Last twitch stream before my 3 week break
Just Chatting
February 26, 2024
muted section: 2:42:00-2:45:00
First section
7:35 my tits are always hard
8:59 comfort tit
11:17 one more lecture on saturday / might be longer than that bc catchup
12:00 poseidon dating thing / will appear in blake's streams, maybe a collab w/ randon / will be on yt / maybe exaggerated and will return right away after twitch
14:52 maybe time for corncob song to be laid to rest
16:28 thursday on blake's stream
22:17 drama over the handwashing
24:00 blake/doc drama video
31:05 wtf happened to u my little baby boy
32:06 'ur the architect' that ain't me / point finger at carol / wait is that why I'm...
35:14 stretching
36:16 showing the tiddies off again
36:50 flexing
37:50 / breaking news man eats all food in japan
38:38 gonna be on someone else's stream but wait for them to announce it / will tweet & record stuff but / carol said I could stream but idk if I have the internet capability on my phone
39:30 don't wanna disrupt friends by vlogging/streaming
43:42 showing pics
43:55 hopefully you can't see the reflection off my glasses of million pics of my cock on my phone / jk I don't think I have any pics of that on my phone.....or anywhere!!
45:50 stupidass landon / why take pic of spaghetti / so proud
47:59 what if something tragic happens in japan and this is the last you see of me? just kidding. i'm not the one in danger. if you know what i mean...
48:48 / most miserable year of your life is about to happen. dumbass
50:00 blake breakdancing
53ish min handstand pic
56:13 always liked blond hair
58:05 want to be as thin and breedable twinkish shape as possible / 'why'? oh you know why....
1:00:30 too early / femboys not popular back then / peak twinkage
1:01:37 idk why seeing pics of me smiling & laughing psises me off so much
1:03:12 carol's vtuber design / would not want carol to use this model / learned so much more, more insight and experience / not that the model itself is bad but design / would go a diff direction with this / but I'll show the vid
1:05:18 carol's vtuber
1:07:40 knew v little about vtubers when I designed it / do I have the full art for this?
1:10:15 just gonna be showing pics of my body / too many pics of me shirtless
1:11:05 lifting vid
1:12:44 laugh
1:22:22 planner
1:25:16 dunno when I'll be back hopefully soon
1:26:39 slapping the tiddy
1:29:20 shirako? no fuck that / it's a delicacy? you can delegate my nuts
1:30:57 lip suck noises
1:32:36 fried no no no
1:33:18 laugh
1:34:36 can't be passive at maid café / role ur supposed to take on / don't think I can be the ideal participant in that sort of exchange
1:36:39 can you believe I've yet to wear a maid outfit
1:37:20 'you can touch my low hanging fruit' nice
Serious VTuber talk section
1:37:50 feel like I don't stream correctly / pick a thing / except for vtubers and [idr] flesh streamers gotta have a niche / feel like I don't fit in tbh / scroll twitter, mutuals here--I mean I'm collabing with vtubers on fri--feel like I'm orbiting all this vtuber culture / feel out of place / enjoying what we're doing but / leads me to next announcement I have a teaser jk I wish not for a while
1:30:50 for my vtuber I'll let u know / char designer I'm working with / hopefully on last round of concepting / intial concepts / like this and that / feel like I micromanage too much / when it comes to working w other people, also as an artist myself, give them as much control as possible / maybe impression I dgaf looks great keep me posted / believe if yu let them do their thing it ends up being the best / got some concepts, they're like ok what do you think / I like the direction this is going / give notes / feel like micromanaging it to be worse / said I feel like I micromanaged you in a direction I don't like / let's go back to original thing based on concept I made /can't snow you, too early, maybe later / my idea, fleshed it out / back to drawing board / hopefully final round / concept needs to be finished, maybe on last 3rd of progress of that / sent to model artist which I have already and then it gets rigged / we're kinda moving a little fast --nah we're right on schedule--nah we're faster / depends on how much I wanna do for the debut / here's the thing vtubing is a diff kind of medium, diff from what I can do here or on yt / people i talked to in in the past--'separate channel'? yeah / that's not me. what that character ends up being / not to say I've done this in the past correctly / that char might have hints of me but I see vtubing as a special kind of medium and it's a character / some people have harder lines drawn between char and person but I want it to be a char and it's separate from even myself / that's the plan anyways / based on that it'll probably be separate
1:45:00 'would it divide the content too much'? probably / heavy convo / probably that means when the vtuber happens, probably might not see this (on twitch in this room) anymore / or much more rare / feel we need more time to have that convo / see what I wanna say about it / is there something you don't enjoy about the flesh? yeah a lot of things / exhausting being perceived / I'm not even a woman / even as a guy I'm like shit they're roasting my haircut again / it's a creative thing / diff medium to explore / storytelling in livestream form which I think has been--it's amazing, it's an amazing thing to tell a story as a stream / has always been a creative thing for me --or WILL be a creative thing for me / creative medium / we're so far from it but...i think I'm--I think I could be good at it / think I can be a better vtuber than a normal streamer / saying off the top of my head, wanted to sit down and think of how I want to present it / talking down on what we're doing here / showing support, don't want to feel like I'm abandoning everyone / important step is cluing you into what's happening, vtuber debuts and you never hear from me again
