Rfix Fork of Mobian Combat


The mod creator has took down the downloads, so if you plan to share it, do it privately.

Download Current version: 0.2

The Version of the mod without the Rfix(For archive purposes): https://mega.nz/file/WSBwmRwT#UmDZxE0LCgUnJV8ALAZuCQS_m9QgX6QU-E_3cFov_bA

This edit is by no way shape or form a continuation.
These changes that i made are mostly to make the mod feel more straightforward

Changes from Rfix 0.2 Previous Version

-The entirety of the ghost soldiers, Now instead of transparent are translucent, making the code WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more simpler and makes less calls to ACS, slightly improving the untested multiplayer performance.
-The smg has now become a straight upgrade to the pistol, mostly to simplify the arsenal a little, after playing the mod for a while i noticed that the SMG being in a chaingun slot felt more clunkier than it was, so i am changing it to be in a more fitting position.
-Pistols now have a spawner for their own set, in tier 3 it will also spawn SMG!
-Wrench Not doing sounds when attacking, now it does, along with it the sounds when hitting the wall are also restored!
PROPOSING: still...
-Making the railgun and plasma rifle also use the same ammo to make it
more consistent.

Mobian Combat changes from Rfix 0.1

- Elite Rifle Soldier now doesn't heal himself and it's now tier 2,
still spongey but at least it won't be a pain in the ass
- The weapon arsenal is now more consistent, all of the weapons will
spawn as intended on their rapresented roles, and their selection has been
changed to fit it.
-The Wrench and Blaster have been made more consistent weapon over all.
-The AR now does 10 x 1D3 of damage instead of 8 x 1D3 (for Tails thankfully)
-Rocket launcher and granade launcher now share the same ammo pool.
(The Hud has been modified to account for it also)
-When tails does Ludicrous gibs, he can sometimes comment on it, current
Note: implementation is ass, if i find any better way to do so, il update it.
-Made robotic enemies be weak to nails, this is mostly to excuse their inclusion
as i felt they barelly did anything.
-Made bosses, both story and regular ones take extra damage from The wrench.
-Made the damage amplifier do double damage instead of 4 times the damage, to
compensate, it now fully heals you back to a 100 health, Quad damage spheres
will still give you 4 times the damage, also both powerups won't blind you
- Fixed a bug where apperently if You'd play on DOOMTEST the tier system
wouldn't bloody work, however i still don't know what is causing the rolling
to not work in it, that is really outside my boundaries.
- Sprites and Audio Duplicates
-Making the railgun and plasma rifle also use the same ammo to make it
more consistent.

Edit Report
Pub: 13 Sep 2022 13:09 UTC
Edit: 22 Sep 2022 20:07 UTC
Views: 545