Natalie's Relationship Chart


Mirra The Executioner

"I'm sure everyone knows about this woman already. The walking tank with the skin of iron and bones of steel, able to cleave someone in half with a single effortless motion. She's strong, very strong, but nothing I couldn't handle... this arm of mine- hers, is stronger than any blade, no matter how sharp or large it is. I'll admit it wouldn't be easy though, I may have the superior weapon, but it's only the one. She's got two of those strong blades, three if you count the two halves on one of them, and she's plenty experienced in using it. It's like that saying about the person who practices one move a thousand times, those are the ones you have to be wary about... although this arm has practiced tens of thousands of moves, perhaps a hundred thousand times each. I doubt that a confrontation will ever arise between us seeing as we operate in different districts, but you always have to be prepared in a place like this... and if I were to lose to them, I could never consider myself strong enough to reach the level of a Color..."

Ji Jeong-Hui

"'s kind of irritating to know someone like them reached Grade 1 before me. Must be nice having all those shortcuts to the top, being a part of a Nest since birth and access to the best resources in the City... I've had to work my way up from nothing, taking everything I could, because if you didn't, you would be left behind to die somewhere in the Backstreets. There was nothing given to me, not a single thing... this arm is more than a gift or promotion like he had, it's an inheritance of the White Dove's style and will... he wouldn't know anything about earning what he has... what you have to do to become strong. Don't compare me with him."

Shiina, the Black Cat

"What kind of Fixer turns tail at the sight of trouble? And a Color at that. They are nothing compared to the previous Black Fixer, not comparable to any of them! Who decided that they were worthy of such a high position. This is not about honor, nor strength, they lack even the responsibility for a role like that. I guess this is typical for the Shi Association though, turning the lowest they find into killers, and propping them up on a pile of corpses so there is no one left to contest them. If Dove was still here, she would show them the real meaning behind a Color Fixer, not this mockery of one. Their piles of gimmicks and gear won't matter as someone with a heart so weak. When I get up there among the rest of those Fixers, I'm coming for their spot."

Alm Claude “Penumbra” Faith

"It's almost ironic that the person most fitting for a Color rejects any opportunity to become one. It's not like she's too old for it, age hardly matters in a career like this where experience trumps most. Just look at the Purple Tear... though admittedly she might be a special case. All that strength of hers yet she chooses to remain as just a Grade 1. I may not be as gifted as her, but I'm still going to shoot for the top. Only when I can be the strongest will I finally stop. Maybe then... maybe then it'll finally be enough for their approval... ahem, ignore me..."

Mars Office

Mars Valentinus, the Scarlet Slaughter

"Just barely more fitting for a Fixer of this status. All the Red's tend to run more or less in the same vein, by dealing with problems head on with their skill and strength, and the Scarlet Slaughter is of no exception. Of course, he didn't earn the true title of Red, he'd have to wait until that other geezer kicks it, or speed up the process himself. I don't think he'd be able to withstand that Gaze though, not many can. That ability of his, whatever wetware or cybernetics that allows him to change form on the fly like that, it reminds me a bit of the old G-Corp. Well, he wouldn't be the first Color to give up their humanity for that kind of power. Not going to be the last either."

Casey Jones

"Whatever happened to... oh nevermind. So this is one of the hires of the Mars Office? I've heard stories of what goes on in those trains, the kind that the corp would try to silence you for. She always did warn me to never go on those things, never got a straight answer of how she knew about it. If people on the other side have to deal with what she told me, then this guy must be more experienced then I would've guessed at first glance. Not a fan of the immense amount of metal he's got, how are you going to improve beyond throwing cash and expensive equipment at your problems? Not to mention the maintenance... you still got to eat so it's just adding on costs. Long as that body of theirs holds out, they are a formidable opponent. Once it finally gives out? Well, not so much of a threat anymore when you can't move, are you?"


Ava, Lady Luck

"The Head of that Syndicate faction, the Scales? Why would you be looking into that? Well, as far as I know, they are pretty strict on getting their share of the deal delivered, common for those kind of groups. What's stranger is the lengths they'll go to ensure their side of the deal is completed, usually backstabbing and under the table deals are the usual, but they've got the Thumb's values of respect. Still, I don't like her. Bringing all those poor folks in, promising them a better life, seems like a lie to me when that life is provided by a criminal organization. You can never know who to trust down in the Backstreets, people like that are more than likely to harvest your organs just for the shot at moving up a rank. Not even those at the top are immune in that kind of environment."


