Reza's Logs

The 1st Sabatangan fleet makes way for morig. Being the first fleet ever constructed by risuners, it is also the first fleet to make contact with an unknown nation. So far risuners have only had contact with /inf/, /meat/, and to a lesser extent /mep/.
Among their way they notice something immediately. Their are boats that look very different than anything ever seen. Even the boats of /inf/ dont look anything like these. Furthermore they seem to be everywhere. It seems that morig has some sort of massive navy.
"Holy shit what the actual fuck is that thing" Closing the distance to shore the eager but somewhat concerned risuners see a massive ship in the docks made out of partially metal with what appear to be loads of cannons coming out of it.
The 5 boats of the risuner exploration fleet finally make way to the shore and set up camp. Out of the less than one hundred risuners who made it, only 20 or so are armed with any kind of weapons and most are stone spears or bows. 2 have axes made of bog iron.
"Ok everyone. I know a lot of us are a little worried now from seeing the sheer size of their navy and immense firepower but that doesn't mean they're necessarily hostile." A few minutes after setting up the camp a few strange looking men approach
"Calm down Reza, they dont seem to be hostile."
"I'll be fine. I wasnt chosen to be fleet commander out of chance you know. Anyway tell the others to prepare for anything while i initiate first contact."

Does Risu have any fishing villages? If so, deadbeats would already be aware of you guys, merchants and patrols would move along your coast while going along the circumference of the Holosea. The deadbeats you meet would probably go "Ah, risuners! You guys have boats now? Nice." If there were no settlements on the coast and risuners were entirely unknown, we'd likely go "Oh, squirrel people, that's new. Tavern's over there, try the wine. Where're yall from?"

Reza logs ch 1

We have arrived at the island of morig. Things are very different here. These people are clearly a military nation. They are all heavily armored, their navy is extensive and vast, and their individual soldiers have some top qualiy weaponry. And i thought our bog iron was good........
Its a bit colder than what were used to but so far everything seems to be manageable. Luckily for us the deadbeat, as they're called was pretty friendly. It seems people know we exist and they were expecting us? In my opinion it was most likely a surprise. Im just worried that if they have this massive armed force then why did they let us in?
I shall advise us all to get ready to escape at a moments notice. The fact that they offered us wine is a sign of goodwill, but it could also be a trap. I really want to establish good relations with these people as it could be of massive benefits to us. But I cant shake off this dreadful feeling. Something about this place just scares me. And the others i can tell share this feeling.
My orders will be simple. Some of us shall partake in a nut exchange with the locals as is our ways. Others will attempt to gather info on how these people go about life and possibly why they are. A third of the risuners shall keep the weapons at bay and defend the campsite. If ANY of us go missing then we will flee at once. Risu. I pray to you to protect us and that hopefully this is a misunderstanding.

Reza logs ch 2

Its been a few night and we have made some pretty good progress. As a precaution, I ordered some of the crew to hold back on the wine testing but most of them did seem to enjoy the stuff. These deadbeats don't seem to be too bad after all
What really surprised me the most about their culture is how battle hardened they are. Apparantly they attract a lot of unwanted attention which would explain the massive naval power. Not to mention the rigorous training these people go through. The whole damn nation seems to be one giant military
One particular note is their distrust in /meat/. Understandable since we used to fear them ourselves so it is most likely for the best that we do not reveal our alliance to them. I have already instructed the crew that relations with /meat/ should be better kept a secret and to avoid talking about /morig/ with the meatheads back at /risu/.

On the brighter news is that these deadbeats seem very interested in nut exchanging in both terms. Growing their own nuts would benefit their people even without our magic and there are I counted 5 deadbeats sharing a tent with some of the crew. These guys seem just as eager to exchange cultures as some of us are. Some of them are just as horny as the clock people visiting our home except taller.

