(Cool, we can use them interchangeably if you want, Artemisia is a genus of plant that contains Wormwood, which was my second name idea but thought it was to icky given you might be bimboing her at some point? Also, as It hasn't been discussed yet.
C)Both? Not against writing it but let's see what people want?

Also, do we want a name?

[Locked in - Powers are: Enchant/Disenchant(Stared with)
Aura of Normalcy(3 votes),
Increase Arousal(2),
Decrease Inhibitions (2)]

You have [4/4 Mana]
You have Two boons

You are a Changeling. Quite a powerful one, which is why you are being pursued by several "interested" parties. But they haven't caught you yet and you still have a bit of time....


That probably would have been the best way to describe the large room you now find yourself in. You've managed to bluff your way into an induction week as a potential new student. By coincidence, there are a number of other students also there from varying schools around Canterlot.

Too many for any one student to lead the tour. Instead, people are being split into one and twos and being lead around by several full time students or staff of Canterlot High.

Could any of these people be the agents sent after you? The Equestrian was supposedly delayed yet Chrysalis's agent could be anywhere...

You don't let your nerves show. Even though you're not an infiltrator by profession, you are still a changeling and one brave enough to defy the Queen as well. You will not show terror.

You're distracted slightly by a strange tang in the air. It's magic. Which isn't wholly unusual given what your intelligence said about this place. It's had more than enough reason to be magically charged and you felt it as soon as you stepped through the mirror...

But there is something else as well...A soft, cloying sweetness that fuzzes your head slightly. A different type of magic? Not changeling or pony but something electric...

You snap back to reality as you realise you are next in line. By good fortune you realise you are perfectly poised to choose your tour guide. Your extensive spying has given you a pretty good idea of whose who.

Who do you choose?

A) The Flower Trio - You'll be outnumbered but by all accounts, they don't have much in the way of resistances. Maybe the best place to start is small?
B) Pinkie Pie - The pink girl is practically vibrating. She could be dangerous. She's said to be incredibly unpredictable and on top of that, you can feel the harmonic magic protecting her. She'll be risky, but you could have an in with the elements if all goes well?
C) Ms Harshwhinny - The dour looking older woman looks disgusted that she's been put upon to play tourguide. She's not got any magical protection but sheer bullheaded sourness might make up for that! Still, you would have a foothold in the faculty and then you're only a few steps from the Principals...
D) Flash Sentry - The handsome young man is smiling genially and having a warm conversation with a attractive young woman in a leather vest that you recognise as Sunset Shimmer. The leader of the elements in this world. She doesn't appear to be participating in the tours yet Flash Sentry could be another avenue to pursue to strike at Sunset.
E) Other?

Male - 1
Female 1
Both - 1
A) - 1,
B) - 1,
C) - 1,1,1 - Harshwhinny
D) -
E) -

The Frumpy looking woman scowls as you approach. It's a pretty good scowl actually. You're not sure if even Chrysalis could do better with the woman's look of sheer put-upon weariness and general contempt for all and sundry.

Still, with nothing more than a sniff to let you know her feelings and double clock of her pen,

'Name?' She says tersely and you respond quickly, the stern woman reminding you of your lecturers in the Hive's Arcane University,

'Gossamer Wing, Ma'am'

She quirks an eyebrow at the "Ma'am" before looking down and scribbling some details down on her clipboard.

You take some time to study her. She's not "unattractive" per se, in fact if she tidied up and stopped scowling she would probably be a very well matured older woman. Her long tan cardigan obscures most of her upper half and the beige slacks aren't helping either but despite some plumpness caused by age and lines on her face caused by stress...

Yeah...You could work with this...

'Come on then.' She says, beckoning you with her clipboard.

You follow, your short, slender body having trouble keeping up with the woman's long, purposeful stride. You wish you could change yourself but your shifting magic only seems to work on and off and you'd rather not suddenly grow two foot and three cupsizes mid conversation...

Still, as short and skinny as you are, from what you can tell, your soft, aqua skin doesn't seem riddled with pimples and by all the standards of the school you seem "cute but unassuming..."

You also get a view of Ms Harshwhinny ass that is neither "cute or unassuming." It's large, plump even with very little in the way of sag. In fact, it'd look pretty appealing in anything other than brown slacks and the stiff gaited walk of Ms Harshwhinny.

'You'll be expected to join a club. Several have been formed by..."enterprising"...students to help you get a feel for what Canterlot High is all about.' She says the words in the deadpan tone of voice of a woman reading off a script. Apart from the words "enterprising" which she says like she's verbally scraping it off of her shoe.

She hands you a scrap of paper with several clubs on them and their Coordinators, Many of them have already been stamped as filled

-Applied Sciences - MoonDancer and (Sci)Twilight Sparkle. It occurs to you that you may be able to learn more about your powers and how the effect the world here. Your reports mention that the two coordinators were dabbling in it.

-Botany - Lead by Treehugger and Daisy. It mentions that Daisy will be unavailable for the first day due to tour duties. You were never an alchemist. Your inborn talent never forcing you to stoop to the levels of those dabbling amateurs but there may be something to it in this world?

-Cooking - Lead by Pinkie Pie. (Somehow doubling up as a tourguide and a coordinator).

-Sports - Lead by Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust. This one is probably the least appealing to you. You were never the most physical of changelings to begin with, somthing the Drill'Lings took great pleasure in reminding you of when you were trained for special operations yet as Ms Harshwhinny guides you past the sports field you feel a thrumb of that cloying, overpowering magic coming from the sports shed. It's a fast pulse and it almost bowls you over as a dull but insistent warmth appears between your legs.

Ms Harshwhinny seems to feel it as well, even though she doesn't have your knack for sensing magic. Her breath catches in her throat and a small flush rises to her cheeks, a lock of her tightly wound bun springs free and falls over her face.

It's over in an instant but you certainly felt it. You'd need access to the SportsShed to get a better look at whatever the hell that was though...

It also occurs to you, alone with Ms Harshwhinny in the shadow of the gym, that you could work some magic here if you were inclined...

[Mana 4/4
Spells available:
1B)Increase Arousal
1C)Decrease Inhibitions
1D)Save it for later.]

[Choices for Clubs -
2E) Skive off and see if you can follow Ms Harshwhinny around.
2F) Other?]

The pulse leaves you monetarily dazed but not stunned enough to feel a slight tickle of the strange foreign magic try to creep into your body. It doesn't feel malicious, it barely feels sentient. Merely a collection of sensations and ideas wrapped in a hazy pink cloud of bubblyness and arousal.

You fight it off, swatting it away on impulse and bringing your magical defences up but it flees before anything more can come of it. It seems...flighty? It wasn't so much an attack, not even a probe just a quick slap on the ass...


You feel there is a power there. A deep reservoir of magic that you could maybe use? A power you could maybe use? But what's the stop it using you?

Your thoughts are interrupted by a soft sigh for Ms Harshwhinny. She shivers slightly, eyes glowing a soft pink as a series of subtle changes wash over her. A few of the lines on her face fade, her hair regaining some of it's lustre as it grows a few inches, filling with volume. Several more locks burst free of the tight bun before it cinches tighter, enveloping them once more in an even larger, somehow even more severe bun. That appears to be the end of it. It doesn't seem like much and yet...was her blouse and cardigan tighter?

It was hard to tell.

'Ahem-' Harshwhinny says, shaking her head and collecting herself. The pink fading from her eyes, replaced with the same stern stare...

Or was it perhaps softer?

She clicks her pen once more, snatching the paper from you and quirking a slender eyebrow,

She's far to professional to say anything but she's clearly chewing on somthing-

'Are...' She begins hesitantly, her voice for the first time betraying a hint of tenderness, 'I must warn you Ms Wing, Ms Dash and Ms Dust are somewhat...keen, when it comes to sport.'

She's seen your skinny nerdy body and she's worried that you're gonna be broken by the two sports buffs.

You're not to hot on the idea yourself but somthing happened in that shed and you're gonna get to the bottom of it.

Harshwhinny sees your assent and clears her throat brusqly before turning and tromping back across the field,

'This way then-Come on, Chop Chop!'

You sight the motley clump that makes up the sport's club, hanging out at the top of the field.

There...doesn't seem to be much sport going on...

Instead, two young women are sprinting as fast as they can away from the goal posts on the opposite side of the field towards the group.

As they grow closer, you easily clock the short rainbow haired woman as Rainbow Dash, while the similarly built woman with the shock of lightning golden hair you guess is Lightning Dust. They appear to be at a head, neck and neck before you see a gloating smirk come over Rainbow's face as she surges with a burst of astounding speed in the last stretch.

She easily outstrips Lightning who curses loudly as Rainbow crosses by the soccer posts marking the finishing line. A couple of the sports inductees applaud and clap, a few slapping Rainbow on the back while Lightning looks venomous. Most, having watched Lightning and Rainbow just race each other for the past twenty minutes look either sheepish or bored

Rainbow looks triumphant.

Both faces pale as-

'Ms Dust, Ms Dash!' Ms Harshwhinny says, striding forward and bearing down on the two of them,

'Hey Ms Harshwhinny, You're looking good-'

'What did I say when I brought the last group? You are here to run the attendees through Canterlot High's Prestigious sports facilities-'

The tirade goes on for a while and only ends with Ms Harshwhinny storming away, promising to be back promptly with more recruits and swearing blind that there better be some "team games or somthing of that kind!' when she gets back.

Rainbow looks suitably chided, her blue cheeks blushing while Lightning just looks mutinous. They soon get the gaggle of students into groups and paired up doing various sporty things.

Rainbow coughs awkwardly and walks over to you, holding out her hand. You take it, her grip is firm and she gives you a teasing squeeze before slapping you on the shoulder.

'How ya doing? I'm Rainbow and that's Lightning-' She jerks her head over to the mulish looking Lightning Dust, '-Uh, Sorry you had to see that-Me and Lightning get a little Competitive. I don't know why, I beat her every time-' She says teasingly, softly rocking into Lightning and shouldering her playfully.

Lightning shoves her back, perhaps a bit harder than is warranted but Rainbow takes it in stride.
'Not every time, Remember when-'

'That doesn't count.' Rainbow says briskly,


'Neither does that time!'

You get the impression this is pretty standard faire for them and yet-


There's somthing off about Lightning. It's barely perceptible but...

You lock up slightly as you sense an innate magic in her, is it StarveHeart?
Or Artemisia or whatever the hell she's calling herself now.

Has she found you already? There was nothing in Lightning Dust's files about magic-

Wait...No...That's not it...

Theirs's just a wisp of pink around her aura...

Dormant or hiding...


'Funny how whenever I win it doesn't count-' Lightning says, her smile showing a lot of gritted teeth and Rainbow gives another cheeky grin,

'Weeelll...We could always go again if you want?'

Lightning blinks, frowning, 'But Ms Harshwhinny said-'

'Aw come on, She won't be back for like, another five, ten minutes? Not even you're that slow Lightning-'

Lightning grits her teeth and says nothing, only nods, accepting the challenge before her face smooths suddenly, a grin crossing her face-

The Pink Aura around her swells, bubbling up as if excited.

'Sure, you're on Dash. First though, I think we're gonna need more balls-'

'That's what she said-'

'-for the club, Dash. For the club-' She rolls her eyes before plastering a grin on her face again, 'You mind grabbing them? I've just go to...stretch off real quick.'

You smell bullshit but Rainbow shrugs and heads off towards the sports shed.

The shed-Where the pulse originated from! You could tag along...then again, Lightning was heading off behind one of the bleachers, a determined look on her face, the pink magic following her eagerly

[A) Tag along with Rainbow
B) Sneak after Lightning]

(Fucking long one sorry)

[Probably last one for today. Hopefully the thread is around when I wake up. Hope peeps are enjoying.]

It's easy to creep after Lightning. It's not like she's subtle although she does throw a few shifty looks over her shoulder. Still, you manage to stay out of sight as the small woman tucks out of sight. She unslings a small sports bag she was carrying over her shoulder and opens it, biting her lip and shuddering slightly as a soft pink light begins to spill out of it. She shuts it quickly and with another quick, darting look she quickly shucks off her loose fitting shorts, leaving her in a pair of bright yellow panties. With a determined sigh as if she's trying to psyche herself up, she quickly strips her panties off as well. Leaving her naked, her short yet toned legs trailing up to a toned rear, lightning bolt cutie mark exposed.

Her small quim, framed with a short tuft of golden hair is glistening and she moans softly as she reaches into the bag again and quickly yanks out a pair of bright pink sports trunks.

The trunks beam with the purplish pink magic and despite the distance, you feel your breath hitch as your pussy warms once more. Lightning, gritting her teeth and trembling against her own lustful urges, quickly puts them on. Sighing in pleasure as they slide up legs and letting out a very girlish squeal as they slide up to her pussy. She shoves her fist into her mouth as the stretchy lycra shorts seem to shift and move, tightening around the girl's legs and ass. Her pussy and ass outlined in lurid detail and then-

'Ooooh~' Lightning moans as she grows slightly, not by much, just a few inches to her legs, her stride lengthening as her knees slam together. 'Ooh fuck-' Her glutes firm, the shorts stretching, showing two perfectly firmed globes of ass tight enough to bounce a quarter off!

She breathes heavily, leaning against the bleachers before suddenly springing up, a delirious grin on her face as she does a few experimental bounces, a few mini sprints with her new, longer and more powerful legs-

'Yesss! Suck it Rainbow-Ah!' She cuts off suddenly, biting her lip and you can see a definite flash of lust in her eyes, her toungue darting out and running over her lips.

You wonder what exactly Lightning was imagining Rainbow "sucking."

'Ooohkay-Keep it together Lightning-Just one race and you can shove them in a drawer and forget about them-'

Well...This was a development...

It occurs to you that Lightning might be...vulnerable in this state. Not just for a direct confrontation and maybe some questioning but she's a veritable font of magic at the moment and her defences are lowered!

Those tight little shorts seem to be powered as well-You might be able to disenchant them and nab that little spell for yourself...or maybe you wanted to add a little somthing somthing to them yourself...Give the cheater a little more than she bargained for? You don't know the ins and outs of the spell on the shorts but you could expend a little mana and give it a boost?

[A) Confront Lightning.
B) Don't Confront Lightning
C) Confront Lightning with a spell first
D) Don't confront Lightning but throw a spell her way!
E} Fuck all of this, go get Rainbow!]

[Mana Available: 4/4
Spells available:
1B)Increase Arousal
1C)Decrease Inhibitions
1D)Boost it!]

[Locked in C) and 1B) with bimbo magic.]

You swallow, brow furrowing in concentration as you carefully weave the spell of arousal. However instead of using your own inbuilt pool of mana, you tap into the buzzing, alluring magic around Lightning. You thread it through yourself and immediately gasp as you take it into yourself.

You feel buoyed up by the cosy feeling of a warm hug, your troubles, Starveheart, The Queen, and any thoughts of conquest seem to float away. It would be much easier just to stay here and have some fun! You fight against them, trying to stopper the flow as the cold calculating part of your mind rebels.

The warm content feeling flows through your mind, warping slightly as what "Fun" you could have begins to twist into decidedly naughty. The warm hug feeling becomes more of a caress...

You feel a burning between your legs that spreads across your own rear and legs. Your twiggy legs fill with a modicum of definition, not enough to even come close to matching Dust and Dash but more than your had. You reckon you could actually run without falling over from exhaustion. Your rear also perks up, filling out slighty beneath your light blue skirt. You shiver, as the spell releases and your whole body aglow.

After that, you waste no time-

Your spell, infused with light hits Lightning in the ass as she's trying to pull her baggy shorts on over the tight pink ones. She moans loudly and stumbles, one foot in the baggy shorts as they slide back down her knees.

'What? Oh fuckkk-' She gasps, 'Quit it!' She scolds the shorts as they glow softly. She shoves her hand down the front of them. If you're being generous you could say she was adjusting them but more likely she's just slipped a finger into herself-

She checks her watch, wondering if she has time for a quick frig before running the race but she's interrupted by you-

She looks up, shocked and guilty, pulling her glistening hand out from her tight undershorts and tries to yank the sensible black ones up her legs-

'Oh fuck! What the fuck are you doing back here?' She huffs, covering her guilt and arousal with anger. 'Get back to the group, Can't a girl get a moment of privacy?'

You sense she is really horny. Perhaps you could use that?

Bimbo Acolyte - This is probably fine...

A) Hard approach. Question aggressively. Use her arousal to get answers. Probably won't endear yourself to her but will probably get the most answers in the time you have.
B) Soft approach. Question Softly. Enflame her arousal and see if you can tease the answers out of her. Won't get as many answers in the short term but you might make a friend!

Mana 4/4
Boons 2/2
Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions

(Just to make thing easier. We'll say that if you don't vote for any spells you're not using them rather than me having a dedicated vote for doing nothing. Also, If you feel you can argue that you can boost the effectiveness of a choice with a BOON feel free to do so if you wish to expend one.)

'I-I saw you change-' You gasp, making your voice soft and questioning rather than aggressive, working the shy shrinking violet angle. You have a feeling that any act of aggression would probably be only responded in kind by the proud athlete. Instead you go for the soft approach, stepping closer while pushing ekeking out a little more power into the spell.

You have a feeling that Lightning probably likes to be the one in charge and acting the submissive while she's this horned up might help establish a link.

'I-Ah!' She grits her teeth, fighting the boiling pot of arousal she's feeling and tries to pull her shorts up again, the elastic waistband struggling slightly.

'I don't know what you're talking about!' Lightning says, eyes darting nervously, she opens her mouth to say somthing further,

'I won't tell anyone.' You say quickly, projecting just the right amount of awed interest and taking another step closer, wringing your hands in front of you. You also subtly thrust your chest out, the tight, dark green sweater vest framing a small but perky chest.

Lightning's eyes flick down to it and she licks her lips, eyes dilating slighty as she licks her lips, not quite a leer but more than a casual interest. She's suddenly not as focused on pulling her shorts up.


The yellow haired woman shakes her head briskly, opening her mouth to snap somthing else before shutting it with a click.



There's a moments silence before,

'Look-It's not cheating. I'm just evening the playing field! I used to win all the time! We were a pair! And then-'

'and then she got magic?' You say, egging on her feelings of resentment and sending another flare of arousal to her quim.

'Yeah! Then suddenly she's got a whole bunch of new friends and she's leaving me in the dirt!'

'That's unfair.' You coo, taking another step forward, hands behind your back and eyes as doe-eyed as possible, 'It's not right she just made you the rebound girl...'

'I wasn't the rebound girl!' She snaps before shutting her mouth again, her eyes lowering, 'I guess I was...'

