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unknown artist󠁝󠀠 this is george's new url list
old one is still up, was just hard to organise
click for f2u templates⠀∘⠀neo + silly

all urls are not for trade as they are
all used, this is not a hoard and I
have used every url listed!

favourite 󠁝󠀠󠁝󠀠󠁝‍ wip󠁝󠀠 󠁝󠀠󠁝‍ main

thothunter420 EnormousMuscles GeorgeM georgememeulous ilymemeulous joshulous legitmemeulous memelous memetastic memeuless memeuious memeulousgeorge obamaland pgfamilyfriendly pipeland plushmemeulous SexGamerGirl team💯 bigmeatyman7 sportyskater201 memeulous- -memeulous LilUziVertWilly gorg NoscopersStone ChamberOfMemes c1998 c2014 georgeiconfess mcmemeulous massivesket BareknuckleBarry BenefitsBen boymemeulous mc72 getrektm9 bigschlongfarm notmemeulous literallymemeulous meemulous meincraft mlgminecraft mlgcraft -memeulous- 041214 ccmemeulous memeulousvaping memeulous memeulouss memeulous1 memeulous2 memeulous3 deeznutsLOL

marriottjames arewethereyet jamesmarriottyt ottomarriott sleepingontrains cheesybob20 idwtllt bittertongues wheg IDontWantToLiveLikeThis jamesmarriott deeznutsLOL

s2w willisrlygr8 willlenney

󠁝󠀠 ‍ EBOYS
eboys eboys420

󠁝󠀠 ‍ JOSHY
joshy joshe joshulous

habbo binweevils obamahouse theballadofbarackobama obamascran spinnyobama obamawheel obamasrevenge swifteagles quickdraw identi -mlg mlg- club-penguin imsillysmp 041214
*⠀some are still references to memeulous

󠁝󠀠 ‍ TO REDO
BareknuckleBarry boymemeulous jamesmarriottyt obamaland

unknown artist

some info about me because I want to fill this space.

my name is george. I am cis and unlabelled (idk what I am loool) I have unlisted disabilities and conditions and stuff and am generally pretty private with who I am on here. if you would like to get to know me, literally just DM me on my neospring and I'll most likely tell you, I just rather keep my stuff on the dl lol.

Just ask for my twitter and I'll give it to you... idk why I was so nervous for people to find out person A (on Twitter) is person B (on Rentry) as... why would people care? I may be cringe but at least I'm free yk. It's also very obvious it's me because who else loves memeulous this much? lmao. But anyway if you come from Twitter and have a hunch person A on Twitter is me... it probably is and just DM me over there asking haha

ALL art is credited! Either via alt text, comment boxes or in the display text on the rentry itself. If you spot that some art isn't credited, that's either because I wasn't able to, or I just forgot, but tell me about it if you notice it on my neospring and I always would like to credut artists :)

some rentrys may contain outdated info and are needed to be redone.

Pub: 04 Jul 2024 18:16 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2025 15:59 UTC
Views: 930
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