Natalie, The Nightbird
Timeline: Library of Ruina
Starting Areas: W-Corp/District 23
Role: Fixer, Grade 2
Office: Dove Office
There was once a legendary Fixer, renown for their martial art prowess, known as the White Dove. She rose quickly, but just as quickly as her reputation and skills soared, was she cut down. The loss of her arm cut her career short, and out of pride she retired from the life of a Fixer, instead choosing to open an office to reside over the backstreets and teach others what she once did. The story of how she lost it disappeared with her, as one day after years of running the office, she vanished without a trace. Some say she left in search of an opponent who could reteach her the meaning of martial arts. Others say that she angered the wrong groups and they came to collect on what they were still owed.
The Dove Office is mostly involved in Bodyguard work, with the trait of every member using their own fists and legs instead of weapons. Since martial arts relies extensively on one's own technique and strength, rigorous training and dedication is one of their core values.
White Dove Build:
Gifts: Relic Gear
Perks: 700 Points Total
Standard Combat Style Lvl 2 -30
Unique Combat Style Lvl 3 -30
Chemical Abuse -25
The Wanted Mindset -20
Extreme Survivalist -15
Urban Movement -15
Association Contact (Zwei Association) -25
Weak Point Analysis -25
Snake's Finesse -50
-350 Total
DLC Perks:
"Bullet" -40
Iron Lotus -70
Red Gaze -100
-630 Total
The memory of that day is burned into her head. The day that the White Winged Dove left her behind. She just said her goodbyes and turned her back on her. The confusion, disappointment, and then anger boiled in her. Why was it that she chose the strongest to leave with her but decided to leave her behind? Was it that she didn't think that Natalie was strong enough? She tried to protest, and even attempted to confront them physically, but she was easily swatted aside. She could do nothing but watch the person she idolized the most march into a death trap where she may not return.
Invoking this memory manifests wings of Light which enhance Natalie with an intense burst of speed, able to close the distance between herself and her opponent in an instant, but still never enough to catch up to the strength of the figure that most considered unreachable. While she can only move in straight lines, delivering a blow in the middle of this dash would have devastating effects on her target, as the momentum would add to the impact and they would continue being pulled by her fist until she eventually flings them away upon stopping or colliding with a solid obstacle.
Equipment: 200 Points
Relic (The Dove's Clipped Wing)
A pristine left arm, still freshly bleeding and clothed in the ripped sleeve it was stolen in. Looks like there is a way to become closer to the legend of the White Winged Dove then ever thought possible... at the small cost of an arm.
The arm is grossly mutated and of an abnormal nature, clearly being too large for it to truly belong to the real White Winged Dove. Natalie is blinded to this discrepancy however as the legend of the White Dove in her prime justifies the strength it gives its wielder.
High Quality 3 Armor (Dove Office Assault Helmet) -100
An elite grade helmet resembling a motorcycle helmet, given out to the top members of the Dove Office. Able to withstand tremendous physical impacts without cracking and comfortable to wear for extended periods. Also comes with preinstalled neck support and when dealing with water or airborne threats, it can be sealed with 30 minutes of closed air supply.
High Quality 3 Armor (Nightbird Bodysuit) -100
A custom bodysuit meant to resemble her mentor's. Since members of the Dove Office pride themselves on their martial arts, protection against the weaponry of the City is one of the most important focuses for the group, whether through martial techniques or armor. Nearly impenetrable when dealing with piercing or slashing attacks of lower grade weaponry and disperses blunt force quite effectively. Can also withstand intense heats or even chemical attacks like acid, although prolonged exposure will start to degrade it.
Misc Items: 50 Points
Serum Cocktail -30
HP Syringe -20
Doping is looked down upon in the Dove Office. While augments were okay, relying on drugs in order to get ahead was considered dishonorable as you are impeding your personal growth. She keeps the fact she owns and uses these items a secret. Anything to try to reach the title of The Strongest is worth the risk.
Body Enhancement: 180 Points
Tier IV Tattoo: Wings of Perseverance -60
A Tattoo spreading across her back representing a pair of wings designed to increase the striking power and endurance of her shoulder and upper back muscles. The left side is significantly larger than the right in order to compensate for the increase in force she is exerting through it.
Tier IV Tattoo: Swift Water Dancing Limbs -60
A set of tattoos on each leg, focusing on agility and speed. Made for keeping up intense speeds for extended periods of time in order to catch a target.
Tier III Biological Enhancement: Rolling Lock Joints -90
A full replacement of the major joints in her body, namely the pelvis, knees, ankles, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. Increases flexibility and decreases risk of injury and degradation on those areas from high stress. Also has the ability to lock in place through specific motions in order to deliver powerful blows.
Tier III Biological Enhancement: Long Twitch Muscles Enhancement -90
Reconfigures muscles in the body to better deliver quick and sudden movements, allowing for greater power behind strikes and in assisting in movement or evasion.
-750 Points Total
Do You Want to Join Our Ensemble +30
Urgency +20 Points
Although Natalie's activities in the Dove Office has diminished somewhat following the recent disappearance of the White Dove, she still frequently engages with other Associations or Offices trying to move in on the office's turf. Many try to exploit the power vacuum the agency has to try to overthrow and assume their place, but they will find the remaining few members to be staunch protectors of the office. Their pride may run too deep however as many would die for their ideals, and this is especially true for Natalie. Being rejected from the final expedition by the White Winged Dove herself caused Natalie to self exile from the Dove Office as she felt she wasn't good enough. Any insults to the Dove Office's name or towards the Dove herself will send her into a rage. If you used the nickname One Winged Dove in her vicinity you will quickly find that you'll be lacking a head atop your neck.
Relationship Chart: