brooo does he know i love him. lowk lowk lowk


⠀Dec. 29 '24


⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀ㅤ:hi. hi. i'm like lowkey tweaking right Now actuallu. sometimes i take some time to think about how people perceive my favourite characters. 'sometimes' being for but a couple of seconds bi — weekly ( before i end it all ). and honestly, like, my bad. who am i to wish ( hope, pray ) that someone online ( popular, because i'm seeing it ) will have any opinions about these topics that don't make me insane? no one. no one to wish hope and pray that!

anyway. i'm here because i was looking at one ( specifically one because any more Overwhelms me ) piece of fanart of! believe or or not. daisuke! mouthwashing! that's right! me daisuke mouthwashing! and i was losing my BALLS over it. like. tweaking. but highkey. highkey tweaking. so i went to go dm my internet boyfriend about it and it turns out i had just sent a sticker of March 7th from honkai star rail that sort of gets me. me when daisuke mouthwashing!!! it took me too long to record that gif of me shaking her.⠀—⠀Dec. 29 '24 04:09
⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀PS⠀ㅤ:i know he's ur wholesome golden retriever but if you can genuinely think daisuke would:
- a) not get laid if he wanted to
- b) beat jim up if he knew
- c) be a little loser nerd boy

wellll. you're free to think those things. just know that you are making it up is all. and i support u. i support your delusions they're sort of fire sometimes. i too wish he would beat jimmy up. but he wouldn't. he would not. he would not.⠀—⠀a sad, delusional callie
⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀PS PS⠀ㅤ:i saw some people arguing that he isn't even as hot as a lot of people make him out to be. and like. i think they're wrong. do not get me wrong on my stance: he is fine as hell unfortunately ( unfortunate because it doomed me ) but it's just that people are misunderstanding in what way he's a cutie. when he is drawn looking like a whole other fucking character, that's like ... projecting or something. that's not my daisuke bro. u feel me? so like yes on one hand people ARE misrepping how he looks pretty often ... but they're not MAKING him attractive. they're making him THEIR version of attractive. he is attractive argue w da wall. thank u. ⠀—⠀a frank, realist callie

⠀Dec. 30 '24

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀ㅤ:hii. i do understand why some people baby daisuke with purpose. or maybe rather not with purpose, but, like, not just coming from misunderstanding a character. he's sort of the characters kids are going to see themselves in. not just because he talks and acts the way he does, but the role he plays : doing nothing to the worst degree. and i think that's something a lot of kids relate to—while everyone in the crew did nothing, he didn't lack motivation, just didn't have the right role or place. kids deal with that a lot. not doing anything because of their role as children. ( or for daisuke, his role of being seen as immature ). i hope some people do genuinely find comfort in him this way. maybe i do a bit as well. ahhh he's the best.⠀—⠀Dec. 30 '24 00:50
⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀PS⠀ㅤ:and honestly, that's what these characters are for, right? of course their natural ... intent is likely to get across some point ( which i doubt relates to anything i talked about just now ) ... nonetheless, they're here for you! for us! ⠀—⠀a content, thankful callie
⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀PS PS⠀ㅤ:well ... in safe amounts, they're there for that. safety is important. ⠀—⠀a stressed, knowing callie

⠀Dec. 30 '24

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀ㅤ:hi! i’m on a plane right now. i can’t remember how, but i somehow got to associating the song ‘roommates’, by malcom todd, with daisuke! i’d never listened to the song prior. which is sort of a big deal?

i’m the type of guy that listens exclusively to the same music for years, slowly adding a few songs every year — pairing them with memories of all sorts to revisit whenever.

so how did this appear at the exact time daisuke first became a common … ? visitor? in my thoughts … ( ? ) i’m not sure. i’m thankful nonetheless. it’s a pretty great song. though you may have guessed how biased that is … considering what i’m thinking of when i listen to it …

i think having songs to remind you of people ( fictional & othersise ) is lovely, honestly. i think it heals the soul. music in itself is so important, you know? i think daisuke would agree. i bet he has great music taste. i can see him being a koss enthusiast … ( guess who ( used ) to own a pair himself! … me!!! )

despite loving & appreciating music greatly, i’m not actually a big Music Guy, if you know what i mean. i don’t know nothing about it …

what a common use of double negatives isn’t it? that came pretty naturally — a big deal for me as i am a grammar lover who avoids double negatives like the plague. just for other’s sake of course. they can be confusing for some.

i like music people because they talk the way i do, sometimes ( of course, my topic being grammar. ). that’s not something i get to see super often. but i swear! even the most extroverted perfect people will geek out over music if its something they’re passionate about ( perhaps this could be said about a lot of topics. ).

i simply find that the music fans are the least ashamed. as they should be!

i think daisuke’d be one of those people. not necessarily some sort of stereotype who listens to ‘only the finest’ or anything. in fact i believe he’d prefer relatively simple authentic music. ( my wording may invoke an idea of something serious toned but i don’t mean it. some loud party / angsty music about girls is what i’m refering to. ) which i support him in of course!⠀—⠀Dec. 30 '24 12:08
⠀⠀⠀⠀stars⠀PS⠀ㅤ:maybe i’ll make a playlist of what i think he’d like. but what he’d specifically like, because my daisuke is a guy who can listen to anything ( especially if its someone’s favourite, if you know what i mean. )⠀—⠀a delighted, starry-eyed callie


i know my boy smokes btw
^ weed.

Pub: 10 Feb 2022 16:09 UTC
Edit: 30 Dec 2024 23:10 UTC
Views: 422