back ; guest book

* all the events are written in.. mostly objective speak, mimicimg smth similar to what you'd see in a script for a play. there are, though, occasional unreliable narrators—subjective view points. you should be able to tell when. pov switches based on physical distance from one another.

i.e. a group of people in a room is one pov, likely objective, and one person alone in another room would likely be more subjective.
how it would work as if you were like ... idk ... watching a play.

* also note i do this for my own enjoyment. there is a lot of meaningless writing in these. things that could be removed and make no difference—nonetheless, i like things like that, so Stay they Shall.

EVENT day 28. twilight

* daisuke & overseer event

[the PONY administor sleeping quarters are quiet. Overseer is summarizing notes taken for the day. the others fell asleep playing a board game—as no one has passed the doorway, and he hasn't seen Curly.]

[he seems to recall its his job to know where they are, so he sets aside summarizing, puts his clipboard down, & gets up to check.]

[approaching the doorway, he pauses—someone is outside—the sound pauses as well. after an awkward amount of time, he walks out: walking directly into—followed by tripping over—... someone.]

"AH.... "

"... sorry"

"nah its... alright"

[Daisuke is up before overseer is (he's not too concerned about how he may have dirtied his clothes in the fall.)]

[he leans into the doorway of the admin quarters.]

"where'sss.. uh, curly?"
" know?"

[having realized he didn't particularly pay any attention to how Overseer was doing, he turns around in (somehow) surprise.]

"ah sorry sorry. you're good?"


"oh... good... um. so about Curly?"

[Overseer has stood up.]

"i figured he was with you guys. was on my way to check that now."

"huh. no clue."

[he leans into the doorway again—inspecting the room itself now]

"woah.. i never thought to wonder what was in here. i guess its where you higher-ups sleep?"

[Overseer guestures to the back of the open door, which he can easily see standing outside the room. Daisuke leans back to peer at it. ]

[the door has a faded sign reading "Administrator Quarters", similar to the one next to it, which reads "Sleeping Quarters".]

“right. that makes sense yeah… i guess they’re about the same size...”

[he seems to hold back any comment about maybe why the admins deserve so much more room, in comparison to those under them.]

[he leans back in to look at the room again.]

“could i..?”

[he makes vague gestures towards the interior room.]

“…don’t touch anything.”

“awesome. thanks.”

[he moves carefully. he thinks its some feat to have gotten this far. any other time they’ve been alone so far, Overseer has been observing as tasked—refusing all small talk.]

[it’s odd chatting (though “chatting” brings a sort of carefree feel to it) with someone who’s job is to record you, he thinks. the air feels awkward. though, now that he considers it, he didn't see Overseer drop his clipboard when he tripped.]

[ceasing his idle inspection of objects around the room, he turns to face the doorway. Overseer is standing outside, the same posture as always—except...? his hands are behind his back—the way you might see of someone who is standing for an anthem—his eyes darting around the hallway while he waits. odd.]

[Overseer, too busy avoiding focusing his eyes, doesn't notice Daisuke take note of him. Daisuke turns back towards the beds now, with much more purpose, a mission, a question to answer: where is Overseer's clipboard?]

[it doesn't take long to notice it hidden behind some poofy comforters on one of the beds. so this is Overseer's bed, then—a familiar Fountain pen is sitting nearby. it's while approaching it, naturally curious about what's on it, he feels a hand on his shoulder. he doesn't turn around immedietly, keeping his attention on the paper clipped to the board.]

[he figures his idea of Overseer has been forever altered. in such a small period of time is impressive, probably. was it possible he could've guessed something like this? were there hints towards it? any indication? he tries thinking back—not before noticing the approaching steps—and is interrupted.]

"is everyone else in the main area?"

"...last i checked"
"ah, but not curly..."

"come with me while i check."

"whatever you say, boss."

[Overseer had flipped Daisuke around to speak to him, so his back was facing the bed. Overseer walks to the doorway and turns around, waiting for Daisuke to start moving.]

[after some short awkwardly paced steps, Daisuke follows suit & both walk to the main area, Overseer leading Daisuke, not looking back to check again.]

(i swear that paper was basically empty. i'm pretty sure i saw DOODLES of one of us!!! when does he get the time to do that? making us worry he's telling PONY things about us when this is all he does...)

(how is he always writing when his paper looks like this? is his job really that easy...maybe i need to ask PONY about it when we get back. so much easier than working for Swansea... looks kind of lonely, though.)

(what am i doing stressing about the 'super important' notes he's supposed to be taking? why would Curly LIE about what he's doing. does? not even he know...?)

(it's late. completely slipped my mind that i hadn't finished writing up that report...oh...right. Daisuke was in here earlier wasn't he? i...maybe he didn't that'd be compromising wouldn't it?)

(is the sort of guy to report me for some lower quality active notes? no idea...i will hope not i guess—hope it doesn't get brought up.)

EVENT day 35. twilight

* anya & overseer event

EVENT day 110. afternoon

* curly & overseer event

[Overseer is sitting in the admin quarters catching up on active notes.]

[Curly is on his way upstairs from the cockpit, passing in front of the door to the living area (not by the medbay, but next to the dining area table.) faxed paper in hand.]

[Jimmy is sitting at the table looking depressed, but brings his attention to Daisuke, who’s clearly about to theorize what Curly is up to, with whoever else is in the room.]

“woah… do you think its a message from the higher-ups?”

“it.. could be? could also be just a normal piece of paper…”

“nono. i can tell: it’s special.”

[their predicting gets interrupted by Curly’s voice, down the hallway, out of view.]

“Overseer? could you come to the cockpit for a moment?”

[Daisuke and Anya share some quiet “ooo”’s, the very same you might hear in a classroom, regarding a child being called to the office.]

[Jimmy restrains himself from walking up to Curly, asking himself what the issue is. It’s his right to know, surely, as the co-pilot. not to mention they’re apparently meeting in the cockpit and not the admin quarters—his area.]

[a long couple of seconds go by, before Curly and Overseer head down the hall. Overseer peers into the doorway as he passes.]

[Daisuke and Anya look inconspicuous enough: just chatting with one another, it looks. Jimmy and Overseer make eye contact. no specific emotion is portrayed on Overseer’s face.]

[the two finish passing.]

[Daisuke and Anya share anticipating glances.]

“maybe it is important… wasn’t that a bit…?”


“i’m kind of on edge now!”

“WOO!! told you.”

[Jimmy loudly pushes his chair back. he does so with a smooth maneuver, properly standing up and out of the chair, not looking nor acknowledging the sudden attention from Daisuke and Anya.]

[he goes to walk through the door to the sleeping quarters. as he does, he walks in front of Swansea (dramatically), as Swansea is trying to get through the same door.]

[Swansea pauses and lets Jimmy walk through. glancing through the opening, Daisuke and Anya are giving him a “…no idea.” sort of look.]


[seemingly debating if he should comment on Jimmy; it doesn’t take long to conclude it isn’t worth the breath.]

“did Captain just bring Overseer to the cockpit? when was the last time that happened?”

[Anya and Daisuke, seemingly pleased & accepting of the topic going back to anything but Jim, lean in to chat again, right where they left off.]

“SEE? even Swansea is pointing it out.”
“GOTTA be important.”
“life changing…!”

“i fuckin’ hope not.”
“i don’t trust PONY to not do some stupid shit about Tulpar—and us. girl is too old.”

“that’s.. a really good point. it could be actually serious.”

“ooooohh.. didn’t think about that.”
“nah. it’s for sure the good kind of serious life changing important news.”

[Anya and Swansea share doubtful looks.]

“i saw that.”
“don’t do that... i’m right here.”

[shared once again.]


[Jimmy is sitting on the edge of his cot, hunched. his hands are clasped, hanging off of his parted thighs.]

[it’s.. fine, he tries to convince himself. It’s fine. After Curly and Overseer share the news with everyone, probably him first, of course, he could confront Curly privately to ask him about it. It’s fine.]

[he pauses his brooding to notice Overseer (alone) walk down the hallway, enter the dining area, and start speaking.]

[surely this isn’t the sharing of the news. he isn’t even there. It can’t be. what kind of shit worker doesn’t make sure the entire team is present before sharing clearly important news? huh? what the hell is this guy even doing?]

[his plans change. he’ll go straight to Curly to ask about this. “why’s your First Hand Man going around not following basic instructions? which i’m sure were ‘share with the crew’ something of some sort, and yet I’m not even fucking present?”]

[embarrassing. this Overseer is embarrassing. why does PONY figure they need one anyway? he feels like he does a good enough job making sure everyone is working. and that’s great of him—it’s not his job, yet he makes sure it gets done. he’s supporting Curly.]

