastery over the written word. Although the people there can often clash in their beliefs and cultures, they are united by this passion to bring their fantasies to life upon the page. This shared desire has brought about a renaissance of storytelling in every genre imaginable, and with a populace whose roots can be traced all over the globe, Writhaven has no shortage of unique sights and experiences to inspire that next spark of creative vision.
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The Owl Republic is a democratic, unitary and unicameral presidential republic located in the North West of the Holo Continent. Its loosely organized worship of Owls contrasts with the centralization of the government, which gave way to enlightenment beliefs that continue to fuel the country's march for progress. Birthed in the fires of almost a century of incessant war and sieges against the Schizos, a mix of paranoia and cautious optimism influenced both its officials and citizens. The culture which came out of the Founding War also focuses on national service and security. Conscription and the network of fortresses are an ordinary part of life in the Republic. Though it is also the War which gave the citizens a unified identity, civil wars and rebellions are rare.
Deriving from the teachings of its figure of worship, the Nameless One, the Owl Republic prides itself as a beacon of knowledge and progress. With archivists and scholars spearheading it. The blessed soil makes it the food basket of much of the Western Continent. And its industry and export are only rivaled by a few in the world. The Hoomans loathe any forces that attempt to alter their way of life, though they aren't complete isolationists. Their style of diplomacy is characterized by prudent observation and probing, followed by non-interventionist means. They are the watchful guardians of Civilization and keepers of knowledge.
Main lore doc:

Pub: 03 Aug 2022 06:12 UTC
Edit: 16 Aug 2022 03:19 UTC
Views: 2290