Catalog of Risuner Sub-Species

An anthropological study by Professor Pitaloka


The Risuners are the primary indigenous population of /risu/. Our people are simply described as "humanoids with squirrel characteristics." But that's simply the broad idea. Our people are not unified. Several tribes are scattered over the area. There is a tribe by the coastlines, another in the meadows, another tribe scavenges the forest floor, while another climbs the canopies, a tribe by the river, and another dwells in the peaks of Gunung Ayunda (Ayunda Moutnain). Despite their differences, the tribes share cultural qualities such as our insatiable need for pleasure and joy, our urge to gather nuts, our knowledge of trees and gems, and our dwellings erected within and around tangkal-tangkal sakti (Sacred trees). At first appearance, the jalma asing (Foreigners) may mistake the Risuners for a single ethnic group.

We Risuners, on the other hand, are born with a gift. Our bodies are identical when we are born. There were no distinctions amongst tribesmen when they were children. However, we began to change as we grew. Some of us have longer tails, while others have lost their tails and gained more muscle. The shore tribesmen are not the same as the mountain tribesmen. Our people were born the same, yet they grew differently over time. This phenomenon is known as hadiah Risu (Risu's gift) by the pawang-pawang (shamans/priests) and dukun sihir (witches). When our forefathers were sent here by the hyang (deity) Risu, she granted our bodies the power to adapt, allowing us to live longer, happier lives. When the Tupai Daksina tribes were led by the jalma logam (metal men, referring to 'Kronies') they had access to modern chuubanite studies. The scholars and shamans believed that this phenomenon was caused by our hyang's power radiating off Risu chuubanite within the soil and trees scattered throughout the landmass. Whatever explanation is true, her blessing had not just provided us with an abundant harvest and an overabundance of trees, but they also made our people incredibly adaptive over the course of our lives.

Map of Risu

Risuner Sub-Species

Woodland Risuner/Jalma Leuwung (Forest Men)

WR WR WR WR Non-Sapient Physiology: Wood squirrel
Description: These fun-loving Risuners are commonly found throughout the forests of central /risu/. Range includes Pasuma to Gaputan.
Environmental Factors: Woodland Risuners are exposed to dense woodland environments and exposure to Risu chuubanite radiation emitted from the Temple of Risu's Tree of Life.
Adaptation: Agile, extremely great hearing, high libido, high energy, and high fluid production.
Unique Traits: Extremely high magic affinity. Usually the strongest ethnic group within witch covens.
Unique Cultural Practices: Religious and festive. Makes up the majority of shamans occupying Risu temples across the land. Planners and managers for religious festivals like the nut festival and ceremonial orgies.

Canopy Risuner/Jalma Luhur (High Men)

CR Non-Sapient Physiology: Flying squirrel
Description: Flighty and daredevil Risuners that made homes in treehouses in the canopies of megatree forests.
Environmental Factors: Canopy Risuners grew up exposed to cold temperatures, constant exposure to sun and rain, frequent jumps between trees and escaping natural threats such as titan pythons.
Adaptation: Petite and light body shape, low muscle and fat, semi-hollow bones and strong limb muscles.
Unique Traits: Tattoos made using chuubanite ink. Able to create movement of air around them to glide between trees. A seasoned canopy Risuner forager is able to leap 10 meters into the air.
Unique Cultural Practices: Foragers and trekkers. These Risuners provide the majority of harvests from the rapidly fruiting trees. Collects edibles such as fruits, nuts, flowers, herbs, spices, and honey from the tree tops. They also forage and harvest other essential materials such as bark, rubber, sap, medicinal fungi, leaves, and vines that are used in construction throughout Risu.

