Theo's Seven Interview (Edited)

The following are transcri[ink stains] kept within the Seven Associations [the 's' is circled with the words "lol spelling mistake" above] case files: a Meister and Artificer by the name of Theo being interviewed for her unique abilities to see the likelihood of a human distort[tear marks] and to understand Distortions [the word Distortion is circled in marker] for easier attempts in reversing their status.

(So the guys at Seven asked me to do a review for a bunch of people on their files. Apparently being one of their modification sponsors gets you a front row seat to their personal collection. Some of those folks I don't remember and some of them I've met before. But at least they're paying well. Plus some of their Fixers have been great customers so why not help a little?)

Fixers (Sorted By Office):


Mirra the Executioner

"That girl's stacked up on every augment Ahn can buy. Shame she couldn't spend any of it on her good luck. Can't find comrades or they'll die, so strong but she'll never reach the level of Color Fixers. Absolutely a "lonely at the top" person."

Chance to Distort: Unlikely. Hate to say it but her current state keeps her from tettering off the edge.

Ji Jeong-Hui

"Dipshit's way out of his league. Ex-Nest dweller stumbles his way into L Corp's old den, pulls out a bunch of EGO and then gets recruited to Zwei? Too good to be true. And don't forget the damn Canned Experiences, he's gonna wring himself into a emotional husk. I can't believe that's his main reason for Fixer work."

"Damn junkie. Clean up or you're dead in a ditch."

"Are you implying I'm saying that as a K Corp native?"

Chance to Distort: Manifested EGO. But he's gonna Corrode for sure (Learned that term from Milo's transcripts. Were they even suppose to give me that?)

Shiina, the Black Cat (Color Fixer)

"You're gonna die, bitch. No seriously, you're a cowardly gal working in the literal wetworks Association. While being the second Black Color Fixer. That's a recipe for a gruesome and unsighty death."

"I genuinely have nothing else to say. She's so pitiful that the fact she's a Color Fixer just makes me cringe even more. That poor girl."

Chance to Distort: VERY! Cowardly + Family trauma + Shi work + Color Fixer pressure = A frightening beast powered by fear and paranoia.

Alm Claude “Penumbra” Faith

"One time I was walking back after a long day's work when I bumped into her. Something about the way she stood, her all black outfit, THAT GODDAMN BLACK VOID IN HER EYES. At that moment, I wasn't Theophrastus, the legendary owner of Paracelsus Atelier. No, I was nothing but an ant to the boot that was this goliath of a woman, clad in dark armor. She could just wave her hand and not even an atom would be left of my corpse. Then she just walked away, a little "Oh dear..." escaping her mouth."

"That was my first encounter with Penumbra, a Fixer who was wiser and stronger than any so called "Color" that would pop up, a veteran among veterans. I pray that we'll never meet again."

Chance to Distort: None. No one who's lived like her could ever Distort.

Senna, the Stygian Shadow (Color Fixer)

"A dog of the corpos. Except she seems to have a bit of autonomy over her actions. Perhaps she doesn't like her role in it? Clearly she's seen and done some ugly stuff. Just like I did back in my Backstreet days..."

"There's not much I can talk about other than that her Shi career shows. Very professional of her."

Chance to Distort: Unlikely. Training from Shi and her previous career means her mental fortitude is beyond the range of possible Distorting. But that employer of hers... loyalty can be a burden as well as a gift...

Mars Office

Mars Valentinus, the Scarlet Slaughter (Color Fixer)

"Bloody hell. No joke, that's what the man is, not someone I would let my guard down around. He fits his name too well, just looking at the file makes me taste iron. How do people gravitate to that freak?"

"Though he seems like a useful guy to have around. My place would be untouchable with a mad dog like him roaming the area."

"You're saying he's just a male version of me?"


Casey Jones

"This right there is why I NEVER take the WARP Train. You get oddjob sickos like this who band with bloodthirsty maniacs like Mars. THERE'S A REASON WHY HE'S A MEMBER OF THAT OFFICE."

"My bad, lost my cool for a moment. Anyway, what I said previously still stands. Jones can try to do his watercooler talk all he wants, nothing can hide that he's a broken soul underneath."

Chance to Distort: Possible? I mean, a broken mental state is already a ripe field. Yet, for some reason, Milo says he'd just ignore it. Guess we have different ways of seeing Distortions?

Dove Office


"More successful than Shiina, yet less likable. People like her are zealots, they won't even spare the mercy of showing how much they despise you. It's always their words doing the punching."

"Her dedication to her mentor is respectable but she needs to broaden her social network. You can't bear this burden alone without sounding like an asshole in the process."

"Take a chill pill, ok? You've got plenty of time to reflect or even train. Fixers always come and go, after all."

"By the way, I'm open to enhancing that arm of hers. Ok pretend I didn't say that. I just heard she's possessive of it."

Chance to Distort: Very. On the path that she's going, a single hurdle can trigger her desperation into something worse.

Blue Dragon Office

Alma, the Blue Ringmaster (Color Fixer)

"Girl's got a lofty dream and plenty of money to see it through. I'd appreciate her resolve but the people she's taking care of give me the creeps. Apparently, some of the Seven agents bearing my implants have been keeping track of her activities. Say they're skeptical of her plans to rehabilitate Distortions. Can't say I disagree with them..."

"Still, if that's what's best for the creatures, I can't interfere. Besides, she seems decent enough."

Chance to Distort: Average. The care she has for her Distortions can be leveraged to push her over the edge, for example: if one broke free and started slaughtering the rest of them. Hey, it's just an example, stop staring at me like that.


Ava, Lady Luck

"Normally, someone on the same age and caliber as Alm should be enough to freak me out. Normally, I would hope that I never cross paths with her. Ava is surprisingly not a case like that."

