you tell yourself you don't want to burden others,

aaron / yuxuan !? he+ 15 21.09・eng-cn chinese audhd schizo lsi sx694 1 2 3

platonic flirting + pet names are ok only if we're close﹐no tws needed just don't suddenly bring up morbid topics

before you follow・i overuse profanity﹐i don't use tonetags, tell me if you need me to﹐i make kys/kms and nsfw (sometimes) jokes﹐i need to be reality checked sometimes﹐all interactions are platonic whatsoever﹐not good at dms﹐minor (16 in september)﹐selective followback

do not interact・basic dni crit﹐under 13﹐south park or dsmp/dream fans﹐if you support mspec lesbians﹐ed/sh/goretwt﹐if you participate in ship discourse﹐mori apologists/defenders﹐font users

but the truth is that you're selfish, you just don't want people to depend on you.

Pub: 02 Aug 2023 05:20 UTC
Edit: 14 Aug 2023 21:55 UTC
Views: 134