Cahya is someone I feel like I should keep my eye on. That boy seems more interested in having sex with the female deadbeats more than his damn job of negotiating. Sure hes been learning their ways and I already chose him to be the official rep when we head back and forth but hes spending way too much time with that chick. Cant even remember a time he used his own tent for fucks sake.
Regardless i'm letting Cahya stay here because he seems to understand their culture better than anyone and despite his different motives, has been researching about their ways more than anyone else. He even asked them if they would teach him some fighting styles. Not exactly sure why but he said something about having a risuner army in the future being a good idea.
Our horny rep aside, so far there have been a few misunderstandings and these deadbeats actually seem to be pretty cool. Our main interest to bring back to /risu/ would be some quality weaponry.

Religious wise I could not ask for a people more relatable. They are just like us in fact, making up loose militias but all of them praising their "Goddess Faithful" as they like to refer to her. I wonder if she appears once a year like ours does? It would be fascinating to see another goddess manifest. This along with exchanging nuts is currently top priority.
Now heres the biggest part that caught me off guard. That massive mountain that they have apparantly has a pretty gem called diamond. I feel bad not being able to tell these guys about the reason why we want diamonds but even the young and overly horny (Cahya) know never to speak of our witches and their magic to anyone. Our next trip were definitely going to bring some warmer clothing to see if we can scale that mountain and obtain this diamond. Of course only 1 would be needed to start making gemcorns but it would be best to take as many as possible.

In summary the nut exchanging seems to be going at a very fast pace. We brought plenty of fruits and nuts for trading and the deadbeats seem to be very happy to come to our camps after a days of hard training. So far considering this operation a success. Going to leave here soon and make a return visit for those PRETTY GEMS. Cahya will stay here and act as rep for future endeavors (I swear to god i'm gonna kick his ass so hard if he just wastes his time having sex with the girls here instead of learning what he needs to know).

Reza logs ch 3

After months we have come back. This time we totally aim to get those extremely pretty gems we have been told about. With us we brought one of own. Grape agate to be specific. Even if there is a language barrier i think they will get the hint. Plus with Cayah staying there surely he will serve as a good translator.
We brought warm gear for climbing the mountain and lots of mining gear. Hopefully they will let us mine the gems.

Well shit. It seems that their mountain is pretty damn sacred and they wont let us go mining. So much for all our equipment. But there is some good that can come out of this. Apparantely some priestesses can let us enter their pretty forest at the bottom of the mountain. I wonder if its as pretty as our forest?
Cayah will be coming along. He seems to understand the basics of their tongue. Although I do have to facepalm at the fact that has a deadbeat girl with her arms wrapped around him 24/7. Typical of him that man thinks with his nuts more than his head. But he is necessary for translating so its something ill have to deal with.
Strange was his warning. "You dont want to be there for too long or you will just get hypnotized". I think these people dont realize we live in a forest and are used to the power of magic. Anyway they are VERY strict about this kind of stuff. Not only are we not allowed to mine the mountain but I am the only one allowed to go forth while the rest of the crew hang about in the towns.

Going to the forest
HOLY SHIT IT LOOKS NICE IN HERE! The trees have really pretty pink flowers. I could even feel some sort of strange sense overpowering me but surely it was just my natural curiosity. At least thats what I thought when several times I had to force myself to come back to the priestess. And while I did that she apparantely "rescued" some random person from there. I guess that attraction hypnotizing magic is real.
That visit only lasted 20 minutes as any longer would have compromised my sanity. Well shit. Still, I do wonder what would happen if you were to plant one of my nuts in that forest. If our magic combined with theirs? Actually I kind of wonder what would happen if Risu met their Goeddess Faithful. Would be interesting to find out. Sadly those pink trees dont grow any nuts.