She sighs and seems to deflate, shoulders hunching, 'Eh...I wasn't a very good friend...We only met because she was manipulated into blowing off her other friends by Sunset...'

You reach out and place a hand on her shoulder,

'I just wanted a taste of the old days I guess...' She says morosely, 'Ah shit! This was so stupid!'

She shucks off her shorts again and half pulls down the pink trunks before her eyes go wide, remembering that you're here and she's essentially stripping in front of you!

'Shit-Uh...Gossamer, right?' She says, half frozen as she pulls the tight trunks down her toned legs. She looks torn about whether she wants you to leave or continue to watch...

Residual effects of the bimbo magic making her more flighty, your magic or maybe she's just more open with nudity than others?

A) Stay, quiz her about the shorts. There might be more to learn and sexy fun times might release more bimbo-magic unpredictably!
B) Stay, Make a move. She'll probably be receptive and you'll have a much closer vantage on those magical ass huggers!
C) Leave, Watch what she does with the shorts. You might be able to nab them later!
D) Leave but disenchant the shorts, nabbing the spell for your own repertoire.
E) Throw a little more magic in them pants!
F) Other

Or a combination of above?

(Just for a bit of clearance, again I want to stay away from the crunch as best as I can. The Bimbo Booty shorts are an ITEM OF POWER. These are pre-enchanted items that generate their own mana. Meaning the spell on them "Body Mod - Fitness" is permanent and does not need to reapplied at the cost of mana, unlike your own minor enchantment spell. There is an initial enchantment cost though, expending one mana for each spell you throw on them.

If you disenchant them, you gain "Body mod - Fitness" for your spellbook but they lose the self regeneration aspect. You can also stack affects on ITEMS OF POWER unlike minor enchanted items that you create yourself.

This might not be so useful to you now as your spell book is limited. You could chuck a decrease inhibitions or increase arousal on them but they already do that pretty well themselves. You could throw an aura of normality on their if you were inclined and stealth any changes. The Magus is big on interacting with these ITEMS OF POWER, unlike the Alchemist and the Infiltrator who would probably be more about working around them.

Final Note: I'm bad at thinking of choices(Not good for a CYOA) so if you guys can think of anything you want to throw into F) then be my guest! )

[Locked in - A) wins with two votes! Quiz her about the shorts.]
You resist the urge to jump Lightning with a great deal more difficulty than you would like. Hive Damn It, even though you've only tasted it slighty, the giggling pink magic continues to push you to think with your pussy before your mind!

Still, you are a master of your own body as well as your mind and with a few deep breaths you regain control of yourself just in time to watch Lightning, with another furious blush of pleasure yank of the shorts and shove them in her sports bag. You can still feel them, the energy pushing to get out however they seem somewhat spent on firming up Lightning's ass.

She quickly pulls her black shorts all the way back up, forgetting to put her other panties back on you notice...

You stand quietly, still the picture of the quiet confidante, peeking through the bleachers as a lookout-

'We clear?' Lightning says, coming up behind you and you feel through your bond she's still incredibly aroused but seems to be the kind to burn off her frustrations through exercise if she can't do somthing more personal...

'Yeah-' You briefly wonder what's keeping Ms Harshwhinny. Maybe she's having her own frustrations after her blast with the rogue magic...

The both of you dart out from behind the bleachers and begin making your way back to the group,

'So...Um...Where did you get them?'


'The shorts...They, Um They're obviously the catalyst-'

'Obviously?' Lightning says, her eyes narrowing in suspicion at your reach.

Shit. To far. You're not used to dealing with people who can't see the arcane ebb and flow. To Lightning and everyone else, they just look like pair of pink undershorts...

Granted some very pink ones...

You never normally would have made this blunder. Is it exhaustion, stress at being chased or is the bimbo-magic messing with your head. You can still feel it after burning through it to cast your spell. It's attached itself to your own mana reservoir...Just a small blot of it but it's there...

'Well-Um, You put them on and then um...things happened-' You once again play up your unsure companion façade, 'and um-they don't really look like your style?' You add meekly as she continues to stare.

You wonder if she's normally this on edge or if she knows somthing you don't...Somthing that's got her spooked?

Her suspicion fades slightly but doesn't totally abate. She's quiet for some time and you catch sight of Rainbow Dash in the middle distance, Her arms folded as she taps her foot impatiently.

'There...There was a woman-' Lightning swallows and you feel a burst of lust flare up in Lightning as she says "Woman"

As well as a twinge of fear...

'I ran into her during my morning run, on the outskirts of Whitetail Woods...She said she knew how I was feeling...about Rainb-Ahem-about stuff...She gave me the pants, said they would fix things...'

You stare at her, incredulous,

'and that wasn't the least bit strange?'

'Well-Yeah-I thought she was a dealer at first, I was going to deck her before she started her spiel...'

'and you just believed her-' Your breath catches as a thought flits across your mind-

"Minor Truth." You knew the spell but hadn't been able to quite translate it into working in the human world. But it sounded like someone had...

Lightning didn't seem like the type to take strange shorts off a mystery forest women, no matter how hot she thought they were...

She was cocksure, arrogant but not gullible...

Lightning continues,

'Yeah, I guess-' She says, her voice sounding unsure as her mind grapples with the spell, 'but I mean, what did I have to lose right? They're cute shorts!' Her voice changes at the last sentence becoming airy and bubbly and totally unlike Lightnings usual voice. A wisp of magic flows across her eyes, an echo of the enchantment placed on her?

'-God, I'm not sure why I'm telling you all this...'

You could guess, it's possible if their is some strange sexy lady going around distributing incredibly powerful items. It might help to have your "customers" advertise if someone asks...

It occurs to you, you might be able to help here.
For the given value of what you consider help and who exactly you're helping...
Also, Lightning spooked and looking for a friend, maybe a bit of honesty about who you are, (with a few details twisted) might go a long way. Blagging yourself as a friendly magic user would alleviate her suspicions as well...

Still, Starveheart is still out there, and so will Honourheart as well sooner rather than later...Plus this third person who may or may not be hostle but is certainly more powerful than you at present

The more a secret is spread, the harder it is to keep...

Lightning Dust Bond:
[*----] You're name's Gossamer or somthing?

1A) Keep quiet. Lightning's a loudmouth.
1B) Lie, You're from Equestria, Investigating Rogue Magic and Changelings.
1C) The whole truth. You're a baddie and you want to rule the world. Why would you do this.

2A - Disenchant Lightning. Remove the Minor Truth. She'll realise what's happened. You'll have removed an agent of Shadowy Hot Lady and thwarted her plans. But Lightning will probably run to Sunset and Co.
2B - Do Nothing. You're not sure how much control Shadowy Hot Lady has over Lightning or what other spells she's cast but you've no reason to suspect she knows about you. It's probably best not to tip your hand.

Locked in 1B/2A

You stop Lightning just before you make it back to Rainbow and the rest, taking her by the arm and looking into her eyes with every ounce of faux-sincerity you can conjure. Reel her in with kernels of truth, like breadcrumbs and soon you'll have her eating out of your hand

'Lightning-' You say intensely before looking down, outwardly nervous, trying to draw out her curiosity.

'Look-I'm going to need you to trust me. I didn't just stumble onto you-' You say, using a little of your limited shapechanging magic to blush on command, looking embarrassed at the memory.

Lightning blushes in embarrassment also, as well as arousal. Your spell is still raging through her and she looks as if she'd rather be doing other things...

'I'm-I'm from the other side of the mirror-' You say, still acting nervous. In fact it wasn't just acting. This could still go wrong quite easily.

Lightning's eyes widen in shock and more than a little fear and she opens her mouth, but you cut her off quickly, the words spilling from your mouth-

'I'm here to help, I'll explain later-Look-I think that woman did somthing to you. Think about it. Think about what you just told me. I know you know it doesn't make any sense! W-Will you let me help you?'

You say, raising a hand and allowing Lightning to see the soft green glow emanate from your palm. Her mouth drops open and she takes a step back, looking over her shoulders in an manner bordering on panicky.

Rainbow and the rest of the group haven't seen you guys yet and Lightning's face is a war of conflicting emotions. Not all of them her own either...

Now you've challenged it, you can see the spell warring on her mind, mixed with her own willpower. She squeezes her eyes shut and nods vigorously, her mouth shut tight.

You reach forward and place a hand on the side of her face, cupping her cheek as you [DISENCHANT] her. She gasps, staggering back slightly as the block in her mind vanishes and she fully realises how bizarre this whole thing was.

...As well as other sensations crash down upon her more fully.

'God-I'm so fucking horny!' She hisses as she becomes fully conscious of the effects of the magic before she slams her mouth shut, her face beet red.

'I mean-Um-Shit-' She says, squeezing her legs together and hunching slightly, legs trembling.

'Sorry-' You say, eyes darting about. You actually hadn't meant this bit to happen but the spell also seemed to be keeping some of the arousal tamped down...

'I um-' You begin but she waves you off, standing up straighter-

'No-It's fine. I get it...I think I get it at least...I'll deal-' She gives you a tight grin that doesn't disguise how much she wants to drag you back behind the bleachers.

'Hey! What they heck are you guys doing over there?' Rainbow calls out, striding forward and Lightning grimaces before straightening again, looking for all the world like she wants to bolt if Rainbow's image of her didn't mean so much to her...

'Damnit-Fuck, Okay, Okay, Okay-' She says, her voice hushed as she suddenly goes full "Tactical Coach Mode' despite how husky with arousal her voice is.

'Okay, What do I need to know. Quick. We can talk after.'

'Um-Rogue Magic. Potentially Rogue Magic users, Also shapeshifters that can take people's forms so we can't just run to Sunset and beg for help.'

Lightning stares, eyes wide in disbelief before nodding quickly, surprisingly rapid on the uptake,

'Uh-Okay, Trust no one. Don't take gifts from strangers. Got it.'

You feel the shorts in her bag pulse again with magic and she lets out a soft sigh, her fingers tightening around the bag's strap as it tries to work its seductive influence on the sporty woman again.

You open your mouth to say somthing, to warn her but Lightning beats you to it, seemingly more aware of the magic than you gave her credit for.

She unslings the bag of her shoulder and after a moments hesitation and a desperate look of longing at the bag and it's contents she shoves the bag into your hands.

'Take it-I-I still want to wear them-like...a lot. I don't think I trust myself-'

By this point Rainbow has finished jogging over, her face questioning and Lightning hisses,

'We'll talk after!'

She says before dashing over to greet Rainbow, leaving you with the glowing shorts.

[LIGHTNING DUST BOND +2 [***--] The other Sporty and Shygirl Combo.
[-1 mana for disenchant. 3/4 remaining]

You've got a few options now, the session seems to be winding down as Lightning and Rainbow direct people this way and that. You even see Ms Harshwhinny striding back across the green. Are her heels taller?

A) Stick close to Lightning. You've got a solid bond now and you felt a definite bond of affection between the two of you. Then again, breaking mind control will do that for a friendship. Of course, so will casting mind control but we can come to that later...

1 B) Go seek out Rainbow Dash. She doesn't look much different and she doesn't seem to be surrounded by anything other than harmonic magic but she did go into the sports shed...

1,1 C) Ms Harshwhinny is alone. I mean, she doesn't look lonely but she's still got wisps of pink magic clinging to her. Not enough to change her anymore but you could give it a little nudge, maybe a boost?

1 D) Go off on your own. No one will notice you missing and it might be an idea to scope the rest of the school out. If Shadowy Hot Lady knows Lightning Dust's woes, it stands to reason she might be spying somewhere...

E) Other

You smile devishly as you hold the shorts in your hand. You had a new friend, a new source of love but perhaps more importantly. You had the shorts. They thrummed with arcane power. A strange and alluring power that you hadn't fully got a grasp on yet but you were going to wring every bit of influence you could out of the untapped well.

Your grin only broadens as you walk up towards Ms Harshwhinny, twirling your fingers in a deliberate and precise movements as you feed some of your own mana into the remaining wisps still on the older women. The shorts are pretty tapped out at the moment, and as you watch Lightning's toned rear as she runs back and forth you can see why. Still, you push a little of your power through them and send it floating over to Ms Harshwhinny.

The pink tendrils of light glow and swell around her as your magic mixes with them and you watch the tendrils caress and slide across the stern and focused teacher.

Who it has to be said, now looks considerably less stern and focused than she did a few moments ago.

Her lips part as she stares in confusion at her clipboard, reading the same line over and over as her mind goes slightly fuzzy. The same lips plump up slighty as her stern countenance smooths somewhat as she loses a few more years of age. Her tight bun swells again, writhing against itself as it poofs out, the more hair their is, the tighter the bun seems to grow, the pencil Harshwhinny used to hold it in place creaking dangerously as it strains.

Her frumpy cardigan thins somewhat, hugging her figure in a much more flattering way as said figure also shifts somewhat. She loses some of the fat around he waist as it shifts upwards. The soft swell of her breasts grows more pronounced, her blouse and cardigan snug against her chest.

The magic of the shorts is also in effect. She slims down further, unfortunately losing some of her ass in the process as her legs firm. Her height, already enhance by a pair of sensible, if tall heels also increases. She jumps up another two or three inches of pure leg.

And what a leg...Her sensible tan slacks have also slimmed down into a pair of form fitting pants that outline her long, slender legs...

You feel a slight bit of feedback that grows rapidly as you cast the spell. You currently have control of the Pink Magic enhanced spell and you think you could nip it off here with no further risk and yet...

The spell seems to be in a state of flux. The two different types of bimbo magic, the latent one clinging to her and the one you added from the shorts seems to be warring, your mana in the middle ready to tip the scales...

To do so though you might have to expose yourself to whatever magic wins this toss up...

A) Nip it off there. You've done enough and can come back to this there is less risk.

B) Tip it in the short's favour. From what you can glean, it'll tip her more towards a +Fitness outcome. You get the feeling she'll youthen somewhat as well, these were meant for Lightning Dust after all. You will be exposed to the same magic. You don't imagine you'll get much younger but you might be able to keep up with Lightning at least...

C) Tip it towards the more mature form of magic. The Magic on Harshwhinny has already been on her for a while and has acclimatised to making her into a more "Mature" type of slut. A cougar teacher is rarely unappreciated. You will be exposed to the same magic. You don't imagine this will MILF you in a oner but You'll be a few years older than you were...

D) Fuck it, add more gas to this fire and let them duke it out. -1 mana. High Exposure!

E) Other? Swing it in another direction?

2/4 Mana remaining.
2 BOONS. [Can be used to boost spells or choices]

[Locked in with C & D with two votes. Sorta.]


A wild surge of excitement and recklessness wells up inside you as you feel the font of power sparking inside the dazed woman. She's pretty good as she is but why not more. You can take the hit that comes from the backlash. You throw more mana into the maelstrom and delight as the magic seems to explode outwards, enveloping Ms Harshwhinny before shooting into her body through every available orifice.

It's fortunate she's a way off from the group because the moan that explodes from her mouth is loud as her clothes vanish from her body...

The shorts fizzle and glow as you swamp magic through them, trying valiantly even though you've tipped the scales against them. She grows a full half foot, any remaining plumpness draining from her body leaving her clothes hanging off before they begin to fill again. Taut muscle begins to from across her body, her ass and legs firming as her biceps twitch into defined being along with a faint trance of abs.

Not an Amazonian by any standard but compared to the short plump woman she was...

Now she certainly took care of her body.

Then the shorts gave out and the scales skewed the other way very quickly.

Any previous youthening that the shorts had done on her were quickly blown back into full fledged MILFdom as Harshwhinny's face regained it's mature haughtiness along with a large scoop of sexiness! Her already sizeable breasts, having slimmed slightly from her brief fitness binge exploded back outwards, growing at least two cupsizes, their sag was offset somewhat by her strong pecs and back, having just enough to prove they were natural.

A blanket of feminine plush coated her taut stomach and toned thighs, covering her gains but her large ass spoke of numerous squat classes that warred with her wide hips for attention.

She sighed, her voice deepening into a sensuous purr as the woman's mind both unbent slighty and at the same time tightened like a spring. She was here to work, She was VERY good at being professional and she expected the same of everyone else. No exceptions.

But when she let her hair down...

Her clothes reformed around her. A pair of TALL purple heels and deep black tights framed and elevated her feet while the tight black tights encased her long legs. They met a deep purple dress, professionally long around her upper legs but cut TIGHT around her ass and thighs. A matching purple jacket and white blouse set that covered her arms and sadly most of her mouth watering tits appeared next. The jacket however did button up low, beneath her large breasts and forcing them up where the smartly buttoned shirt clung tight.

Harshwhinny breathed out, rolling her shoulders as if trying to work out a cramp before turning her sharp blue eyes back to her clipboard.

[Harshwhinny - [**---] Outwardly Professional. Inwardly...well...

You feel especially proud of yourself.

And then the backlash hits you full in the face.

Or full in the everywhere...

You also grow, only a few inches but you'll overshoot Lightning by a margin by now. You moan, skin afire as your A-cups begin to swell in your bottle green sweater. Your nipples are two hard points as they press into your long sleeve shirt. Your shirt just straight up vanishes as your breasts push into, leaving only a slowly tightening sweater vest to cover your tits. They're probably a decent handful by now. You don't get the free tights unfortunately, instead your sensible panties and bra morph into somthing a tad more risque. Not enough to be seen and commented on but you certainly feel sexy under your clothes...

Your skirt stays roughly the same, creeping up a few inches, showing more bare, smooth leg and your shoes become trendy pumps that should give you another inch of everyone else.

For the first time in your life. You're not going to be the runt anymore...

You tremble as you feel yourself age up a few years. Not by much but you're probably not student age anymore. Your mind is bombarded with more cloying, giggling bimbo energy and it's all you can to hold on as your hair light blue hair begins to billow out behind you, blowing out from it's scrunchie easily

You wonder how that's going to effect things going forward...You did cast Aura of Normalcy along with it so hopefully that will rationalise all these changes for you for you!

You don't seem to get as much of a strength boost as Ms Harshwhinny but you certainly feel like you're the type of gal that goes running every day....

You breath heavily, mind fuzzy as you try to get your bearings. You almost stagger slightly, spacing out before a harsh, Snap-Snap-Snap breaks you from your daze.

You look up, and up and up and see Ms Harshinny bearing down on your. Her slender eyebrow cocked once more. Unlike last time however, this one suggested things outside of the strictly safe for work.

She snapped another finger, long painted nails glinting as you blink at her dumbly,

'Ms Wing. Gossamer. Pay attention.' She says and the sheer authority forces your dazed mind into gear.


Harshwhinny sighs again,

'and this is why I was against recruiting faculty straight from the box...' She reaches into her jacket, causing a certain amount of jiggle and pulls out a badge and a lanyard and handing it over.

