MTL guide for EN copers

30.04.2024: The patch works again, but you need to do a fresh install

DMM blocks some countries and ISPs nowadays. You will need a VPN to log into DMM and to start up the game, but once it is running you can turn the VPN off

These resources aren't really mine, I merely summed up the research work others posted in the thread. I hope this helps some other EN players who are not yet ready to leave Landosol behind.
Note that DMM is a requirement for PriconeTL, and the guide for Sugoi assumes that you have PriconeTL installed.


The general setup for DMM is descriped in the JP starter guide


  1. Download the PriconeTL translation patch from here
  2. Extract it into your /priconner/ directory (set during the DMM installation)
  3. Should look like this afterwards
  4. Go to /priconner/BepInEx/config/ and open AutoTranslatorConfig.ini with your text editor of choice
  5. Edit the second line to look like this: Endpoint=DeepLTranslate
  6. Scroll down to the DeepL section towards the end and increase MaxDelay from 6 to 7, then save and close
  7. Go to /priconner/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text and open the _Preprocessors.txt file
  8. Add [3C404EFF]= to it, save it and close it

The basic translation for both the menus and the stories should now be set up. Helps to click once during dialogues to make the text appear fully, otherwise the translation engine only translates fragments first and then has to redo it. It's workable, but a bit rough.

Sugoi (Optional)

DeepL does a good enough job that you can follow the story, but the translation is fairly rough and the latency can make waiting for the translation to be displayed a bit annoying. A local installation of Sugoi improves both of those.
This guide assumes that you still went through the steps from PriconeTL

  1. Grab the Sugoi Translator Toolkit from somewhere, for example here or here
  2. Extract it to the directory of your choice
  3. Open priconner\BepInEx\config\AutoTranslatorConfig.ini and change the second line to Endpoint=SugoiOfflineTranslator
  4. Scroll down to the bottom, where you find [SugoiOfflineTranslator], make the following changes:
    InstallPath=C:\Program Files\Sugoi-Translator-Toolkit-V5.3-Public\Code (replace with your own)
  5. Start PriCon from the DMM Player; you will see a python.exe window pop up, no worries, this is expected and not malware

This is still an MTL translation so don't expect a flawless result, but it cuts down the latency and does a better job than DeepL. DeepL seems to cut out almost all the onomatopoeia, exclamations, honorifics and so on for example, and sometimes just throws a dictionary definition for individual words.
If you are using an NVIDIA GPU, check the Github again for how to enable CUDA.

Keep a copy of the config file and sugoi.dll in another directory for easy copy pasting, as you will probably have to reinstall it whenever the game updates.

Hardcoded Translations

If you are unhappy with some of the translations (like キャルちゃん ending as "Cal"), you can do the following:

  1. Go to /priconner/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text and open the _Preprocessors.txt file
  2. Add whatever word you want translated, followed by a = and then the translation, i.e. キャルちゃん=Kyaru-chan
  3. You can press ALT+0 while in the game and then set the checkmark for "Translation Aggregator" to get both the Japanese and the English text displayed, makes it easy to just copy over the Japanese to your Preprocessors.txt file; use Notepad++ or something, regular Notepad will break the Japanese characters upon saving the file

Updating PriconeTL

Since nothing was actually installed, updating PriconeTL is as simple as replacing the files with the new version. The PriconeTL Devs recommend to not just extract over the old files, but to delete them and unpack a fresh version.

  1. Grab the most recent version from their Github
  2. Make backups of the following files:
    2.1 Preprocessor.txt under \priconner\BepInEx\Translation\en\Text
    2.2 AutoTranslatorConfig.ini under \priconner\BepInEx\config
  3. Delete (or move, as a backup) the BepInEx folder from your \priconner\ directory
  4. Extract the new version into the \priconner\ directory
  5. Move your backups from 2. back into the corresponding directories

Start the game from DMM and you should be on the most recent version of PriconeTL.

Updating via Tool

If you are brave enough to execute random software, here is an installer for the patch that can do installations and updates automatically:
I only tested the update feature myself, no idea if the first time installation works.

PriCon Directory

Not exactly related to the translation topics, but I saw the issue popping up a couple times with no solution described in the other resources yet.
DMM seems to always put most of the data on drive C:, around 9GB on a fresh installation. If you want to move this to a different drive, do the following:

  1. Search for %AppData% in the start menu, open it
  2. Go to /AppData/LocalLow/Cygames/PrincessConnectReDive (step 1 has probably thrown you into AppData/Roaming/, so go one directory back first)
  3. Move the directory to wherever you would like it to be, as an example D:/Priconne
  4. Run CMD as administrator and create a link from the old to the new path via mklink /d "oldpath" "newpath", for example:
    mklink /d "C:\Users\Anon\AppData\LocalLow\Cygames\PrincessConnectReDive" "D:\Priconne"

Last Update 2024-03-04, Added a download link for V7 of Sugoi
2023-10-01, Added the UpdateTool Section
2023-06-06, Swapped out Links for a more recent version of Sugoi
2023-06-05, Cleaned up the info regarding Sugoi, now that some of it is included in the patch by default
2023-05-25, Translator can no longer be changed on the fly with Alt+0
2023-04-06, Added Update Section for PriconeTL
2023-04-05, Initial Version

Edit Report
Pub: 05 Apr 2023 09:18 UTC
Edit: 30 Apr 2024 08:22 UTC
Views: 2846