Back at town.
WELL FUCK ME! Those pretty gems are on display at the stores! And to think we were planning on sending entire expeditions to hike the mountain and spent months using our bog iron to make loads of pickaxes. And here it is at the market. Bruh...
And to make it even worse the deadbeats seem to facepalm at our customs. He didnt grasp the concept that we use nuts as money. It didnt get any better when one of my crew asked if he preferred the other kind of nut and took off his pants. It took like 3 other people to tell him that this is how we exchange goods back in our land. He of course said something along these lines
"You can have a small diamond but me and my friends would like some (quality time) with your cutest girls". They were so shy about it too. What for!? Its just sex these deadbeats act like its rare to have it. Well for us it isnt so a few girls immediately stepped up and tackled them. These poor guys were taken aback judging from the looks on their faces but luckily our "experience" taught us that some people just need to get comfortable.
In the end we got the pretty diamond as its called. AND HOLY FUCKING NUTS ITS BEAUTIFUL! ITS THE PRETTIEST GEM EVER ITS SO SHINY I WANT MORE OF THEM! I immediately ordered those guys an hour later when they were done with our diplomats to give us all they had. We ended up giving to them our special magical nuts which we recommended to plant in their pretty forest. They said they would have to ask the priestess about that one but in the end we got 2 diamonds and they got lots of magical nuts, and learned how to have good sex. One of them was even a virgin how cute.

Rezas notes
I need to take note that outsiders are for some reason very shy about sex. The kronies are all about it and love to nut in our mouths and so do deadbeats but the process of initiating it seems to be rather slower. Shame really but in the end what can you do? IT works out for us. We get free sex and nuts in our mouths and we get paid for it? This is such a good way to get PRETTY GEMS ill have to bring more pretty girls next time we visit somewhere.

Somewhere deep within the forest of /risu/

"Here you are, the 2 diamonds we managed to obtain from our friends at /morig/"
"Ah yes thank you Captain Reza. I shall reward you handsomely with many nuts once i determine what these do. Please stick around the village for the meantime."
The witch ruled this village as most witches do thanks to their supernatural abilities. Many of the other village residents act as assistants or apprentices to ensure the ways of magic are passed down generations.
This is the first time that a gemstone outside of the homeland will be tested and the mysterious witch who refused to provide even a name would begin experimentation.

Since this came from /morig/ it was assumed that it had something to do with either the bones of someone or possibly related to death.
My first instinct was to test it using a wand. What happened was a massive burst of a huge variety of colored beams. Light so bright I nearly went blind.
It was both beautiful and terrifying as this is definitely the strongest magic I have ever seen. It was made very clear to me that this was a destructive weapon of mass scale.
A whole section of the forest was in utter devastation by what appeared to be fire, acid, poison, ice, and even lightning possibly. One of the trees had completely turned to some stone as well.
The diamond used had been completely drained of energy and disintegrated. Luckily the other one is being turned into a gemcorn for planting and multiplication.

Captain Reza came forth once he heard the blast "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HAPPENED"
I could only respond with one statement "Get me more and you will prosper"

One thing is for certain. These are the most powerful gems we have ever encountered and will be in EXTREMELY high demand. I shall recommend to everyone I can to get these from /morig/ and do what it takes to get more of them to accelerate the eventual mass use of these as future weaponry.

Reza logs ch 4

Well we made it back. Our second time in /morig/ and I expect great things. Once again we landed in roughly the same place and the deadbeats were welcoming like before. They really are good friends.
One of them informed me that some of the ones of higher rank wanted to discuss a trade deal with us. So i'm super excited to see what that's all about. If they want things from us then we can get those diamonds in return.

And here's Cahya. Looking super happy to see us too. It was actually unusual seeing him in partial deadbeat armor but I guess I should be proud. He seems to have learned the culture well as well as the language. More excitement when we gave him some nuts from his homeland. I can tell he really missed them.
He tells me that /morig/ is fractured and that seeing a rep for the navy is difficult but they do have a contact. This man runs a part of their militia. I mean fair enough as long as we can trade for gems.
What they need is wood and bog iron. Wood we have plenty of but bog iron might be a little more difficult. Sure we seem to have a lot of it but were new to mining it and we need that metal ourselves. So its gonna be tough but they need it for their big guns on their boats. And if its for diamonds then how can we refuse.

You know maybe I should ask at some point for those big guns. It would be cool to have pinisi with them. But for now were gonna get diamonds. And were gonna be rich in nuts. Were probably gonna stick around for a bit to see what else they want or need along details but this is already a promising deal.

Pub: 14 Apr 2022 02:49 UTC
Edit: 22 May 2022 23:44 UTC
Views: 910