A /vtwbg/ tale by a /meat/Anon


Divinations and Prophecies


This is a tale of times yet to come. Of times still uncertain and dubious. Of times that they will have to build with their own hands.
The year is 1300 VTE, and the world of /vt/ has progressed in more ways than one; and regressed in some. Diplomacies have changed, cultures and beliefs switched, histories made their way into the books for future generations.

On the Yectic subcontinent, the numerous nations that composed the Yectic Teocuacayotl alliance have too experienced multiple changes. From new ideas propagating through its people, to growing fears against foreign threats, and unlikely changes stemming from unexpected sources.

There are many fates waiting for the Matiyotl people of the Yectic lands. Let us take a journey to explore what what is in store for their children and their children's childred.

But first, a peek:

A Summary of Alternate Fates



The peoples of the Yectic subcontinent had always been a tight bunch. There are those within the intellectuals and the Stadrtlatoani, and even the Rikittlatoani, of cycles past who believed that there will come a day when the Alliance will grow onto the Matiyotl nations until it becomes a single entity in all but name. This is that future. Although the Yectic alliance have consolidate into a thorough union, the question remains; Who will lead it?

"Yectic Alliance Proposes Unification!"

"In an unsurprising turn of events, the Yectic Alliance of Matiyotl Priestdoms, Yectic Teocuacayotl, has announced that they will reorganise the centuries old alliance of theocracies into a single unified federal body. The proposal was brought forth by the Council of Six and the Rikitlatoani in response to the ever growing external threat of foreign powers, rogue Custodians, and pataphysical horrors. With the final penstroke of the Council of Six, the nations of the Yectic Alliance have ceased to exist as a geopolitical body, save for the Yectic Instituitions under the control of the Rikitlatoani to maintain peace and order in this governmental limbo. Throughout the subcontinent, the Abbeytoirs and town plazas explode with rallies and speeches to attract support for the upcoming Unification Allþing. Factions are formed among, and even across, the clergy-mage intellectuals and the farmer-artisan labourers, and surprisingly even within the end positive slave caste. The Matiyotl await the outcome of the upcoming Allþing with delight...

...while the world prepares for the worst."

"Keepers of the Gate Consolidates the Matiyotl!"

Keepers of the Gate Recruitment Poster

"An unexpected movement has claimed a landslide majority in the Matiyotl people's Unification Allþing, like a flash of lightning struck down by the Chuubas themselves. The Keepers of the Gate are a blood hawk among the emerging movements in the Yectic lands, made up of nationalist intellectuals, espionage and military veterans, reformist clerics, and the majority of their naval officers.

While the previous Teocuacayotl alliance was no stranger to infiltrating and neutralising Vitisister covens and Troll hives abroad to fuel their bloodlust rites and espionage exercise, there are those among the Yectic flock who believe that this policy has been invaluable in maintaining stability within their home region and building diplomacy to defend against Schizo threats. The Keepers of the Gate believe that this policy should not only be maintained, but should become the sole goal of the young unified Matiyotl nation. Those clergy who support the Keepers stated that in this age of conflict, the 'Apocalypse' that they fear is no longer a pataphysical scenario concerning the Heavenly Realm, but a physical one for the sake of this world caused by the recent massive growth of Schizo swarms worldwide. Though their claims may be exaggerated, it is undeniable that the Matiyotl public has unanimously agreed that the physical world's safety takes precedence in these times of strife.

With the Yectic army's military and naval activity increasing, the Matiyotl's gaze is shifting away from the 'Aesir heathens' across the sea and towards the Schizo insurgents and hordes that border them. Rumours spread abroad that the more militant peacekeepers are looking further south; towards the land of the algocrats."

"Cuicacahuilla Consolidates the Matiyotl!"


"Across the Yectic subcontinent, a million hearts beat in unison with the flesh gears of the Rikittlapohualtepoztli, both within and without their ribcages. The Cuicacahuilla, or Time Singers, have won a dominant victory in the Unification Allþing!

Once widely regarded as a heretical sect of the Yectic faith, is the result of the experiment that is the century-long Matiyotl-Kronie alliance. Generations of Kronie expats migrating to the nations of Ryonaheim and Atoyavik in exchange for Varangians ad infinitum have given birth to the Cahuitlmadr subculture, those who seek to harmonise their Yectic faith rites with the temporal flow of the Heavenly Realm. The Cuicahuilla itself was founded by influential Cahuitlmadr politicians, scholars, and priests with the goal of reforming the old Matiyotl nations' theocracy system with that of Infinitum; an absolute theocracy in which the role of the Rikitlatoani is to become the Priest-King of the Yectic faith.

While not completely abandoning the Yectic pantheon in favour of Infinitum's Kronii, the Cahuitlmadr instead chose to worship the more abstract and surreal kawaguro deities such as Kusari, Myaso, Tsunagi, and Awayuki, believing that their surreal nature allows believers to feel harmony within time. The sickening echo of synchronised footsteps, hammering, and blood drops spreads across Nacatlan's capital by the second, minute, and hour. Although Infinitum officials have yet to comment on this incredible series of events, the increased military exercises between the two theocracies is an undeniable sign of things to come."

"Cemellesamband Consolidates the Matiyotl!"

"Tlanecibrœðralag Consolidates the Matiyotl!"

"Nacaiomitlanfællag Consolidates the Matiyotl!"

Ailivian Ocean Treaty Chitin Gun Platform

"Across the Ailivian Ocean, the eerie horns of warships and exploding shells can be heard. A cacophony of naval gunnery cheers as they fire a hail of flares into the sky from their semi-organic chitin naval battery platforms. Sailors of pink and crimson veils declared victory after sinking yet another fleet of Imperial destroyers and cruisers. The result of the multigenerational 'Flesh & Bone Alliance' experiment, the Vanguard of the Ailivian Ocean Treaty was formed from an unlikely victory of the Nacaiomitlanfællag in the Unification Allþing."

"Thanks to meticulous diplomatic socially engineering and outstanding popular support from the Ryonaheim and Matiriki people, the Nacaiomitlanfællag, or Fellowship of Flesh and Bone, argued for an unconventional future for the Matiyotl, one that the public of both nations had been considering for generations: a militant alliance with Moriji and the Black Fleet. The Nacaiomitlanfællag is primarily composed of the majority of Ryonaheim and Matiriki officials, the entire administration of the Kvældtiloyanfællag, and the admiralty of the former Yectic Alliance's navy. They believe in collaborating with the Deadbeats of Moriji for mutual benefit; to deter both their common enemies in the rabid Schizo hordes and believers of the greater Hololive pantheon, and to enact a joint magical research cooperation between the Kvældtiloyanfællag and the Goddess Faithful.

While the diplomatic nations of Ryonaheim and Matiriki have had friendly relations with the various Moriji confederational divisions for over a century, the rest of the Yectic and Moriji nations are sceptical of the alliance's success. Nonetheless, the alliance had proven fruitful, as the Black Fleet and Goddess Faithful provided full diplomatic and material support to the Matiyotl's quest for a holy war against the worshippers of the greater Hololive pantheon in order to avert the prophesied Apocalypse. With the Deadbeats facilitating such endeavour as a means of exacting revenge on those who betrayed them centuries ago. The Ailivian Ocean is littered with the flesh and bones of their enemies, thanks to the powerful Black Fleet patrolling the seas and Yectic Vikingrchiuhqui raiding the coasts."

Pub: 14 Apr 2023 05:22 UTC
Edit: 16 Apr 2023 14:11 UTC
Views: 375