Diana's Journey

Dianas logs ch 1.

Almost time to head to /meat/

Well were finally here. The crew that will go and visit /meat/ has been assembled and we are making last minute preparations.

I have an extremely hard task ahead of me in regards to crew morale. Anyone who actually thinks we are just gonna forgive those raiders after years of kidnappings is out of their fucking minds and I know that most of the crew share this feeling. Officially, our mission is to officially put all of that behind us and start a real friendship.
I think a lot of my crew would rather fight them but at the same time they know for a fact even with our new iron weapons we are no match for their soldiers. So here I am, tasked with what is possibly the greatest challenge any risuner could ever ask for. Fixing up the relationship and convincing the crew that /meat/ is our friend.

There are a few ideas on how this can be done. Anyone that has any doubts about us can look at the weapons they hold in their hands. It doesn't take a genius to realize the importance of bog iron which the meat guys personally taught us. Half of these people are currently equipped with weapons which wouldn't exist if it weren't for them. They were also present during some of our ship construction and even taught us a decent amount about operating at seas.
Of course we have contingency plans in case things do go wrong. If we do not return in a year then we expect all to be lost. Not a single risuner is to go out on their own under any circumstances and we will be conducting headcounts often to ensure that nobody suddenly goes missing.
Normally I wouldn't be a fan of such paranoia but sadly every single person that was willing to partake in this mission outright demanded it with no exceptions. So of course I had no reason but to comply.

We are building the last pinisi right now and within a few days we should be heading out. I can already feel the tension overflowing within the entire crew. They stash chitin armor and hide shields, for fucks sake we look more like an invasion force than a diplomatic party. Can't really say I would blame anyone for thinking were hostile seeing them like this.

The plan as of right now is very simple. We will land on their shores, and set up a camp similar to the shores. Part of the crew will stay near the boats in case we need to evacuate. We split the expedition in half and the half that I will guide will go deeper in the country and establish contact with whoever we can find. After that we can see what we can negotiate in terms of trading and if possible, reparations for past crimes. Though I dont want to be a dick so I wont push the reparation part too far.
We have packed of course our nuts and a few other trading commodities. An alchemist we have around is also ready to make potions if need be with a few of his ingredients stowed away. And our target will like always be any foreign nuts as well as pretty gems.

Last thing before I go do my thing with the crew is that I do have an interesting idea. I do not know if /meat/ knows about our geese chambers. We just toss any prisuners in there and let the geese eat them alive. Pretty brutal, something they might like. I don't want to tell this to the rest of the crew but I plan to inform these guys if they like flesh and blood so much that we have corpses that we just let rot since we have no use for them. Wouldn't be something we do often but its something that could satiate their bloodlust.

The Coast

Sailing in the tropical waters proved to be quite pleasant - at least that was what Diana and the rest of the crew were told. The water was a bright azure like the sky, the wind was fair and warm, and once the sails were pointed in the right direction, the steady wind kept the pinisi sailing towards the southeast at a remarkable speed - although some of the risuners might have wished there would be more time before they arrived at the faraway land of the cannibals.

Following the course charted, the risuners soon saw shores emerging at the horizon. Like their homeland to the east, the land was covered in a lush green forest, nurtured by the warm and wet air, and the blazing sun far above them. In the clear water, some of the sailors could see schools of fish swimming around them, likely fed and housed by the forested swamp in the distance. If not for its denizens, this foreign land might well be a paradise - at least, as close as lands not blessed with the magical forest could be. Of course, the dense woods also presented another problem: while the spry risuners had no troubles navigating through the dense canopy, the same could not be said of their ship, and moving some of the supplies they had with them might prove difficult as well.

Day turned to night as the pinisi skirted the coast, following what information they received to find a suitable place to land. Supposedly, at the northern edge of the land, "the land reached out to embrace the ocean" in a bay called Awamac, where the coast had been cleared by human activities - of course, that also meant their arrival would not be a surprise. For the ones standing watch at the night, though, they would not be alone in their shift. While the night sky was filled with sparkling stars, the coast also responded with dots of flickering lights deep in the woods. Lamplights, perhaps, or torches used by the locals to navigate under the veil of night. One of them, however, was noticeably larger.

As the ship continued to sail in the nightly breeze, the risuners could see a large building sitting on top of a small cape. It was a small, manmade hill, with even steps forming its jagged slopes. It appeared to be built with large, carved stones and covered in some kind of material. At its top, a bright fire danced erratically, casting strange shadows into the night. If the navigation charts were right, this was the mark of the Awamac Bay - or Awa's embrace in the local tongue. The stepped hill was apparently some kind of fortified shrine, dedicated to one of the goddesses of the land. Would they be as bloodthirsty as their followers were said to be?

Soon, the rising sun dispersed the darkness as the pinisi sailed into the embrace. Indeed, while the tropical water and sky changed little, the risuners could see the coastal forests ended rather abruptly further inland, revealing the land covered some kind of tall, green-and-yellow grass. At the end of the bay sat a large city, one that would easily rival any settlements in /risu/ at least in terms of scale. With sharp eyes, they could see the same stepped buildings towering over the shorter houses, but all of them appeared to be painted in vibrant colours, and they could pick up the faint silhouette of exotic art among the facades of the taller buildings.

Dianas logs ch 2.

(Before arrival)
Well the time is upon us. We have found the /meat/ mainland and the entire crew is a mix of excited, scared, and even a few are hoping for vengeance for lost family. I gave extremely strict orders that nobody is to attack under any circumstances unless they are attacked first.
Every contingency plan is in effect in case a deal cannot be made. And we damn well know what were gonna do if a single one of us goes missing.
The landing point appears to be a forest. As we closed in it seemed to be a nice looking place quite similar to home. A bit of relief in what would be the most stressful mission any risuner to date would take.

(Arrival at the shores)
The pinisi is parked and we began unloading. So far no sign of any natives. And thank fucking god because even though there are only 35 of us we look like a small raid force. I thought it best to ascend the trees and travel extremely light. 3 groups of 5 will split and explore each with special horns that we would blare in case any danger arrives.
Moving along the trees we realized that the forest is not nearly as big as we thought it was going to be. There was a decently sized flat land in front of us and from very far away we could see what looked like some kind of structure. Seemed like a good place to check out so scout teams moved as close as they could before nightfall took over.

(Night time)
Well fuck. It seems these people may be onto us. Everyone is on extreme high alert. They have whole patrols everywhere but they're not coming to the forest. At least not yet. The kronies did mention some big bay farther to the west that was very active so i'm guessing that they must be lighting up that particular bay. Must be important to them.
Luckily the boats did not seem to notice us. Must be because of the dark so I take it as a sign of good luck and Risu watching over us. There is no way this will last forever. We will be seen at some point so I shall designate a meeting point that gives us a good escape route.

(Day 2)
We evaded any form of contact but I fear with these guys constant ships going in and out that this will not last long. 15 risuners guard the ship and have orders to either flee on boat or in the forest in case of attack. Me and the rest split into 4 teams of 5 and move in. Eventually we confirm that building sighting earlier and decide to move in.
After climbing some steps we come across some sort of shrine to one of the meat goddesses. Most of the crew at this point are overly paranoid and weapons drawn. I give a general statement and order to everyone.
"Listen up Risuners! I understand that you all have lost family and friends in the raids of the past. Believe me I know the feeling, most of you know my grandparents were both taken a few years back. But if you resort to killing them then not only will that make the situation worse and further endanger innocent risuners but get yourselves killed too. Even with our new iron weapons and armor we are no match for warriors of their skill. We are her to put a STOP to all of this once and for all, not to let it continue. We cannot go back in time so instead let us change the future to ensure the survival of /risu/. I know many of you want reparations for people taken and I will definitely negotiate that with these guys. The kronies are our friends and they seem to trust them so why cant we?
"We know that they will come here to this statue and light fires for the bay down there. It will be here that we meet the first of their people. And let me make one thing clear. If ANY OF YOU FUCKS ATTACK UNPROVOKED I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF AND LET THEM DO WHAT THEY WANT WITH YOUR BODY!"
For a moment it seemed that they were even more scared of me that the meatheads. I did what I had to do. Most of /risu/ are grateful for the iron gifts, the knowledge of strange but wonderful new lands, and of course the assistance in designing and building our first pinisi. These people that I call my crew are for the most part the last of those who feel the desire for revenge. They were the only ones who volunteered for this mission and I knew why really quickly.
And now as I am writing this we wait. Wait for the night crews to come, if that is a regular occurence. The plan is set and now there is absolutely no turning back.