1:48:18 I was fucking good at that shit and I feel like I barely scratched the surface of that / not even allowed to say that shit, so much more in the tank / so much to explore / sick of waiting and letting people give me the benefit of the doubt
1:49:00 no one believes me when I say it's not a monetary thing / always been the case / businesswise it does not make sense for me to explore content creation outside ligmaU / always been the case / main motivation for vtubing always been a creative one / ah if the money's good / that's not the point / never match that / 'oh ur a grifter' blah blah / gotten 5-figure sponsorships / for me to step away from that to begin with--NOT ALL OF THEM but more than one like that
1:50:51 genuinely like streaming [than yt vids I think?] / can't be fully explored at ligma U
1:51:30 goodbye stream? / don't wanna feel like I'm leaving u in the dark / you guys monetarily support me period / every time I see blue notification on my dashboard, amazing you choose to give me money / go a long way / doesn't make sense for me not to be working on my YT channel / like streaming so much more / more fun to me / get to be more myself which I don't get to do on YT / never have on YT unfortunately / not even monetize / will kick myself if I don't fully explore it and leave it as an unfinished chapter for me / if it ends poorly then fuck it but at least I know and I tried / if I leave it in the dust I'll constantly have a negative feeling I need to not have lingering in my life / v much looking forward to it
1:54:15 kinda miss the YT livestream interface / my fucking friend quinn: yeah dude model's coming / why did I overthink things? I gotta do this asap
1:56:39 teasing / quinn's doing it and it's not a negative thing / color? I literally don't know, it's one of 3
1:57:30 nice try
1:59:15 'megane'? you know the answer deep in ur heart
1:58:58 randon knows nothing about this don't try to get anything out of him
2:00:21 should stop talking about it / more it talk about it the more likely I'll say something I regret
2:01:51 currently designing the FAT FUCK
2:02:58 if I showed it would give it away
4:04:00 Cornelius Cobb~ 🧐
2:05:35 stuff cooking in the background, at some point start streaming over there / I don’t want to confuse you guys by saying too much / prof stuff will always be my bread & butter / feel like I'm just getting started / me and blake already has massive successes and it's only feb / more appearances on blake's stream / on purpose, to have blake come back / in preparation for that / I might be taking a backseat on twitch / in the meanwhile why don't you start up and I make appearances on your stream / vacation coming up / when vtuber ramps up, dunno how often I'll be here on twitch / passing torch onto him on twitch / I'll be there when he needs me / prof lando even feels diff from me / kinda fucked up, dark: / no outlet for myself / can get depressing about it / when it's truly myself no one cares but when it's not me they care / trauma / need to keep doing classes because I'll be homeless, puts bread on the table / didn't just candidly decide to talk about it here by chance, thinking about it / secretive / lot of things about my life that's not secretive / lucky to know, meet, be friend of quinn / refreshing to see how little he overthinks things / maybe I'm overthinking things a lot / heavy weight on shoulders / cartoon characters, streaming, doesn’t have to be a fucking... / people live their life like hungry hungry caterpillar book and I'm the [serious character from serious book I missed it] doesn't have to be so weighty / for the better / better be for how much money I spent on this shit lol / not that much, exaggerating / for most people if you paid that much outta pocket it'd probably ruin ur life / I know what models cost more
2:10:50 ofc I'll let u know otherwise I'll be streaming to 25 people!! / not gonna be an anonymous vtuber account / plz for the love of god follow this account / trust me I'm not delusional about it
2:12:20 dangerous bc I'm getting excited and antsy for it
2:13:10 ligma streams will keep going / u know me I'm a dramatic guy / kinda said some things here and there but nothing substantial can be said / benefit of everyone involved / basically, I have baggage, bro! it keeps me up at night, honestly. my life's been really good but / only negativity in my life comes from my baggage with vtubing. I gotta figure it out. I gotta try. I gotta explore this / my choice was "fuck it I don't need any of that' but that's not right, if it's something that to me--that's not my answer deep down. if I, truly deep down, didn’t want anything to do with vtubing that might be the right answer but that's not even true / my best fucking friend is a vtuber, play vidya every week / vtuber stream this week / run away from it, let me at least try / yeah it sucks / idk if I was ready for other people to tell me I'm done with it / I didn't really know what was gonna happen at the time / quinn's like yeah also I saw the fucking model I know what it looks like it's in here / I got it ready / dude I shoulda fucking done that! I wish / better sooner than later I guess / hindsight, yeah
2:17:00 not gonna be delusional about it / gonna be expectations and baggage / I need to know, I need to just do it / lot of pressure but lemme be honest / when I stream on YT it's like an escape / it's unruly--btw thanks for putting up for YTC, wild / they don’t know anything about vtubing and it's kind of / means of escape for me / so much negativity and baggage for me / when I go there they love prof lando / when's the next lecture?? bussy?? / freeing in a way / but it feels like running away for me / not a clean cut / never gonna be a clean cut obv / think it's v clear with relationships I maintained / let relationships speak for me / here's the truth: ur not gonna convince anyone to be friends w/ u if ur a dick / let relationships w/ people speak for me / still feel like my life rn couldn't be better with every other aspect of my life / but man there is 1 source of negativity in my life still and it's related to vtubing / not that sad but only thing that made me sad, made me cry always romantic stuff / not v sad person but v angry person / negative thing about me
