August 11, 2024
I think timezones are really dumb, I cant even lie to you right now chat.
Well its not that theyre dumb they just kinda confuse me. I get that theyre
there to help make sense of time in different places but why does france
have 12 timezones. be for fucking real this tiny little BEAD of land canNOT
have 12 timezones. RUSSIA HAS 11! WHY DOES FRANCE HAVE 12? AM I
JUST AN IDIOT. I dont know chat. but timezones are weird. Who decides
timezones? why dont we have timezones that change by 30 and 30 ?
minutes? Cuz we have timezones that are like 1 hour differences. do 30
minute difference timezones exist? probably but i think that would make
it more confusing. I dont know anymore. I hate timezones.


Pub: 07 Aug 2024 20:06 UTC
Edit: 11 Aug 2024 05:56 UTC
Views: 146