[these people don’t know how hard it is on him, to have to babysit them all the time. he was helping. he was a constant aid to Curly. and yet PONY hires an ACTUAL babysitter. unbelievable.]

[Overseer walks into the dining area holding his clipboard with an unusually shaped piece of paper clipped to it. Swansea, Daisuke, and Anya pause. it’s pretty obvious they were talking about him, but no comments on that need to be shared.]

“Captain Curly has requested i share information he has received with you all.”

“please do take yer time.”

“will you word it in a nice way even if it isn’t nice itself?”

[Daisuke is preparing himself for the worst.]

“he… uh… didn’t give me any way to… say this.”

[Daisuke looks guilty. presumably for earlier…comments.]

[Anya has covered her mouth.]

[Swansea seems indifferent.]

“i’ve simply been given the exact fax he received. perhaps you’d all rather see it yourselves.”

[he turns his clipboard around and gently sets it onto the dining area table.]

[Neither Anya nor Daisuke move. Swansea gives them a look before grabbing it for himself.]

“does… the captain think he’s funny? d’you think think is funny, Mr. Overseer?”

“uh.. i do believe he finds it.. comedic. apologies.”

“… seriously?”

[he reaches out, as for Swansea to hand it to him. Swansea does no such thing, but lets it fall out of his hands to the table, before exiting the room.]


[gesturing towards Daisuke]

“—deserves to lose this time.”

[Daisuke picks up the clipboard in a sort of frantic manner.]

[Anya steps closer behind him.]


[he turns to face Overseer, setting the clipboard down.]

“you know where it is!?”

[Anya picks up the clipboard, confused—two very different reactions…]

“i believe its somewhere in the admin quarters. i’ll go look for you.”

[Anya sets the clipboard down. she’s giggling, covering her mouth.]

“haha… i guess its a bit funny. he got us, didn’t he?”

“i know right? i had goosebumps, seriously!”

[Overseer isn’t particularly worried about why he’s been called here, though perhaps he should be—the Captain looked really serious walking down here—ensuring he had brought his clipboard as well. Ominous.]

[on the walk there, Overseer notes a small piece of paper the Captain has been fidgeting with.]

[the door shuts behind them.]

[the Captain falls back into his seat.]

“alright, come sit.”

[Overseer is now seated across from the Captain, who looks noticeably… less serious.]

“so listen to this: i was rummaging through these advertisements we get through the fax. every time some news comes in, there’s little slips on the bottom promoting some.. bs being promoted by PONY.”

[Overseer has no idea where this is going, but nods attentively anyhow.]

“right, and i found this”

[the Captain holds up the piece of paper he was carrying. it looks sort of rugged, as though it’s been sitting in some box for a while, forgotten. the Captain hands it over to Overseer.]

[the paper features a graphic of Polle, the PONY mascot, assumingly acting as a sort of stamp for all adverts the Captain received, as the same graphic were on various papers on the floor as well.]

[there’s a title, bold, which reads “THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS! DID YOU KNOW?”, with a subtitle reading “your ship, the [TULPAR] has it’s very own copy of this revolutionary board game? it’s located in your [ADMIN QUARTERS]!”, and an additional fine print, reading: “to be used on personal time exclusively.”.]

[Overseer is a bit lost, but smiles anyhow, waiting for the Captain to continue.]

“anyway… you don’t chat with the crew often, do you?”

[the question seems entirely irrelevant. perhaps he was serious, and this was important—just needing to get his… findings off of his chest before hand.]

“…no. not to say they don’t… chat to me.”
“i mean… i help Swansea sometimes? nonetheless no chatting involved.”

“right. well they’re all a bit scared of you, i think…”
“and, well, the thing is: i’d like you to get along with them.”


even though… i know you’re not particularly supposed to ‘befriend’ people on trips.”
“though i earnestly don’t figure you’d be biased on any of your reports! so what’s the harm?”

“… ...”

“okay, i’m not asking you to be buddy-buddy with anyone, alright?”
“i’d like your help with something in particular—easy, i swear.”

[the Captain explains his plans. he’d like to play a little bit of a “prank”—Overseer supposes is the best way to describe it—on the crew. taking advantage of the crew’s opinions on him, this would set a good example: Overseer is not above the Captain’s orders (no matter how silly).]

