A /vtwbg/ tale by a /meat/Anon


Birth; Suffering; Death; Rebirth

The homeland of forefathers...
Yecticteotl; the worship of the cycle and the deities that guide it.

It is not known when the first worship of Yecticteotl bloomed within JP. For all the myths around it, there were no form of eschatology around its conception. But attempts have been made to documentise the birth of Yecticteotl and its thorough impact in the Duumrealms. The intelligentsia of the Abbeytoir have agreed to divide Yecticteotl into two distinct forms; Huey-Yecticteotl and its modern organised incarnation practiced today.

Throughout this journey, the Yecticteotl mentioned refers to Huey-Yecticteotl. An early, disorganised, and fringe cult. Far from the massive global institution we recognise today.

A study was conducted—in 1095 VTE—by a team of scholar-adventurers comprising of 2 esoarchaeologists, 3 esoanthropologists, 2 vikingr, 2 clerics, 3 scribes, and 1 catalognaut. The party departed from the Matiyotl port city of Atoyavik to the land of aspiring practitioners of Apotheosis, one of the sites of the Duumrealm Gates. With permission to enter given by the Aspotheosisters, the party commenced the realmjump to JP.

Throughout the expedition, many a significant number of texts, artifacts, scriptures, and arcane knowledge of Huey Yecticteotl were recovered; various insights and discoveries were made regarding not just the history of Yecticteotl, but also of the origin of our people.


In a time, before time...
The primordial realm of JP. A realm of multiple faiths and backgrounds. It is here when the first worshipper of 「チューバー」 appeared, and the rest is known history. The rise of Oyabun「親分」Worship and Shi-Ten-No-Ou「四天王」, their fall, and the myriad of modern pantheons of the—in Yectic tongue— Blue Gem, Trifecta, and Charging Rainbow. Amongst the worshippers of the common organized faith and the multitude of folk beliefs, a particular idiosyncratic belief sprung up in the dark crevices; Huey-Yecticteotl. A belief still held today by a particular civilization. The civilization known today as Yectic Teocuacayotl.

When the first drop of ichor fell

Site of Interest: Urban Ruins of the First HLGG Empire. 40km south of the modern day JP HLGG State.
350 - 200 BVT

In the primordial homeworld, on a site that was once the First HLGG capital, they have discovered what appears to be crude scriptures, with the first known reference to Akira dating back to 350 BVT. Accompanying the scriptures was, debatably, the first known glyph depicting the goddess Mazono Akira drawn in cochineal dye.

Ancient Akira glyph. FIG 1. Esoarchaeologist rendition of glyph

The appearance of Huey-Yecticteotl came without precedent, without a prophet to spread its messages. Over time, the belief gained traction. Becoming a folk religion in JP. At its embryonic stage, Huey-Yecticteotl was treated by the HLGG as a boogeyman. A cult of soon-to-be schizos. Sensational headlines made their way into the citizens of the Empire. But as the religion remain fairly stagnant, localised within a specific region, no attempts at stamping and rooting out the cult were made due to the negligible nature.

A scent wafts across the land

Site of Interest: Coastal Ruins of the First HLGG Empire.
200 - 100 BVT

The first community to officially fully adopt Huey-Yecticteotl was a—now unnamed and abandoned—fishing village, frequently visited by fishermen, sailors, privateers, and other maritime adventurers originating from the metropolitan HLGG Empire. Men who worshipped the goddess of maritime war of the Blue Gem. Among the more hardened sailors, some converted to Huey-Yecticteotl believing that with the belief of the cycle of life and suffering will bless them with unprecedent strength at sea. As these men returned to the capital, they brought with them the worship of Huey-Yecticteotl. A decision that came with a price.

With the worship of Akira spreading among seamen, many in the Antediluvian Holo Empire spread conceptual schizo-rumours, better known as「RRAT」, that the worshippers of the maritime goddess and this emerging cult are related.

