Last Updated: 2023/08/20

Last major update: added complevel section

/vr/ FAQ

Table of Contents

How to play DOOM

Want to play Doom but don't know how? Follow the three steps listed below. It boils down to; get yourself an IWAD (e.g. doom2.wad), get yourself a source port (e.g. GZDoom), and then run the IWAD using the source port.

Get an IWADs

Doom runs using .wad files. These can be PWAD files (patch-wad, for custom maps and such) and IWAD files (internal-wad, full game assets).
You need an IWAD to play Doom/Hexen/etc and their mods.
You can buy most IWADs through Steam/GOG/etc (the IWAD will be in the game files) but here they are in case you don't want to spend money on 30 year old games.

Link Size Contents
Mediafire, Mega (pick either) 75 MB Doom I, Doom II, Plutonia & TNT, Hexen & expansion, Heretic, Strife
Mediafire 105 MB Same as above plus; TNT MAP31 fix, Doom II Master Levels, Doom II No Rest for the Living, Doom I & II console levels, Doom 64 (doesn't work), some rando's map?? (perfecthatred.wad) n/a French archive of various IWADs
Get a Source Port

Since the original Doom EXE doesn't work on modern machines, you need a source port (source code ported to Windows/whatever) to run your .wad files.
There are many options, below are some popular ones.

Sourceport Description
GZDoom THE sourceport for modding and casual playthroughs. Almost all mods are built for it. DISABLE TEXTURE FILTERING
Zandronum The only surviving multiplayer port, can also run mods. Get this to play with /vr/.
DSDA Doom High-compatibility port for recording demos & speedrunning. Also has a handy "rewind" feature
Nugget Doom High-compatibility and high-performance port with QoL features, extra gibbing, custom huds, and more. Fork of Woof!
Chocolate Doom Vanilla but ported to Windows. See also; Crispy Doom
DosBOX (tutorial) Tutorial for setting up the original EXEs in DOSBox.
How to run the game

You can run your IWADs via one of the 4 following methods;

  • Click and drag your IWAD (and mods: PWADs, PK3s, PK7s, etc) onto the source port EXE.
  • Place your IWAD in the same folder as your source port and run the source port (optionally by dragging any mods you may have onto the EXE).
  • Create a batch script such as sourceportname.exe -iwad path/to/doom2.wad -file path/to/optional/mod.wad another/optional/mod.pk3 -deh for/dehacked/mods.deh
  • Use a launcher

If you want to play mods and custom levels, that last one is probably the best option to keep your stuff organised. Here are some launchers to consider:

Launcher Info
ZDL Tried and true. Kinda basic but does everything you need.
Doom Launcher Lets you tag files, saves screenshots/demos/stats, allows you to locally rate and comment on files.
Doom Runner Supports more launching options than other launchers, supports multiplayer.
Rocket Launcher 2 Supports DOSBox

How to get good

If you're having a hard time on Ultra Violence difficulty; just lower the difficulty silly.
If you still want to get good, be it singleplayer or multiplayer, here are some resources.

  • The DM Bible. Strats for Deathmatch. PDF
  • The BFGFAQ. Explains how the BFG9000 works (its counter-intuitive) Link
  • WAD Progression for Skill Improvement. List of wads to play in order to get better
    Doomworld Thread
  • Doom Analysis, by Decino. Explains the mechanics of Doom. Not all Doom videos are relevant. (He has a video about BFG9000 as well)
    Youtube Playlist
  • How to Doom, by SoBad. Explains strategies to fight demons.
    Youtube Playlist
    Youtube Video

What is Boom, MBF, limit-removing, etc? What are complevels?

You might have heard these terms before. These tell you which sourceports/settings you need to use in order to play the WAD in its intended way. If you can't bother reading all this, there are some videos in the More info subsection.

If you plan on playing everything on GZDoom regardless; that's fine, a lot of people already do this. You can skip this section. Otherwise keep reading, especially if you plan on mapping.

What does it all mean?

There are many mapping standards for Doom, and map makers will pick one to make their map with. They will give this information in the readme or wherever they released their map, which will determine which sourceport(s) you can use to play the map.
Most common standards include:

Vanilla compatible: DOS exe or a sourceport that emulates it perfectly. If a sourceport emulates the exe perfectly but doesn't crash due to hardcoded limits (e.g. map too complex), then it is said to be limit removing. Chocolate Doom is currently the only mainstream sourceport that is vanilla compatible but isn't limit removing.

Boom/MBF/MBF21 compatible: Supports advanced features for mappers to make cool stuff with. Boom is the predecessor of MBF, which is the predecessor of MBF21. However none of them obsolete, and if anything Boom is the most popular among these standards.

Some ports like GZDoom or Eternity support all of the above, however they don't do it perfectly and can't record demos, so they're not considered under these categories. You can still play your WADs using them if you'd like.

GZDoom/Eternity: These engines boast a ton of advanced features, and so a map made for GZDoom will only run on GZDoom (or sometimes a related port like Zandronum) and a map made for Eternity will only run on Eternity, unless stated otherwise.

What is complevel?

Some ports like DSDA Doom and Woof! support many standards, and they allow you to switch between them. You just need to use the -complevel parameter when launching a WAD, short for "compatibility level". For a list, see the "More info" section or click here (yes both DSDA and Woof! use PrBoom+'s parameters, although Woof!'s is a bit more limited).

Since these ports emulate these standards perfectly, they also allow you to record and play demos without having desync issues. Demos are useful for giving feedback to mapmakers, or speedrunning if that's your cup of autism.
Note that DSDA Doom has a -dsdademo parameter that allows you to save/load while recording a demo, which is normally not possible. Such demos can only be played back on DSDA Doom.

For majority of cases, you're gonna be using -complevel 2 or -complevel 9 which are vanilla Doom (v1.9) and Boom respectively.