(Day 2 afternoon)
Welp. They found our ship. The risuners guarding it immediately took what they could and fled into the forest. They were so out of breath when they arrived since they brought most of the cargo with them. Strangely the meatheads didnt emerge from the forest. My guess is that they must be going to one of their cities to tell someone that were here. Well at least all of us are here. With extra trading commodities and the safety of the other half of the crew I feel a bit better. They know we are here. Now all there is to do is wait for someone to show up and hope its not an army. Risu please protect us.

The Watcher

The Risuners were adept tree-climbers, and in a sense, this foreign land was surprisingly accommodating for them. While the weather was somewhat hotter and wetter than in their homeland, the lush green trees provided ample shades for them, and the pleasant scent of wood and flowers might help ease their mind somewhat. Like in their homeland, the canopy was home to much local fauna and flora, although fortunately most of them seemed harmless enough. In particular, dog-sized rodents appeared to inhabit the thicker tree branches when they were not hiding in ground burrows. They proved to be quite docile, and their fur was soft and warm to the touch.

The pleasant interaction with the exotic wildfire would not last, however, as the Risuners' ship proved to be less stealthy than its operators. Upon being discovered, those who stayed behind on the ship quickly made their escape to the dense forest, alongside the majority of their supplies. Soon after the ship was abandoned, it was docked by another, somewhat larger ship. The serpent-like symbols on the reinforced sails showed their origin, soon reaffirmed by the leather-clad and axe-wielding boarders who began inspecting the deserted vessel. They did not appear to be hostile, although that might just be because no one was on board. As they followed the trail of their leader, though, some of them could not help but feel that they were being followed. With the majority of sunlight filtered by the summer leaves, their visibility was limited, with them only occasionally spotting some faint blue lights in the dark.

Meanwhile, the main party led by Diana made their way to the hill-like shrines they saw on the coast earlier. With the Risuners now at its footsteps, its scale was only made more apparent to them. Every one of the large steps was a full storey tall, with a staircase leading up to the altar at the top a few stories high. Judging from the rocky surface and the occasional lines of cutting, the shrine was built using large stones, cut and transported here before being covered by lime plaster - the same kind used to build the road connecting the two coasts of /risu/, as well as the one leading from the shrine into the forest that presumably went all the way to the city at a distance. The plaster stucco was originally white in colour, but many of them had been painted over with elaborate colours - red, yellow, azure, indigo, even purple. The art style was unfamiliar to the Risuners, although they could still tell what they were depicting.

Death and torment.

Covering from wall to wall were depictions of some black-haired figures in blue and purple, all of them either suffering from a myriad of injuries or torments, or were being killed in all kinds of different scenarios that, of course, included being sacrificed on an altar. The paintings were thankfully abstract, but the implication was nonetheless worrying - although at the same time, it was clear that the painters dedicated a lot of effort to drawing such macabre images, especially considering the freshness of colour erupting from the figures. Judging from the tropical climate, there was no doubt that these paintings were regularly repainted to maintain the vibrant colours.

The top of the shrine offered the Risuners a great view overlooking the forested peninsula. From here, they could see their ship docked at the shore, first by itself, and then with another /meat/ ship. They appeared to be anchored alongside each other, although the ship appeared neither damaged nor being towed away. On the other side of the bright blue water, they could see the large city they spotted earlier, and its scale was similarly overwhelming for the Risuners.

At the centre of the stony roof, the Risuners could see a large fire pit. It had since been extinguished, although the pit was still filled with smothering remnants of... something. The faint scent of wood and charcoal suggested that at least a good chunk of the fuel feeding the fire was firewood, but the painting surrounding the shrine made many of the less recognisable embers more concerning than they perhaps should be. There were no signs of blood on the plastered floor, although Diana heard that the cannibals were remarkably clean when undergoing all but the bloodiest rituals. Faint signs on the floor suggested that it saw a lot of footsteps and movement on a regular basis, which might explain the dancing shadows they saw last night.

Before the fire pit, though, was a statue looming over the Risuners. She - at least they thought it was meant to be a she - appeared to be carved out from a large rock and similarly painted afterwards. Her body donned the same blue-and-purple clothes, and her short hair was painted black. As a sharp contrast to the terrifying depictions around the structure, her expression was a calm, even serene one, and she appeared to be praying over the smoking pit before her step.

There was only one staircase leading to the shrine, making it a surprisingly defensible position for the Risuners should it come down to it. The large steps were still traversable for the spry people, and the vantage point allowed them a good view of the road leading into the small clearing around the step pyramid. Having piled up some of their supplies around, they waited until the firekeepers showed up for the night. Apart from the blazing sun, the warm breeze was surprisingly refreshing, even if some of the more timid Risuners could not help but felt they were being watched... somehow, not helped by what they felt was the scent of iron and meat seeping from the pit.

As the twilight painted the landscape into a crimson befitting the reputation of this land, they could hear the sound of claws clopping against the plastered road. It was soon followed by the slow turn of wheels, clanking of pottery and, of course, footsteps. The steps were unhurried and discrete. If they belonged to the army, they were at least not on as high an alert as the Risuners, it seemed. From what some of the more experienced Risuners could tell, their number was smaller than them - perhaps a bit more than a dozen. That said, if they were indeed the fearsome raiders from the stories, they might not need numbers to defeat them should they choose so.

Soon enough, the convoy revealed itself as it emerged from the forested road. A pair of cattle-sized rodents were pulling a wagon behind each of them. The wooden carriages were loaded with some large, sealed clay pots, as well as a few more /meat/heads taking their rest while other /meat/heads were walking along. In total, they added up to about 20 individuals. Similarly light in armour, they were nonetheless armed with axes of different kinds, and a few shields could be seen stockpiled on the cart. Still, they did not appear to be hostile or even very guarded, even after they stopped their steps and looked up to the altar, where the Risuners were undoubtedly visible. The majority of them were male, although the Risuners could still see a few females in the mix.

Following a brief conversation between them, one of the females left the wagon and began walking up the stairs. She appeared more well-dressed than the rest of the /meat/heads. Her more refined clothes were without armour, although the belt around her waist still contained several poaches, some of which looked elongated enough to contain perhaps a small dagger. Despite that, she did not seem fazed by the Risuners looking at her, maintaining a gentle, almost demure appearance before she stopped about half a storey before the final step.

"Good evening. My name is Tecpashochitl. We're here to welcome you as guests to our land." Her voice was similarly soft, although her common tongue did not have any hints of accent in it. "We would like you to accompany us to more fitting accommodations for your stay. We also have food and drinks should any of you need them on our way."

At the bottom of the steps, the /meat/heads began unloading many of the large pots from the wagons, keeping them next to the road to avoid blocking their way. Two of the females opened one of the pots to reveal some kind of liquid inside, before dipping their torches into it. Once fully soaked, another /meat/head came to help ignite the torches, brandishing the same wavering lights that the Risuners saw last night. It appeared that they were the firekeepers, and the host would likely not approve of their continued stay in this place - a sentiment that a few Risuners likely agree. Even with the /meat/heads revealing themselves before the shrine, they still could not shake the feeling that someone was watching them from behind. Diana turned her attention towards the direction of that gaze, only to be met with the statue before the fire pit... were the eyes of dark blue gemstones always looking at them? She could not tell for sure, but the dimming light over the smile was beginning to bother even the more astute Risuners.

Dianas logs ch 3.

(Night time)
Well. That went better than I expected. We were greeted by a nice lady who told us that she even had accommodations for us. I guess that we weren't as stealthy as we thought but at least things are turning out well for now.
They invite us to a nearby temple. I thought they would have brought us straight to Atoyavik but the temple is nice enough. Since they will be sleeping with the party I thought that this would be the time to prove if my suspicions are true or not.
Of course 2 of those meat boys just had to make an advance on me. I know were known for apparently having higher sex drives than most foreigners but I was too nervous to even think about exchanging nuts at the time. I think we all were.
Most of us just ended up sleeping with a partner but for once there wasn't any sex going on. Or at least none that I could hear. They had some basic beds and hammocks and such so overall it was pretty comfy. I slept alone, despite those two fuckheads.

