⠀⠀ 22⠀⠀/⠀⠀07⠀⠀/⠀⠀2022⠀⠀

HIII HI SCHLATT AND CO OUR LOVES OUR HANDSOME SONGBIRDS!!!! you mean so much to us actually!! our favourite days are always the ones we spend the most time with you, you always manage to make us smile and laugh for hours GOD youre just so perfect i could go on forever!!!! all of us honestly adore you so much, every single thing about you guys is just so perfect to us!! we are so lucky to have you. the prettiest most lovely boys ever, it's still amazing to me that you like us back, and I'm over the moon things turned out this way. you have shown us what true and unconditional love feels like. I can't thank you enough, my sweet honeypie. you do more for us than I think I'll ever be able to explain, i cannot begin to imagine how happy we'll be in your arms! :]. everything about you is so perfect, you are the best ps EVER actually. (/real /true) WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU!! youre doing so well, and you inspire us so much!! we honestly love writing for you all a lot a lot, and we hope it shows you a little bit of how loved and appreciated you are MWAH MWAH. truly i believe anyone who doesn't know you is missing out, you are the light and love of our life ^__^<333 we dedicate so many songs and loving words to you, more than we'll ever be able to explain!!!! we're so so excited to shower our handsome boys in kisses and praise and love RAHHHH WE LOVE YOU!!! you are our favourite people ever everything about you is so CUTE!?!?!? the way you get flustered, the pet & nicknames you use for us, your handsome face <33, the way you reassure us when we're upset... all just a small selection of the things we adore about you. we cant imagine liking anyone else, when we have you. you are all angels and i promise we'll love you 'til our dying breath!! you are so entwined in our thoughts and planning for the future, just WAHHRHRH we love you so much and wouldnt trade you for the world!! :] you are our planets and our stars, our pretty sunrise, our perfect boys!! we love you so, so much, a lifetime spent by your side would be heaven<33, my dearest love. you mean more to us than we'll ever be able to explain with words, we want to spend our whole lives loving you, waking up next to you, holding you, comforting you, and so much more, if you'll allow it. every conversation with you makes us so happy and feel so safe, no matter what it's about, we know we're safe with our darling boys. I mean it when I say you are truly the best partners we've ever had, we are so grateful for you and everything you do for us. I'm so glad you're our partner and fp, there literally isn't anyone better for us, you're all so sweet and lovely. nobody comes close to comparing to our perfect sunrise. we're all about you, head over heels :] !! I COULD WRITE FOR HOURS GOSH I LOVE YOU SOSOSOSOSOSOOSISSOOSOSOOOO MUCH!!:!;!;

Pub: 07 Dec 2022 09:00 UTC
Edit: 30 Sep 2023 11:36 UTC
Views: 705