[he also hopes this (at least somewhat) helps Jimmy chill a bit. he recalls the glares he’s gotten for just interacting with the Captain.]

[Overseer would, as the plans describe, be called dramatically to the cockpit (as he had been, at this point) and then go announce some news to everyone. the news would be rather good: they have a board game they’ve never played before.]

[though the Captain figures everyone (at least Anya and Daisuke) will get nervous about it, as Overseer’s the one presenting the information—which he himself supposes is? scary? with how often he talks to them being nowhere near often enough to be comfortable as they likely are with the Captain.]

“…and it’s true, right? there is in fact a new board game?”

“i’ve never paid any mind to these before, so maybe they’re outdated or something of the sort…”
“well, maybe it’d be a successful ‘prank’ anyway. ah, but, poor Anya…”

[he seems to be reminiscing her previous battles against Daisuke. this false hope could be.... damaging.]

“yeah. i’ve witnessed a few of their games. poor Anya is... right."

“whatever. point is: you got this, yeah?”

[he gives Overseer an encouraging look. it feels... a bit pitying. the sort of look your mother gives you on the first day of school. Overseer is tempted to say something about how he doesn't need to be encouraged to make friends, but holds back.]

“yeah. sure.”

“awesome. thank you.”

“of course.”

[Overseer plays up his grabbing of the advert, clipping it to his board, giving the Captain a salute on his way out.]

[the Captain is overseeing the game from a small distance. Swansea is sitting on one end of the couch, taking notes from a calculus textbook. Anya is sitting on the couch, knees tucked half under herself, resting back. Daisuke is on the floor, cross legged, resting his chin on his hands. the room is silent.]

“do… you… have.”

[Anya, who has been waiting about 3 minutes for Daisuke to do something, leans forward in anticipation.]

“uh… three… spare wool?”



“no idea man. what did you even roll?”

“that was ages ago. get with the times.”

“still… not enough wool in ‘the times’, no?”


[Swansea leans over his textbook.]



“didn’t you roll a 4?”

“uhh… yeah, i think.”

“…what colour are ya?”


“is that not a pasture labelled ‘4’?”

[Daisuke doesn’t seem to process whatever it is Swansea is suggesting.]

[Anya gets out of her comfortable position to verify what Swansea is saying.]

“oh my god.”

[Daisuke seemingly realizes what was being pointed out.]

“ah. interesting you point this out. thank you kindly sir.”
“i’m going to... buy a development card.”

[she is speechless.]


[he pauses for dramatic effect. Anya is doing a praying motion.]
[setting the card down, he continues:]

“ah. ahahaha. that’s right. one victory point. adding up to.”
“A WIN!”

[Daisuke stands for a bow.]

[Anya tips over, defeated. she lays there for a second or few before uncovering her eyes, looking back to see an upside down Curly observing her defeat. he gives her a pitying look.]

“i tried.”

[she glances at Overseer, standing near the AOD. he gives her a look which she takes as his own "i tried"—rather, "we tried".]


[Daisuke offers up a high-five to Swansea. it is not returned. he finishes the emote himself.]

[he tries again, leaning right now, offering one up to Overseer.]

[When it is not returned, he holds his hand there, waiting.]

[Overseer is looking at the Captain. Captain's still showing Anya his guilt. In short time, he realizes he's being watched—noticing Overseer's predicament.]

[Overseer figures the look on the Captain's face is meant to say "come on...?". expectant. Overseer looks back at Daisuke. hand... still up. he already looks uncomfortable holding it there. back at the Captain's face—unwavering, just... a hint of disappointment]

[Anya notices the two as well, now, looking worried—]


[Overseer... questionably, hastily, & awkwardly returns the gesture.]

[the room is... oddly stunned. Swansea takes the silence as a sign to finally switch textbooks, rather loudly.]

[Daisuke turns around to give Anya a "holy shit?" look, assuming Overseer doesn't notice.]

[Anya seems more neutral about her surprise, but it shows nonetheless.]

[Curly has a relieved look on his face. rather than a mother, before, it... feels more like a fatherly praise.]

[from this point forward, Overseer carries a sense of pride, for just a while, not recalling exactly where it came from, though staying thankful.]

([Jimmy, after stress smoking over the whole situation, fell asleep in his uniform, on a mess of a bed.])

Pub: 15 Jun 2022 23:36 UTC
Edit: 29 Dec 2024 09:46 UTC
Views: 215