'I have your badge. Keep it on you at all times.' She says briskly as you look at it,

'Gossamer Wing. Assistant Teacher.'

Bimbo level:
[*---] Bimbo Apprentice
PATH UNLOCKED: Academic! Current Level - TA [
What better way than to exude your power than influencing the genius's of tomorrow! And maybe fucking a few as well!]

Your recent bout with the feedback has let you work out how exactly to translate this spell into working. Perhaps Lightning could make a much more useful accomplice if she was the Coach or maybe the Principal would be much easier to deal with if she was bratty senior?

[BIMBO's Shorts +1]
The tight shorts, though expended at the moment seem to burn with an power greater than what they did before you funnelled a great deal of magic through them. They're significantly more powerful than they were. And hungry as well it seems...

You realise that perhaps any mana points spent on ITEMS OF POWER, will increase their power. This stacks with adding new effects or simply boosting them on their own. With enough addons, the cumulative power could get pretty wacky pretty quickly...


'Now, We won't throw you in the deep end on your first day. I apologise for sending you to Ms Dash and Ms Dust right off the bat but I was somewhat hurried and despite their...coarseness...They are generally capable of taking care of themselves-We did, after all win the Crystal Games three years running!'

She says this with confidence, her chest swelling with pride and drawing quite a fair amount of attention as well.

'Now, I normally don't do this but as I said, We are quite short staffed during this week as you can imagine with all the new potential students.'

She snaps her fingers again, punctuating her next words,

'So! A few options available to you. You are not expected anywhere so don't feel pressured by any of these choices.'

She's much more...vibrant, than she was before. Where as before she was a rock, slwoly eroded by the stream of time and public schooling. Now she seems to be the stream, or even a river, powering it's way down and carrying everything and all along with her!

A) Visit the faculty room. It should be fairly quiet with how busy everyone is but there might be a few ways you could continue your infiltration...
B) Follow Ms Harshwhinny. You're an assistant. You can certainly assist her. Buried beneath her cool and collected façade, you can still feel a boiling kernel of arousal and now that you think of it. When she thinks your not looking she's definitely appreciating the view.
C) Go find Lightning. Hopefully she'll still recognise you!
D) Do a bit of exploring. There's still much more of this place to uncover and seeds to sow...
E) Sit in on a class
F) Other?

A) 1,1,1
C) - 1

You sidle into the faculty room. While not large it's reasonably well appointed and about as cosy as the rest of Crystal Prep. Several long and comfortable looking sofas stretch out. Only one of them is occupied with you think is Raven, the school's receptionist. The pale woman is probably only a few years older than you and absolutely conked out.

She looks like she's been put through the wringer if you're honest. Her blouse unbuttoned at the neck and her black sweater wrinkled. She's kicked off her trainers, which are an odd contrast given the rest of her professional garb but you suppose she is on her feet all day and as far as you can tell it's the once concession the diligent assistant makes. Her glasses are hanging loosely from her hand as she snoozes softly.

There's also a small room for personal effects and a small kitchen nook with a fridge and a coffee machine along with a few other sundries. Although the rest of the faculty isn't here at the moment, you reckon with a quick bit of enchanting you could sow some seeds...

Let's see here...

Raven's glasses would be a pretty good thing to throw a spell on. It might be more effective than just whammying her now. The glasses could in theory self recharge if she walked into a patch of ambient magic and she would have them on all day...

You also have a set of small books, they appear to be from the academy's library, checked out by Cheerilee. You're not sure how useful the librarian would be to your plans unless you wanted to start distributing enchanted books...Might be an in with the brainy clique?

There is a dark, foreboding and Powerful looking pot of coffee beans marked with "VICE PRINCIPAL LUNA'S. DO NOT TOUCH ON PAIN OF DEATH."

Penultimately, there is a small bowl of fresh fruit in the fridge. "For My Smoothies, Please don't eat. Principal Celestia."


Finally, it's a bit of a gamble but in the back you see two sets of sports bags, one with a SUN on it and another with a MOON on it. It appears that Luna has got her sister into working out as well as dieting...

If you're feeling particularly daring, you might be able to use your AURA OF NORMALCY to slip the Bimbo's Shorts into one of their bags? You do only have the one pair however...

A)Enchant the Glasses(Raveb)
B) Enchant Raven now
C) Enchant the books (Cheerliee)
D) Enchant the Coffee (Luna)
E) Enchant the Fruit (Luna)
F) Save the Mana, You're running low.
G) Other?

1A) Hide shorts in Celestia's bag
1B) Hide shorts in Luna's
1C) Keep the shorts. You can find a better use for them.

Mana 1/4
Boons 2/2
Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age

(Big votes. Feel free to throw ideas out if you think I'm missing anyone or you see a way to game the system somehow.)

[Two votes for enchanting Celestia's fruit.
with Decrease Inhibitions with a BOON and two votes to hide the shorts in Celestia's bag.]

Mana 0/4
Boons 1/2
Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age

You sit there, the room is pretty deserted apart from the softly snoring Raven. Despite the overwhelming powerful beacon of magic behind you the room is pretty boring. You decide to take a quick five. Leaning back in the chair and twiddling your thumbs, you reflect that all things considered, you've been doing pretty good so far.

You've been laying the basis of ground work for some schemes like a good little changeling and even had a few breakthroughs in places!

And hopefully, you're going to have a few more...

You smile eyeing the Sunny Bag in the corner.

Another snort from Raven draws your eyes back to her and you watch as her glasses begin to fall from her loose, sleeping fingers. With reflexes that surprise you, probably an after effect of your new fitness, you snag them out of the air before they hit they ground.

Either due to your sudden movement or the particularly loud snore that just burst from herself, Raven wakes up with a jolt. Eyes blinking groggily as she tries to see through her own sleep and her lack of glasses.

'Huh? What?' She blinks, squinting before you hold out the glasses,

'Here-' You say, holding out the glasses, 'You dropped these.'

Raven takes them, sliding them on her face and blinking as her sight regains clarity,
'Oh, Oh! Oh shoot! Was I asleep?' She quickly checks her watch and sits bolt upright, panic spreading across her face like wildfire.

'15:30!' She moans in despair, running her hands through her hair.

Huh, that late? You have been kind of busy but you didn't even realise you'd missed lunch.

Had you fallen asleep as well?

You sit there, a somewhat blank look on your face as the perky assistant seems to be working herself up into a even greater tizzy. She takes out her phone and taps furiously on the screen, even pulling a stylus from behind her ear and it swiftly becomes a blur as Raven hastily reorganises what appears to be her entire life.

After several moments she stands up quickly and bustles over to the coffee machine. She takes a deep blue mug out, a small cartoon of a spider on the side and pours a very precise amount of Luna's coffee beans into the machine before sliding the spider mug beneath the spout.

The machine buzzes and whirrs and the smell that arises is powerful Damn, you feel yourself waking up just from the fumes of it!

Raven glances over at you and then does a double take as if remembering you were there,

'Oh!' She says, looking at you before her eyes sharpen in recognition,

'Gossamer Wing right? The new TA?'

God, Magic was useful some times. Instant Cover.

'Yup, that's me!' You say and hastily shake her hand as she reaches it out to you while juggling her phone, Luna's beans and another tall glass while balancing on one foot using the other to open the fridge.

'You want one?' She nods to the coffee and you open your mouth than hesitate. You remember the note and the vapours of the night black coffee appears to be giving you palpations.


Raven chuckles as she deftly reaches into the fridge and pulls out the bowl of fruit, the arcane glow invisible to her as it gently caresses her arm.

'Oh no-Not that stuff-That's for Vice Principal Luna alone-We've got some pretty good instant here-I'll get on it after I've made the Principal's Smoothie.

'Yeah-Heh, I guess it wouldn't be a good first impression to pinch the bosses coffee on the first day.' You say, watching intently as Raven pulls a large succulent apple and throws it in the blender with a bunch of summer fruits.

'Oh-She probably wouldn't mind. She'd probably be impressed actually, provided you rank it black actually managed not to reach critical mass within thirty seconds. Dang, these are "juicy!" She says, peeling the orange, the fat fruit leaking sweet nectar down her wrists.

You shoot a quick look at the warning card by the coffee before your eyes dart back to Raven as she turns the mixer on. The fruit explodes and mixes together, the magic whirling and mixing in a maelstrom of magic.

Raven notices your glance and smiles again, licking the glowing juices off her fingers and shuddering slightly in pleasure,

'Oh, I wouldn't pay much mind to that. The Vice-Principal has a...quirky sense of humour. She's really very nice when you get to know her!'

Your going to have to take her word for that at the moment but you're somewhat sceptical.

You open your mouth to say somthing else when that paranoid six sense that most changelings have flares up once more for a split second before the door swings open sharply, revealing a tall, lanky figure.

The woman standing in the doorway surveys the room, her dark eyes the colour of cut flint and just as sharp. She's tall and whip thin yet not skinny. Her dark grey jacket and matching skirt is severe but cut tight enough that you can see there is a hard trained strength in her coiled body.

She has a nametag but you wouldn't need it in a million years.

Artemisia Wormwood
-School Councillor.

Or as you know her Infiltrator Starveheart...

There weren't many Changeling's still loyal to Chrysalis after Thorax usurped her. Her power base cut off, most joined with Thorax, many, like yourself fled for other prospects.

Only a select few, the most diehard, desperate or zealous actually sided with Chrysalis...

Starveheart was one of the dangerous few who happened to be all three...

In your opinion, King Thorax was no where near as naïve as Chrysalis would have you believe. He knew when to cut losses when it came to redemption.

Not that Starveheart ever wanted for redemption...

She slowly steps into the room, grey eyes roaming the room, sizing up everything and everyone one before sniffing the air sharply.

As far as you're aware, as an Infiltrator, she shouldn't be able to pinpoint magical sources to your degree but she could certainly sense them.

She had most likely sensed the magic you had cast in the room. However the sheer breadth of it, along with the ambient undertone of normal magic mixed the cloying bimbo magic AND Luna's eye watering coffee was obviously impeding the tall, steely woman.

She steps forward, her slate grey hair cut short as he heels click on the floor, her face unreadable.

Raven blinks at her,
'Um...' She begins, eyes flicking down to see Starveheart's badge, 'Coffee?' She offers.

Starveheart's eyes slide off of her and onto you, pinning you in place. You're suddenly acutely aware of how low your mana reserves are.

She stares at you for a LONG time, weighing you up as you do your best to mimic Raven.

Just another, dumb, simple human...Nothing to be worried about here...

She shouldn't know how you are. Your identity was pretty much scrambled when you got here and you've aged up a few years since then as well.

You hope.

Then her lips curl back in a beaming smile, her eyes alight with mirth that looks so genuine that for a moment you genuinely wonder if she is the elite changeling assassin sent to neutralise you.

Then you remember she was the Hive's top Infiltrator for a very good reason.

She spins around to look at Raven who flinches slightly and beams a megawatt grin,

'Yes please! It certainly smells good, what's in the pot?'

'Oh-That's Ms Luna's, you probably don't want that. It's very strong-'

'I think I'll manage! Anyway, I'll think I'll need it, I'm the new school counsellor. I'll be chasing around a bunch of young adults for one on ones!'

She smiles again and places a hand on Raven's shoulder, her eyes flashing green, 'What about you Raven-Would you like a one on one with me? I'm sure I could squeeze you in...'

Her other hand reaches into her jacket and pulls out a pen, clicking it softly as she does so.

With a start you realise that it's a vibrant PINK pen and almost boiling over with magical power...

Bimbo Power...

'Oh...Yes-' Raven voice sounds breathy and you feel the tell tale tang of changeling magic. Raven's eyes lose focus as Starveheart's sharpen.

'Squeeze me...' Raven sighs dreamily as Starveheart clicks the pen hypnotically. She isn't using it which is fortunate but where on earth did she get it?

Does she even know what it is or is it just another pen to her?

She doesn't look like she's under the effects of any of the pink magic but she could have more access to her shapeshifting abilities than you do.

Despite her thin, lean figure her face is incredibly pretty, the dark grey hair cut short and modern, jagged over her grey, hypnotic eyes...

She seems to have made a straight beeline for Raven which is fortunate. You might be able to make a break for it...

Then again, if it's nearing the end of the day, perhaps the Principals will turn up to get their bags? Provided they don't work out in the morning and then come into work.

But it might only be a matter of time before the infiltrator turns her attention onto you!

Though you really wouldn't mind a closer look at that pen! Also somthing must have brought her here. You really don't want her snooping around and finding either the shorts or the fruit!

You could also try and help Raven out...somehow. You have no Mana though...

[A) Stay, do nothing and observe.]
B) Try and interrupt and "save" Raven.
C) Sneak out while you have the chance.
D) Other?

[3 votes for A]

You grit your teeth. The way you're all positioned it's clear that you can't get away without drawing attention to yourself. It'd look pretty damning if you bolted as soon as the changeling hunter showed up.

Instead, you take the time to try blend into the sofa and get a better look at the pen while not getting drawn into the hypnotic way that Starveheart is using it like a metronome.

Click Click Click

It's charged with the same magic as the shorts were alright. It appears to made of some kind of metal, there's somthing inscribed up the side of it's shiny metal side but you can't quite make it out..

Click Click Click

You find yourself leaning forward, rocking on the chair as the steady pattern and the other changeling's soothing, voice.

'That's right. You seem very pent up. Very stressed just relax...' She moves her hand up from Raven's shoulder, caressing her neck then cupping the secretary's drowsy face.

'Mmmokay-' Raven says, nuzzling into the comforting hand while the changeling keeps clicking then pen,

Click Click Click

You're breathing slowly and heavily, your limbs seem slow and sluggish as you try and lean closer to look at the pen.

She had a really nice voice...

Click Click Click

You could fall asleep listening to that voice...

Click Click Click

You hope you can get a one on one with her...

'I didn't forget about you either...' There is a pause as she looks down at your lanyard, noting your name, 'Gossamer!'

A soft coo echoes from you as she takes your chin in her hand, lifting you up to look her in the eyes.

She knew your name!

'Let me just see when I can fit you two into my schedule-I'm absolutely swamped at the moment but perhaps you cuties can help!'

You and Raven share a sigh, leaning against each other as Starveheart pulls out a matte black binder. One of the slim fancy ones with gold trimmings for important legal stuff rather than a cheap ring binder.

'Now, I'm just going to need you to pen your name in my timetable for me Raven and Gossamer, Please read carefully before you sign~' She coos, voice singsong and chirpy.

Wow, you really never would have thought Starveheart would be so nice! Everyone always made her sound so scary!

That last bit was strange though...

Why would they have to read it, it wasn't a contract was it?

She hands the pen to Raven first, the pink light warm and comforting in the pale woman's hand,

You crane your neck to have a look at the writing,

I, [......] promise to come to Mistress Starveheart's (Also known as Artemisia Wormwood), office at [15:55 TODAY] so she may sit me down and teach me how to be a good little slut for her and the Hive!
I promise I will endeavour to please her as best as I possible can and let her mold me body and mind into a proper slave.

I have no higher loyalty or love than to Mistress Starveheart!

[Your name here]

Seems legit.

Raven's eyes flicker between her usual and the enchanted green, her brow furrowing as she stared at the words.
Was there somthing wrong with the contract?

You look down at it again and frown yourself.


Hang on.

Mistress Starveheart has capped all the i's with little hearts.

Starveheart sighs and you feel her magic pulse again,

'Something wrong Cutie?' She says, her voice sweet and Raven mumbles somthing, before shaking her head and taking the glowing pink pen and signing her name in the designated spots.

Raven moans loudly, her eyes flickering madly, pressing her thighs together as she cums hard. The magic, pink and green tendrils racing up her hand, her arm and then cinching around her neck in an invisible collar. Her mouth hangs open, cheeks flushed and she stares at Starveheart with adoration as the changeling takes the pen from her loose grip and pushes it to you, along with another blank page.

She had dozens of blank pages.

You bite your lip, eyes alight as you almost snatch the paper in eagerness, causing Starveheart to giggle like a schoolgirl.

'Aw-You humans, you're just the same as ponies. Always thinking with what's between your legs!' She purses her lips at that, 'Speaking of which, I should probably make sure you are human and not the stupid cunt I've been sent her to spank.' She said all of this with a bubbly, carefree voice that bordered on parody. She rolled up her sleeve and stepped closer to Raven as you carefully read through the documentation as instructed.

'Then again, changeling's are bad for it as well-Very few ever think to disguise their taste.' She grins, dipping her hand beneath Raven's waistband and panties, eliciting a moan from her.

Starveheart pulls her hand back, glistening and after a moment's admiration, drags a long, forked tongue up her finger and sighs in satisfaction at the taste.

'Well-You're good!' She says, before pressing her fingers to Raven's mouth, 'Now clean.'

Raven sighs and rushes to obey, sucking her juices off the changeling's fingers as she turns to you, pen poised.

You sign.

Nothing happens.

You look down and frown, there's nothing there.

You try again.


'Well?' Starveheart said, a note in her voice that makes you quail slightly,

'There's no ink Mistress...' You trail off as a tiny screaming voice elbows it's way to the front of your mind.

'What?' Starveheart snaps, her voice harsh and venomous, all pretence gone. The quiet bark makes you jump slightly, the spell slipping a little more. You look back up at her face.

She's still smiling, but her eyes...

She takes the pen and looks at it, cocking an eyebrow and blowing air out through her lips,

'Hm-Of course...One use a day?' She says to herself, tapping her finger to her chin before shrugging,

'Oh well, It's not like I needed the shady slut's charity to take this school. Now, lemme just check you and you can hop in with Raven for a one on two. Raven won't mind will you Raven?

'No Mistress...' Raven says, looking like she would like nothing more to want whatever Starveheart wanted.

Starveheart pushes closer to you, grinning as she reaches down your skirt, caressing your wet pussy and-


The door slams open, a tall, stern but beautiful looking Vice Principal Luna walking in looking fierce as she bulls into the room, trailing thunderclouds behind her.

And a very sheepish and abashed looking Principal Celestia.

'Luna! Luna-Just hold on-It was just a little snack!'

Starveheart hisses, yanking her fingers out of your quim to its disappointment and spins quickly, her face a picture of innocent interest.

Raven hasn't moved, eyes still focused on Starveheart in a dreamy, longing expression.

For your part, the shock of Luna almost kicking the door of it's hinges has given you the adrenaline shot you needed to break out of Starveheart's fugue.

You feel bile rise in your throat at how close...


You do your best to sidle the fuck away from the counsellor, heart pounding.

Fortunately, she seems preoccupied with Luna and Celestia who don't seem to have noticed the three of you yet...

'It was a cake-'

'A cake "bar" ' Celestia corrects, making a small square with her hands, 'A small one. Just a small one!'

