back ; guest book ; overseer logs

Overseer — Male* , He/Him , 24
Pony Express ( ) 'seer of 5yrs

* can you really not tell?

is the name self explanatory enough. i don't know. maybe some of you don't know what an overseer is? i mean i could guess what it meant, for a long time, but i didn't have a good example til i played fallout.

an overseer sent by Pony.
a self insert or an oc? good question

^ he doesn't exist for selfshipping reasons either, by the way
(ok maybe i lowk ship him and daisuke in an au of mine but HE DOESN'T LIKE IT SO IT DOESNT COUNT)

i'm working on a nice introduction. sorry.

⠀⠀"⠀⠀…don't touch anything.⠀⠀"
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀—Overseer

⠀⠀"Overseer" (real name Noel Andrews) was an Overseer on duty to Oversee the Tulpar, a freighter ship owned by Pony Express. His duties were to ensure work was being done properly & on time. He was also to write reports and logs on the aforementioned—notable as he would often be seen looking at his clipboard. … ( )

⠀⠀Overseer is an adult man, slightly lankier than the other (average) men on board. He has several bruises, one on his neck covered by a medium medical bandage, and one on his forehead covered mostly by his hair. He wears an outfit unique to him (like Daisuke): a white long-sleeve dress shirt with a black tie, with black slacks covering basic Converse-like high tops. … ( )

key: * : doesn't alter after the crash/post-crash note


  • stands around for the most part. according to his rulebook, he is to spend x hours in every room, rotating every so often. he is to carry a clipboard, several pieces of paper, and a fountain pen with him.*
  • in reality, he strays from the sched, though only in the form of trying to stick in rooms with people in them (because why would.. you need to stand in an empty room for an hour?).*
    • * stays only in rooms with people in them.
  • when approached, he tilts his clipboard inwards, and makes eye contact. at no other point is eye contact made.*
    • if the reason for the approach is to write something down, he does so.
    • (Ex. what was done while he was not in the room)
    • if the reason for the approach is to chat, he breaks eye contact (not making it again).
    • * tries to keep eye contact longer and better
  • according to his rulebook, he is to not speak in a casual manner (that is, unrelated to work) with anyone but the captain. he tries to entertain conversation when needed nonetheless.*
  • he is to be not an intern of sorts (someone that aids the members), rather a "fly on the wall" that tracks crew activity.
    • "activity" may refer to what members of the crew are up to, time spent doing assigned tasks/behaviours, and anything else that catches his eye (differs from the Ideal Work Day according to corp.).
    • he does take notes that may be handy for the crew in the form of updates though.
    • * most notes are purely for crew sake, now.


  • has middle parted, thin, shoulder length black hair. it's covering his right eye, with his left side tucked behind his ear. (it is dyed black, but due to wearing that Ugly Ass Cap all the time, no one would be able to see his roots to know).
    • (his hair is not damaged from the dye, as it's the sort that lasts years and requires no bleaching.)
  • has a forehead bruise, purpled. it is covered by his hair + hat most of the time. has a yellowing bruise on the right side of his neck, with a medium sized rectangular medical bandaid covering it (mostly).
  • his eyes are a dark blue-green, making them almost a teal or cyan. he has eye bags below average upturned eyes.
  • wears a default overseer uniform (though most people don't wear the hat because it's.. ugly.). the outfit consists of a red and yellow cap, "PONY" written on the front in white. it is a snapback.
  • the top half of the uniform consists of a long sleeve white button up with a black tie.
  • the bottom half of the uniform consists of black zip up slacks with a belt and rubber high tops.
  • overseer tends to wear an optional black jacket over his uniform.