It should be noted that some ports like Eternity have similar parameters for vanilla Doom only (for Eternity its -vanilla).

More info

PrBoom+'s Compatibility Levels Explained by Decino (applies to DSDA Doom and Woof also)

What even IS "Vanilla Doom" by Doomkid

Compatibility Modes on DoomWiki

Comparison of Source Ports: Comparison by Compatibility on DoomWiki (rest of the page is also a good resource)

How to make maps/mods

Isn't it difficult to make maps?
Not at all, it's actually really easy to get a basic one going. This video will give you an idea of the process:

ANYONE can make a DOOM map by Jimmy

How to start mapping?

Download Ultimate Doom Builder. It comes with support for pretty much all map formats, and it's the most popular editor so it'll be easier to seek help when you need it. Some tutorials are linked below.
Slade 3 also has a map editor built into it and it's alright. If you're on Linux, use Slade or Eureka.

How to start making custom enemies/weapons/etc?

For vanilla or similar ports, you'll want to make dehacked patches. WhackEd 4 is a great GUI editor that can do pretty much anything you want (doesn't support MBF21 as of yet). DEH9000 is "coder's dehacked", allows you to create patches via python. DecoHack (DoomTools) similarly allows you to create patches via a DECORATE-like language.
Slade 3 is a very important tool for creating, maintaining, and editing WADs/PK3s. Has a ton of useful features; adding custom textures/sprites, editing color palettes, etc. You'll be using this regardless of port/standard.
XWE is an alternative to Slade. It's no longer maintained but it can handle Build Engine files and some other weird formats.

Editors Description
Ultimate Doom Builder Map editor. Supports many standards.
Eureka Cross-platform map editor.
Slade WAD editor.
XWE WAD editor with Build Engine support.
Mapping Tutorials Description
ChubZDoomer's video tutorials Slightly outdated. Covers basics & ZDoom.
Brideburner's video tutorials Recent. Covers basics & ZDoom but not as exhaustive.
DavidXNewton's video tutorials Recent. Basics & vanilla/boom/mbf mapping.
Doomkid's video tutorials Covers mapping in general. The official site's tutorials, slightly outdated.
Custom Assets Tutorials Description
ZDoom Wiki's Guide How to make custom weapons for ZDoom
Gunslab's Tutorials How to make custom weapons for ZDoom, more beginner friendly.
Doomkid's video tutorials How to make vanilla-compatible mods, also covers ZDoom a bit.
DIY dummy Just pick a SIMPLE weapon mod and try to edit it in a private build. See what breaks and what doesn't.



Make sure to check our stuff (managed by different anon). Here's some cool mods:

Project Author Info
Samsara TerminusEst13 "Samsara? What a piece of shit." - Jon St. John. Mod that adds in classic FPS heroes.
Pirate Doom Arch Monkey Island Doom. Enough said.
Wrath of Cronos Thetis Hexen in DOOM with RPG elements
Hideous Destructor Matt Painfully difficult tactical combat.
Crossfire rollingcrow RPG elements and nice weapons
Cyberrunner Cyberrunner Race the wind.
Voxel Doom I & II (Moddb) _chillo Vanilla sprites remastered in voxel form

Other Games (Wolf3D, Quake, Nuke3D)

Wolfenstein 3D

  1. Download the Wolfenstein 3D TC for ZDoom
  2. Download ECWolf - Game data
    A - Alternative: a Wolf3d starter pack, posted Sept. 2016!ikVlQBpQ!AtTZGvnFZgw_I96tsaOK-dbyLf6Usps1nVjLSdxUGz8


  1. For Singleplayer, use Ironwail (or VkQuake if you're having bugs/etc)
  2. For Netplay, use EZQuake

Some Mods
Hi-res map textures:
Hi-res monster textures:
Dynamic lighting:
Transparent water:
HQ Music:

Duke Nukem 3D

  1. EDuke32

Some mods
High res pack -
Full Copies -


Where/How to find the Doom thread

If you have 4chanx you can add this to your "general" filters to pin the thread on /vr/:
type:subject,comment;/doom thread/i;type:subject;highlight;op:only;boards:vr
Or you can bookmark this URL:

We're not on /vg/ because of the community. /vg/ has a far more insulated group of posters, and having the threads there would result in a total stagnation of new traffic. We even asked on /q/ whether it was allowed, they said they'd be fine with it.

When can I play with /vr/?

Usual schedule is:
Friday Night Firefights (pvp), Sunday Night Shitshows (coop), and Wednesday Night Wankshows (SRB2Kart )
For karting specifically, see here
See also;

Where's the rest of the community?

Over here!
Doomworld Forums
ZDoom Forums
Doomer Boards
Zandronum Forums
Steam Group (Dead)


What are soundfonts?
Music in Doom is in MIDI format, which means you can change how the individual instruments sound. A soundfont file is a collection of such instruments.
Doomkid covers this topic in the the following video;
Improve DOOM Music! MIDI Soundfont Tutorial w/ VirtualMIDISynth
Comparisons of different soundfonts:
Comparison 1, Comparison 2, Comparison 3

Why do people love/hate Brutal Doom
Everyone has their reason (reloading, ironsights, general feel/speed, tons of gore, the author, etc)...
...but ultimately, nobody should care. Cause, well, >opinions

Is Nu-Doom good
This is the retro board so Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal aren't discussed here. If you're wondering what /vr/ thinks, some like it, some don't.

Other pastebins
Hosting with BE tutorial:
/vr/'s stuff:
Soundfont Q&A:
Old FAQs:,, Old /vr/'s stuff

Masters of DOOM pdf

Pub: 01 Aug 2023 14:30 UTC
Edit: 20 Aug 2023 22:44 UTC
Views: 8131