Luna spins and gives a Celestia a "look."

She has her back to you, so you don't quite see what kind of look it is but it certainly causes Celestia to quail in on herself. She was a good deal taller than her sister and yet she shrank noticeably.

At that moment Celestia spots the three of you and with a stunning display of performance, smooths her face and straightens up into a posture of quiet but supreme confidence.

She went from scolded sister to poised leader in an eyeblink.

Even Starveheart looked impressed, giving a polite smile and matching Celestia in the unspoken posture that nothing of the previous spat had been heard in the slightest.

(gtg for a little bit. Will try not to be long but I'll post this and finish of the end bit when I get back. What do people think of Starveheart? She okay or is she to much?)

'Ah-Good evening,' Celestia says with a warm smile, the tall woman striding over with a practiced, steady pace and gracefully sidestepping Luna. Both her physical body and her attempts to restart the debate. Luna looks mulish and grabs for her coffee, scowling at Celestia's back as she hold out her hand to Starveheart,

'You must be our new counsellor.'

Starveheart, still smiling holds up her hands, still glistening with your juices and gives an abashed look,

'Sorry Principal-I was helping Raven here with your smoothie and I made somthing of a mess. I guess I should stick to what I'm good at, huh?'

She moves to rinse her hands off in the sink and you sigh in relief as she washes her "sample" of you away, before drying her hands and taking Celestia's hand in firm grip.

'Oh yes-The smoothie...' The principal says, her small getting imperceptibly more forced as she stares at the thick mass in the glass. She takes it gingerly, giving a grateful if somewhat pinched smile to Raven,

'You really shouldn't have. I would have done it myself!' Celestia says smoothly,

'What exactly happened to Councillor Go Lucky again?' Luna cuts in curtly, starting at Starveheart with her eyes narrowed, the steam from her coffee rising around her face like dragon's smoke as she holds in in both hands, not taking Starveheart's outstretched one.

Starveheart doesn't even flinch at the snub, simply clicking the pen and pocketing it in her inner jacket pocket again, still beaming,

'Oh, you know how it is. She's all tied up at the moment, I'm only filling in for her for a week or so after all!'

She didn't say "She's all tied up" as a typical villain would. With nefarious undertones. She said it in a straight, completely unironic tone which raises a few worrying thoughts.

Either Starveheart is playing the trope straight and Happy Go Lucky is literally tied up in her own basement.

Or she's not...

The second one is somehow worse for the images it conjures for anyone that knows Starveheart.

Luna's eyes narrow again, her finely tuned bullshit radar pinging with a highly likely but unconfirmed enemy contact.

For a moment, a second really, you're glad that Starveheart is here. She's so obviously evil in a sweetly saccharine way that she's really drawing a lot of heat from you.

Then you remember "why" she's here.

I.E: Your almost tranced ass.

You wonder if you should have whammied Luna before Celestia...Then again,

'Oh gods!' Celestia gasps as she takes a experimental sip from the glass, her eyes widening as she stares at the glass like it's nectar of the gods. The other two look around, breaking from their ocular cockfight to see the Principal GUZZLE the glass of magically enhanced juiced fruit.

Her slender throat works rythmaticelly as she sucked down the thick smoothie. She spends a good few seconds on it, rolling it around in her mouth before swallowing another large gulp.

She catches Luna's eye, a flush creeping up her neck and cheeks as she undoes her tight, white jacket,
'It's good.' She breaths, catching her breath before incredibly, she belches.

Not a quiet one either...

'It's REALLY good...' She says, blush deepening,

'Um-Excuse me.' She adds, a little lamely before grabbing the mixing jug and pouring another glass.

Luna gives her a incredulous look and even Starveheart frowns, perplexed as her eyes dart up and down the previously steadfast and smooth woman.

Luna bails her out,
'Be that as it may...' She begins, voice terse, 'Do you have any kind of documentation or certification?'

The blue woman's steely eyes dart to the rich black folder under Starveheart's arm and you see Starveheart's fingers tighten perceptibly around the black leather,

It's possible Luna might have seen it herself but Raven cuts in quickly, eyes burning with zeal,

'I can personally vouch for Mistri-Um, Ms Wormwood, Vice Principal Luna! She's REALLY good and-'

'No.' Luna says, lowering her coffee, barely touched.

'I need to see paperwork, Certificate of Graduation and references before I even think of letting you near the students of this school.'

Holy shit.

Was ironclad administration and FUCKING paperwork going to cut Starveheart off at the knees at the get go?

Starveheart's eyes glitter, her knuckles white on the folder, long nails digging into the fine leather while her bright face remains perfectly upbeat.

Luna matches her stare for stare.

This isn't how Starveheart expected this to go.
This isn't how YOU expected it to go.
This wasn't how it WAS supposed to go.

Starveheart ALWAYS won. She was the best. She was the one that was originally planned to replace Princess Cadence during the infiltration of Equistria before Chrysalis had wanted her moment of glory and made a diamond dog's breakfast of the whole plan.

The tension rising and you really can't say Starveheart isn't just going to pull a knife and go for the eyes.

Fuck, from what you've heard she might have a fucking katana hidden in her panties!

Luna, still holding her coffee, stood casual and unyielding, her body relaxed.

Deceptively relaxed.

Your eyes dart nervously about and you meet Luna's and her eyes narrow ever so slightly at you.

"You're a wildcard" is what that look said. You don't think she's clocked you properly. It's just that she doesn't know which way you're going to go or what you're going to do or who you're with.

Are you gonna bolt and get in the way or are you gonna start swinging?

Are you with Starveheart?
Are you just a rando bystander?'

You realise that you kinda are in this situation...

Starveheart slowly stands up straighter, her heeled feet shifting slightly and Luna matches her, her hand tightening slightly around the steaming cup of coffee while she casually leans towards the larger coffee pot.

A large belch interrupts them, cutting through the tension like a chainsaw through a pillow.

Everyone in the room spins towards Celestia whose just finished the smoothie and is scraping out the bottom of the glass.

'Sister!' Luna barks, staring at her sister as if she had just been hit by a large weight.

Celestia almost drops the jug, looking guilty,
'I'm sorry-What were we talking about?'

Luna is speechless, mouth opening and closing wordlessly,

Starveheart sees an opening,

'Oh, just some minor redtape I need to complete before I can start helping out around here. It looks like you could use a hand, this place is packed!'

'That's the truth-' Celestia says, leaning back an unbuttoning a few buttons of her crisp blouse, fanning herself with the shirt.

'I don't suppose you could...' Starveheart trails off suggestively, giving Celestia a cheeky, nearly saucy, wink...

To your despair, Celestia actually fucking blushes, brushing a strand of multihued hair behind her ear as your devilish, super potent, inhibition lowering cocktail blazes through the normally sensible woman.

'Sure, Of course. I don't see why not. We can waive some of it I'm sure.'

You and Luna look on in horror as Celestia turns to Raven, smiling and breathing a little heavily, her eyes flashing a light pink,
'Raven-See Ms Wormwood set up with "everything" she needs, here, take my stamp-. She casually chucks the Principal's stamp at Raven and opens the fridge and grinning as she sees a succulent apple at the back.

'Sister!' Luna babbles, all property lost as she looks torn between slapping her sister HARD and leaping over to punch the grinning Starveheart EVEN HARDER.

'ThankyousomuchPrincipal,Okaybyeeeeee!' Starveheart says, almost skipping towards the door, her hand on Raven's ass, she's out the door and into the school before Luna can do anything.

The two of you look at each other and then at Celestia crunching into one of your super apples, thick juices running down her chin and into her large, pale cleavage.


There's a brief moment of silence. A pretty long moment actually.



'Why did you do that?'

'You mean with-'


'Well...' Celestia pauses, crunching on more apple, her blouse clinging slightly to her perspiring skin,
'We ARE shortstaffed and it will only be for a week, Didn't you think she seemed okay?'

'No-' She almost snarled before cutting herself off,

Luna presses her hands together and lets out a puff of breath, 'It's now about what we THINK, Tia. We need proof! Somthing solid so it's not just us THINKING. Remember the Dazzlings-' She cuts off suddenly, her eyes darting to you and she clams up pretty quick.

Celestia looks stricken, placing a hand to her head and leaning back against the counter, blinking suddenly,

'Oh Faust-I-I'm not sure what happened-'

Luna bites her lip and places a hand on her sister's shoulder before bringing her into an embrace,

'It's fine, We'll think of somthing-We can turf her out first thing-'

'No.' Celestia pinches the bridge of her nose, eyes squeezed together, 'I gave her the stamp and my VERBAL permission-' There's a certain amount of subtext that goes on between the two of them there.

You THINK you understand.

You remember the ambient arcane energy that seems to be subtly just hanging around Crystal Prep...

You chalked it up to just the fallout of all the wacky shit that's supposed to have happened here but there may be more to it...

It stands to reason that a place that's had it's share of magical attacks thwarted might decide to invest in some magical defences...

There's quite a few different types of ward. Some are as simple (for the given value of simple) as a big dome and centred on a single person like the Shining Armour and the wedding. That's pretty draining however and Shining Armour was a master at that shit and it's vulnerable to being one shot if you get the lynchpin.

Which WAS the plan before Chrysalis-Fuck it, you're not getting into that again.

ANYWAY, some extensive wards need PERMISSION to do stuff in. You were sort of given permission to enter when you got your induction card and then bimbo'd you way into being an employee.

That probably shouldn't have worked but apparently bimbo magic doesn't work the same way?

Starveheart's little hypynotrick might have been this close away from sounding off some alarm bells but managed to just coast under the radar. Changeling magic is pretty subtle to begin with and Starveheart's a smooth enough operator to have cloaked her magic just on pure habit.

Still, Starveheart or Wormwood or whatever should be bounced out or incinerated or pinged as soon as she did anything serious.

IF, Celestia hadn't just given her verbal permission and what might have been a token component?

A lattice of ward's as subtle as this has to be pretty intricate and no small task to fuck around with on the fly. They're meant to be secure after all. You'd have to dismantle the whole thing and then rebuild it from up.

AND given that it was probably Twilight Sparkle or Sunset Shimmer or both that designed and cast the fucking thing it's probably all manner of overcomplicated and overpowered or both, respectively.


Luna purses her lips and frowns, staring at her panting sister, the now empty smoothie glass Raven had made and then the coffee that Raven had ALSO made for her.

Without another word, she pours the coffee down the sink,

'Okay-I'll be making the smoothie's from now on. Don't trust Raven-'

'Luna-' Celestia says, finally remembering you're there and you find yourself pinned by two sets of eyes.

'Hi.' You say, swallowing and putting on your best winning smile.

Celestia smiles back automatically and then falters slighty, turning to Luna for confirmation, unwilling to trust herself at the moment.

After a long, knee shaking moment of deep scrutiny, Luna gives a barely perceptible nod and reaches out her hand.

It's possible that you're actually a pretty good bullshitter. Maybe you missed your calling and should have been an infiltrator after all because you'd like to chalk that up to suave skill.

In reality, it's probably the exact opposite of that. You're so rattled by the past twenty minutes that you're struggling to project anything even resembling Starveheart's confidence.

Which is probably what saves you...

Luna's handshake is firm and as she stares into your eyes you see she doesn't quite trust you properly. She just doesn't think you're a threat.


'Well-' Celestia says, slipping back into her professional demeanour which is extra impressive as a good portion of her tits are hanging out and she's sweating notably-'It's good to meet you Ms Wing, I wish to apologise for not being able to greet you when you arrived but well-' She gestures with her other hand in an absent way, 'We ARE short staffed. That being said, We're grateful to have you here and we expect it'll only get more hectic now...the induction week is fully underway.'

"Now SHE'S here..." is what you guess Celestia wanted to say in that little pause of hesitation.

'So! It's probably best you get home and get a good night's sleep! In fact, feel free to have the morning to yourself and get acclimated!'

This was a pretty obvious way of getting you gone which you'd really grateful for-


You've got the Principal's in a pretty vulnerable spot here. You don't have any mana and they're on guard but you have a entry here with how shaken they are. The same lie that worked on Lightning would probably work here but that's pretty risky. It would work up until Honourheart, the equestrian stooge rocked up and debunked you.

Another thought flickers across your mind and it's REALLY out there...

You could be totally honest. You're not gonna lie, Starveheart almost HAD you there, hell she DID have you.

If Luna hadn't barged in when she did...

If Celestia hadn't cheated on her diet..

All for the want of a cake bar...

A small cake bar at that...

AND you still haven't seen Celestia in those shorts!

A) Try and schmoose into the Principal's graces while using the Lightning dust Lie.
B) Try and schmoose your way in with just your winning personality and innate trustworthiness alone
C) Come clean entirely and pray for mercy. (This isn't a terrible idea but it WILL I imagine change the story pretty significantly in tone. It'll be pretty hard to keep being a villain in this route as you'll be getting "friendshiped" up the wazzoo.)
D) Go see if you can bum a lift off of Ms Harshwhinny.
E) Go find Lightning, There's still some business there.
F) Fuck all of this, go find a bush or a shed to hide and meditate in to regain your mana as you don't have a house-FUCK!
E) Other?

[2 Votes for A]

You swallow and straighten up in front of the two senior faculty members of Canterlot High and prepare to come clean in a dirty sort of way.

Overwhelming Charisma...
Innate Charm...

'I um-I might be able to help with that.' You say as they begin to turn away,

They turn back, Celestia curious and Lina frowning,
'What, getting a good nights sleep?'


'Um, No the other thing-With Starveheart.'


Fuck, you're really not as slick as you should be as a dangerous, conniving changeling,

'Wormwood, Her real name's Starvheart.' You rush out, shifting uneasily as their stares grow sharper, more focused.

Goodness they are tall.

'She's from Equest-'

'Stop.' Luna says again, cutting you off sharply. Her voice isn't hostile however, just brusque and urgent.

She hold you gaze for a moment before turning to Celestia, her tone doing a complete 180,

'Sister!' She says clapping her hands together, 'Time for our evening run I think seeing as you enjoyed the Smoothie so much! We can show Gossamer around the town and get to know her a bit better!'

'Quite Luna!' Celestia says, smoothly picking up on what Luna was putting down before pausing,

'Although-Given how...hectic the day has been, do you think we should skip the run? We wouldn't want to tire Gossamer out-'

'Don't be silly Tia! It's a lovely evening and I'm SURE Ms Wing is more than able to keep up with us.'

"You better." Was the look that Luna gave you and you gulp. You have to admit though you're feeling much fitter than you were before this morning. Maybe it won't be so bad?

'Now go get changed.' Luna ordered, her voice loving and unyielding. 'I'm sure we can find some spares for Gossamer-Sister! What are you doing?'

You jump at Luna's exclamation and turn to Celestia,

You watch in awe as Celestia, inhibitions still embattled, strides towards the storage nook, casually shucking her shirt in front of the two of you as casually as anything!

Her large, pale tits spring free, held up by a plain but flattering bra, she's got quite a bit of plush but her height really changes it from fat to cushion and you have a sudden desire for hugs.

The red flush caused by your spell covers the large boobs and they glisten slightly with a fine coating of sweat,

'Hm?' She says, reaching for her sports bag and pulling out a plain white t shirt, the faded letters on the back read "Camp Everfree. Class of XXXX"

She drops the bag and slides her smart, crisp trousers down her long, thick legs, her prodigious ass, complete with golden sun, and thicc thighs on full display.

Your mouth goes dry as your mind goes from hugs to spankings.

You're not sure who would be the spanker and who would be the spankee though and you're not sure you care.

Luna's vibrant blue hair whips around as she turns to you, then back to her sister then you again, her eyes full of caution and suspicion again.

You're complete lack of a poker face saves you again as you dumbfounded, gawping expression convinces Luna you're as surprised as she is.

Luna's eyes dart about in thought before realisation dawn and she spins towards the smoothie maker and the bowl of fruit, now almost empty-

'Damn-' She breaths, 'It's the fruit or the smoothie maker!' She hisses, more to herself than anyone else, grabbing the bowl and moving towards the bin.

'Wait!' The voice comes from Celestia whose staring at the bowl and the fruit intently, Luna half way to the bin freezes,

'Do we have to? I mean-Do we know for sure?' There's a note of pleading in Celestia's voice. Damn, you really did a number with that enchantment!

You're quite proud actually.

'I do now.' Luna says shortly, eyeing her sister as she dumps the rest of the fruit. She goes to tie the binbag up, focused on the task as she calls over her shoulder,

'Do you have any on you?'

'No.' Celestia says quickly as she tucks several fat apples, a girthy looking banana and some juice grapes into her bag. You watch as she ditches a bag of cake bars to make room.

Hey, You're a good influence after all!

'Right. We'll get dressed and then-' She breaks off as she stares at the neon pink shorts that Celestia has just pulled from her bag.

'Sister what are-' Luna blinks, suddenly unsure as your AURA OF NORMALTY weaves it's way into her head. 'Are they new?'

'No, I don't think so?' She says holding them up and inspecting the tight lycra booty shorts, 'They're cute though aren't they?'

'I...guess?' Luna says shaking her head and glancing at you,

You shrug in response.

'I'm going to get somthing for to wear...Keep an eye on her-' She says quietly before leaving. 'I won't be long.' She adds and you're not sure if it's a reassurance or a warning.

She rushes out and your left alone with Celestia as she carefully steps into the shorts and sighs contently as the tight but silky material makes contact with her smooth legs. She takes her time with pulling them up and you notice her eye's flutter ever so slightly as the stretchy material strains around her meaty thighs.


Despite being quite a bit larger than Lightning, the pink fabric stretches. Just enough to make sure they're snug on Celestia. She's still wearing her panties unlike Lightning who wore them commando under her normal clothes so it's not quite as revealing as it was with her.

Yet the tight shorts cling to legs and ass, outlining her cheeks in way that makes your mouth water as you watch the magic swirl around her.

'Ooh~' She whispers as she stretches and you see her legs shift slightly as muscle begins to form beneath those thick thighs. It's got quite a bit to go through however and the shorts are somewhat expended.

Maybe when we get out and running?

Still, Celestia seems to be bursting with energy now and she smiles, bouncing up and down as she shakes out her legs. Your mouth is the desert as you watch her large boobs bounce in her shirt, your eyes bugging out.

'You keep staring, a lady my get idea's Gossamer.'

You snap your eyes away, into the face of a grinning Principal. The grin doesn't last however, vanishing almost instantly into a look of horrified contrition,

'I-I'm so sorry, that was incredibly unprofessional of me-I-I'm really not sure what's come over me-'

The door swings open again, Luna stepping in with a neutral, watchful expression. Her toned body is in much more professional gear than her sister. She's wearing a pair of black, gym leggings and a matching black sports bra. The bra and pants are pretty decent, especially compared to Celestia's lewd booty shorts but they do expose that Luna is toned.

