Damian (Sneasler♂) /pmdt/ Character Profile
by kemokeryu
Before Joining the Oasis Guild
I was out on my own, not going anywhere. Some life ! Desperately needed a change of scenery, you know ? So I immediately thought I should strand myself out here ! Whoops ...
It was lucky that Damian made it to the Oasis at all. He endured the harshness of the desert sun and the frigidity of an arid night before stumbling upon this place, exhausted. The trauma caused him to faint at the end of his journey. It was just lucky that Zed and Mutt were here first, with a Reviver Seed to spare too !
While that ordeal is all true, it omits the bulk of his past. Despite gradually learning the town is full former humans turned Pokemon, Damian won't admit he used to be human like them.
Yes, Damian knows he was human too. And likewise, he doesn't remember who he was in his human life. Even though his name seems right, he can't say for sure he it was his a human.
His inner conflict about being a Pokemon now is enough of an insecurity to prevent him connecting with the others on their shared metamorphosis. They mustn't learn of his previous life or his crisis of identity ! The best way to do that is to cover over it by being a good friend and contributing as much as he can to his new town.
Unknown to him, Damian's past life is significant in how he arrived here. He worked on the coast guard in a role assisting the community with navigation, the weather and the occasional rescue. A decent background for a rescue team recruit!
In his own time he tried to build and then pilot his own airship. It was when he was out flying it one day that odd distortions crept up on him and his aircraft, causing it to lose altitude. Rather than crashing, Damian was somehow transformed and transported into this desert. Alone, disoriented ... and monstrous !
Current Activity
After recovering from his desert exhaustion Damian tries to help Zed in construction around town especially because of the utility of his long sharp claws. There is an abandoned store in town in town that he wishes to fix up and run. Otherwise Damian meets all the guild members in town and makes friends with many, takes shifts in the cafe and on night watch with Nox as well as completing jobs on the bulletin board and running dungeons.
Body & Sexuality
Height: 3'11"
Nipple rows: 3 (under fur)
Attraction: Straight
Role: Dominant
Position: Top
Penis: Feline, 4.8" length, 1.6" girth, 2" balls with covering fur
Hots for anyone?
There's no denying the horniness in this town. However Damian really enjoys the romantic part. He's flirty and confident but also monogamous. One intense relationship is better than spreading himself too much ! Oh and he's a total dirty talking, moaning, lovey dovey idiot. Just a complete sucker for the gooey stuff !
Skipping straight to the bedroom isn't his style though. Lilith for example is so forward that Damian prefers to deny her instead. It wouldn't be surprising if this turns into some kind of game but Damian wouldn't ever hook up out of that or, even worse, let it turn into a relationship. Push it too far and Damian will shut down the fun for good.
Even so, Damian still needs a ... well ... outlet while he finds the girl for him. That has led him to start contributing romance stories to the library's fiction section, finding a way to write even with his oversized claws. If you ask nicely he might even write you something on the side ... !
Intimacy, passion, affection, romance
The good stuff ! Handholding, cuddling, praise, heavy petting, the works ! By end you should be panting and purring. Would you have it any other way?
Pheremones and Heat
Bestial attraction and desire ! Losing control and passionate indulgence in each other's base instincts is one of the best parts. But even without a mate Damian can't help but feel the thrill in resisting and finally relieving his rut. Don't forget that a strong scent can almost be hypnotic too !
It may be why you're here as a Pokemon but it is worth making clear this is a perk. Damian has dreams of his body morphing into its current form, both innocent and lewd. Maybe others may see those dreams too someday ?
Hey, that's a while off yet, don't you think ? Still, where do you think all this fooling around is going to lead ? When a mommy Pokemon and a daddy Pokemon love each other very much ... !
Feral Anatomy
Embrace the monster you've become ! After transforming Damian had a new appreciation for the Pokemon form of himself and others. There's so much beauty in their primal bodies !
Of course this extends to the lewd side too. Cloacas and cookies, oh my ! Damian's feline penis has bumps that are more pleasurable than painful like other felines. He'd still get off if he had a canine or tapered dick too.
(More info in the future ... )
Author's Notes
>>68495394 Original introduction
Sometime soon I'll flesh out Damian's arrival into its own story. I want Damian to be the 3rd resident of Oasis since it works well for his story even though I introduced him much later than the others. That's should be fine since I've been in the thread since the first one.
Vex >>68496193
Somehow never running into each other, Damian may know of Vex from other people, but stupid luck prevented the two from meeting
Damian >>68496439
Since Damian fainted on arrival and needed a Reviver Seed to recover my headcanon is that he's either been recovering in one of the guild hall rooms the whole time or has been on the sidelines only passively observing the guild activities. Actually since the phantom Anons brought up the idea of "haunting" the town by commenting without interacting maybe Damian's consciousness was part of those voices as he was in a deep coma. The story I want to write with Damian in the desert should set up how Zed and Mutt discover Damian but he hasn't really met them or anyone else while awake yet.