changed on request

  • your page cover
  • your page username
  • your modify code
  • your position on the /retrospring
  • able to add a secondary name to your cover (i.e. the cover for Angel's page)
  • able to add. frankly, anything else, probably. just ask :3

how to use modify codes

  • a 'modify code' (sometimes shortened to mc) is a replacement for an edit code.
  • when using a modify code, enter the code (beginning with "m:") into the "Enter edit code" box.
  • it should save as it would if you were using a typical edit code.
  • modify codes let one change the contents of a page, while restricting their ability to delete the page, edit the codes for the page, and change the url of the page.
  • the reason i gave you guys modify codes and not edit codes, if you're curious, is because me alone having control over the page urls, code resets/changes, and what is on the page (if needed) is for the best. considering i'm the only one who can edit /retrospring itself, if someone wanted to, for example, change their url, i would then need to go change the url on /retrospring as well. it would need direct communication! so if someone wants to change their url (which you may do, by the way), they need to talk to me first anyway. making it much simpler!

hey guys welcome to da rant section of my page i hope you enjoy!! them. (the rants.)

Aug 09seeing that you guys are reading eachother's messages is making me kind of emptional ummm ☹☹ you guyyyysss!!!!!

  • i wish i could thank u guys individually, but like. all u guys r my faves for REAL! i love speaking with all of you lots n lots. for those of you from dogpark, know that you can dm me any time and a scary-awkward-dead server shouldn't ... define how much we chat. ILY
  • It's going to feel odd leaving knowing that, like, i'll probably never speak to most of you again. and before rs like i have never even? ??? chatted casually with oomfs—in fact, for those of you who know me personally, you may recall me having (kind of crippling) online (?????) social phobia?
  • so i really never even had oomfs to talk to—i didn't follow people and people didn't follow me, nor did i speak in any online place. i spoke to friends on discord, in dms, and never anywhere else.
  • i have to wonder if that comes as a surprise to any of you? it's really??? hard to try to be stoic about how you are all being—really. really nice.
    i am so happy that on my first try it turned out this way! and at the same time, it's hard to not feel bitter, or somerhing like that, over the fact it's never going to happen again.
  • i will never have a place like rs again, i don't think. i doubt people will remember me if i move anywhere else (while i have a cohost, how similar really is it?) and we will all split up anyhow.
  • i've never been to one, (can you guess why based on some aforementioned context abt myself?) but i've always loved the idea of summercamps. for school or otherwise, being in a place for a temp. amount of time, with strangers, and leaving knowing you'll likely never speak again… unless of course you go back next year, or something. and you can't ensure everyone from the previous year will be there. and some people you'll never contact again, out of choice, or because you realized while you were chatting with them late at night, or while you were fucking around during the day, you never bothered to think about a time you wouldn't be able to. some of you don't even... have any other social media. how will i find you? how will you stay someone i can think back on? it'll be awkward, won't it? won't we all have different fandoms or opinions that never got brought up? won't we find typing harder when it's direct? agh.
  • rs was good at removing that. somehow. i don't have a theory for now, but somehow it removed that aspect. perhaps its because there are so little variables about others. user, display name, and maybe follower count. all else you know is what they like (hence their pfp and banner), and their likely-favourite colours (hence their theme). that will be hard to have ever ever again!!! i doubt it will ever be like that, again, frankly.
  • ummmm anyway. i'd like to thank you guys for giving me a place i've… literally never had before. and, once again—likely will never have again.

HAI GUYS. welcome to the response section of my page. you guys have written quite a lot, so i'd like to respond...

i am foo tired to make this pretty but. but. kory. timezones exist do that every area of the world has the same idea of a time for "day" and "night". so that 12 is always the middle of the day, no matter where the sun is for you. some areas though, like to be more specific with it, while some don't. ontario is est and new brunswick is ast because ast is an hour ahead of est, and so when you round up the amount of the sun we see, "12" is an hour later for new brunswick because its in a different position to the sun than ontario. futher (or later) one may say. minute intervals is too complicated for both language and no one needs to be that fuckign exacf, like, no one gaf when 12:30 is. just 12. so the timezones exist to keep it standard. Utc, universal, is only useful online, because online the position of the sun is probably not as relevant as the here and now of when things happen or release online. (I lied. utc is for earthquakes, actually, so that they can be reported accurately between like borders n shit. but online places using utc is handy isnt it.)

hey guys. it's me. evil sleet
welcome to the uhh?? wait
about me. section. i guess
i miss evil sleet. sigh. my sly…

hii. um. here is my sparkler and cohost and discord anddd. twitter.


Pub: 06 Aug 2024 22:43 UTC
Edit: 18 Aug 2024 00:17 UTC
Views: 688