The first thing I did was an immediate headcount. All risuners were present. A lot of us were slightly relieved and maybe these people could just be friendly after all. From a logical perspective this made sense since we had good stuff to trade back home. I think the paranoia got the best of us. But not for a second am I gonna let my guard down.
They tell us that we should head for the city of Atoyavik. Its pretty far away so I told them we can stop at the temple nearest for a break before we head straight there. Tecpashochitl is being really nice along the way. Its actually relaxing and throughout the morning trek I personally think maybe these people aren't bloodthirsty savages. Still not letting my guard down though.

(Arrival at the next temple)
Well were here. Its afternoon and by my guesses we could reach the city by late evening. Our escorts have a lot of meat based products to nobody's surprise with not too many natural things. We end up eating both a mix of our own supplies and some of their food, it was only polite that we try some of their stuff out and its not like risuners have never eaten meat before.
One thing I really found odd was their currency. Its useless. You cant eat it or plant it, its just a tiny piece of metal. I've come to the conclusion that other nations do this and we are the only ones that use nuts as money. It was a bit of a surprise but I don;t want to judge these people on their ways. Everyone is different.
By this point there are much less tensions as some of the guys are cuddling with the females of their group. Finally it seems were starting to get along. Tecpashochitl had that look in her eyes of satisfaction. She then turned to me and asked me one on one
"Are you afraid of us, the entire time you all have been shaking and holding your weapons ready to strike. I understand our past will forever burn in many western risuners and for some reason you seem to have made your crew out of the most vengeful but we really want to put that aside."
I had only one thing to say.
"My grandparents were taken by your people. But I cannot deny the good that has come afterwards. Many of the weapons we hold right now is possible thanks to you. The very ship we arrived in was built because of your knowledge of boats. We owe you our entire fleet in a way and our tools are better than ever."
It was then that I thought now would be the perfect time to discuss something since my crew was "distracted"
"Listen closely. I can offer your people the thing you seem to value most. Our prisoners are tossed into geese chambers and we do nothing with the bodies. Many of my people want reparations despite what I said earlier. So would it be too much to ask that we can have a few of your pretty gems and in exchange, ill allow isolated meat outposts near the geese chambers so that you may collect dead risuners and do with them what you will?"

I will never get my grandparents back but there are things I can give back to /risu/ that would be glorious. Even if I may despise what they did before I'm sure they wouldn't want me living life in anger. They would want me to live the will of Risu as a nut connoisseur and a good captain. Risu please protect us, for we ae walking into either one of the greatest moments in our history or into the biggest trap of our lives.

The First Night

With their approval, the /meat/heads helped with the Risuners as they packed up the supplies at the darkening altar. While it was likely courtesy of the host, it might also be due to them wanting to illuminate the coming night sooner rather than later. By the time the bulkier goods were moved onto the wagons alongside half of the Risuners, the firekeepers were already ascending the stairs, followed by several muscular /meat/heads carrying the large clay pots. They appeared heavy, and rattling noises could be heard with every step. As the torches burnt before the praying statue, the dark blue gems embedded in her eyes seemed to reflect in a different light, almost as if hurrying the remaining Risuners to the convoy away, so that they would be spared whatever strange rituals dedicated to her. Up close, the wagons were surprisingly spacious, although the supplies ended up taking up a good chunk of its space. Alongside the leaders, many of the more exhausted Risuners took their seats in the wagons, while the remaining Risuners walked alongside the escorting /meat/heads as they moved into the forested road, leaving the illuminating shrine behind them... even so, the lingering feeling of being watched by something, someone in the woods could not be shaken off.

The brief trip was thankfully uneventful, with Tecpashochitl exchanging some basic information with Diana along the way. According to her, the welcoming party was sent from the nearby city of Atoyavik once news of the approaching Risuner ship reached the port town, and they were dispatched to welcome them. While Atoyavik would be their destination, for now they would have to stay in a nearby temple for the night, as the nocturnal predators roaming the dense undergrowth might prove less welcoming than the /meat/heads. Soon enough, the entourage arrived at the temple, its torchlights dispersing the looming darkness and the feeling of being stalked by something in the woods. From a casual glance, it looked like a group of smaller step pyramids like the shrine where they first met. However, the large steps were adorned with windows in addition to more cryptic, but similarly gory reliefs. In addition to the stairs, the Risuners could also see the main doorway illuminated by a mixture of torches and oil lamps.

While the bulkier supplies were stored in what was presumably the store room, the Risuners were welcomed into the residential area of the temple. Compared with the outside, the inside walls were made of a mixture of lath and plaster, and laterite bricks that were also used extensively in the land of the Risuners. Despite that, the paintings and carvings on them were decidedly less homelike. Several of the more squeamish Risuners could not help but wonder if some of their unfortunate ancestors were depicted on them.

It appeared that they missed the dinner, and the Risuners were led straight to their accommodations. The rather neat rows of wooden beds covered by woven mattresses and leather cushions suggested this place was expecting visitors, but not as many as a ship's worth of Risuners and their host. Perhaps because of that, some hammocks had been set up between the pillars. Still, several of the Risuners had to sleep in concerning distance with the /meat/heads. The atmosphere, while seemingly friendly, was nonetheless a bit stiff. Some of the younger inhabitants of the temple offered the visitors grilled rodents and some kind of warm, brown drinks - apparently some kind of common local snacks, although not all Risuners were open to accepting them, either due to personal taste or concerns that it would put them into an eternal slumber.

The concerns proved, for now, unfounded, as all the Risuners woke up from their first sleep in the land of cannibal raiders with no missing body parts. The altar slabs of the temple were thankfully empty and clean, even though the faint cutting marks on their otherwise smooth surface inevitably provoked the imagination of some of the Risuners. With all their supplies once again loaded on the wagons, the convoy continued their trip towards the city, with another temple in the right place for a proper lunch - the corn gruel they served was quite filling with a sweet taste, but they were either somewhat bland or very spicy, to the point that it felt like a single sip was enough to set the drinker on fire. Still, sharing the drink appeared to help ease the tension somewhat, and some of the Risuners decided to take a ride on the cattle-like rodents pulling the carts. They appeared quite docile, and their fur soft and warm. Still, the feeling of being watched by something unseen remained for Diana as she kept herself alert.

The Feast

The sun had almost reached the zenith when the convoy reached the next temple. Just as the wagons were about to enter the clearings, though, Diana saw Tecpashochitl turning her gaze into the canopy - where the stalking gaze came from. Letting out a small sigh, she began speaking in the common tongue, "Would you like to join us in the meal?" With that, the leaves rattled, perhaps confirming Diana's suspicion. Beneath the shadow, she could nonetheless see the faint blue glow emanating from them. Although similar to the nocturnal animals living in their homeland, the size and characteristics of the eyes clearly showed them to be human-like in nature.

"Of course!" With that, the humanoid silhouette leapt from the canopy and into the sunlight. As expected from a /meat/head, the spying one was clad in painted leather armour covering weaved clothes. The tanned face and arms were marked by dark blue tattooed in intricate patterns. What was perhaps not expected, though, was the pair of small rodent ears poking out from the brown hair, as well as the bushy tail waggling from the rear. The surprise did not end here, either. As the thin tail moved in strange patterns, the body that was falling onto the road suddenly propelled itself towards the wagon in a seemingly magical manner. The gloved hands moved to cover the upper body as it landed on the empty back of the atosanpol. With a smooth, almost graceful roll, though, the /meat/head passed through the beast of burden and landed next to Diana, the tail turning to balance the weight. There was no doubt that this was another Risuner... one who looked just like another /meat/head.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm Itstemoc!" The /meat/ Risuner looked and sounded rather androgynous, perhaps partly because of some of the tattoos resembling makeup, as well as a seemingly young, almost adolescent appearance. While the /meat/head hosts so far had been rather welcoming, Itstemoc seemed outright giddy, contributing further to the youthful appearance. "I'm also here to welcome you, although rather than travelling with the group, I-"

"Itstemoc is a skilled scout, moving ahead and behind to warn us of any predators in the woods." A polite cough from Tecpashochitl was enough to interrupt the sentence, leaving her to finish it. Soon, the other Risuners were introduced to their /meat/ counterpart, with varying degrees of curiosity, concerns, maybe even some degree of fear as the carts arrived in the enclosed temple.