2:20:20 don't really respond with sadness, respond with anger / why I got the punching bag / thought i could just cut vtubing outta my life entirely, not true, wake up in a rage / gloves split in half at the gym
2:21:28 thought if it's such a source of negativity then cut out of life entirely / not the answer bc still very pissed / feel like everyone chalked me up on the blackboard / felt I didn't get to try if I'm being honest / felt I wasn't given a fighting chance to start it / before I got my feet off the ground, negativity was already seeping into it / early lectures on vtubers / regret I never got to try it out here with the indies / mistake / looking forward to trying it out & get over this rage / wanna be open with it / as much as I can going forward / part of why it's been such a bad trip for me / thought people would give benefit of doubt if I sacrifice and people would appreciate it but (like said last stream) can't be doing that, was catastrophic
2:24:36 avoided touching on it bc give benefit of doubt / doki's calling them dragoons, what am I even doing?? / I obv can't venture anywhere near that / feels good already talking lightly about this / sorry you will never know / I've seen you guys talk about it / you don't know and you'll never know / don't assume you know / and it eats me up inside / I'm more dramatic than Randon is / lemme tell ya (nah I can't) he's a soldier. he doesn’t complain like I do / as much as I know he'd love to as well / he'd prob hate I'm saying this
2:26:58 wish we (randon) lived closer / never been great with online relationships / never been w people i consider brothers / people always make it worth it
2:28:00 last year, it's kinda fucked / connor, reese, carol, blake have seen this / there's a darkness in me that was not there before / made a lot of new relationships, got new precious friends / anger that was not there before and it's not going away / learned to manage / not letting it affect my relationships (difficult, bumpy) / good system now: beat the fuck outta that punching bag until I can barely see straight / kinda fucked me up ngl
2:29:14 randon older than me, more experienced, dunno if he's putting on a better show than I can / I don't really know / stronger than me, not emotion--not that he's not emotional but I'm more prone to lash out & be more sensitive / need to become a vtuber again / don't care if I'm streaming to 50 ppl I gotta do this / see how it goes / interesting at v least / appreciate anyone toughing it out w me / coulda been easy for me to say fuck this and stream to enthusiastic YT crowd
2:31:00 better place now but this anger, I'm so angry sometimes / when I don't think about it I'm fine, perf / but when I think about it I lose it, I can't see straight / would help if I could talk about it but I FUCKING CAN'T I can talk like this which honestly I feel better already / raging
2:32:52 therapy?
2:33:21 what happened was fucked up / fair to say that maybe I have the right to be angry / fucked up things happen / wtf that was f'd up why did that happen I didn't deserve that / feel like my life is still productive, not hindering me from getting outta bed
2:35:44 uneven titty thing / me and carol historically closed off / been more open, but on reflection, maybe should be less open / better not to get into details on that / can assume past year impacted relationship
Last section
2:37:00 tits again
2:40:07 a long time ago I played overwatch with a bunch of people and I was like WHO THE FUCK and girl dm was like...that's me... / gonna be playing with quinn and I'll be like THIS FUCKING SWAIN IS FUCKING DOGSHIT
2:47:27 double glasses / pain noises / ded
2:48:26 HS glasses
2:49:08 I'd be such a slut with circle lenses but I can't pull it off / tried them on, guy at glasses place just said no & shook head
2:50:04 whipping glasses off/on with flourish
2:50:50 why would i make a vtuber and put glasses on that poorass bitch / want me to give him a small dick too?? it's an escape from reality! want me to give him a bad back too?
2:52:20 thought about how to keep the machine going if I died
2:55:05 not even talk about my back breaking / carol was in japan / couldn't even get out of bed for bathroom / chair for invalid person / chair goes all the way up like standing
2:56:47 reenacting the back injury / who did I even call? must've called mom / what did I even say? my back broke? / doc injected something / meds / was supposed to follow up & see doc / got better / not 100% back but I just got better idk maybe I'll regret it when I'm 50 hehe as if I'd be alive by then / mom cooked food / didn't want to make doc [hakase] take care of me but he was helping around house / carol missed that whole arc / see me use the walker and use this bed chair / seeing it is different she never got the full pic of it
2:59:21 cyberpunk? I'd be jacked in to the vr sex until I die / blah blah don't doomscroll read a book yeah we say that now but if we were immersed
3:00:20 me and reese would be like the [movie reference] fucking each other in vr
3:06:09 I'm fucked for japan, my alcohol tolerance
3:07:00 you should hear back from me by the 19th if you don't hear back from me contact my lawyer / 'surprised you have a lawyer' not gonna comment on that
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