Hi Sleet, and any others that click to see this. Thank you Sleet for making this and otherwise being an amazing person not gonna lie. I must say that you are one of my favorite mutuals (I know I shouldn't be picking favorites..) and you are just so fun.
To everyone else, thank you aswell. I love all of my mutuals and I consider most of you friends. Its a little silly but I'm gonna be so sad when retrospring closes down, even if it is in the semi-distant future. I love you all. ❤️

Special shoutout to Scyhk for being the best online twin ever..
(And an extra shout out to Mumei too, I remember you being one of the first people I ever spoke to on here!)

Anyway, you should all totally commission me before retrospring shuts down.. shameless plug. Heres my commission rentry, if you want examples then click the image of korone, itll redirect you to another rentry.

Once again, i love you all. I wish you all the best, and while I'm sure I'll be speaking to many of you again, it won't really be the same, will it?

I may be crying a little. Kind of embarrassing to admit but I've said worse..

I'll probably add and take away from this page in the future, but take my simple message from the heart for now.


Pub: 06 Aug 2024 23:17 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 23:48 UTC
Views: 385