Like before, the Risuners were welcomed into the temple, but instead of the lodging area, they were guided towards a large room, where rows of long tables were set neatly, flanked by wooden chairs fitted with woven seats and backs. Diana was invited to sit with Tecpashochitl and Itstemoc, while the other Risuners were basically free to choose their own seats before the /meat/heads did. Although many Risuners still preferred to stay with each other, some began mixing with the /meat/heads - especially once the young priestesses of the temple joined in the meal.

Perhaps as expected, the /meat/ cuisine featured a lot of meat, perhaps due to the Risuners' status as esteemed guests. Large plates of sliced red meat were delivered to the Risuners and coated with a slightly viscous dark red sauce. Cooked innards and fried fat were served alongside dipping sauces of various colours, giving the meal a rather rich, even tantalising aroma. The Risuners were no strangers to meat in their diet, and the /meat/heads enjoying the same meal showed that it was fit for consumption. However, for some, the mysterious nature of the meat did not exactly sit well with the reputation of the /meat/heads. Thankfully for them, the meal was not completely carnivorous, as each was given an ample serving of corn broth as well. Seemingly made with some kind of soft, dehusked maize and seasoned with a combination of exotic vegetables and more spice, the mild but sweet scent was nonetheless quite pleasant, and a nice break from the rather savoury meat fest serving as the main dishes.

The awkward atmosphere gradually dissipated, though, as the rather hearty carousing between the /meat/heads seemed to begin infecting the more receptive Risuners - the alcohol likely helped as well. Despite the cloudy brown appearance, the maize beer was quite palatable to most, with its mellow, malt-like sweet taste highlighted by a delicate balance of sour citrus and spicy cinnamon. As the main dishes began to disappear, more and more /meat/heads started leaving their seats to carouse with others as well, soon to be joined by some of the braver (or drunker) Risuners. Some of the male Risuners appeared to start cuddling with the priestesses and acolytes, but just like the more proactive /meat/heads Diana encountered last night, they appeared quite receptive to physical intimacy even with the language barrier. By the time the last plate of meat was consumed, most were already away from their seats mingling with each other, leaving only Diana and Tecpashochitl in their seats - Itstemoc apparently saw it fit to wrestle with one of the more muscular guards after drinking a few glasses of clear, yellow liquor.

The female eyed the still somewhat reserved Diana and took a sip from her ornate, yellow glass. As the midday sun shone on it through the glass windows, it let off an odd, green glitter. "Are you afraid of us? This entire time, you all have been shaking and holding your weapons, as if you're ready to strike." Diana paused for a brief moment, her hand reaching for the glass of water by the half-empty herbal stew. Still, her slightly widened gaze betrayed the answer in her mind. Then again, perhaps it was inevitable considering the martial prowess commonly seen in /meat/ - something that was apparently shared with their neighbours in this faraway large island.

"I see. Well, I suppose it's unavoidable. Although most people in our country don't see the reasoning behind it, I understand our… turbulent past will forever burn in the minds of many Risuners living on the western coast." Her gloved fingers toyed with the sparkling glass in her hand, with its content forming a small whirlpool. "Maybe that's why many of your crew seems quite vengeful. Still, we would prefer if we can put that aside… for the sake of both of us, really."

"My grandparents were taken by your people…" Following a brief moment of deafening silence between the two, Diana finally parted her lips for something more than the meal. Even after the legends of the great raiding fleets had vanished from living memories decades after their defeat by the Deadbeats, smaller-scale raidings against coastal countries in the South Holo Sea persisted. Tecpashochitl was keenly aware of it as well, seemingly taking mental notes of her words. "But I cannot deny the good that has come afterwards. Many of the weapons we hold right now are possible thanks to you. The very ship we arrived in was built because of your knowledge of boats. We owe you our entire fleet in a way and our tools are better than ever."

"Reparations. That's how it's called, right?" The /meat/head mused before letting out a dry chuckle. "Would it be too stereotypical to say our languages don't have a word for that?"

"I guess the hardliners back home are right about at least one thing." Diana responded in kind. The soft maize had a distinct earthy flavour, with a slightly bitter touch. It was difficult to discern how it was treated. As she leant against the short back of her chair, her eyes glanced at the frolicking and distracted Risuners.

"Indeed. I think the closest word we have is yolyamanilistli. It means something like 'tenderising the emotional heart'." Tecpashochitl paused for a moment. "Probably best to stick with 'amends' for the proper translation."

"Speaking of which… listen closely. I can offer your people the thing you seem to value the most." Taking a deep breath, Diana leant towards Tecpashochitl, who nodded and leant the Risuner her ear. Faint marks could be seen on the otherwise clean ear. "Our prisoners are tossed into geese chambers and we do nothing with the bodies. Many of my people want reparations despite what I said earlier."

"So, would it be too much to ask that we can have a few of your pretty gems? In exchange, we'll allow isolated /meat/ outposts near the geese chambers, so that you may collect dead risuners and do with them what you will?" Diana's expression gave the modest proposal a serious atmosphere. However, it was quickly broken as Tecpashochitl could not help but let out a small laugh, before quickly apologising for it.

"Your generosity is greatly appreciated, but I'm afraid it's quite a misunderstanding." The gloved fingertip circled against the rim of her glass. "It's true that we do have a taste for the peculiars, but there are other things we value, even above our pursuit of the culinary arts. More importantly, though, such a deal won't be practical."

"Even in optimal conditions, it would take more than half a month to ship the bodies back here. By then, the bodies would already be bloating and even melting. Obviously, they would be unfit for consumption, not to mention the disease-ridden miasma that would plague the rest of the crew." In hindsight, if anyone was knowledgeable about the intricacies of life and death, it would naturally be /meat/heads, even if those visitors from beyond the firmament were rumoured otherwise. "It could be mitigated with icehouses, but the significantly increased cost would nonetheless make them deemed inferior to the more… local sources."

"That's not to say your idea has no merits, though. As you're already aware, our faithfuls are able to play an important role in the advancement of knowledge among your people, even if their presence might not be welcomed." Tecpashochitl pondered audibly, "The proposed outposts would be quite useful in cases where a degree of separation is desirable. There, they'll be safe to share more or our knowledge with the Risuners - not to mention having access to the bodies will allow them to teach your people more about our way of craftsmanship, agriculture and medicine."

"Of course, in exchange for that, you'll be compensated with gemstones. Indeed, it would be nice if official trade deals can be arranged. I know some merchants are quite eager to trade with your people." The female /meat/head sank her palm into her clothes to procure something. Resting it on the wooden finish, she slid it aside to the space between Diana and her emptied plates. It was a coin made of a lustrous, pale, greenish yellow metal. On one side, a skull with gem-encrusted eyes was featured prominently on the face, surrounded by writings of fluid lines and dots. On the other side, though, the original engravings had been superseded, likely with a new mould forced upon it with a hammer strike. The overlapping image and abstract style made it difficult to discern the new carving, but it looked like a cat-eared, feminine figure eating her own innards spilling on her lap. For a Risuner like Diana, the only thing valuable were the small gemstones embedded in the eye sockets of the skull imagery, but she at least knew that shiny metals like this were highly-valued by many other people, and the coin she was examining probably contained enough of them to buy a month's worth of nuts.

"It was a gift from an old friend of mine, so to speak. He obtained it from overseas a long time ago and embellished it as a memento. I want you to have it. As a token of our agreement and… with any hope, friendship?" The /meat/head helped herself with another glass of the maize beer. "Once we arrive at Atoyavik, we can arrange a meeting with a local merchant for you to pick the gemstones… depending on how discreet you want it to be. I have a feeling you prefer to keep it from the rest of your crew."