"There's a part of her files that mentions her ruthless attitude being a facade. I've experienced that a lot of times. Sometimes she visits the Workshop, always looking at the itinerary. Sometimes she even asks if she can check my house at the top. The answer's always a "hell no" and a sly smile. On the rare occasion the shop's empty, we even play poker through the counter."

"I know its a dumb idea to talk about a powerful Syndicate leader who's sucked up to by Lady Luck herself like a bar buddy. But if she's anything else than that, tell me I'm dreaming."


Chance to Distort: Manifested EGO. Other than that, no chance of Corrosion.


".....Just... Alright. We finish this interview and then you make sure they NEVER show their faces around the Workshop. GOT IT?"


Wilfrid, W-Corp Enforcer

"I refuse to believe anyone that looks or acts like Wilfrid could diffuse situations by 'charisma' alone. And he was BORN into the job too."

"His dream is to leave the Corp's better than before he joined. Oh god I give up on that guy."

"Absolute lost cause. Can't you guys just kill him so I don't have to see his prickly face?"

Chance to Distort: None. He doesn't even have any bonds for him to Distort over. I TOLD YOU DISTORTIONS HATE EGOISTIC PRICKS.

Haneul Vierordt, W-Corp Enforcer

"Uggh. Another dream-chaser who would tread over anyone who gets in their way. Yes, I know I'm one of those people but at least my dream's more concrete. Plus I'm an independent worker which puts me way above "she who would use N goddamn Corp's technology to commit genocide on cannibalistic folks"."

"You know enough about my history with those folks. Don't say a word."

Chance to Distort: None. Why do those assholes have to be so sane?


Azrael, X-Corp Enforcer

"I hate that she's the best one among all the Feathers here. I hate how she used to be a Backstreets dweller who clawed her way up. I hate that she's so artistic. And I hate how through all that, she seems like a decent chill person underneath her position."

"The world must be really cruel if someone like her has to become yet another dog of the Corps."

Chance to Distort: Manifested EGO. I'm done with those Enforcers.


"Now THIS is up my alley. I wonder what I'll reveal about my potential rivals... oh wait you aren't releasing this to them. Awww, fine I'll play nice.


"This guy's the reason I'm even typing like this. Looks and acts like a smug asshole, even if he has his reasons. Actually, this man has "asshole" written all over him. Too diva for my liking."

Chance to Distort: Manifested EGO. Maybe Distortions don't affect egoistic pricks?

Fitzwater Trench, Overworked Art Hoe (Color Fixer)

"Why is his title "Overworked Art Hoe"? Where is his ACTUAL title? Actually, HOW did he even become a Color Fixer? Ughh whatever, the last time I saw him was during my downer stage, back when he was a wee Grade 9. Hard to believe he's living the good life, though I worry about that debt of his."

"Anyway, this guy is a glorified handyman and his tools are just proof of that. Not like it's a bad thing though, I kinda dig his crafty technician approach. Should give him an invitation to my shop next time."

Chance to Distort: Unlikely. Sure he may be stressed, but he's got a routine to vent it out.


His Mycelial Majesty

"The man's just a walking mushroom farm. Nothing particularly special or dangerous about him; maybe he'd have been a great help back when I was scrounging on shrooms for lunch. Are you sure there's anything important about him? Or do you not know his deal?"

Chance to reverse Distortion: Unknown but so far, I'm leaning on the optimistic side. He was just a very dedicated scientist after all.

Emma, The Shadow Queen

"A sweet girl with an absolutely nightmarish power. Something tells me this isn't gonna brew well."

"You need to check on her. Make sure she's as stabilized as she can be. Otherwise, you've got our entire City engulfed in darkness and ripe for the picking"

Chance to reverse Distortion: Unlikely. Prepare to have to deal with her.


"The Penumbra of Distortions. Everything about him just clicks with me. Yet there's an underlying sense of unease with his presence alone. Let me explain."

"First off, I want to say that I was a scientist, not a philosopher. The fact that his very existence is for humanity to grow at any cost just fits so well with my project. We both want this damn species to grow, him with his flames and me with my Homunculus dreams. If only he was a little more sane: we would have been best buddies."

"This is where I get to the unease part. First of all, what part of "skinless man on fire" screams love and beauty to me? Whatever Xibalba is right now, he's doing a bad job at being a positive role model. Plus the flayed people skin, and the fact that people would kill for him... I've heard stories about an Outskirts scientist who could charm all sorts of Cityfolk for her dreams. If he's following in her footsteps, god knows what kind of chaos would spring up."

"If you're looking for a dream to chase, I recommend finding this Burning Man and hoping for the best. Otherwise, stay away from him and his crazy cult."

Chance to reverse Distortion: None. A being like Xibalba can only get more monstrous. Or maybe its ascending. You never know with those divine-esque figures.

(There's an appendix that's real lengthy so I'll just summarize it. Two days after this interview, a robed figure walked into my Workshop. He dumped what he called a "Skin Bible" on the counter and left, burned palms clear as day. I stared at the pamphlet in front of me, only to realize smoke was starting to come off the wood.)

(I closed the Workshop that day. If you smell anything burning, RUN.)

UPDATE: Seven Fixers just finished analyzing the pages. There's a passage about me. Oh God, WHY IS THERE A PASSAGE ABOUT ME?

Funeral Rites

"Are you sure that's a Distortion? She's just so chill, I could see myself going on a dinner with her."

"She's just the walking definition of 'relaxed' and I love it."

Chance to reverse Distortion: No need. She's alright.

"By the way, I sent Derek my regards. His new intestine grappling hook should be propelling him in no time."

Edit Report
Pub: 28 May 2023 13:08 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2023 07:46 UTC
Views: 593