Farm Risuner/Jalma Kenit (Small Men)

FR Non-Sapient Physiology: Pygmy squirrel
Description: Dwarf and mercantile risuners that live on the forest floor and throughout the massive farm plains on the western coast of Risu. Concentrated population in Pasuma, Ceres, and Sabatangan.
Environmental Factors: Constant travel on the ground, less dense foliage, farming practices and rites.
Adaptation: Uuooohhh (Neotenic features and small bodysize) extremely high energy and libido, thin fur. Natural affinity towards plant sourced chuubanite.
Unique Traits: Natural botanical senses, able to determine the growth and health of crops based on the concentration of chuubanite within them.
Unique Cultural Practices: Farmers and herders. These Risuners provide and sell every and all non-tree harvested edibles such as green vegetables, tuber roots and melons. These Risuners also herd and raise livestock such as goats and most importantly the manuk laga (battle bird), birds used by the Risuners throughout the land to carry goods, people, and as cavalry.

Mole Risuner/Jalma Taneuh (Soil Men)

MR MR Non-Sapient Physiology: Ground squirrel and Prairie Dog
Description: Hardy and strong Risuners who lives within subterranean settlements beneath Risu. Largest surface settlement is Panrong.
Environmental Factors: Subterranean lifestyle.
Adaptation: Less fur, smaller ears, stronger muscles, bulkier physique, and eyes sensitive to sunlight. Natural affinity to gem-sourced chuubanite.
Unique Traits: Digs massive tunnel networks underneath the land. The Mole Risuner network extends from the fields of the west, under the Temple of Risu, and extends to the forests of the east. Tunnel network further boosts tree growth by circulating chuubanite infused air below the roots.
Unique Cultural Practices: Miners and gem tree farmers. Mines coal, rocks, and gems for the surface Risuners. These Risuners are the only ethnic group capable of growing gem trees perfectly until maturity. As such their knowledge is kept limited only to themselves. As surface Risuners require magic gems to craft staves, talismans, shields and other important chuubanite items, Mole Risuner tribes have diplomatic advantage in trading and supplying tribes. While the Mole Risuner tunnels could be used as an efficient alternative compared to trekking between the dense woods, a majority of these tunnels are closed off to other ethnics due to containing chuubanite gem related secrets.

Lanky Risuner/Jalma Paos (Long Men)

No image available. Non-sentient analog will be used instead.
Pretend anime girl here Non-Sapient Physiology: Chirit
Description: Flexible and manic Risuners who lives in the transition zones between plains and forests. Mostly populating ground villages such as Silvanus and Kenkerto.
Environmental Factors: Navigation between trees, climbing cliffs and trees, rough terrain, rivers and creeks.
Adaptation: Extremely flexible physical body, very high metabolism, high stamina, and tall build.
Unique Traits: Natural botanical senses, able to determine the growth and health of trees based on the concentration of chuubanite within them.
Unique Cultural Practices: Quick, active, and able to traverse between the sprawling root and timber networks, this ethnic group is responsible for managing the thousand years old silvicultural tradition of Risu. Any Risuner can plant a tree and cut them down, but these flexible Risuners are able to sense the conditions of the trees and determine where to cut down a tree. While Farm Risuners use their latent ability to grow crops, Lanky Risuners used theirs to keep the tree numbers in check. Too many trees and there won't be any roads to move, grasslands to farm, and rooms between trees to build houses. Using their flexible and active physique, a clan of Lanky Risuners are able to scale an enormous megatree and cut it down in less than a week. Providing enough timber and bark to build houses, furnitures, and other supplies.

Brute Risuner/Jalma Badang (Herculean Men)

No image available. Non-sentient analog will be used instead.
Saber Squirrel Saber Squirrel Non-Sapient Physiology: Sabertooth squirrel
Description: Risuners that are exposed to a militaristic and hardy lifestyle. Majority in the borders due to exposure to Matiyotl and Watamelon threats.
Environmental Factors: Constant training and battle experiences, highly omnivorous diet, mentally exposed to hardships and harsh lifestyle.
Adaptation: Bulkier body plan, more muscles, thin fur, stress response is prioritized towards fighting, and increased dopamine production.
Unique Traits: Chuubanite tattoos, oriented towards agility to make up for body mass. Chuubanite activation creates a tailwind phenomenon that increases their natural speed. Used in conjunction with traditional Risuner martial arts for great effects.
Unique Cultural Practices: Pupulur mentereng (Great blowout) is an cultural celebration held by the brute risuners annually. The festivities begin with contests of strength, races, and sparring matches. Contests are divided between males and females. By the end, a great feast is held for the visitors, participants, and the shamans that organized it. Male and female winners are then allowed to join in a ceremonial breeding session to conceive the next generation of strong risuners. Mostly Ayundites.