Her slender legs are defined and cut, visible even through the pants. Her arms are obviously the benefactor of a lot of work as well, feminine but powerful and once again you catch the flowing way that Luna walks. It's not the poised gracefulness of Celestia, a supreme kind of confidence that would be arrogant if she hadn't earned it. It's more like a wolf ducking between branches and rabbit warrens.

Although you've yet to see a wolf with abs like those...

She tosses a bag at you. Shorts, Shirt and Shoes. The socks have little green hearts on them for some reason.

You catch it easily, once more thanking your new fitter body for the increased spatial awareness.

'Right. Luna says, pursing her lips as she slings her bag over her shoulder,

'We'll be sticking to the whitetail route today, It's fairly flat and I do agree with you Sister, It's been a long day and It'll be more of an opportunity to talk to Ms Wing-'

'We should do the Everfree route!' Celestia says, full of energy and boosted by the shorts.

Luna looks shocked, 'The...Ever free route? Sister that's a struggle for ME and I've been doing this longer, I thought you wanted to start easy and work your way up?'

'I think we should go for it! I feel like I could do it. I need to run out whatever funk has got into me!'

Despite herself, Luna looks impressed and a little excited, you get the impression she's been holding herself back to stay with her sister and she wouldn't mind cutting loose.

You have to wonder how the shorts would react though if the wearer went hell for leather. They WERE gym shorts after all and you think they really like helping people get fit as well as horny.

They turn to you,

'Ms Wing. Which would you prefer, I'm not sure of your pace and I'd rather not get halfway around a route and have you drop on us.'

There's no malic in Luna's voice, just a simple, pragmatic truth. You can see how it would seem abrasive to some but for someone whose spent their lives not only in the cutthroat world of higher Academia but CHANGELING Academia you find the bluntness pretty refreshing.

[A) Whitetail. (Minor changes.)
B) Everfree (Greater changes. Will lead into Fitness Celestia route )
C) See if you can beg off for a quick walk instead. (No changes)
D) Other]

(Put this here as I'm not sure how hard we want to lean into it. I really like fitness/amazons but I'm not sure of the room. I'll try and give you more variety in spells soon!)

[Locked in D. Gonna go with this one as it's essentially the same as B but we don't get to watch Celestia's ass and we get one on one time with Luna]

You agree to follow Luna on a more sedate route while Celestia practically sprints in the other direction. As she becomes a slowly narrowing figure in the distance, the rapidly intensifying glow of the shorts is the last thing to fade from sight.

'Well...I should be pleased, She's been skiving off of exercise as much as possible the past few weeks...' Luna said, starting with a light jog to warm up.

Was there a touch of resentment in the younger sister's voice? Maybe...

Driving a wedge between the sister's WOULD make it easier for you to grab more power but with Starveheart about, it might be a good idea to have a united front...

Food for thought

You're grateful for the warmup as it let's you get used to your new body in an physical yet controlled way. You are fitter which is good, because despite going easy on you, Luna is still pushing pretty hard.

You're breathing heavily and sweating by the time Luna abruptly stops in a small clearing in the centre of Whitetail.

She on the other hand seems barely winded and you're suddenly aware you're alone in the middle of a darkening forest with someone who you would have placed even odds on in a brawl against Starveheart.

You suddenly wonder what this version of Luna did before she became a school administrator...

'Well.' She says, leaning against a tree, folding her arms and giving you her now familiar stare,

You fidget, trying to catch your breath in case you need to bolt once more,

'What about Celestia? Won't she be waiting?'

Luna snorts, 'No, I know how fast my sister can run and the Everfree route is much harder than this walk in the park. We'll be waiting on her. So...' She makes a sharp "go on" gesture with her hand.

You give her a rundown of everything you told Lightning along with a few other details regarding Starveheart. You also confess that you bailed out Lightning Dust from that spell although you don't mention the shorts or the bimbo magic although you do mention Starveheart's pen and hint that she might have done somthing to Celestia as well.

You'd rather Starveheart took the blame for that rather than yourself.

You also hint strongly that there may be more changeling's that Starveheart. You'd rather keep them away from Sunset and the gang unless you can coach things properly.

Luna doesn't say much other than nodding once or twice during your explanation.

'Come on.' She says finally, starting to jog again, her face blank but her eyes thoughtful.

'What about my sister? How-' She pauses, swallowing, 'How-Can we-She didn't sign anything-Is she...?'

"Trustworthy?" is what she wanted to say...

[A) Try and divide the two of them. Keeping Celestia in the dark would make it easier to go after them one by one...
B) Reassure Luna. The two of them together are stronger than apart and you'll need that when it comes to Starveheart]

'She should be okay-' You lie. By the time you're through with her she'll be amazing. You wonder how the shorts are treating her actually. Lightning had presumably only had them on for a little while and your spell nearly sent her over the edge!

Luna sighs in relief and gives you a honest to god smile as you run, 'Are you sure?'

'The enchantment should be temporary but I'll stick close to make nothing was snuck onto her.'

'You'll need to check her body?' Luna says forwardly and you almost trip,

'Oh no, I meant like...magic stuff...' Your thoughts go to Celestia's curvaceous form and add quickly, 'but it might be a good idea...'

'You don't have to-' Luna says hastily, realising the implications of what she said, 'I'm sure I could-If you described-I mean, We're sister's-'

'No-No, I'd be happy to-I mean, better safe than sorry right?'

Luna gives you another thankful grin, a blush passing across her cheeks as you reach the meetup point where the Everfree meets Whitetail.

True to Luna's word, Celestia is nowhere to be found...

Luna smirks, 'I told you, My sister is a woman of many talents but I've always been the more physical of us.'

You nod, your face blank as you catch your breath.

'Maybe not for long...' You think, wondering how much juice Celestia's pumped into those shorts. You think it's based on a combination of physical activity and arousal? You're not sure how tough the Everfree is but if it's anything like Equestria it can't be easy.

'Thank you.' Luna says, watching the sunset over Canterlot from your vantage at the top of the forested hill.

'I mean it, My sister means the absolute world to me, I'm only at Canterlot High because of her' She sighs, 'Without her I'd...I'd be in a much worse place. Geographically and Mentally-' She says, biting her lip at some painful memory before sitting down, cross-legged on the grass.

You don't say anything, just sitting next to her beneath the forested canopy.

[Bond established! Luna:[**---] Average Moon Sister Appreciator.

Time passes, the sky a purply orange as the sun continuies to set and Luna checks her watch, huffing in annoyance,

'Where is she? She should be here by NOW,'

You stand up, looking around and down the path leading into the dark Everfree.

Luna follows, her face going stiff as worried thoughts flit through her mind,

You're not sure where Starveheart went AFTER the fact. Did she go to her office to get established or had she doubled back, followed them?

Also, Didn't Lightning say she got the shorts from a shady bombshell hanging around Whitetail? You didn't see anybody on your travels but it wouldn't take much to saunter over and lie in wait in the Everfree...

'I'm going to go in after her.' Luna states, rolling her shoulders and handing you her sports bag,

'Wait-hang on-' You start, If someone had jumped Celestia, going in one at a time was a REALLY bad idea no matter how nails Luna is.

Then again, you don't want to run into a dark forest even with Luna with you...

'If I'm not back in twenty, Go to Sunset, You'll have to take a risk and hope she's not a changeling. If I or my sister return acting suspect, we'll confirm it's us and vice versa using this-' She hands you a scrap of paper with a password on it, 'I'd rather not have an imposter among us.'

im so very sorry.

You look at the password in your hand and reach out to grab her,

'Wait. Look if she has been got at then they'll be expecting you to run in!'

Luna spins on your, fury in her eyes

'I'm not leaving her, She's my sister and I love her!'

'Aw, Luna!' A happy voice says above you.

Hanging above you from a sturdy looking branch in the forest canopy, Celestia looks down at the both of you.

'Tia!' Luna exclaims in delight before turning questioning, 'What are you doing?'

'Pull ups!' She says, breathless from fatigue.

And not just from fatigue you can sense...

The tight shorts boil with energy, more than you imagined in your more optimistic guesses.

The heady emotion of arousal seeps off of Celestia in waves although she hides it well as she pulls herself up and shimmies across the branch before climbing down the old oak.

Her face is flushed and she's breathing heavily, her large chest bobbing up and down hypnotically and she's beaming, thighs rubbing together as subtly as she can manage.

'W-When did you got here? We were here first!' Luna blurts out, looking around at any other routes Celestia could have snuck in from.

'Oh, I got here about ten minutes before you two slow pokes.' Celestia says with feigned casualness, a teasing twinkle in her eye as she idly examines her fingernails.

She doesn't look like she's changed but you know it's only a matter of time before the simmering pot boils over and when it does...

Celestia's flexing her thighs and the magic swirls around her like a tornado...

'That's not possible! You're route was harder, and you're slower than me!' Luna says, slightly petulantly

'I don't know what to tell you Lulu.' She says with an enigmatic smile before it fades into a warmer, more sincere one,
'Except that I'm positive that, with or without me, you'd be in a perfect place, geographically and mentally' She says, echoing Luna's previous statement and causing her to blush furiously,

'You were listening! Why were you even DOING pullups?' Luna sputters,

'Well~' Celestia giggles, 'I got here early and I was bored of waiting-'

'Nevermind.' Luna seethes, turning and walking down the hill, fighting a smile of her own despite her wounded pride.

The three of you head down the hill and you have to struggle to keep up as Celestia and Luna, completly unspoken, start attempting to outpace each other without breaking from a walk, causing a half trot, half skip in the last stretch as you and Luna fill Celestia in on what you told Luna.

New bond established! Celestia:
[*----] - In the running!

You arrive at the sister's house, a tall, tasteful looking house in a fairly nice part of town,

'Right.' Luna says, slamming her hand into her palm decisively,

'Gossamer, We'll go through a strategy on what to do tomorrow and how we're going to tackle this and then I'll drive you home.'


'You do have a place to stay?' Celestia asks, a knowing look in her eye,


'It's fine. This isn't the first time we've had this issue with Equestrian's, we have a spare room,' Luna says, sighing and waving her hand absently as she heads inside.

'Unless you wanted to double up...' Celestia says softly, under her breath before she can stop herself then shooting you a stricken look, worried that you might have heard her before hurrying inside.

She tries to squeeze past you in the small doorway, blushing furiously.

She's VERY horny.

She must have really pushed herself through the Everfree...

With her inhibitions in tatters and her body a cauldron of arousal it wouldn't take much at all for you to play her body like a fiddle...

You smirk at her swaying ass and hope it doesn't vanish when the short's magic finally explodes-

You wonder if there's someway you can slide the idea of getting her naked into the conversation. Ah, probably not, Luna would block it before you even-

'Sister. You need to strip. Now.' Luna says as you close the door behind you and step into the nice living room.

You and Celestia blink as one and Luna continuies, matter of fact.

'Gossamer suspects that Wormwood may have left somthing on you, somthing magical and she has gracefully volunteered to inspect you.'

Celestia pauses for a moment, looking towards you with a look of heady arousal that she barely manages to restrain,

'O-Okay, That's fine. Ahem, Let me just have a quick shower and-'

A very cold shower, you think...

Or maybe a hot one

She strips off now, she'll reveal how horned up she is...

She's got enough inhibitions remaing for that to give her pause...

'No.' Luna says, folding her arms, 'We're not sure of the extent of that woman's power and I can't afford to leave you alone in the shower where you could do god knows what under some kind of spell-' She bites her lip and looks away, 'I almost made that mistake letting you run off alone...' She says, guilt and worry in her voice.

'Could-Would you mind giving us some privacy then Lulu?'

'Why?' Luna asks bluntly, 'We're all girl's here, I'm your sister and this is important! Now, chop chop!'

Celestia shoots a pleading look at you, thighs clamped together as you see a definite wet patch begin to soak through the shorts. The shorts feed on her arousal greedily...

A) Shoo Luna out. Celestia's about to pop and you think you might have enough dregs of mana to cloak Celestia's change in a AURA OF NORMALCY. It probably won't work if Luna's in the room though...
And you want to see if you can swing some sexy fun times!

[B) Let Luna stay. Hell, it's possible Celestia's so charged some of it might spill over onto Luna. It'd only be fair to reseat Luna as the fit one in the relationship. Well, fitter. You don't think anyone's gonna call Celestia out on pudginess after whatever happens...]

C) Other?

You shrug at Celestia and resist the urge to smile as you watch her squirm as after another forlorn look between you and Luna she slowly begins to strip off her tight shirt and after another moment, her bra follows as well.

She breaths a sigh of relief as her tits spill into the open air, only mixed by her embarrassment at how hard her nipples are.

They are magnificent. Acres of porcelain tit spill forth, heaving as Celestia breaths heavily, still blushing as she moves her arm up to cover herself

Luna clears her throat,

'Gossamer, If you wouldn't mind?'

You step forward and give Celestia a friendly smile, she returns a wavering one as you move up and carefully begin to move your hands across her body.

You're gentle, light caresses and soft touches across her smooth,silky skin, delighting as you watch goosepimples rise across her body. You take your time, partially because you ARE actually being thorough in checking her but mostly you know this is an absolute torment for her.

As you lean close, hot breath on her sensitive body you use a tiny bit of magic, barely any to give your touch a little extra oomph

'Ah!' Celestia gasps, eyes wide as her body quivers, hips vibrating,

'Sorry Ms Celestia-' You say in you're breathiest voice, 'It's just my magic-' You run your hands across the underside of her large breasts, trailing your softly sparkling hands around her areola and Celestia muffles a desperate squeak.

'Does it hurt Sister?' Luna says, concern in her voice and Celestia shakes her head rapidly, hair whipping and eyes squeezed shut,

'I think there might be somthing here-' You say as you heft her breasts, giving them a soft squeeze as your thumbs roll over her nipples, sparking magic into the sensitive nubs.

You look up at Celestia, giving an innocent look that she meets with a desperate, wild eyed stare as you slowly demolish what was left of her composure. Only her legendary self control has stopped herself from cumming explosively infront of her sister...

You release her tits and she moans in disappointment and relif. You grin and eke a bit more magic out, the last of your reserve to make sure her nipples are properly stimulated in the absence of your hands,

'That's the top done...' You say, watching as Celestia's shudders, eyes fluttering madly at the mad magical stimulation.

'Right-' Luna said, completly oblivious, 'Are you okay 'Tia? She looks flushed-'

'It's just my magic Ms Luna, it's a bit funky in this world.' You give her an abashed look before turning away and leering at Celestia's sopping, lycra covered pussy. The sparking, wild fury of the Bimbo Magic was a torrent, gripping, pinching, caressing and Celestia tenses, bolt upright and bulging eyes staring directly ahead as she still holds out-

'Hnn-Hah-Can we ssstop now?' Celestia gasps, trembling madly,

'We just have to do a quick go around your legs-' You say, kneeling down and gently gripping her thighs before looking up at from between her legs, eyes full of sultry innocence as you squeeze her legs,

'I'm very sorry Ms Celestia, I might have to get a bit intimate here~'

You move your delicate fingers up to between her legs and feel the boiling heat imminating from Celestia's quim, and she mouths somthing you can't make out as she realises what's about to happen and how powerless she is to stop it-

'Would that be okay Ms Celestia?' You say, eyes doe like and submissive as you gently move your finger and ever so softly, graze her slick pussy through the lycra.

'YYYESSS!' The words exploded from Celestia's mouth as she thrust her hips forward and for a split second all you see is pink.

You suddenly realise how close you are to the "blast zone"

This is fine.

[A) Get away and try and shield only yourself. (Luna and Celestia Split)]
B) Try and shield Luna as well as yourself (Celestia takes the Cake)
C) Lean in to it, literally and figuratively and try and "siphon" some of that power for yourself.
D) Other

[A with two votes!]

You know what's happening. Hell, you caused it and as such it's easy for you to contain the resulting explosion as Celestia bucks and moans, her pussy juicing as beams of pink light burst from her. The shorts darken with her juices which only fuel the shorts power as it begins to warp the woman.

'Oh fuucucck so good!' Celestia moans, groping her breasts as she begins to float, her bare feet leaving the ground as she's enveloped in pink light/

'Tia!' Luna says, rushing forward, her eyes wide and worried as the air crackles with magical energy.

'No Ms Luna, stay back!' You grin as you grab one of the beams of light emanating from Celestia's sex and curve it into Luna. It hits her square in the chest and she halts, the wind knocked out of her as a pleasurable burst of warmth spreads through her body.

'Ah-Wh-Wha-' She gasps, her legs buckling slighty as pleasure rocks her body. You grab another beam and once more curve it, feeling Celestia's incredible orgasm echoing down the beam of light.

'Ms Luna! You need to get back. The magic is unstable! Oh no. Look out.'

You send this one between Luna's legs, giving it an extra little shove as you do.
She moans, eyes rolling as she buckles over, pawing at her tight, workout pants. Tight pants that are only starting to get tighter

You keep this up, arcing more and more into Luna, forcing her to share her sister's corruption. Then an idea springs to mind. It's difficult but maybe here in this nexus of magic...

You bend their emotion's, their sensations of ecstasy and their swirling thoughts and overlap them while feeding more and more magic into Luna. By the time you're exhausted, hiding behind the couch you've diverted about half of the magic into Luna and the two are caught in an ever increasing feedback loop of pleasure and bimbofied thoughts.

And then the show REALLY get's started!

Celestia shoots up several inches, the already tall woman now towering as the fat begins to bleed off of her or rather, redistributes itself...

Her pudgy tummy vanishes, as do her love handles, replaced by a flat taut stomach. As the flab shoots up, she holds her wobbling tits in a white knuckle grip, her nails lengthening as they swell, the pale flesh bulging between her fingers. She moans, her hips and ass widening as muscle begins appear, replacing cellulite with toned defined muscle.

Still, her naturally bouncy ass refuses to be displaced and after long seconds of fighting with the fitness obsessed magic, the magic surrenders with generous reparations. Celestia's booty swells, losing it's sag, sitting high and proud and PHAT. There's nothing she can wear now that's not going to cling to that rear.

She squeals and moans, her plump lips parted as her panties, not made of the same magically stretchy substance as the panties now pull tight against her plumping pussy, riding high between her magnificent ass

Her multihued hair billows behind her, lengthening as it falls down her back.

'T-Tia!' Luna moans, her teeth gritted as she actually moves TOWARDS Celestia, into maelstrom of magic,

Her tight sports bra now bulges with extra tit, the thick areola peeking up luridly as she jerks in pleasure, her small but quickly growing breasts burst free. She groans, mouth falling open and eyes rolling as she shoots up about a foot, her already defined muscles deepening, her faint sixpack now anything but.