Milo, Back-of-a-Van Workshop

"Making your own path in the world by carving a spot out with your own two hands... I can appreciate their effort. It's hard to get ahead in this world when the focus is on how to survive another day. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to climb out of that ditch and begin to take your first steps into a future that doesn't seem so dark. Some people are not born strong, so they have to make themselves strong any way they can. If he could find success by creating those tools of his, then that's the path he's chosen to take, and I can only wish him the best that it works out. Most people will never even have the chance to choose a way to survive, much less what kind of life they want to live."


Wilfrid, W-Corp Enforcer

"These guys are the top guns of any corporation, huh? Luckily you wouldn't have to deal with any of them unless they thought you infringed on their turf. That reminds me, I should keep my mouth shut about the Warp Trains. They can't do anything if you choose not to use their services, but if you were to deter others and hurt their business... probably going to have to get stronger before they show up at my door. These guys don't fight fair, they fight to win. And those corporations spare no expense to make sure they will."

Azrael, X-Corp Enforcer

"You know, I haven't heard much about X-Corp's deal. They are more secretive of their product's origins than most other corps. Sure you can believe the bullshit they say about it but how can you expect corporation like that able to make almost anything to tell the truth about where they are getting their resources to keep up with the demand. Something's strange about that District too, everyone there has their brains scrambled. It's like the stories of the old L-Corp I've heard, the one before the recently collapsed one, making people see things that weren't real and feeling things that didn't come from them. People there don't seem to complain much though, either the benefits are worth more then the hassle, or they managed to turn enough of their residents' brains into soup to not care."

Haneul Vierordt, W-Corp Enforcer

"Seriously, what is it with W-Corp? What could be so important as to require multiple of these damn supersoldiers at their beck and call? If we didn't have Colors in this city, these corps would have dominated this place long ago, even moreso then they do now. Were it not for the Dove Office being here, I would have left this district long ago. The corp's control over this place just keeps getting tighter and tighter, soon we might find ourselves in a conflict over what matters involve W-Corp or not. Doesn't help that their network spans the entirety of the city as well."


His Mycelial Majesty

"I admit... I've never actually fought one of these things. The Distortion anomaly, that's what they call it. They don't know what causes it, at least to my knowledge, but it's been getting more and more frequent. You can't just run up and punch one of these things, or at least for the most part, sometimes giving them the rundown can still be effective, but some operate through rules of sorts. Follow the rules, and you dismantle the threat. Break them, and you might find yourself being the one broken. I've heard Colors deal with these things all the time though, so I should get some experience with them too. After all, if the Dove could do it, then I have to too."

Emma, The Shadow Queen

"She did mention them to me though, just a little bit. Usually you fight against humanoid opponents, even if they got robotic replacements all over their body, but these Distortions can take any shape or form. I've heard the rumor that they can look like regular people though, either hiding or just waiting for the right moment to strike. Someone once told me that the more human they look, the less they hate humanity. I'm not sure if that has any merit to it, seems like it's even more sinister to disguise yourself like that, acting like a wolf among sheep. There are Fixers to deal with it though, and I'm sure she had to fight them on a regular basis as a Color. She told me once to imagine any threat as simply just one large opponent with multiple limbs. I'm not really sure how that would make it easier to manage, but I think it was a lesson for dealing with the real thing."

Xibalba, Burning Man, Flayed One, Love and Hatred and Burning

"Even the freakish ones are sometimes hard to distinguish from real people. You don't know the lengths some will go to chasing a dream. It's not uncommon either, depending on where you look. The worse off the area is, the more likely you'll find people less attached to their concepts of humanity and flesh. Sometimes I wonder... are they happier then they were? Was it worth giving up your ability to live a normal life just to get a chance at getting ahead? I doubt they'll live long enough to reflect on any other paths they could have taken... but... I hope that it turned out to be the right choice... for their sake and mine."

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Pub: 18 May 2023 21:07 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2023 18:03 UTC
Views: 413