Flipis/Tupai Kala (Death Squirrel)

No image available. Ever.
Non-Sapient Physiology: Multiple squirrel species. Depends on climate and location.
Description: Umbrella term for the most regressed and primitivist Risuner groups that live in the Tanah Kala (Death land). Clergy and scholars argued to reclassify them as local variations of schizos.
Environmental Factors: Centuries of isolationism separated by hills and magically fortified megatrees. Loss of contact with the Rishamate and other outside powers.
Adaptation: Uuooohhh (Neotenic features and small bodysize) as a means to survive in dense jungles. Sentient but has mentally regressed to only think about war, being aggressive, and only capable of basic communications. Cooperate and live with schizos.
Unique Traits: Symbiotic relationship with chuubanite infused lichen (fungi and algae). Traces of non-Risu chuubanite were found in the lichen. Groups of Flips are capable to emit painful psychic attacks.
Unique Cultural Practices:


Indiant Giant Squirrel Indiant Giant Squirrel Non-Sapient Physiology: Indian giant squirrel
Description: The religious leaders of the Risuners. Situated in the Rishamate and temples across the region.
Environmental Factors: Excessive exposure to chuubanite, both Risu chuubanite and other variants. High /become/ enhancements.
Adaptation: Appearances are strikingly similar to Risu herself. Extremely beautiful fur with the best sheen.
Unique Traits: Natural gem magic application. Enhanced chuubanite magic application.
Unique Cultural Practices: The Rishama are the most important ethnic group in the land of Risu. They are the religious leader that kept the clans unified. The Rishama can be found mostly in the Rishamate, where they mediate the clans from all across Risu. In every tribe settlement, from the smallest villages to the coastal cities, the Rishamate appoints a Rishama as the local bishops. The spokesperson and middleman between the Rishamate and the common folks. As the Rishama are created from excessive chuubanite exposure, any non-Rishama Risuner will eventually become one after prolonged period of adaptation. These include witches, the clergy, Risuners who have been using chuubanite tattoos for too long, etc. That way, the Rishama are not seen as an exclusive caste for any Risuner from any tribe and ethnic can become one should they master chuubanite. However, Risuner catalognauts are different. Because they are constantly emitting chuubanite radiation, they are the only Risuners to be naturally born as a Rishama.

Foreign Sub Species

We Risuners travel often. Sometimes out of the spirit of adventure, sometimes for religious enlightenment, sometimes unwillingly after being kidnapped by raiders off the coast. But wherever they went, they adapt to their new homes. And so do their children too! When the grand adventures head out to foreign lands, some Risuners discover the children of Risuners who left the great forests generations ago. And these Risuners are all unique in their own special ways!

Blood Risuner/Hantu tupai (Ghost squirrel)

Location: /meat/
Non-Sapient Physiology: Long-clawed squirrel
Environmental Factors:
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Royal Risuner

Tufted Pygmy Squirrel Tufted Pygmy Squirrel Location: /hlgg/
Non-Sapient Physiology: Tufted pygmy squirrel
Description: Urbanite/courtly risuners that live in the cities of /hlgg/.
Environmental Factors:
Unique Traits:
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Alpine Risuner

Marmot Risuner Location: /kfp/
Non-Sapient Physiology: Marmot
Environmental Factors:
Unique Traits:
Unique Cultural Practices:

Pub: 08 Aug 2022 14:12 UTC
Edit: 07 Nov 2022 13:06 UTC
Views: 1125