relationship notes

them -> him

  • anya
  • daisuke
  • swansea
    • has never particularly payed any attention to overseer (on their previous hauls), and goes out of his way to not make eye contact.
    • he nonetheless, and despite not responding, appreciates the overseer's habit of chiming in with things swansea's forgotten about (learned from the sticky notes on swansea's desk, as well as his mumbles while working).
    • generally feels uncomfortable thinking about why he's there or what he's writing on that clipboard he carries everywhere.
  • jimmy
    • thinks the overseer will ruin (sabotage) his chances of a promotion.
    • almost appreciated him during a moment from a previous haul, yet later concluded overseer's breach of regulation could be good blackmail to retort those bad things overseer is surely writing about him.
  • curly
    • appreciates overseer's presence.
    • is soothed at the thought (and mostly fact) of another authentic Pony Express worker being there (someone who looks as though in support for the business)
    • suspects the overseer's true opinions on the business being similar to his (perhaps yearning to leave after working there for so many years)
    • gets the overseer to deliver messages to the crew when curly feels like they deserve a little anxiety.

him -> them

  • anya
    • TBA
  • daisuke
    • TBA
  • swansea
    • TBA
  • jimmy
    • TBA
  • curly
    • TBA

general notes

  • continues working for Pony Express because he likes people watching, and has already been there for long enough to get semi-special treatment. he also just likes working. doesn't like having nothing to do.
  • he's assigned to ships that are on assignments which Pony considers Possibly Damaging to Company Rep—to make sure everything gets done right.
    as a result, he's travelled with the Tulpar Crew a few times already.
  • he's a 'pony express seer' rather than a 'long haul seer' because sometimes he oversees non haul related work. like... when offices are rented at home base, sometimes he has to check in on them. or properly stay. orrrrrr incoming cargo and whatnot... the workers that deal with that get watched, too.

guilt notes

  • pregnancy guilt
    • waiting with the ultrasound; after use, behind the fence, inspecting something on the ground.
  • daisuke guilt
    • crouching on the other side of that one fence
    • ^ or rather, sitting like you do at a campfire. like the campfire in chrono ark.
    • Lethal Damage papers on a clipboard next to daisuke's post-mortem headshot
  • swansea guilt
    • standing in a dead end of the graveyard, holding his clipboard.

other stupid things

  • What’s every crewmate’s favorite pokémon?
    • Swansea - Herdier
    • Anya - Glaceon
    • Daisuke - WereGarurumon
    • Curly - Pikachu
    • Jimmy - Mega Rayquaza
    • Overseer - Furret
  • Are there any little fun facts about the characters?

    • Jimmy was named after Lana Del Rey’s “A&W”.
    • Swansea is a bit of a sneakerhead. He buys himself a new expensive pair every year to celebrate his soberversary.
    • Daisuke really, really didn’t want to do the internship. His parents made him go because he’d been kind of aimless so far as a young adult. They thought it’d ultimately help him find his way in life, to have some time in a stricter environment and away from home. They were just worried for his future. When he does end up on the Tulpar, while at first anguished, he eventually decides to put on a brave face and try his best to make his parents proud.
    • Anya has tried and failed to get into medical school eight times. She completed Pony Express provided nursing classes to qualify for her position on the Tulpar (valid ONLY on board Pony Express property and company jurisdiction) because she needed money so she could keep trying. She’s been reading a lot of books about psychology while on the Tulpar though...
    • Curly was initially meant to have a British accent. Some remnants of it probably remain in the script.
    • Overseer's clipboard is mostly empty, with nothing important on it at all. There are a few notes taken for Swansea, casual records of missing ingredients, and various doodles of their stock of medicine (inventory checking).
  • I just want to know if the Pony Express crew has any silly-fun hobbies they enjoy?