Before she was toned.

Now she's CUT.

Her ass tenses and you're looking forward to watching it become a toned, defined dollar bouncing peach when Celestia moans again and blasts another surge of magic through the link.

Her ass get's a distinctly Celestia-Like wobble to it as Celestia shares a little somthing with her little sister. Or a rather big somthing.

'Oooh!' Luna moans, her hands grasping her ass, her own long deep blue nails tearing at the fabric as her rear begins to swell not with muscle but spankable fat!

Her growing thighs and ass tear great rents in the stretchy fabric of her sports pants and you see her own panties(A deep blue number with little cartoon moons on it) darken with femcum)

You grin as your link passes mental and physical changes between them. You can't see it but you know that right now, Celestia's corrupted inhibitions are also sapping at Luna's while Luna is building on Celestia's new delight at working out.

On top of all of this, the magic ratchets their libido up, makes them more bubbly, more flighty. Not dimmer, just...less concerned with things...

More concerned with other things though, like fucking and maybe obtaining more of that lovely pink magic that's making them feel so good...

You feel the link between them, maintain it and nourish it and learn a new spell,

You catch sight or rather feel a small, errant thought that you NEARLY missed and you're oh so glad you didn't. You can't tell who it came from and it's not powerful at all, barely a thought even but oh, what a catch...

"Doesn't my sister look hot!"

You giggle to yourself and blow on it, you're going to feel like shit tomorrow but oh this is worth it, you send it up the line, beaming that idea into Luna's head and then after a moment pulling it back and sliding it into Celestia's and then back, and then back again and again. You can't do it indefinitely, hell it's barely even fifteen seconds before the comedown happens and it happens quickly, the light fading as they burn through the remaining magic FAR to quickly.

But it's fifteen seconds where every pleasure sensor is boosted to max during the strongest orgasm of their life and that thought springs up several times. The two are staring at eachother intently, cumming, plump lips open wide.

The magic fades as quickly as starts, tapering off before vanishing in an instant. Celestia, still gripping her tits, falls backwards onto the sofa, long, long legs spread wide, pink vapour streaming off pussy, now luridly outlined by the tight shorts.

You catch Luna, staggering under the woman's enhanced weight. Shit, It might seem like Luna got gyped compared to Celestia who essentially gained a lifetimes workout program without actually doing anything while Luna "only" went from woman who works out ALOT to borderline pornographic fitness model but she is dense. Her muscles, though still feminine are hard and she's barely flexing, her tits although nowhere near as large as her sisters sit high due to the strong chest behind them.

Despite that, Luna melts into your arms, her body sensitive and she looks up at you with wide, glazed eyes. She gasps as her hand unconsciously rises to caress her pussy. You watch as Celestia moans in sync with Luna, the older woman bucking her hips as she feels the carress despite her own hands are still carressing her tits. Luna sighs her nipples hard as she feels the sensations of her sister's sensetive breasts.

'Well...' Celestia says, idly examining her toes which are now panted with little sunrises on them, 'I think we found a spell...' She says, giggling wearily while Luna moans in your arms.

[LINK: Expend mana to create a link between two people. Changes, sensations and even some thoughts will carry over between linked people. You can have more than one person linked together at any one time and there is no limit on the amount of links you can assign to one person! Unlinking does not cost mana to do.]

You make a litany hasty apologies, as babbling and as worried as you can make them at what went wrong, expertly pleading dumb and blaming it all on Starveheart and her foul depredations.

Celestia, still winded and sprawled out on the sofa waves her hand, trying to calm you down,

'It's fine, Gossamer-Really...' Celestia says, catching her breath her hand lightly holding her chest and wowing softly as she pokes her flat tummy, 'Is this-Was this the spell?'

Luna stands up, regaining her bearings and straitening to her full height which is..very intimidating but also incredibly sexy as she looks down at you, her naked chest full in your face. She still leans against you however, her strong arms holding onto you for support. You tense ever so slightly as Luna's hand, seemingly of it's own volition slides down your back and rests on your pert ass.

Luna doesn't seem to notice, either your tensing or where her hand is. Instead she's staring at Celestia, watching her sister's body with a blank but intense expression. Her hand involuntarily tightens and squeezes your ass and you jump, Luna finally noticing and releasing it as if burnt, her mouth wide.

'Sorry!' Luna squeaks, putting her hand behind her back,

'It's fine! Really-'

Celestia chuckles again, causing her large breasts to jiggle before stopping and frowning, shaking her head as if trying to clear the fluff, and then sitting up, straight and as composed as she can be with her pussy buzzing and her tits out,

'So, Gossamer-Perhaps you'd like to explain?'

'Yes-' Luna says, cupping her larger ass before releasing it just as quickly, then just as quickly running her fingers across her defined stomach,

'This-This was the spell? It's-uh-It's not as bad as I was expecting?' She flexes a solid bicep and you catch sight of Celestia lick her lips.

You cough, weaving your bullshit narrative, 'There was spell there. I mean, obviously, there was-'
You shrug awkwardly, 'It was supposed to make you...softer and uh...more susceptible-It would have transformed you into a docile um-slut for her I think...'

'I don't feel particularly docile or soft' She cups her tits again before releasing them, shoving her hands under her armpits, 'Apart from a few key areas!' She huffs.

'Quite.' Celestia says, 'In fact I feel more energised than I have in years!'

You make a show of looking embarrassed, 'I couldn't...um, stop it as such but I tried to guide it as best as I could, away from what Starveheart desired-'

'-and more into what YOU desired?' Celestia states, standing up and wow she's tall...

There isn't any accusation in her tone however, instead a teasing giddyness. You feel Luna's arm reach around and grab you protectively...

Or possessively.

Both of them giving you a look as if you're a delectable morsel to be gobbled up-

The two share a look with more than a fair amount of lust and promise in it before at the same time, blinking and looking away.

Luna releases you quickly, stepping away as Celestia almost whacks her head on the light as she does the same,

Damn. Apart of you is disappointed, as much as you wouldn't mind having these two kneeling below you, being ravaged by the two of them like a good little bottom wouldn't be awful either!

'There' still going to be some um...mental effects as well, you may have noticed them-'

'Yes-' The two say at the same time, both looking around, refusing to meet eachother's gaze,
'So, I couldn't block all of it and It's going to be difficult to remove-'

'Didn't you disenchant Lightning Dust?'

Shit. You had told them that...

Bullshit powers GOOO

'That was different, lesser, I think Lightning was an opportunistic test. Either that or it was a different Changeling who did it, I told you there's probably going to more than one-'

Which there was.

'Starveheart Really wanted you Celestia, she put some welly into that spell, In fact, had Luna not stepped in and tanked half of it I might not have been able to do anything-'

Best to spread around the glory a bit.

Celestia beams at Luna who swells with pride and the link between the hums with pleasure and love.

And lust...The two stare at eachother with more than just sisterly love now...

'What do we do about these urges then?' Luna asked, breaking eye contact with her sister with difficulty, '

'Yes, They're very...distracting-'

'We shouldn't act on them!' Luna says, slamming her fist into her hand again, gritting her teeth as her and her sister's "urges" quiver between the bond.

'We'll just...sit on them!'

You cough, 'That might not be a good idea. Having you pent up and frustrated is going to make it harder for you to think clearly. It might be a good idea to...vent, whenever you need to.' You try to look as embarrassed as you can while Luna scowls in frustration and Celestia sags with relif, her hands already rubbing over the tight shorts.

'I'll help of course-' You say before cutting short, a real blush coming to your face this time at your misspeak, the two looking at you with mixtures of shock and reluctant WANT.

'I mean magic and stuff-although, um...if you need it-'

'That...Hopefully that won't be needed-'

'Yes, We appreciate the offer though-'

You don't hear a no however.

You briefly discuss what the game plan is, tommorow is Friday but Celestia assures you, you still have the morning off to do what you need to do. In fact, the both of them agree that you should do whatever you need to do to prepare. They'll stall Wormwood in your absence as best as they can. The magic you've thrown on them should give them a certain amount of resistance to Wormwood.

Once you get a decent nights sleep in the cozy spare room they put you up in, You'll be able to restore your Mana and maybe even work out some new spells! Then decide on what you want to do in the morning.

First though, perhaps you can "help" either Celestia or Luna...

Or neither, the LINK is constantly pulsing their fantasies across to one another. Their dreams should be colourful...

A) "Help" Celestia. [Enhances Celestia's attraction to you]
B) "Help" Luna [Enhances Luna's attraction to you]
C) Don't help either, let them stew on eachother for a night. [Enhances attraction between the sisters]

Locked in C with two votes.

You grin as towel off you hair in your room, listening the running shower through the wall of your room and Luna's bedroom on the opposite wall.

Celestia is exploring her new body as the hot soapy water runs down her smooth, firm body. The swirl of sensations feeding through the bond and into Luna as she tries to get to sleep. You hear her bed squeak and a moan stifled by a pillow,


You gently twang the link with your magic and hear Celestia in the shower moan as a lurid fantasy of Luna soaping her tits springs into her mind. Your instructions to release as much of their pent up arousal as they can is giving them ample opportunity to unwillingly share a very intimate moments with eachother...

You feel the link strengthen as they share it. They'll always be caught in a low level feedback loop of hornieness unless you break the link. That might be an idea later if you want them to maybe diversify if you don't want them both going full gym bunny/amazon!

Instead, with his backdrop you meditate, sitting cross legged on the bed in a set of shorts and a tanktop, the pink colouration and the heart motif hinting that this room and these clothes might have been Cadence's once upon a time.

You restore your mana and your ample use of it has gifted you with access to a deeper pool!

You also do a bit of ruminating on what you've learned today and you think you have enough time to work out a few more spells.

You also think it might be possible, albeit dangerous to suck in some of the bimbo magic floating around the house. It'll make you stronger but who knows what'll happen to you physically given the ever increasing sighs and moans coming from the Sister's rooms...

[1A) Absorb bimbo magic. Gain one more mana and another spell choice but you're at the mercy of the sister's fantasies...
1B) Don't absorb it. It sounds like Luna's getting pretty aggressive in her dreams and you'd rather stay yourself and you'd rather not end up as the sister's little subbie.

[NEW AVAILABLE SPELLS. PICK Two] (or three if 1A was picked)
2A) Body Modification - Tits/Ass/Dick

2B) Body Modification - Fitness

2C) Horny Magic - Upgrade for Increase Arousal. Boost arousal automatically toggles whenever you cast ANY other spell.

2D) LustTap - You've spent a night focusing on the lustful emotions felt by the two horny sister's. You think you might be able to tweak yourself so you can regain energy by consuming lust instead. For every orgasm you cause, you regain one mana.

2E) Modify intelligence/Attention Span

2F) Subtle spell: With Subtle Spell, you are able to weave your magic in a way that it stays discreet from people trained to spot magic.

2G) Implant fantasy. Implant a lewd thought into an unsuspected mind. The more mana you invest, the stronger the fantasy! 1 mana - Idle daydream, 2-Nightly masturbation session, 3 - Constant Kink!

[ Locked in 1B, 2D and 2G after a coinflip]


You breath in, humming with energy and leaning back on the soft bed, arms behind your head as you listen and feel the two formerly plain and professional Principal's gasping and moaning in the rooms opposite. You realise you have a bit of time when they're asleep to maybe throw a bit more magic around if you wanted.

Standing up and creeping to their rooms, you peek into Luna's. In a tight purple tshirt that she's now outgrown enough that it exposes her entire midriff. Luna is gripping her covers hard, a pillow between her legs as she grinds against it hard.

'Mmm-Take it, There's a good girl-Know your betters!' She says soflty in her sleep.

You could increase this little fantasy or maybe it would be better if Luna was a little less dominant?

You don't see much that you could enchant in here but you're sure there is somthing around the house you could slap some magic on if you don't want to cast it directly onto Luna.

Celestia's room is another matter, the room heady with the smell of arousal and female musk. She's simply writhing on the bed, the covers thrown off and completly nude, her legs spread as she gasps and moans a litany of nonsense.

You spot the shorts hanging off the bed. The seemed to have cleaned themselves and hum with magic. With the shorts already +1 BIMBO SHORTS an ITEM OF POWER. You know that the power of spells you stack on them is cumulative.

You've already boosted them once. You could do the same again or maybe throw any other spell on them for the same effect.

You might even be able to put a LUSTTAP on them but that might get a bit scary given how powerful they already are. They could get caught in a dangerous snowball to avalanche scenario where they regenerate from making Celestia cum while at the same time making her into a bimbo battery...

That would be...um, bad...

[1A) Cast spell on Luna
1B) Cast spell on Celestia
1C) Cast spell on shorts.
1D) Boost shorts no spell -1 mana
1E) Hold off, you need the mana for tommorow.

[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E)Implant Fantasy. (Specify the fantasy and how much mana you want to use)

(Opening this one up to the floor a bit with the fantasy spell. Rather than try and have an option for every thing you could implant I'll suggest a few options as I did with Luna but people should feel free to call out if they have an idea. If there's support for it or I really like it I'll throw it in. I'll always try and follow the mood of the room though.)

You wake up next morning after a amazing nights sleep. Despite everything that's happened you think things are progressing well. Luna and Celestia appear to already be up, their room doors open. They had a very active night's sleep from what you heard. Hopefully the should be nice and horny for the day ahead.

You find the kitchen empty although you do see a nice big bowl of MAGICAL INFUSED FRUIT that Celestia smuggled in from the staffroom. The magic seems to have spread to the other fruit in the bowl as well and now they're as succulent and glowing as the ones you enchanted...

You hear a soft grunt from outside and peek into the large garden to see Celestia on a workout bunch, two dumbbells in her hand, pushing them skyward in a perfect chest press. She's breathing heavily, sweat pouring down her body and into the tight tank top she's wearing. You see her still wearing the shorts, this time with no panties revealing everything. Every so often a crackle of magic will spark across them and Celestia's grunts of exertion get a little more sensuous.

Luna is standing above her, a defined leg on either side of her sister's head as she spots her sister, helping her with the weights.

'Come on 'Tia-This is small stuff! You're boosted with magic and it didn't just make your tits bigger!' Luna said, taking an opprtunity to snap a quick glance at said tits as Celestia eyeballs her sister's crotch, her previous workout pants now painted against her legs and midriff. Celestia licks her lips and pushes the last set out and lets the weights drop, panting in exertion and her pussy hums. She takes Luna's hand as she pulls her up and into a hug, their large tits squishing together, and out the sides of their too small tops.

The hug lasts a little too long and their hands are a little too roaming before they break. Then too your and presumably Celestia's surprise, Luna swats her sister on the ass-


'Good hustle-' She says, giving the taller woman a cheeky grin. From the look in Celestia's You have a feeling more might have happened if you hadn't been spotted by Celestia.

'Ah-Gossamer, sleep well?' She says smoothly as Luna sidles away, her face blank despite the blush as she moves inside.

'Oh Yes, Very-What about yourself?'

'Oh, a few dreams but other than that...' Celestia says idly, biting her lip as the shorts flex and tighten against her quim at the memories of her dreams...

'Me and Luna woke up early, we thought we go for a run and then Luna was curious about how these new bodies might fair with a workout and well, one thing led to another-' She flexes an arm, the pale skin of her arm swelling slightly as the definition increases before she relaxes. She's not as outwardly strong as Luna but judging by that display and the weights she was throwing about...

'I must say, I'm...upset at the nature of the changes but I have to admit, I like them so far...' She said, eyes falling on Luna's bouncy ass through the sliding glass door.

You sit down at the breakfast table, a bagel in front of you while Luna mixes up a protein shake for herself. She offers to make one for Celestia but she once again beelines for the fruit smoothie.

'Like we said previously Gossamer.' Luna states as Celestia chugs her smoothie, obliterating any of the inhibitions she might have regained since the last dose.

'We'll be glad of any help you can give us combating Starveheart. We really do need to talk to Sunset Shimmer. Even if it is only to discover if she's been replaced. If she has we can make plans to that event but if she hasn't she'll be a great help.' Luna's focused now, laying out plans, 'I've had a look at our virtual timetable for the school. Starveheart's booked half a dozen "one on one" sessions with a bunch of students, 'Including: Zephyr Breeze, Thunderlane, Applebloom, SweetieBelle and Diamond Tiara.'

You think, casting your mind back to you research notes,
'They're...all family of the bearers? Apart from Thunderlane?'

Celestia finished her smoothie with a loud, satisfied sigh and leaned back on her chair, spreading her legs wide, the shorts stretching across her legs, pulling tight into her ass as she openly leers at your breasts, all pretence gone temporarily.

'He used to fuck Rainbow Dash-'

'They dated.' Luna corrects before barrelling on before Celestia can say any more, 'Evidence points to Starveheart targeting the Bearer's family and those they care about.'

'Again, we'll run interference on her as best as we can if you need to investigate anything else-'

You've got a few options here:
Stopping Starveheart get a foothold is important as all hell but you're not quite sure how to go about doing that. She's shielded, on the lookout for you and has the bloody pen. Depending on how well she learns how to use it she might be able to boost it's power on her own...

That could be bad.

Sunset Shimmer is an option, especially if you can hit the bearer's hard and fast enough that she's already on side before Honourheart arrives which should be any day now! It's risky and there is a reason Starveheart seems to be working her way from the outside in...

There's also this The Shadowy Hot Lady who gave Lightning the shorts. She's out there somewhere and if she's just giving away ITEMS OF POWER then maybe you can mooch some ridiculously OP artefact off of her...

You also have Lightning Dust and Harshwhinny to check on as well if you wanted...

A) Go to school and see what you can do with Starveheart before she can charm the bearer's families.
B) Find Sunset Shimmer and try and win her over before Honourheart arrives.
C) Try and hunt down the Shadowy Lady and her bag of tricks
D) Lightning or Harshwhinny?
E) other

Right. That's decided then. After a brief debate about whether you should run into school again, one that Celestia seems raring for but Luna reluctantly shuts down.

'There's not much need for a diet anymore Tia, you're gorgeous!' Luna says, a pulse of attraction echoing over the link to be reciprocated by Celestia whose wandering eye goes from you to Luna and she smiles suggestively,
'Thank you Luna, You're opinion means the world to me-' She says, her voice breathy as she places her hand under Luna's chin, tilting the younger woman's head and staring into her eyes as Luna's lips part softly.

You clear your throat. You really don't have much time and the two of them haven't even showered yet. Celestia winks at you before leaving the room, hips swaying while Luna's eyes follow hypnotically, her hand trailing between her legs under the table.