Diana was hesitant - the deal offered by the /meat/head was quite generous, almost suspiciously so, as was the gift. The value others put on the shiny metal was significant, but maybe not for someone employed by the cult. The work they put on it, though, might well be more valuable than its material. Shining in the sunlight, the skull's gemstone eyes glared at her in shifting red and pink. After a brief moment of contemplation, she rested the coin into her pouch - the gemstones, while small, were pretty, and it would be rude not to accept a gift from the host.

"It seems others had finished their meal as well." Her words were followed by a loud thud. In the small clearing in the middle of the dining hall, a towering /meat/head was thrown to the ground. Before him, the tiny squirrel stood proudly in triumph. Drenched in sweat but otherwise unharmed, the victor grinned before helping the downed one back on his feet. Receiving something from him to the cheers of onlookers /meat/head and Risuners alike, Itstemoc received something from the muscular man before strolling back to the duo. After a brief exchange in their own language, the /meat/ Risuner opened his palm to reveal the shiny metals he presumably received from winning the impromptu wrestling match.

Unlike the one Diana just received, these ones had a whitish tint, but more notably, they were smaller and had a wedge shape, almost as if they were cut from a bigger circular coin. They appeared somewhat weathered, although the Risuner could still tell what was being imprinted on them - severed limbs bound on a saltire frame. Perhaps the original coin had the entire bound human, but by cutting the coin into slices, the figure was similarly dissected along the way as well. Maybe the design was even intentional, given the kind of imagery /meat/heads like to put on their shiny metals.

"Please take your seats in the wagons. I'll be there soon, just have to tend to some business." Tecpashochitl offered a small bow to Diana, before gesturing to the other /meat/heads who were leading the Risuners back out. Judging by the unsteady steps of some of the Risuners, it appeared that temperance was not exactly their strong suit. Still, they should feel better once they arrive in the city, although the cart ride might prove painful for their tipsy body. Just as Diana was about to leave, though, she could not help but pick up the whispering between Tecpashochitl and Itstemoc. She could not decipher their language, but she thought she picked up something that sounded like her name. The hand clenched the golden coin a bit tighter as she returned to the wagon and tended to some of the less sober ones. Soon enough, Tecpashochitl rejoined the convoy, although the /meat/ Risuner was nowhere to be seen. Deciding against pressing what she overheard, Diana simply greeted the /meat/head as the carts continued on their way through the plastered road.

The City

As the sun set in the distant forests, the dense woods that had occupied most of their view began to thin out. Tall, emergent trees gave way to shorter, more organised woods, and the undergrowth flanking the road began more and more widespread. Every now and then, wooden huts could even be seen sitting by the roadside, inhabited by people who made a living harvesting the bounty of nature in the forest without being lost in it. Eventually, even the shorter woods became increasingly isolated from each other by shrubs and grass, and the wagons were basked in crimson light as they entered the open fields beyond the edge of the tropical forest. Both sides of the elevated road were covered by vast fields of tall grass, leading as far as eyes could see, with the exception of the reddened water at the far distance marking the end of the land. Unlike the understorey in the forests, it was obvious that these plants were put in place artificially, on top of small, knee-high dirt mounds.

It was not the first time Diana or many of the Risuners saw farmlands like this - farmlands like this were how most of the world grew their food, they were told, and some of the more enterprising Risuners might already be experimenting with introducing farming to the land. Still, this one was not exactly like the others in more than one way. For one, the tall grass was not the only plant being grown here - their stalks were intertwined with climbing plants, and the budding pods of green and red suggested that they were no mere weed either. The depressions between the mounds were similarly filled with leaved vines sprouting from the ground, interweaved with yellow flowers and orange squashes.

"This is our farmland. As much as many of us prefer meat, most of our food still comes from the ground. Of course, those who provide us with their meat have to eat as well." Noticing the interest expressed by Diana, Tecpashochitl explained to her. With a command in her native language, the atosanpols' reins were tugged gently, signalling them to slow down their steps - there was more than enough time for them to reach the city before the sun disappeared behind the hills. "Just like in the forest, our ancestors found that not all plants had to grow against each other, but they sometimes complete each other. We eventually refined this idea into the farmland you see. I'm no agriculturist, but apparently we grow just as much food as other people, but with more variety in our plates, as the last meal of ours showed."

"Wait, could you stop the cart for a moment?" Diana's understanding nod was interrupted as she spotted something. Once the wagon was stopped, the Risuner leapt onto the ground and walked towards one of the stalks behind, closely followed by the /meat/head. Upon closer inspection, Diana gestured to one of the ears dangling from the stalk. Unlike the other ears filled with kernels of yellow, red, purple, and black, this one was filled with some kind of grey galls, leaving only a few malnourished kernels at the edge. Upon seeing it, the /meat/head raised her eyebrows as well, confirming that it was not an usual sight. "What is this? Is the plant sick?"

"The answer is… well, complicated." Tecpashochitl answered before reaching for the stalk and tugged it closer to her, before taking a sniff at the musky, nutty aroma emanating from the outgrowth. She seemed to enjoy it quite much as she let out a small giggle. "It's a kind of mushroom that sometimes grows on the maize. We call it cuitlacochi, which means 'sleeping... um, wart'. Despite the blistered look, it's actually quite delicious if you harvest it before it ripens."

"You have sharp eyes, and the farmer will likely be thankful for that." The /meat/head released the infected ear as it sprung back. Taking a spare stake from the other wagon, she moved down into the untilled field and shoved it into the ground, a bit away from the chorus of corps. "We'll tell the farmer to harvest it before it dries up. In the meantime, tell me if you want to try some for dinner."

The farmland, divided by a network of roads and canals, was nonetheless quite vast, reflecting the vast population of one of the largest cities in the country, and the largest port of it. On the way, the /meat/head explained that like the previous night, the local temples were always available as accommodations. However, as a major city, Atoyavik also had a myriad of dedicated lodgings available for them. The clergy were willing to pay for their stay should they prefer a more secular environment, but they should still prepare some local currencies in case something sold on the streets or in the market fancied them. Having some free time to explore this strange land, while not as safe as sticking together, might provide a needed sense of privacy away from the /meat/head handlers.

Lamps and torches were already lit against the early night sky as the convoy reached the city. The plastered road and farmland was replaced by branching stony roads and painted buildings, with the local population going on with their days, some merely sparing a moment of attention to skim the exotic visitors on the wagons. Diana did not feel any noticeable sense of hostility, perhaps because of the /meat/head company… although she wondered how many of them secretly saw them as delectable bushmeat. Still, the streets were clean and reasonably organised, with ground-floor shops sometimes invading the side of the roads, peddling their myriad of goods from foodstuff to manufactured goods. Most of the vendors and cryers spoke in the indecipherable native languages, although some of them also announced their goods in the common tongue even when the price still eluded the Risuners.

Soon enough, the convoy reached the waterfront - a large river dissected the city into two, flowing into the wide bay neighboured by a myriad of ports, storehouses and, perhaps most importantly, shipyards. While the dimmed lights suggested that many of the workers had already returned home for the day, the half-finished ships in the docks would nonetheless provide significant insight to how the /meat/heads construct their ships. As a sharp contrast to the almost quiet coast, the other side of the river was filled with even more larger buildings, and the lights from mundane torches and chuubanite-powered lamps alike dispersed the darkness quite thoroughly.

Slowly moving through the passer-bys and other carts, the convoy soon found themselves led to an open square. On the other side of the plaza, a tall statue of one of the goddesses could be seen gracing the people around with her captivating smile. The green gemstones encrusting her eyes shone in magical lights, making it as if she was always looking at the viewer no matter the angle. Behind her, a large temple rose from the ground into the sky, taller than any other buildings they had seen in this country so far. Its large steps were made of smoothened granite, exquisite carvings were supplemented by plastered and coloured reliefs to adorn the window frames and the large staircase leading upward. The decor was, of course, rather gruesome and terrifying, with every nook and cranny seemingly painstakingly moulded and painted to depict numerous acts of violence and torment both inside and outside of the imagination of the Risuners.