    • Swansea’s kids are all grown up, but there’s always something broken or needing repairs in their apartments. It’s also an excuse to go make sure they’re keeping their places clean. He’ll treat them to a meal, the kids should be eating good at least. Swansea makes a mean paella but his wife is sick of it at this point. Not to worry, he takes her to fancy restaurants when they want a night out. They’ll call ahead to see if the dog is allowed to come too.
    • Curly is into weightlifting. He spends most of his time on Earth around friends and family. Someone always has something interesting going on, and Curly enjoys trying new things when he’s not stuck on a haul. Winter is his favorite season because he’s a snow sports kind of guy.
    • Daisuke is a regular at his local arcade. The machines are like, totally rigged though. But maybe this next try…? Anyway, Daisuke is also into thrifting some sick unique vintage clothing. He has an eye for the good stuff, and no one else is gonna show up with the same outfit either!! His parents don’t get it at all.
    • Anya spends most of her free time studying. She runs to clear her head. When she really needs to zero out she binges the worst reality television and fast food known to man. But she’d never admit to that.
    • Jimmy is into weightlifting. Hobbies are for people who can afford them.
    • Overseer doesn't do much but work. Not in a particularly depressing way, he just enjoys work. Though, taking care of his plants is part of his routine.

i am not an artist forgive me
himhim again on a uhh
collab mouthwash whiteboardfox cannot stop using whiteboardfox unfortunatelyumm i mostly draw himmmm. physically. so i don't have many photos. ahh i found some.someone kill this guyfirst ever rendition. wowrahuyuhhahzputting this at the bottom cuzzzz. i dont know. not a self-ship by the way. i just like them.i love magmano idea why his hair's so short here.boy?? where are you always looking???OH MY GOD WHO ELSE DIED

here's me doing the extremely detailed character sheet.

Character’s full name:
Noel Angela Andrews

Reason or meaning of name:
Noel — his parents couldnt write. noel is a very easy name to print.
Angela — they were manifesting a girl. decided before hand and kept out of spite for him.
Andrews —

Character’s nickname:

Reason for nickname:
it's his title for PONY.

Birth date:
DEC 12



How old does he/she appear:
due to being lanky, early 20's


Body build:

Shape of face:

Eye color:
blue (cyan)

Glasses or contacts:
has glasses but doesn't wear them. they're for his eyestrain, not that he has bad sight.

Skin tone:
pale, but even paler when overseeing hauls.

Distinguishing marks:
bruises around (neck, forehead), eyebags

Predominant features:
intimidating eyes?

Hair color:
black, box dyed.

Type of hair:
fine but not thin.

middle/side parted

uhh. like wolfgang from eden's garden.

Overall attractiveness:
kind of emo i guess

Usual fashion of dress:

Favorite outfit:
formal... work outfit.


Good personality traits:
Bad personality traits:
Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humor:
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Character’s greatest fear:
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
Character is most at ease when:
Most ill at ease when:
Enraged when:
Depressed or sad when:
Life philosophy:
If granted one wish, it would be:
Character’s soft spot:
Is this soft spot obvious to others?
Greatest strength:
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Biggest regret:
Minor regret:
Biggest accomplishment:
Minor accomplishment:
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:
Character’s darkest secret:
Does anyone else know?

Drives and motivations:
Immediate goals:
Long term goals:
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
How other characters will be affected:

Type of childhood:
First memory:
Most important childhood memory:
Childhood hero:
Dream job:

Current location:
Currently living with:

Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Relationship with them:
Relationship with him/her:
Relationship with them:
Other important family members:

Least favorite color:
Form of entertainment:
Mode of transportation:
Most prized possession:

Plays a musical instrument?
Plays a sport?
How he/she would spend a rainy day:
Spending habits:
Other drugs:
What does he/she do too much of?
What does he/she do too little of?
Extremely skilled at:
Extremely unskilled at:
Nervous tics:
Usual body posture:

Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?
Animal lover?

How he/she feels about himself/herself:
One word the character would use to describe self:
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?
How does the character think others perceive him/her:
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself:

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?
Person character most hates:
Best friend(s):
Love interest(s):
Person character goes to for advice:
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Person character openly admires:
Person character secretly admires:
Most important person in character’s life before story starts:
After story starts:

Pub: 28 Mar 2022 17:15 UTC
Edit: 05 Jan 2025 08:08 UTC
Views: 470