A while later, after a suggestively long shower in which Luna's sighs and squirms pretty much confirmed that Celestia had frigged herself silly in the shower, the link and the fact Celestia had used all the hot water leaving Luna frustrated and pentup as Celestia drove you all to Canterlot High, humming contently all the way.

She's wearing a nice airy yellow skirt that shows off her long, powerful legs and a skyblue sweater that despite covering everything clings tight You also weren't able to snag the shorts back and you're pretty sure Celestia's still wearing them under the skirt. Luna is wearing a much more severe skirt, the tight black fabric hiding her legs while perfectly framing her bouncy bum.

She was particularly terse about that you noticed. She'd worked hard on her tight, fit ass and Celestia had undone it all!

You notice that her hands still takes every opportunity she can to cup said ass.

'Won't anyone notice we've changed?'

You shake your head, 'I don't think so, the magic was fairly localised. Luna may have not noticed you had changed if she hadn't insisted on staying last night and left before the change.'

Again, spread the glory around a bit more...

'Do you want us to introduce you go Sunset?' Luna asks,

That was a good question actually, Sunset was a pretty strong magic user by all accounts and had much longer in this world to work out how to use HER magic. You were strong and top of your class at the Academy but Sunset Shimmer was a prodigy.

Having either Celestia or Luna there would certainly give your credibility but you didn't manage to get around to [SUBTLE SPELL] so if you wanted to cast anything on her, Sunset at least would notice. If you were hoping to throw as much at her as possible before she could react then having the two Sister's there might not be the best idea..

A) Meet Sunset with one of your new housemates,
[B) Meet without them.]
C) Other?

[Locked in B from last thread!
Meet Sunset without Luna and Celestia]

gonna post as long as there is a MLP Bimbo thread here.

[Locked in B from last thread!
Meet Sunset without Luna and Celestia]

(Not formatted sorry)Previous - https://rentry.org/w8rho

You decide to go off on your own to meet Sunset, advising the two of them to go off and try and delay Starveheart. Celestia, with very few inhibitions looks like she would rather take some me time in her office with her fingers but she nods along with her sister before you split.

As you walk through the school, there appears to be more of the strange magic hanging around. Filling the air and the hallways of Canterlot High. You wonder if you could harness it yourself. With it's help you managed to magic your way into becoming a TA. With a bit more maybe you could become a full teacher or maybe even replace one of the Principals!

That was a nice thought. Celestia and Luna seemed a bit worked up lately, maybe they would like a vacation where they could explore other avenues of work. Like modelling or you had even heard of women in this world making lots of money by exchanging pictures of their ass with thirsty strangers.

They might like that.

And you would have a nice position of power over a pillar of Canterlot society...

Something to think about.

As you're walking down the halls though you spot the Counsellors office, a line of students sitting on a bench outside while a beaming Raven stood outside.

She looks...different. Her formerly petite body has been hit with some serious magic. Her tits, barely more than a handful before are now huge, bigger than her head and all but bursting out of her lowcut blouse, her black lacy bra visible as the shirt creaks, buttons straining.

Her skirt, a deep green number that does nothing to hide her thick, stocking and garter wrapped thighs is stretched to it's limit. She's idly suckling on a pen, her fat lips making the act lurid in the extreme. The most damning thing though is the black choker around her neck. A deep grey gem in the shape of a heart is set in the middle, a hairline crack down the centre. It glows soflty to your arcane vision.

No one seems to have noticed the drastic change although Zephyr Breeze, sitting closest to the door and Raven is having a hard time hiding his interest. So is Thunder lane. The tall grey athlete is staring straight ahead, noticeably avoiding looking at Raven and her heaving breasts.

Sweetie Belle, the cute eighteen year old is snatching a few glances then looking down at her own cute but modest figure and then back up at Raven, sighing slightly. You think you understand, Rarity is supposed to be a bombshell all by herself and Sweetie Belle didn't bloom as drastically as her older sister. Consigning Sweetie to always be the cute kid sister.

Applebloom and Diamond Tiara look like they're about to start pulling hair so that's pretty normal. The short but wiry member of the Apple family was red in the face teeth gritted at the taller, haughty Diamond Tiara who despite trying to maintain the haughty look was also not far from losing her composure as the two traded barbs.

'Next~' Raven said, cooing as her choker pulsed and leaned over deeply to usher Zephyr into the office, placing a hand on the small of his back and pushing her breasts into his back.

The door slams shut behind them and you desperately want to see what Starveheart is doing behind that door.

No time for that now however, you spy Sunset Shimmer ducking into the library, a out of place tome under her arm which just screams "magical communication device" to you. You quickly follow her in, hiding behind the stacks as she ducks to a secluded part of the already quiet library, settling down in a small nook filled with beanbags and "reading is fun!" posters.

If you're going to introduce yourself, now's a good time, she appears to be waiting for some kind of communication from the book. Opening and shutting it every few seconds and then sighing impatiently. It may very well be news of Honourheart's arrival.

If you're going to weave some magic on her, you wouldn't be able to hide it...Sunset's a dedicated magic user and surprise is your only advantage at the moment. You may be able to overwhelm her with spells but you better make them count because if she get's a turn in this game then you're in trouble.

1A) Approach her, friendly and open.
1B) Cast some magic! (Please specify)

If casting magic:
Spells available:
[MANA 5/5]
[BOONS 1/2]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)

Mana 2/5
Boons - Expended

You gather as much magic as you can. You're loath the blast through this much mana *this early in the day but you think this is warranted. You suck up as much as you possibly from the ambient magic of the school and dig deep into your own internal reservoir. You begin casting an intricate spell, so unlike the one the slapdash one you did, wrangling the bimbo magic into Luna last night.

This one is a thing of beauty. You feel the protective wards around the school begin to rise up, to react but your badge hums, recognising you as a member of the faculty and stands down. You draw on it actually and feel Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle's magic infusing the area. You bite your lip as the spell gets more intricate, growing moist and using Sunset Shimmer's own magic and the magic of her closest friend to totally change the hot, sexy woman's priority. She won't be able to close her eyes without dreaming of fat tits and huge asses, she'll constantly see her friends as her pussy wants them, dim and needy.

She wants that for herself as well. The idea of the smart, brainy woman becoming nothing more than a walking pair of tits and a drooling pussy-

Sunset looks up sharply, sensing the tang of magic in the air and leaps to her feet sharply, already pooling her own magic around her, you see the outline of a long, elegant horn and a pair of silvery wings begin to take shape across her body but far to late-

You let the spell go, the intricate green mesh flying forward, a supercharged kaleidoscope of arcane sigils and geometry.

It enfolds across Sunset's head, seeping beneath her long gold and scarlet locks and into her mind. Sunset pauses, gasping as hundreds, thousands, an untold number of images and thoughts beam into her mind. She moans, her magic flaring powerfully but wildly as she tries to shake the mind bending visions. Her tongue lolls out, her eyes flashing powerfully between green and white and she staggers, unable to separate her own feelings and thoughts from the ones you just put there as they settle into the very core of her being.

She looks up at you, snarling, her hands balls of power,

'What did you do?' She yells, at the bookshelf you're hiding behind,

A) Stay and explain. It's...possible, albeit pretty difficult for you to bluff your way out of this. Due to the boon, she's not got a clear idea of what you just did apart from the fact it was very powerful and centred on her mind. She really can't tell or remember a time when she hasn't wanted everyone to be a bimbo.

B) On the other hand, she is pissed. You could think you could book, she hasn't properly laid eyes on you yet. You might be able to get away unseen although maybe not unscathed and with this new Sunset, who knows what the first magic spell she throws at you might be. You see definite motes of pink bimbo magic swirling into the magic collecting in her hands.

A) with 4 votes.

[This one got away from me. Last one for tonight. Will do choices tommorow. We'll get to himbo content eventually I swear]

You step out smoothly, holding your hands up and dispelling your magic, a enigmatic smile on your face
'Now hold on just a-WAH!'

Sunset slams into you, pure white magic boiling from her eyes, boring into you as she shoves you against the bookshelf, her hands gripping your sweater tightly. She begins to cast...some spell, you're not sure quite what it is but it's MEGA.

'Waitwaitwait!' You babble, holding your hands infront of your face as Sunset seethes, 'Celestia sent me!' You blurt out, panicking, the first thing you can think of and to your extreme relief the spell stops building. Sunset breaths heavily, her chest rising and falling beneath her shirt, teeth gritted,

'Explain. Now. What the hell did you just cast on me and how EXACTLY did Celestia send you?'

'The principal! I'm with her!' You plead, the actual fear in your voice giving you a little credence here, 'There's a changeling here! She's got a plan and it's NOT a good one!'

Sunset doesn't say anything for a moment before tightening her grip and throwing you down, into one of the large squishy beanbags littering the reading space. She stares at you, blinking hard as her mind shifts and tweaks, cluttered with all sorts of smut that wasn't there a moment ago.

You venture forth, 'The spell I cast, It was a mental check! That's all, I needed to check you were actually Sunset. Celestia and Luna ASKED me to because they need your help! All it did was make sure you were actually you and remove any mental blocks or manipulation you had on you!'

Sunset continuies to stare at you before making a sharp gesture with her hand and snatches some of your remnant magic out of the air, holding it in her hand as it glows softly green.


You've never seen that done before. You swallow nervously as Sunset turns her hand, observing it, analysing the magic with narrowed eyes

It's only ambient though, the afterwash of a spell, there's no way that she can actually glean anything-

'You're not a pony. Or a human.'

Your eyes go wide, your face blanching in shock is the only confirmation that Sunset needs and she steps forward menacingly, leather jacket making her appear even larger as she stands over you.

'No-' Fuck, Fuck, truth's all you can fall back on, 'I'm a changeling! I admit it, I am, but I'm good! I swear, ask Luna!'

'She knows your a changeling?'

'Yeah-Wait-Um-' You think back,

HAD that come up? Huh, No you had admitted you were from Equestria but never made any mention of actually BEING a changeling yourself.

'Not...Not entirely, there was a bit going on-'

It had genuinely not even occurred to you to tell her you were a changeling. It wasn't in your nature as a changeling to just give that information away. The likes of Thorax and his gang were freaks and radicals! Then again, seeing as they were the majority now maybe you, with your black carapace and trust issues were the freak now...

An interesting philosophical conundrum that-FUCKNOTNOW.

Sunset actually flinches in shock, "A BIT going on?" she says, sarcasm dripping from her words

'Yeah! Look, I'm telling you the truth! Ask Celestia OR Luna.'

'Right, and how did I know they're actually them or they don't have a spell cast one them?'

'I don't know, Use your magic? You sussed me out pretty quick! And they DO have a spell cast on them that's why I'm coming to you! That's why THEY need you!'

You see her falter slightly at your blunt honest admission, 'What kind of spell?'

You blow air out, this is a risk as you'll be revealing yourself a bit here, Then again most of the magic on the two of them is BIMBO magic, not your own changeling brand. Even the link was forged from the pink energy, you just copied the technique. In fact the only spell of yours is the lower inhibition spell which might pass muster, slipping in under something that she ingested...

You could get away with this...

'It's...' You make a show of being hesitant, not evasive though just embarrassed, 'Transformative magic with a fair dose of mental manipulation which I've tried to mitigate as best as I can-Just ask them!' You say, frustrated and nervous.

'I saw them this morning, they looked exactly the same as the always do!'


'Okay, think and I mean ACTUALLY think, concentrate on what they looked like getting out their car this morning compared to what they looked like yesterday-' This was actually quite tricky to do and required a bit of lateral thinking as you're essentially fighting weaponised change blindness.

She scoffs but pauses, her eyes narrowing in thought,
'Don't think of them as Celestia and Luna, think of them as two pictures side by side and then do "spot the difference."

Her eyes widen, then narrow again then her forehead furrows in increasing concentration and disbelief as it clicks.

'Oh~' She breaths and then swallows, 'W-Whoa-That's...um...That's a change alright...' Her tongue darts out across her lips and she swallows once more,

'Yeah-' You sigh, seeing you have her doubting now, 'I can't reverse it, I could barely stop it last time, hell I didn't as bad as it is now it could have been twice as bad! Their boobs ballooned out like a Pinkie Pie Parade as their brains leaked out from between their legs!' You say and Sunset's thighs clamp together, a quaver in her voice as she breaths out,

'Oh-Oh no...' Then her eyes sharpen again, 'Why am I thinking all of these thoughts then!'

'What thoughts?'

'You know what!' She blushes furiously and splutters,

'I really don't! All I did was remove any mental magic on your mind! Whatever crazy shit you're thinking about now is ALL on you! Probably because you're a member of a species whose sexual hangups are almost non-existent crammed into the body of a whole other species who, from what I've seen are horned up to all Tartarus!'

You give a superior sniff here, secure in the knowledge that changelings only ever engage in debauchery for business.

I mean, You still ENJOY it but it normally serves a purpose.

Then again you've been pretty "forward" since you've been here. Maybe you really are a freak...

'Prove it.' Sunset orders,

'Show you what? That human's are horny? Go on the internet and-'

'No, Prove you're a changeling.'

You give her a bewildered look, 'Why the fuck would anyone LIE about being a changeling?'

She steps closer, hands crackling once more,

'Okay, okay, okay, Hive!' You swear, then hold your hands up, wondering what to change, You might be able to manage a change in hair colour or something, 'Look, I'm pretty limited while in this world, I can't do much, What do you want me to do-'

'Grow your boobs.'

'What?' That actually took you off guard despite everything, It looks like it took her off guard as well but she quickly steels her expression.

'Go on.'

You didn't think she'd actually be that audacious. You were expecting her to simmer a bit in her implanted fantasies, but no...

You breath in, and then concentrate before stopping, holding up a finger and reaching down to strip your jumper off,

'Wh-What are you doing?' Sunset says, eyes going to your bouncy boobs as you strip down, roving up your body with hunger

'Look-I'm not sure how this is gonna go, I've never done it here before and on the other side of the mirror there's an...pyrotechnic element to the whole thing-' You scowl as a memory comes to you,

'Chrysalis might be able to burn thorough a two thousand bit wedding dress without giving a shit but I'm actually pretty fucking poor and I'd rather not mooch of the fucking PRINCIPAL for clothes-'

A ghost of a smile flickers briefly across Sunset's face, almost too quick to see before she prompts you with a gesture,

With that, you focus, a soft heat spreading through your body before alighting on your-

You hear Sunset gasp as your breasts begin to swell and you open your eyes to see her watching your breasts grow intently

'More-' She says and you gasp as another feeling begins to creep through you, mingling with your own innate magic as pink streams begin to carress your chest-

'Sunset, I'm ffuck-The magic-' You know she can see it, carressing and groping your now sizeable breasts as the soon reach the point that they're going to outgrow your hands,

The magic, attracted by both your and Sunset's ludicrous displays of magic begins to seep into the both of you. Your transformation begins to go from comforting warmth to something a bit more sensuous...

'Sunset please-' You moan as your skirt begins to grow tighter as you desperately try to hold your form together as more magic pours into you, your panties growing damp,

'I didn't say stop.' Sunset breaths, suddenly close, grabbing your arms, her long hair falling over your face as blush and makeup begin to appear on your face, expertly simulated by your skin.

You tremble in her grip, pleasure wracking your body as you try to hold on and then Sunset releases you, her voice coming at you from far away, panicked and worried, 'Shit-You can stop now-Stop, Stop!'

'I can't!' You whine as your magic blows out, your tongues of green fire shooting across your body as your body shifts.

Your skin darkens, going from the pale blue of your disguise to soft, tender carapace, your now black tits swelling out of your thin hands, bright green nails digging in as your skirt disappears in a blast of green magic and your fit ass becomes a bubble butt. Granted a very tight bubble butt!

Nooo-Your gainsss...

Now you know how Luna felt as you slump back in the surprisingly fire resistant beanbag, gasping and sighing, Sunset watching you with an utterly rapt expression, your bright green eyes meeting hers in a baleful look,

'Proof enough?'

[You have unlocked your species natural talent, you can now alter your shape at will. Then again, there does appear to be a certain...bimboriffic element to any form you take...]

Sunset stares at your new form, you're slim in this for, your waist waspish and your onyx legs long and slender. You look at your fingernails which are emerald and talon like, small wings buzz on your back, sensing the ambient magic in the air. The exception are you tits and your ass which have bubbled out signifcantly and now leaving you with a hour glass figure that is honestly out of proportion.

Sunset seems to be rapt though, she doesn't seem to have heard your sarcasitc question, instead she reaches out gently and runs her hand over your smooth black skin, her magic flicking across your tits causing you to gasp and whine,

'Hey, W-Watch it!' You mewl and Sunset draws back quickly, looking embarressed and chagrinned,

'Sorry-' She blurts out, hands fiddling with the hem of her shirt, her suscipiscion replaced by guilt at her lustful actions, not just in carressing your breasts but in goading you on to change in the first place. Despite that, due to you spell she really liked it and would really like to see more which in turns makes her even more guilty.

'You can change back now...'

'Thanks.' You focus again, trying to return to your previous, human form but...

The green fire is now notably tinged with pink, and it now feels really good as it creeps up your body and you gasp, arching your back as you return to your previous, fit and perky form. Then, against your wishes your tits swell back out. You try and shrink them again and after wobbling for a little, the strain and pleasure of holding them small overwhelms you,

'Fuck!' You gasp as they return, a overflowing handful that sits heavy on your chest. 'They won't stay small!' You see Sunset leering, her tongue running over her teeth and decide to go on the attack, 'Did you do this?' You accuse baselessly and she recoils in outrage and hidden behind that, a degree of fear.

Had she? She had all these fantasies...She always had, or had she? You jiggle your breasts again as you snatch up your bra and make a show of squeezing it back on.

Anything to distract the deviant Sunset.

'No! No-I-'

'Sunset, I'm a powerful mage, I know you saw that pink magic and I know you see it clinging to me now! That only turned up when you started casting!' You feel a little guilty about gaslighting Sunset like this but she really was a big threat,

'No-I did see it but I didn't-I was-It wasn't me!' Her mind was betraying her, the large part of her mind that had enjoyed watching you squirm and change was screaming out the reasonable , rational part of her mind.

'I've been trying to stop it!' She blurts out, 'That's why I'm here!' She picks up the book, holding it like a shield infront of her chest,

Huh, this was information...

'What? What do you mean?'

'I've seen the magic before, It's unlike anything I've ever seen before and you're not the only person it's changed! My friend Fluttershy-' She bites her lip, cutting off as her image of Fluttershy shifts and warps in her new perception. 'Anyway-I was trying to ask for help from Princess Twilight but she hasn't got back to me yet!'

Oho...So she wasn't here about Honourheart. Did Sunset even know she was on the way?

You grateful that you came here first now.