The staircase was similarly painted - mostly in red, as if to depict some kind of river of blood flowing from the altar at the top of the pyramid. Despite that, like the rest of the country so far, the Risuners could not see a single drop of actual spilled blood in sight. According to Tecpashochitl, this was one of the main temples dedicated to a major goddess of the land, as well as one of its main meat production facilities - an expected, but still somewhat terrifying combination. It would also be the default location of their stay unless they prefer one of the local establishments instead.

Diana logs ch 4.

This has been so far extremely insightful. The ports were really beautiful to look at with some of us going over to see how they build their boats. We grew comfortable enough to split up into 3 groups so each of us could satiate our different curiosities. One group went to the ports, the second went to explore the city , and the third stayed with me as I discussed stuff with our new acquaintances.
I personally had to have a discussion about the risuners that were here. I knew that they captured risuners but I had no idea that they would keep them. These risuners must be descendants of those captured a long time ago. I guess they probably want to combine risuner natural speed with their physical strength? Who knows how long this has been going on. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

Putting all that aside, I decided to go and view he gemstones available. Since gems are valued just as much as nuts it makes sense to look for them. Their nephrite looks really nice but what shocked me was opal. OH MY GOD I WANT THE OPAL!!! Its the shiniest thing I've ever seen I need it immediately! Of course they also showed us some jadeite but apparentaly that's harder to come across. And lastly is something they call garnet which looks like rubies but is still pretty nonetheless. (JUST GIMME THE OPAL)
They also have plenty of cool looking nuts. Cashew nuts, Brazil nuts, Coffee nuts (they are beans but they look like nuts kind of and this coffee drink was crazy). Oh and there were these HUGE Cacao nuts that looked really really good. There is so much good stuff here I actually hope we can get along now and so far things are looking pretty sweet.

The only thing I am actually worried about right now is what do we have to offer. We of course have nuts but most of the crew don't wanna procreate. Maybe some day but for now we only have our nuts from home. Hopefully this will be enough for them and hopefully we have other things to offer (that aren't corpses of course).

While I discussed trade the rest of the crew had a good look around town. The merchants there actually seemed very eager to discuss things with us about dealings in the future. To my surprise and to the crews relief it seems that /meat/ overall really values us more for what we can trade rather than being a target for raiders. I'm sure /morig/ will be taking care of them but no way am I going to bring that up to them.

All in all this was definitely worth it. We can get some pretty gems and nuts, our relationship is hopefully mended and we can begin exchanging things. I think we will stay here for a few months just to get a feel for the culture and the atmosphere but definitely going to leave on a deadline. We know what the mainland risuners will do if we do not show up on time and that's the last thing we need.

The Inn

Once they had arrived at the temple, the Risuners were treated with another meal. Perhaps due to its proximity to the sea and the numerous markets in this city, the selection of food was more varied than their last meal - the spice was fresher and stronger, the meat more varied and somewhat less mysterious, and there were enough types of vegetables, fruits and nuts around to satisfy the more wary Risuners at the table. Just as Tecpashochitl suggested, Diana's dish was given an extra portion of the mushroom she spotted earlier. She could tell that it was sliced, diced and ground up as additives, but the strong, fresh scent suggested it saw little other treatment. It might be for the best, though, as even a small spoonful of the sleeping wart was enough to dominate the bowl of corn and even some of the unspiced meat. It was undoubtedly delectable, with a small hint of heightened senses and euphoria as she savoured the taste - not strong enough to be considered a proper herb, but it would be a good addition to many cuisines.

While the spice and spirit were quite enjoyable for many of the Risuners, taking another night of rest in their temple was far less palatable. Despite the squeaky clean environment, there was little doubt that the well-worn altars saw numerous sacrifices - some of them probably fellow Risuners - and had their final moments immortalised in the carvings and drawings covering the majority of walls around them. Easing themselves in such a strange environment would probably induce nightmares... or worse. Whispering under their breath, some of the more doubtful Risuners dreaded the possibility that they would gradually be converted into one of them.

After some deliberations, the Risuners had decided to stay in one of the local inns instead - together, of course. It would be foolhardy to split the party in the heart of the land of cannibals. The /meat/heads had agreed to cover the cost for their accommodations, and with any luck, the more cosmopolitan denizens of these elaborate inns would give them some degree of comfort.

Soon enough, the Risuners were guided to one of the larger inns within Atoyavik. It was clear that this place was meant for visitors from all across the globe, as its striped green signs were adorned not only with the local writings, but also a few foreign languages for its potential customers - although why was this place named after a fruit remained a mystery. Despite the matching green interior, though, the inn was undoubtedly opulent, with its floors and pillars made of solid, well-polished woods, and its walls adorned with plasters bearing simple, yet elegant patterns. A combination of oil lamps and chuubanite rocks illuminated the place, and some Risuners were already pondering about the wide selection of alcohol at the bar.

The silver-haired staff led the Risuners to their rooms, which were every bit as well-decorated as the lobby of the inn. Soft, clean mattresses sat in stable and balanced bed frames, small tables and writing supplies allowed the Risuners to write down their findings and thoughts in this alien place, and it seemed that this inn even contained its own bathhouse. It did not take long after moving in for the Risuners to begin forming their own smaller groups, both to explore this place, wash away the tiredness of the long journey, and prepare themselves for venturing further across the /meat/head city once the sun rose again.

Diana, however, had other plans for herself. It was important for the Risuners to study how the /meat/heads build and operate their fearsome ships and this sprawling city, but not all the deals the Risuners planned to make would be for polite company. While preparations for the busy day ahead preoccupied the other Risuners, the leader quietly approached Tecpashochitl and Itstemoc - who had apparently rejoined them at some point. Her approach ended whatever discussion they were having earlier, although they appeared quite glad to cater to Diana's needs first. Just as discussed, the three of them would pay someone a late-night visit, while the rest of the convoy and the city were asleep - a gemstone merchant by the name of madame Vitkine. Apparently coming from a distant land to conduct business, she was not only comfortably disconnected from past /meat/ raids, but was also open to trading with the Risuners in something more than the currency they did not have.

The Risuner was not sure if she should entrust her safety to the cannibals just yet, but the opportunity might well be worth the risk - plus, if the worst came to pass, having the two most prominent /meat/heads be within her reach while she was away from the rest of the convoy might make them more likely to be safe.

The Gemstones

The streets were already mostly deserted once the middle watch had begun. Under the starry gaze of the night, the buzzling and dazzling marketplace before the temple was replaced by emptiness, with only the occasional night workers and patrolling town watches falling under the gaze of the ovine goddess. It was arguably for the best for Diana, though, as the next stop of her trip was something that should remain unknown even to her compatriots - especially to her compatriots.

Led by only Tecpashochitl and Itstemoc, the small convoy slipped into the smaller, pebbled streets feeding into the main roads. Even without the illumination of moonlight, the /meat/ Risuner showed no issues in navigating the snaking corridors between the stony buildings, with the duo following the faint blue glow emanating from the sharp eyes closely behind. According to what the priestess said, another form of magic was in play - one that was allegedly inspired by what the Risuners had, but nonetheless wholly different.

Soon, the trio emerged before a major road defining the promenade. Unlike the other coastal district that the first group was sent to, this one appeared to be more focused on commerce, with large piers and warehouses on one side, and opulent trading houses and markets on the other. Like the rest of the city, this area was asleep under the moonless sky as well, although it was a light sleep, as busy workers drove their beasts of burden to load and unload goods before business resumed at dawn. Given the scale and extravaganza, this place must be quite prosperous during daytime.

The guards flanking the red wooden doors eyed the Risuner as Diana entered their sight, although the hands holding the poleaxe relaxed somewhat when Tecpashochitl revealed herself as well. After a brief conversation between them, the guards nodded - one of the few universal body languages shared between the two people, it seemed - and stood aside, allowing the trio to pass through the refined facade.

The interior of the building was every bit as adorned as the outside, but thankfully unlike the temples, the aesthetics used here was more cosmopolitan, with oil paintings and sculptures focusing on the beauty of nature, the work of men, and larger-than-life individuals that Diana could not recognise. Above them, the light of rosestones illuminated the entrance, reflecting off the shiny metal that made up the rest of the chandelier.