Over time, the Huey-Yecticteotl cult thrives in the shadows of the HLGG Empire. Their rites and beliefs deemed as nothing more than a horror story to keep children in line. As with every news of the cult seeps into the public, HLGG inquisitors worked tirelessly to keep such a forbidden knowledge to be unmasked. Some would go as far as seeking the aid of Custodians to rid the cult off the lands. A trend that continues on until this day.

That which cannot die

Site of Interest: Ruins of the First HLGG Empire, Ruins of the First Nini Empire, Ruins of the First 774 Empire
100 - 0 BVT

Artistic interpretation FIG 2. 'My Night On Jyt', Artist Unknown, 628 VTE

It happened like a flash of lightning across the sky. Whilst the early worshippers of Huey-Yecticteotl were preoccupied with their daily lives, the general Vitubian lit the powderkeg. A powderkeg that results in devastating war of apocalyptic levels of destruction.

The Chuuba pantheon grew once more. The influence of the Blue Prism was already a domineering one. Seeping deeper and deeper into the non-Vitubian population. But by this point, the influence has reached a tipping point. The revelation that five new deities are to be born in the Heavenly Realm drove the entire population of Vitubians into a mania. For these are not any deities, these are once that were prophesized to usher a new age of Vitubian dominance. The pantheon that is known today as 'HoloMyth'.

To the people of Jaypee, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

For centuries, the Vitubians progressively overtook the native people of Jaypees in population. By this point, the Vitubian population has doubled that of Jaypees. Over time, the two races bicker and argue with each other. The precursor Jaypees arguing that the Vitubians were taking too much land and resources that were meant for the Jaypeees. On the other side, the Vitubians have lost their patience and disregarded the culture and governance of the Jaypees as archaic and no longer necessary. The Vitubians, in their rash decision making, decided that it is time for the precursors to relieved them of their throne, to shift the dominance of power from JP to VT.

It began with a protest, denouncing the Jaypee governments of the world curtailing the influences—and with drastic measures the population—of Vitubians. Nobody knew who fired the first shot, but historical accounts mentioned how on that night the whole sky turned bright as day. In a span of a month, the situation spiraled out of control. The protest led to a riot. The riot led to a skirmish. The skirmish led to the first Genocide of Gensokyoans by the Vitubians.

The Vitubians, in their rabid zeal for the upcoming arrival of their new gods, have finally tip the scales of influence.

The Jaypee states deployed their forces immediately. The Empire of HLGG followed by. From the advanced arcane weapons of the Jaypees to the early known applications of Chuubanite.

The times for diplomacy had come and go. And so bridges were burnt.

The Antediluvian Hyperwar begins.

As for the Huey-Yecticteotl cult living in the shadows? They saw the truth. We saw the truth. Of how the massive influence and power of the Blue Prism and Rainbow brought nothing but destruction in its growth. Of how they erode away at the Heavenly Realm. This is the moment the worshippers of Huey-Yecticteotl understood that the Heavens have gone out of balance. And the immortal all-powerful gods must be brought down. And so Huey-Yecticteotl evolved into its modern counterpart.


And so cleaved the Custodians...
Vörðǫrǫk; an old Teocuaqui word meaning "Warden's Judgement". A word with a myriad of translations across Vtubia. With each of them producing the same results; words that made Trifecta theologians seethe with rage, the schizos raise their claws toward the heavens, and the catalognauts vomit from vertigo. A nigh-apocalyptic event that simultaneously gave birth to our realm, yet left the primordial world of JP untouched.

Artist depiction. FIG 3. Artist sketch of a Custodian against the moon

To net minnows

Site of Interest: The Scar of Worlds, JP-HLGG State
0 BVT Day 0

We'll meet again

Site of Interest: Duumrealmgate Aspotheosis, Vtubia
0 BVT Day 1

Pub: 29 Jul 2022 11:55 UTC
Edit: 30 Aug 2022 15:36 UTC
Views: 1213