hi i'm callie or cal*, & my prns r he/him i have agoraphobia ++ i rawdog adhd (so apologies if i get distracted and perhapss.. ghost you... for a while.)
back / disc / atabooklovemail

about me
callie or cal OR ray ORRR sleet work as for names. i'm queer (transmasc and bisexual) + on the aspec. i'm white and 16 years old (so a junior in hs). smth smth the aforementioned agoraphobia and adhd.

i'm also single and taken. single because i'm not dating anyone, and taken by my internet boyfriend, and my husband. while i am single, whether that's true or not is up for debate.

what i like
my non-fandom interests are english (verbal grammar, sentence structure, whatnot), history, anddd um. sleeping (??) i don't know. thats it
by the way, that's why i talk oddly and sound like i'm trying Very Hard to sound smart all the time. language is supes important to me & my usage of it is awkward i am aware. apologiesss

character wise, i'm a very big fan of him, her, and them, + the many honourable mentions here.
i'm also a kinnie, which is what the aforementioned url is for anyway.

series wise, i'm a very big fan of mouthwashing, the great ace attorney, the summer hikaru died, doukyuusei, n+c games, anddd like some other stuff.

boundaries and whatnot
my status is basically always 'online' but i go afk pretty often; i'm probablyyy not ghosting you. soz.
though there is a chance i did see your message and simply forgot to respond. feel free to dm again if you think that's the case. or even if you don't think that's the case.

before you interact, keep in mind that if i say something confusing or vague, it'd be cool if u ask for clarification or for me to reword it, i don't mind at all and it is much preferred that you just.. do that.
in fact, because language (my language..) is one of my favourite things to think about (unwillingly), you'd make me quite happy giving me the chance to use other words.

don't interact with me if you're over 20 (and i don't know you irl/i didn't talk to you first) or a hater of any of my fave things (in a... hater way. if you have actual reasons i'd love to hear).

shoutout to maya, bri, felix, grayson, van + regu, rodya, & innon (the love of my life).

some of my other socials are my twitter and priv twitter. ALSO! masssiveee self promo to my mouthwashing obsession being documented LIVE on /freighter. you can find an insane amount of shitposting about my OC, too much yapping about lore (i'm only on scene 3 someone actually come sedate me), and a consistently updated youtube fanwork section.

thankkk u. for reading my page. and stuff

Pub: 27 Feb 2023 19:46 UTC
Edit: 31 Dec 2024 01:06 UTC
Views: 453