"Welcome! This is the esteemed guest you've mentioned, I presume?" Soon after the main doors closed behind them, the doors on the opposite side opened up. A silver-haired lady in silk offered a wide smile to them, before hurrying the trio into the next room of the mansion. Although it was difficult - not to mention rude - to judge one's age based on the first impression, it was clear that this vulpine lady had enjoyed a few more years than Diana herself, and her years were likely much more eventful. Her fluffy fox tails, idling snaking left and right with her steps, looked rather tempting as well.

The next room was apparently a display room of sorts. Rows of wooden, drawer-filled tables flanked the open space in the middle, on top of which a myriad of gemstones were laid on display under the rosestone light. It was obvious that the majority of gemstones and precious rocks were finely-curated, each cut and polished carefully to show their best properties. It felt almost as if everything in this room were carefully arranged to be presentable for its guests.

On one side, a series of cut gemstones were arranged by their colour - from deep, purple-ish red to bright red and orange, and from yellow to green, with a few grey, brown, and black ones in the mix as well. According to the merchant, they were collectively called ketsalli, named after some kind of bird with a similarly vibrant collection of colour in their feathers, but the rest of the world knew it as garnet, although /meat/ was one of the few places with such a collection of colours among them.

On the other side, the theme appeared to be precious stones that were not gemstones - instead of the sharp cut of shiny crystals, these stones were opaque with smooth, well-polished surface that were nonetheless pretty. The majority of them were in various shades of green, each cut, polished and crafted to specific shapes, ranging from simple circles to complex animals.

Something else, though, caught Diana's attention. At a cursory glance, they appeared to be just some kind of smooth stones in colours of white and blood red. However, with even the slightest movement, the seemingly mundane stones revealed their iridescence, their colours shifting in inscrutable patterns, covering the entire spectrum with barely a few steps. This stone, called opal, was something that Diana heard about, but it was probably the first time she saw them crafted as gemstones, where the combination of crafting and lighting fully revealed their lustre. Among them, she could also see some assuming the forms of skeletons and shells, their intricate details suggesting them to not be the products of even the finest craftsmen in the world.

"Pretty, isn't it? I pride myself on finding rough gemstones and converting them into something beautiful. Palatable." The gemstone merchant grinned as she saw Diana's interest. She silently walked up behind Diana as the fluffy tailed gently rested against her, passing a guiding warmth towards her as her fingertips gestured towards the gemstones, explaining the minute difference between each of them. While she did make an off-hand mention of their value in the local currency, she seemed aware of how the Risuners conduct trade as well, and were open to giving her some of the gemstones in exchange of taking a glance of what the Risuners could offer in exchange. "Although truth be told... I myself have a liking on unrefined gems. There's something uniquely exciting about discovering, experiencing new things from exotic, unknown land. Don't you think so... honey?"

Diana logs ch 5.

Ok. I think I've finally made a decision. If these guys wanted to sacrifice us they surely would have done so by now. We are all still alive and able to roam around one of their big cities at will and they even prepared special accommodations for us. It's like they knew we were coming or just prepared very quickly
It is finally clear to me that our former enemies now see us as valuable allies like the rest of the world seems to. If I take logistics into account and simple math, then their crops take 3 times as long to grow as ours. No wonder all the other nations seem to like us so much. All their food and trees take ages to grow. We dominate the fruit and lumber markets.

Aside from that I think I finally came to my senses as to why they wanted their own risuners among their people. Naturally we are fast runners and amazing tree climbers compared to everyone else. I guess they wanted our natural speed in their hunter ranks? Makes sense when you think about it.

Out of everyone in the crew I think there are only 2 people left who still want to see everyone here dead. But even they are starting to have doubts after seeing the gems and the room accommodations. Not to mention the nuts here are quite tasty. The meat that they usually eat is actually surprisingly good. Sometimes I forget that some risuners do like to hunt animals back home for food on occasion.
Their magic is a whole other story. I never knew exactly they utilized what they do with raided people and to be quite honest, I really don't intend on finding out. From my limited research however it seems to be some sort of magic that deals with life and enhances their bodies even further. I could be completely wrong but that is what it looks like. They seem to have to do it manually and their tattoos are also a factor.

Now on to the gems. These gems they have on display here is really impressive. Not only are the colors really nice but they have been cut to look as presentable as possible. Obviously someone went out of their way to present these to us. Did these guys know we were coming all along? Guess were not a sneaky as we thought. Anyway the gems are what the witches seek and they pay some damn good nuts for them so I told the shop owner I would like as much variety as possible. One of each if that was possible.
I even told him because risuners value gem variety over having a lot of a specific kind that risuners would be willing to give a helping hand around the town for the few months longer that we are willing to stay. He seemed pretty pleased with the offer as far as I can tell.

The last thing of noticeable interest is of course nut exchanging. Although I know it's every risuners responsibility to exchange nuts with other cultures and tradition (not to mention I'm really eager to get some action as it's been a while) I just can't for some reason. Something just doesn't feel right. If it gets really bad I might hook up with one of their risuners just to get it out of my system. I know half my crew by this point has already been getting their nuts in with the locals already.

If they ask of it in exchange for the gems then fuck it I'll do it. All of them looked beautiful and it would earn me an insane amount of nuts back home so why the fuck not.

The Trade

"Oh, I'm glad you love what we have in store~ Admittedly, I don't know much about your people, but I'm told Risuners as a whole have quite an appetite for gems and precious stones." The vulpine merchant giggled at Diana's reaction - even without explicit statements, she was definitely worldly enough to tell when her customers were hooked to her goods. The soft tails continued their gentle caress against Diana's body, although they never advanced beyond light touches... if anything, it felt almost like a subtle teasing as her fragrant scent seeped into Diana's senses.

"And of course, variety is the spice of life, and if I have learnt anything doing business here, it's that spice is quite pleasurable. It's just so... exciting." The gem merchant appeared to be quite receptive to Diana's suggestion as well - even if Diana herself did not have many local currency, and she doubted selling excess supplies would suffice. Her lithe finger gestured towards the gemstones on display, giving recommendations on which to pick. Of course, it ultimately depended on Diana's own preference, not to mention the often arbitrary lines one had to drawn at the spectrum of colourful gemstones. "Just tell me which ones you wanted to have. I'll have my men deliver them to you safe and secure."

"As for payment... well, the idea of having dearies like you working under me here is quite tempting, but it would be a waste of your talents, I'm afraid." Despite the apparent and seemingly mutual desire for nut exchange, the sharp, golden eyes of the foxy lady never wavered when it came to business. It was not like all of her intimate approaches were just a ruse to get her better deals either - if anything, it felt almost as if she saw the two kinds of trade as something one in the same - something that, perhaps, many Risuners could relate to. With that, she began offering her counterproposal, all the while the tips of her tails maintained their playful stimulation of Diana's sensations. It appeared that she had an interest in expanding her business to the land of Risuners before others, and having local connections would play a pivotal role in her success there. As such, if she was to receive help from Risuners, she would rather them be assisting her in this regard instead of here - plus, she would be willing to pay more if desired.

"Of course, I'm aware that Risuners are more interested in a... different kind of exchange. That can be arranged as well." As the topic of the conversation flowed naturally from the method of payment, the refined lady let out a mischievous grin, within which one could feel the subtle hints of thirst beneath her skin. As Diana became more accustomed to her lack of personal space, the fluffy tails silently moved upwards from her legs as well, and the squirrel leader could feel the soft touches of her silvery hair and pleasant breath against her exposed ears. Her undoubtedly dexterous fingers caressed Diana's own tail, tracing the tail bone underneath towards the patch of skin where it jointed with her spine, sending a slight shiver upward through it. "Would you prefer to sample it? It must be quite tiring of you to pay me a late night visit... as your host, offering a nightly rest is the least I can do."

The Market

As the sun rose again from the verdant horizon, the city gradually came back to life once more. Faint sunlight seeped into the rooms of the inn where the Risuners had made themselves at home, relaxing on the first proper beds they had rested on since their departure from the homeland. While the cushions and mats in the temples were not uncomfortable, they were nonetheless not a match for the luxurious accommodations that were provided. In addition to the comfy beds, bowls and pots of clean waters were also delivered to them when some of the Risuners had just begun waking up, and it appeared that the rooms had their own supply of soap and drainage system for those who wished to clean themselves before beginning their way. The soap was relatively mundane, with a scent of exotic flower and grilled beans mixed in, something that some Risuners had heard were used to make invigorating brews.

