This document is a transcript of scraps of text known to belong to a "Skin Bible" of the Distortion known as Xibalba, a macabre religious text written upon a book fashioned from the distortion's skin. If you are reading this, know that the physical copy contains hazardous information known to alter the thoughts of individuals and display supernatural properties, including the burning of most devices containing them in preternatural flames. These flames are known to cause irreparable harm, and if any device this text is displayed or stored on begins to burn, smoke, or otherwise display signs of high heat, the device should be immediately disposed of. Read at your own risk.



Now the word of the Lord of Love has come to you, saying,

"Arise, those pitiable dregs within the cities of Man, and cry against them, for their wickedness has come to me.

I have seen in this empire of man true weakness, and I have seen those who would deny my rightly purpose.

They who believe it to be evil, and to display evil, and who do not know that I Love them, and reveal only the truth.

Am I therefore to become thy enemy, because I tell you the truth?

But if thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again, so I have said.

And thus shall I enact mercy on my enemy, and rend their flesh, and shred their skin, and break their bones, and grant them death,

Thus say I.

Have here, written upon my own flesh, written in my own blood, a scripture, of those enemies of Love and Burning,

And those who may be forgiven, and asked to join court with the LORD."


Mirra, Executioner

"The warrior is less than a worm beneath my feet,
Unable to find dignity or peace.
I shall lower myself to do battle with them,
And they shall fall before me.
For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood;
but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire."

Ji Jeong-Hui

"O errant son,
Black sheep, blemish,
Charlatan and imposter,
I shall appear to thee upon a cloud,
Sitting in a mercy seat,
And shall separate your head from your body,
Such is my love."


"The perfect day of the LORD cometh as a thief in the night;
Thou shalt witness, in thine cowering fear,
Perfection giving form, the LORD among men.
I thought to promote thee unto great honor,
But, lo, a vision hath revealed,
Thee shall forever be held back from honor. "


"Woe unto them that forsake darkness and light;
That put themselves before the LORD, yet refuse to acknowledge that they are his enemy.
Thou shalt drown in burning light,
And know it for the love it bringeth."

Mars Valentinus, Scarlet Slaughter

"A man who playeth at beasthood,
Shall be put to death as a beast,
And the blood shall be used for a bath for virgins,
And the skin shall be set aside for the LORD."

Casey Jones

"There shall be a difference between unclean and clean,
And beast that shall be used and beast that shall not be used.
To work beneath a beast is to lower oneself beneath even it's dung,
For the beast requireth not an attendant or retainer,
but a stern hand and to be heeled with a crop."


"True Ascension is no choice, but of divinity and circumstance begotten,
My duty is the duty of the LORD;
That which is loved is lost,
And thus my love begets the loss of mankind.
Should thee disagree, or question, this divine duty,
Thine life shall be lost,
A tally-mark of my love."

Alma, Blue Ringmaster

"Wilt thou hunt the food for the lions?
Wouldst thou fill the appetite of the wolves?
Then leavest those wretched sinners,
So close to apotheosis,
And those splendid existences,
Constrained by your false love.
Else thou shalt be struck down,
And thy legions turned to Heaven,
For the beauty thou containeth in thy halls should be freed."



"I am the LORD,
You shall fall before me,
and become ash.
For my fire burneth everlasting,
and fear not the flow of time,
For my love brandeth every man,
from their beginning in the womb,
For my hatred propeleth me forward,
into a kingdom of Heaven."


"None devoted,
Which shall be devoted to men, shall be redeemed;
But shall surely be put to death.
Renounce your false idols,
and worship your LORD.
Else, burn."


"I have seen, in visions, the truth of the enterprises of man.
And have a fondness for none,
Save one, for which familiarity bears ripe fruit.
For is it not the place of the LORD, to create?
The purifying flame can only destroy, and leave space for the son of man to rebuild.
All which resides under the sun belongeth to me,
So I have declared.
The woman bears a flicker of the flame of truth,
That Which Reveals,
and shall become an apostle of flame and hatred.
So I have declared."

Haneul Vierordt

"It was a poor man, called by others Gideon,
Who came to me, to wash the feet of his lord and master,
And bathe in flames,
And Gideon said,
'O Lord XIBALBA! For I have seen an angel of the LORD face to face'
And Gideon met an end of purifying flame.
For the LORD haveth no angels,
And enacteth his will by his own hands,
Or those mortal men who praise him.
So I set my vision upon this creature,
And saw a sinful idol, weakening beloved mankind,
Reducing him.
The place of man is to struggle,
For without it, he is a mewling lamb."


Ava, Lady Luck

"The greatest of the Sodomites,
I searched for twenty righteous among them,
and found only her.
When cometh the day,
That fire and brimstone rain from Heaven, brought forth by grace,
May she sit at the gates, and bow with her face towards the ground.
The holy fate of this wretched city shall begin with the dregs of man,
Who pray to wealth and sin."



"Drudges and craftsmen trouble not my mind,
And the typical specimen plays no role within my divine machinations.
The laborer is worthy of his reward.
Punishment comes to those who act against their betters, by design or by circumstance.
Circumstance dictates this man's death, but my mercy extends far.
Six days shalt thou labor in my palace, and do thy good work.
Then, a merciful end shall come. "

Fitzwater Trench

"A Kingdom of Heaven, pure beauty on Earth,
Shall require architects.
Those miracle-workers shall come to me.
I say now,
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."


"O daughter,
I shall to come to thee,
Bearing the dominion of divinity;
The kingdom shall come to the daughter of godliness,
Born of man, elevated to godhood.
O Mother of Monsters,
Thou shalt birth the legions of Heaven,
And I shall send for them to destroy the kingdoms of man,
Until it is enough, and I command them to stay their hands.
Together, the apotheosis of mankind awaits."


Funeral Rites

"I come to my garden, my sister, my bride;
I gather my myrrh with my spice,
I eat my honeycomb with my honey,
I drink my wine with my milk.
O that you were like a sister to me,
who nursed at my mother’s breast!
If I met you outside, I would kiss you,
and no one would despise me.
I would lead you and bring you
into the house of my father and his father,
and into the chamber of the one who bore me.
I would give you spiced wine to drink,
the juice of my pomegranates."

His Mycelial Ṃajesty

“They are exalted a little while, and then are gone;
I will wither and fade them like the mallow;
I will cut them off like the heads of grain.
Know that I can do all things
and that no purpose of mine can be thwarted.
A great stormy wind shall come,
A great cloud with brightness around it and fire flashing forth,
And in the middle of the fire, thou shalt burn, eternally.”

Shadow Queen

"I shall command the unclean spirit to come out of the woman.
I shall catch her: and she will be kept bound with chains and in fetters;
And the devil shall be driven out and into a swine,
to be slaughtered.
Naked she came from her mother’s womb,
and naked she will depart.
I give and I take away;
may my name be praised.”



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Pub: 04 Jun 2023 01:30 UTC
Edit: 04 Jun 2023 06:20 UTC
Views: 460