'It's been around for about a week and it's getting stronger, it was only here and there before but mostly ambient. Now it's cropping up everywhere, worse I'm hearing word of ITEMS OF POWER that seem to be focal points or generators for these things but I haven't been able to acquire one yet.'

She folds her arms and leans back, thumping her head softly on the bookshelf, as you discard the bra and work on getting the sweater back on.

'Worse, that proves it's not just some wild magic that got sucked through a porn filter, these Items prove someone's is behind it!' She pauses, 'This...other changeling, could she be doing it?'

You shake your head, 'No, I only got here yesterday and Starveheart arrived after me. This stuff was already in full swing...' You place your hand on your chin, covering your basis, 'Maybe Starveheart wasn't responsible for the transformation in the Principals but she's defiently up to no good. She snared Raven yesterday and she's...' You make a gesture with your hands, indicating a pair of big 'ol tiddies.

The door to the library opens sharply, causing you both the jump but it's just a student carrying a stack of books. That reminds you though, a lot of magic just got cooked off here and anyone with any ounce of magic sense will have noticed that!

'We should get out of here-' You say, ignoring the way the sweater squeezes your new boobs and highlighting your nipples as well as the way Sunset is staring.

Then you run into a problem.

'Fuck my skirt!' It burned up when you transformed! As did your panties!

'Oh dear...' Sunset says, not sounding as sad as she should,

'Damnit!' You breath out through your nose and hold your hands out to her, 'Give me some of your magic.' As an afterthought you add, 'Please.'

She stares blankly at you and you huff,

'We need to go but we're going to attract notice if I walk out there nude from the waist down-I can make this...not as noticeable as it should be but I'm pretty spent.' You take her hands in yours and begin focusing. You start casting slowly and carefully, using simple components so Sunset can see what you're doing and doesn't freak.

'I'm pretty spent though and you're obviously a bit of a powerhouse so please can I borrow some of your magic to cover my shame after you made me burn my skirt and panties?'

Sunset blushes once more and grips your hands firmly, nodding, 'Okay, what do I need to do?'

'Just hold on and let me do all the work-' You say with a saucy grin,

It occurs to you here as you weave an AURA OF NORMALTY around yourself using Sunset's mana rather than your own you might be able to slip another spell in under her radar...

She wouldn't notice with your AURA OF NORMALTY and the fact that you're linking magic at the moment...

At first you think of casting it on her but then you consider, If you're trying to make Sunset doubt herself, maybe hitting yourself with a spell while linked to Sunset might help enhance that facade...

Play it off as her rogue magic and wandering thoughts interfering with a delicate spell during a moment of trust...

A little false flag spell...

A) Cast on Sunset
B) Cast on yourself
C) Don't cast just make yourself "decent" and skedaddle.
D) Other

[B, Lower Inhibitons. Won by a coinflip]


You smile at Sunset and she smiles back, not realising that you're expression is out of malice rather than compassion. You weave a spell behind your aura of normality, just a small one that you can bend in on yourself, more fuel for Sunset's doubts about her own magic and conflicting feelings.

'Easy Sunset-I only need a little.'

You can feel Sunset's magic, much more tightly bound to her emotions than yours were, flickering and pulsing as she tries to keep a grip on her feelings.

You release it, feeling a wave of calmness and confidence overcome you as the magic pulses into Sunset's hands and bounces back and washes over you.

'Sunset, What are you doing-Ah!' You gasp, surprised at the force behind your own reflected spell and your knees go weak and you fall against Sunset who enfolds you, still holding your hands.

'I don't know! It's not me!' She says, trying to cut off her magic as you absorb it.

You may have underestimated Sunset a bit. You feel your inhibitions flee and you giggle into Sunset's breasts as the cool air on your ass and pussy become less shameful and distracting and more enticing and pleasant.

You hold on to Sunset, breathing deeply her spicy perfume as you look up at her, eyes and brain a little fluffy, 'Ooh-Sunset. You should have just asked-'

'Wait-I can fix this-' Sunset says and begins weaving more magic which you, still connecting to her gobble up before she can finish, only enhancing the spell further.

You really like watching Sunset squirm, trying to deny to herself how good this feels...

The tight sweater over your large breasts doesn't feel so restricting anymore, more...teasing and you love the way Sunset's hands accidently grope them as she tries to haul you back to your feet, the spell fading as she releases your hands.

'I'm so sorry! I don't know-That wasn't me!' She babbles, still holding onto your sweater puppies,

'Mmm-It's okay Sunset~' You say breathily, your hands going to rest on hers, pushing her hands deeper into your boobs, 'The spell's cast-' You say, shaking your now once again, firm booty.

She pales as she realises where her hands are but doesn't move them apart from a slight tug against your hands

'No It's not, You only don't care because I lost control! Hold on, let me fix you!'

'Sunset, You can fix me whichever way you like but We're on the clock here.' You say, releasing Sunset's hands as you regain your bearings. Sunset doesn't move her hands from your breasts until your eyes flick down, a teasing look in your eyes.

You breath deep, feeling Sunset's magic flowing around you, you might be able to use some of this!

[You can process some of Sunset's magic here:
[1a)Extra mana point +1 (increases Max)
1b)Learn a new spell!]


[2A) Body Modification - Tits/Ass/Dick

2B) Body Modification - Fitness

2C) Horny Magic - Upgrade for Increase Arousal. Boost arousal automatically toggles whenever you cast ANY other spell.

2D) LustTap - You've spent a night focusing on the lustful emotions felt by the two horny sister's. You think you might be able to tweak yourself so you can regain energy by consuming lust instead. For every orgasm you cause, you regain one mana.

2E) Modify intelligence/Attention Span

2F) Subtle spell: With Subtle Spell, you are able to weave your magic in a way that it stays discreet from people trained to spot magic.

2G) Magic Sense - Allows you to be able to sense and pinpoint the location of ITEMS OF POWER with greater ease]

Bimbo Level - Bimbo Petty Mage!
CURRENT PATH: Academic! Current Level - TA [

[You and Sunset rush out, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. You have Sunset with your now, where do you suggest you go now?]

[3A) Find Celestia and Luna, Compare notes.
3B) Go check on Starveheart and her thralls
3C) Didn't Sunset mention something about Fluttershy?
3D) Other?]


You saunter through the halls, bare ass swaying as you enjoy the liberating feeling of being naked again. Well, sort of naked. Either way Sunset's enjoying the view, your fantasy really playing merry hell with her thoughts. Just to fuck with her you add a little more jiggle to your thighs and you feel her eyes on your rear as she follows you towards the Principal's office.

Sunset grabs you suddenly and pulls you back and you let out a soft cry before she softly shushes you and then you feel it-

A bubbling, boiling storm of changeling magic and bimbo magic entwined was making it's way down the hall. Diamond Tiara and Applebloom walked down the hall, all trace of hostility vanished, replaced with a giggly, handsy teasing. A pair of matching green grey chokers around their necks as their eyes flickered between their natural hues and the enchanted green of mental manipulation.

The cloud around them arcs and pulses, enveloping the other student's in the hallway as they two go past. You see sighs and pants as the female students begin to squirm, the guy's not much better as more than one stiffy is suddenly outlined. The green magic swirls around their heads as the two begin handing out slips for appointments at the new "hot" counsellors sessions.

They don't seem changed yet, physically you mean, perhaps it's like Celestia was as the shorts were charging before releasing all in one burst? You watch as the magic sucks in the lusts and fantasies of the varying horny students, pulling them into Diamond and Applebloom who flush red and begin to breath heavily, their skin glistening as the amulets on their throats throb with barely restrained power.

Several tendrils shoot towards Sunset, her mind a brilliant fertile ground of naught bimbofication ideas. As they make contact with Sunset, Applebloom sighs, her breasts swelling, straining her plaid work shirt, buttons popping off to make room for more boob. The shirt twists, the bottom tying up to reveal a toned abdomen. Her jeans become a pair of tight three quaterlengths than pull tight against her ass as she grows taller.

Diamond goes the other way, the formerly tall and slender young woman drops in height, thickening as she does, her skin going from a smooth pale colour to a deeper golden tan. Her designer polo-shirt stretches as she giggles, pushing her heavy breasts into Applebloom's arm who surprisingly wraps an arm around her former nemesis's waist, pulling her in close as the two walk off, a glaring beacon of magic, transmitting Starveheart's wicked desires while also growing from the lust of a school full of horny teens.

But how on earth had she managed it? She wasn't a magus and that pen only had one use a time...didn't it? Unless...

Sometimes you could get issued a lust tap as a physical item. Most changeling's turned them down as it was pretty embarrassing to have to resort to base lust rather than gathering your own love and there were side effects for a changeling that fed off emotion's other than love for an extended period of time.

Still, some took them anyway for use in an emergency. A quick quickie in an alley might be the difference between life and death if your covers been blown.

Had she somehow bootstrapped her lust tap to the bimbo pen?

You suppose that it could work. You're still not sure on how the pen worked entirely but if it gained power for every signature?

The Bimbo magic and the Lust tap would feed off eachother, forever caught in a cycle and gaining more and more power with each person they lured in...

Oh shit, maybe she had...but she wouldn't! It would be crazy dangerous, far to reckless for a professional such as Starveheart...This wasn't how she normally worked. She was quiet, delicate, before striking hard at the right moment once because that would be all she needed.

But...Maybe she didn't know.

Maybe she was unaware of the other effects of the pen. If she HAD just been given it by the Shadowy Hot Lady or found it in the trash or whatever then maybe she only had the most basic idea of what it did-

Maybe she just saw it as an aid to conquest, a leg up to make her entrancement more powerful. She wasn't in tune enough with proper magic to spot the difference as the bimbo magic used her magic as a vessel, hitching a ride. The lockets were probably meant to induce loyalty and obedience in her thralls while giving them a measure of "persuasiveness" against the unindoctrinated. With the bimbomagic floating along though, feeding on itself as it grows larger...

You wonder if the pen wasn't whispering into her mind a little, it using her as she was using it.

Of all the people she picked, it just so happened that the two guys were the horniest guys in the school. Sweetie Belle had body image problems.
Applebloom and Diamond Tiara...Hmm...you're not sure about that one, maybe there had been a lot of unresolved sexual tension behind their antipathy?

So...Potentially five, supercharged bimbostorms walking around Canterlot High, ready to blow at any moment...

You swear softly, making eye contact with Sunset, your body pressed against hers. She looks horrified, not just at the enslavement but the part she had played in her contribution to the storms collective imagination.

'C'mon.' You murmur, dragging her along behind her as you burst into Celestia's office. You fully debrief eachother.

The Principals confirming what you told Sunset, validating you. There's a brief bit of confusion about your lack of pants that causes Sunset to blush and babble before Celestia casually recommends that she could strip as well if it made you more comfortable at which point Sunset started getting palpitations.

You quickly and hurriedly discuss the issues with Wormwood and the Thralls and the fact that in a few hours they'll all be going home and potentially sharing a roof with a bearer. It get's worse, Raven, most likely on orders, had made an unwholly mess of every bit of scheduling and documentation she could (apart from Wormwood's of course). Celestia and Luna have been spending the entire morning just trying to keep the school functioning.

There is a silver lining though,

'Wormwood's office is out of commission for the rest of the day.' Luna says smugly, folding her arms under her breasts.

'How? I thought you said you couldn't kick her out?' You ask,

'Lulu dumped our entire stock on confiscated stink bombs through her door.' Celestia says, beaming at her sister and You and Sunset gawp at the Vice-Principal.

'I don't care how good an enchantress she is, there's no way she's working in that office for at least another day. We've also been blocking and dodging her and Raven's requests for another room.'

So, no more thralls/storms than the ones who are already out there. You're not sure what to do now. You could go after one of them, Applebloom and Diamond Tiara are presumably in the same place but you don't think you're MINOR DISENCHANTMENT will be enough to break a full hold...

You could also run off and try and find an ITEM OF POWER for yourself...the Shadowy distributor obviously has some kind of end goal. If they were the same person that gave Lightning and Starveheart their items that is...

Sunset also mentions wanting to check in on Fluttershy again. She's still at home "off sick." That may not be a bad idea considering Sunset alluded to bimbo magic with her, you might be able to catch Zephyr as well?

Then again, you have Sunset, Luna and Celestia here together. You could consolidate your own power base, maybe even LINK Sunset to Celestia and Luna. By the way Celestia's squirming, she's still wearing the shorts and they're probably ready to go at this point. Sunset would be more than welcome for another round of changes. You might even be able to convince Sunset to provide the mana and when she does..."oh not, Sunset's dirty mind has caused Luna and Celestia to grow another cup size and go up another weight class!'

A) Find one of the thralls, (Specify which one)
B) Go artefact hunting.
C) Consolidate power, boost loyalty and push changes.
D) What's up with Fluttershy?
E) Other?

[Locked in C with three votes]

You discuss things for a little while longer and grin as you watch Celestia pull another glowing smoothie out of her bag. You really did well with that one.

She slurps it down, fanning herself as she does, soft moans and sighs of satisfaction emanating from her as your enchantment curbs her repairing morals again. To your delight, you watch as the LINK between Celestia and her sister ensures that Luna also takes the hit, her legs spreading, biting her lip as Celestia guzzles down their resistances and standards.

Luna pulls out her top, fanning herself as their shared arousal, kept at a simmer through the hectic morning begins to build once more, 'S hot today-' She breaths as an explanation as Sunset looks between them confused at the rising sexual tension in the room.

You watch Celestia relax, leaning back in her chair and after a moment's hesitation strips off her tight jumper revealing she's only wearing a lacy white bra underneath, her huge boobs jiggling as she flexes and stretches, Sunset watching fascinated and incredulous at the hints of powerful muscle that reveal themselves as Celestia lets out a self satisfied sigh.

'Principal Celestia!' Sunset says, shocked and hypnotised by the display, 'What are you doing?'

'Mmm-Just thought I'd air the girls out, Sunset, Forgive me for trying to relax in my own office.' She gives a cheeky grin. Sunset shoots a look at Luna, hoping the younger sister will say something or just taking the opprtunity to look away from Celestia's distracting chest.

Luna however, now fully LINKED with Celestia and enjoying the same sensations as her sister just smiles and enjoys the view, 'It's only fair Ms Sunset, after all Gossamer's allowed to walk around with her pussy and ass on full display.' Luna says, taking a moment to appreciate your aforementioned body parts.

You shrug, 'It's part of the mental transformation I told you about-They've been a bit more...loose than I think they should be.'

'Loose? Luna said, turning and slapping her ass, 'Ms Sunset, does this look loose to you?'

'See what I mean?' You sigh, 'I'll probably have to help them "release"'

'Release?' Sunset gulps, pupils small as her throat works furiously,

'Cum, Sunset.' Celestia says, smiling kindly as she begins to shimmy her dress up, 'Gossamer offered yesterday and I failed to take her up on it-' She says with regret in her tone,

'But-Wait-Hang on, You don't have to-' She gulped as Celestia stood up, pulling down the booty shorts and revealing her glistening pussy.

'No...' Celestia said reasonably, 'I suppose not, Luna you don't mind do you?'

Luna shakes her head, leaning back on the soft chair in the corner like a king holding court, a soft smile on her face as she observed the proceedings, 'Not at all Sister, I wouldn't dream of denying you relif when you need it...'

'Gossamer? You did offer last night but please don't feel obligated if you no longer want to. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.'

'It's fine Principal. It's not the first time I've mixed pragmatism with pleasure and it won't be the last' You say crisply, the whole matter-of-fact tone of this conversation is obviously weighing hard on Sunset as her new lurid kink plays out in front of her.

'Unless-' You begin and delight in the flicker of disappointment that goes across not only Celestia but Luna's face., 'Sunset...Do you think you would be able to assess the two? I may have missed something and your magic is far more adept than mine.'

Sunset squirms, her faith in her own magic a little shaken at the moment, 'It's...It's been acting a bit strange lately, I'm not sure if I trust-'

'Please Sunset.' You say, kneeling down next to her sitting form, 'I really don't mind but if there's any chance we can pry this magic off of them then we have to try!'

Sunset holds your gaze for a moment and then nods decisively, 'Okay.'

'Great. Just try and focus and don't let your mind wander and you'll be okay!'

You wait as she moves up towards Celestia, her face in line with Celestia's chin and the big pair of boobs would be distracting enough to someone who didn't have a small ocean of smut flooding their brain.

She begins to gather magic in her hand, scanning Celestia who sighs and giggles as the magic passes over her sensetive skin, her body remembering your magic. With all of this going on, it doesn't take long for Sunset to make a mistake. It's really minor and wouldn't effect her casting in the slightest but you're not trying to disrupt her casting, just a justification.

You subtle spell and slip a little something into her magic, using Celestia as a conduit and with a quick, unregisterable snap you LINK Sunset, Celestia and Luna together. Celestia and Luna moan in sync as the bond between them is renewed, their shared sensations redouble as Sunset inadvertently dumps her wealth of sordid, bimbotastic fantasies across the link.

Celestia and Luna tremble as their own kinks and fetishes are shoved aside, their weakened inhibitons no match for Sunset's bimbo obsession, a wild, eager grin spreading across their faces as they make eye contact.

Now what's happened to them isn't a problem to be overcome or something they have to live with. Now it's optimal. It's amazing and the best possible outcome and they should be so lucky to have it. They want to share it and revel in it. They want to grow bigger, sluttier , dimmer and watch other's do the same.

Sunset groans in despair as she watches her magic betray her again as the LINK snaps into being and then she groans in pleasure as the arousal of two horned up school administrators hits her in an instant. Her legs buckle and she squeals as her panties soak instantly, the overwhelming desire to fuck both Luna and Celestia forcing it's way into her mind.

'Principal! I'I'm sorry!' She tries to cry out through the burning pleasure between her legs but Celestia just smiles and pulls her in close, burying the girls face between her large tits,

'Shhhhh.' She says kindly as she and Luna tank Sunset's own inhibition, the girl's hands coming up to paw and grope at Celestia's boobs.

You watch and grin then look down, bimbo magic was collecting around the walls of the office, insubstantial at first but attracted to the lust and magic of the room. Celestia's BIMBO SHORTS flex and pulse with energy as well as the air becomes charged

You could probably dispel the magic before it gets to strong and keep the three of them as they are now, you will probably able to siphon some to replenish your almost depleted mana,then again. You really do what to see more changes and Sunset might look could after a Bimbo Workout routine and a bimbo TF orgy would really solidify the bond the four of you have forged...

A) Dispel and Siphon +2 Mana
B) Push the three of them over the edge. All four of you gain a bimbo level.
C) Other

[A) one with 2 votes]

Pub: 26 Sep 2022 06:43 UTC
Edit: 03 Oct 2022 07:44 UTC
Views: 4338