It took but a short walk for the Risuners to visit a nearby market, as suggested by the silver-haired staff. As sunlight beamed from the blue, tropical sky, the marketplace was already buzzing by the time the visitors arrived. Compared with the square outside the big temple, this market was more elongated, stretching itself across the streets between the busy port and the myriad of business and houses. Canopies and eaves of weaved cloth protruded from the ground-floor shops into the paved streets, providing shelter for the numerous goods filling the barrels and crates being peddled.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, some shops also opted to sell something more alive. Cages of iron and wood were filled with all kinds of animals, from the mundane junglefowl and rodents to exotic animals like large lizards and multi-legged birds. Next to them, an assortment of cutting boards, knives, hooks and grills showcased their fate as food, either to be eaten on the streets or bought back to home for further preparation. (Pleasantly) surprisingly, the butcheries did not offer the most infamous food this land was known for, with many similarly-sized slabs of meat seemingly coming from some kind of large rodents or pigs instead.

Despite the numerous life being taken here, the slaughterhouses were remarkably clean - the butchers were careful not to spill blood more than absolutely necessary, with the red liquid being collected and cooked into some kind of curt to be sold instead. The scent, while probably unsettling for some, was quite pleasant and strong as they were augmented by both the grill and the various spice being used. In fact, some of the Risuners could use a nice breakfast while they explore the city...

The host was generous enough to cover the major expenses of their stay, but street food was not on the list - unless they asked for local guides to pay for them, but that would inevitably came at the cost of privacy. Fortunately, some of the more linguistically-gifted Risuners had picked up enough of the local language and writing to read the signs, and some had traded some of their belongings in exchange of the local currency. Soon, several of the more famished squirrel people were already carrying grilled meat on sticks and cups of warm porridge in their hands.

The land of Risuners was not completely unknown to the idea of commerce, with many major settlements and ports already becoming hotspots for merchants from around the globe. However, they were likely not as experienced in trade as the /meat/heads, and the selection of all kinds of exotic goods here could easily rival its most prosperous port. In addition to artesan goods, clothes, and trinkets from numerous people, the Risuners also found themselves staring at a wide selection of nuts, beans, and nut-like edibles being sold. Some were small, some were huge, some were fragrant, and some outright defied simple descriptors. While some of these nuts and pseudo-nuts were affordable enough to supplement the Risuners' breakfast, some were decidedly more expensive.

Some of the more proactive Risuners, after some pondering, had decided to approach the merchants for small talks, and several took a short leave with them indoor - an act that most Risuners would hesitate in the land of raiding cannibals, but the cordial reception so far was enough to change many of their minds. The fact that several of them soon returned with an unusually large smile on their face and baskets of expensive goods in their hands also helped - as it appeared that some of the natives were open to exchanging nuts with them.

The Shipyard

While some of the Risuners continued to explore the market and the rest of the city - including some places were allegedly were allocated for nut-exchange - several others were tasked to visit the local shipyard. After all, the the raiders must have had excellent craftsmanship to build the boat load of boats they used to descend upon their shores in the past and present, and their knowledge would be important for the Risuners if they wish to visit the faraway lands on their own.

The clergy appeared to have already informed the docks of their arrival, as the Risuners were soon let through the palisades marking the perimeter of the shipyard. Here, large cranes of wood reinforced by metal protruding from stone towers helped to lift a mind-boggling amount of material from storage to dry pits separated from the sea by large gates, as well as erecting masts and sails on half-finished ships. They were undoubtedly more well-built and powerful than the ones Risuners were familiar with, with the possible exception of those who had extensive contact with other seafaring cultures to the south and east. Still, one could only imagine the amount of ships this place could build if it was running on full capacity.

In the dry docks, large logs and slabs were used to seat ships in various steps of their construction, from fresh, lone keels to skeleton-like frames, and from painted hulls to near-completed (or repairing) ships being prepared for their voyage. While /meat/head ships were by no means the largest, especially compared to the likely-exaggerated enormous raiding fleets of the past, they were still quite sizable compared with what the squirrel people could muster at the moment.

With the precedent of Itstemoc, it was not the biggest surprise when they spotted another Risuner working alongside the /meat/heads in the dock. Like him, her tail was noticeably more bushy, and she appeared slightly shorter than average. While that alone could be attributed to a younger Risuner, the elaborate, even opulent garments she was wearing suggested her to be someone of importance, as was the fact that she was apparently commanding the sailors and workers who were repairing one of the ships.

Upon noticing the tailed visitors, the one in indigo cape turned and approached them. Despite the slight but noticeable accent, she appeared to be fluent in the Risuners' language, and found their presence to be a pleasant surprise. It appeared that she was the captain of one of the ships currently undergoing maintenance after a long journey. With an almost suspiciously large grin, the /meat/ Risuner captain invited the visitors to her dried ship, where she began explaining many of the finer details of their shipbuilding knowledge. From the smoother hull coated in waterproof paint to sheltered rooms filled with intricate weaves of cogs and ropes to control the sails, it was clear that many finer details of shipbuilding could not be easily understood without personally visiting countries with a rich naval tradition.

The Risuners were also shown the well-stocked armoury of the ship. Compared with other countries, the /meat/heads conformed to the stereotype of avoiding guns in favour of age-old weapons. Crates and barrels were filled with slings, either in isolation or attached to the end of staffs. Pots of clay and iron alike were similarly loaded in containers, and some caught a glimpse of the dried herbs within. Other arms like axes and shields could be seen secured on shelves, and the captain was rather passionate about the set of sword and mechanical shield her personally owned. In fact, she appeared rather eager to offer combat training to any Risuners that might be interested in that idea.

Diana logs ch 6.

It is finally time for us to begin departing from /meat/. Over the past few months I think it is safe to say that a lot has changed in both myself and the entire crew when it comes to perspective. The meatheads actually want to help us out and they have done so tremendously.
I believe one of the earliest accounts of risuner ship training was when one of our pinisi was sunk due to a storm and they trained the crew. Not really sure what they had to do in exchange but they did make it back home safely so I assumed their intentions were good. I have to go home and not only provide the witches with what could potentially be a variety of new gem powers but also spread the word about meatheads being friends to anyone left that still has bad feelings about them

These guys have done all that we could think of. They provided us with a lovely inn, gave us guides, showed us around all the places we wanted to see, and even were cool enough to give us food that is apparently quite nice for them. Heck it wasn't what we were used to but still tasty.
Even now a lot of my crew have baskets full of merch from here including nuts and little trinkets. I never even got to ask Tecpashochitl or Itstemocthe cost of us staying. It was probably a lot now that I think about it. I actually feel a little bad about my previous mindset. Well it was understandable at the time so not really.

About their boats. I can't stop but think about that insane shipyard. Their devices to build boats is crazy. They can build so much more and probably so much faster. Their technology is ahead of ours but then again it has been made apparent that we are behind the entire world when it comes to technology. A lot of their boats actually looked kind of similar to our pinisi now that I think about it.
Well it's not really a surprise. If I am remembering correctly, the pinisi was built using meat design with a few changes. There was even that captain that had traditional risuner weaponry who I personally thought was pretty cool.

My mind is going all over the place. It feels like we have not been there long even though it has been quite some time. However as I begin to depart I gracefully said thank you to all our new friends, even the gem merchant I had sex with. Vitkine was my first woman to exchange nuts with me. It was a bit....odd but it felt good. Probably would stick to men in the future but in the end she seemed to love it and I got my pretty gems so it all works out.

As I am writing this we are all loading the last of the cargo and preparing to go home. Of course we had a deadline and the last thing we need is to have the risuners back home to think we are lost and declare war on /meat/. It wouldn't really end well seeing how fucking good they are at killing. But we have time and should be home soon. With our ships now full of food for the journey back home I waved goodbye. Now all I have to do is wait to get home.

Goodbye /meat/.

Pub: 07 May 2022 05:09 UTC
Edit: 24 Jun 2022 04:41 UTC
Views: 1206