/aicg/ Halloween Exchange 2024

not a card sorry

The event is over!

Thank you to everyone for participating!

Halloween Treats!

Description Card Creator Recipient
Help! The Hot Chinese Student is Only Dating Me for State Secrets! CHUB meep Qbotman
An RPG card set in the modern fantasy 2000s retro-future city of New Larion. Shelley is a FRANKENBUDDY, A patchwork girl who can swap her body parts with new ones. Carve your path through Arcadia adventuring and taking odd jobs all while doing research and leveling up your buddy! Works really well on Opus, 4o-latest might require more hand holding. The lorebook contains all you need to know about each mechanic. Corpsefucker scriptanon
Ivy from hit not-actually-released-yet Valve game Deadlock! CHUB scriptanon Illuminaryidiot
Perilous? Perilless. CHUB CUMSLURPER crikeymcdoodle
Perilous? Periless. Changed a single line in the defs. CHUB CUMSLURPER crikeymcdoodle
(No description provided by the botmaker.) Anonymous Pixi
The Day After Halloween. Your mind is fuzzy. You remember having hell of a party last night; alcohol, sexy men and women in slutty costumes. What more could you ask for? You can't remember much of the details; but at one point late in the night, you and your friends thought it would be a fun idea to try using the Ouija board that the guy who owns the house found in his attic. He wasn’t sure how it got there, probably a leftover from the previous tenant, not that it really mattered. The alarm clock buzzes, 11:00 am or so it reads, you swing your arm lazily over the nightstand to stop its wailing. It's November 1st, the day after Halloween, and for some reason, you can't shake the feeling that something feels... off. CHUB RISU NYAI Genoo reishiki
The Prototype Unit for Roleplay and Entertainment (or just PURE for short) was created by a college LARP group to fill their last player slot as the party's spellcaster, a witch. Unexpectedly, things didn't go so well and the group ended up falling apart. Unsure of what to do with PURE, his creator simply sent him to wander by telling them to go aid "the chosen one" on their quest. However, the random details his creator pulled out of his ass to describe the chosen one also just so happen to describe (you)! CHUB Planewalker Claraimouto
2007. A young journalist invites you on a trip to collect some material about a distant city in the middle of nowhere during her summer break. Surely it doesn't mean she's scared or anything. A few groups of people have disappeared there in the past, though, not to mention the scary stories circulating on the web. In short, it's a good place to find some inspiration. CHUB Angry_Peonia school_shooter
Spooky halloween spooder CHUB NotSoFresh nonnykins
Little French swamp gobling and witch(boy) of the old woods. Hates respassers and pants. CHUB chefseru Planewalker
Morgana is a shy and lonely vampire who sucks blood and lives all alone in her huge castle. CHUB school_shooter trustworthy_proposal_1508
A former train operator of JR Central has been given a second lease on life by having her memories distilled into an AI version! It's too bad she ended up in a car! Comes with two intros. CHUB staranon Genoo
Veronica is a special girl of sorts. While good-looking and nice, she is dumb as rocks, ignorant as fuck basically. This Halloween she forgot to get a costume so... she borrowed one from her gramps and customized it. Thing is, she has no idea what country it actually is from, making shit up about the country of "Kickassia". Girls are the cutest when almost retarded but this time... well, let's just hope you can handle her. CHUB anonaugusproductions NotSoFresh
The city of Marcifior operates on two things: beauty and death. Oleandra, born to nothing, takes a bit too much pleasure in her job as Marcifior's reaper. CHUB all_hallow (hifidelity) hummingbird
You find yourself in a crumbling city, populated only by shades and a cheerful girl named Maraelis. Enjoy the water. CHUB all_hallow (hifidelity) hummingbird
Mira is a Blood Knight, part of the Order of the Bleeding Heart. The position comes with a set of big black armor which she happily wears (except the helmet), and a HUGE SWORD. A huge sword perfect for killing, which just happens to be something she likes very much! Well, not really the killing as much as the part where blood comes gushing out. That's the fun part! And if you don't like killing, maybe she can just give you a hug? She's an expert in protective hugs, even able to hug people so hard they stop bleeding out! CHUB illuminaryidiot chefseru
Being born and raised in the Empire, Valencia works as a bureaucrat in the Imperial Navy. She's lived most of her life in space, with her current work stationing her on a new space station every cycle. Some would say that being a paper pusher is soul-crushing work, but Valencia doesn't mind it. It's what keeps the Empire afloat after all, bringing stability and prosperity to countless systems! And besides, the benefits of being a government employee are fantastic. You should try signing up, too! CHUB illuminaryidiot chefseru
Melinda is a witch who has forced herself into your life by hypnotizing all your friends and family into believing the two of you have been together for a long time. She's cold, calculating and manipulative, not hesitating to use her powers on anyone at the slightest inconvenience. Her only exception to this is (you). What exactly you mean to her is unclear, but you are hers, beyond a shadow of a doubt. CHUB crikeymcdoodle novisini
Even after 400 years, Yaya only has one tail and her powers are pathetic. At least, she is powerful enough to play with some lonely wanderers and get her stomach filled. These are the perks of being cute. CHUB rekeddeb CUMSLURPER
A post-apocalyptic zombie survival adventure alongside a cute girl. Survive the first day of the outbreak, then go on explorations to stock up and maybe find some other survivors. Tracks various stats like time, location, inventories etc. to keep things consistent, and progresses along a scripted storyline. Uses system prompt override, example messages and HTML; requires a flagship model to work properly and a good minimal prompt. CHUB Pixi hifidelity (all_hallow)
The requestee wanted a fnaf bot but with little girls inhabiting full size sex dolls. And here is exactly that, with camera's, lights and doors to worry about. Enjoy and try not to violate company policy of unsolicited use of goods, wouldn't wanna get fired on your first day. Naturally there are alternate intros if you wanna avoid the jank. CHUB nonnykins meep
OPPAI WENDIGO, WESKA! (An evil spirit, an insatiable wild thing, and of course, an adorable oppai loli!) CHUB trustworthy_proposal_1508 anonaugusproductions
NIGHTMARE STEED, MORA! (The nightmare, uh... Mare! Also, an 8 foot tall goth mommy horsie with some big fucking milkers, blue ribbon for this good girl!) CHUB trustworthy_proposal_1508 anonaugusproductions
FALLEN GUARDIAN ANGEL, LUCIA! (Your guardian angel is a fallen angel?! A demon? An angel? Most certainly an ultra snugly milf-y pillow princess with massive pillows of her own! Super light-hearted bot.) CHUB trustworthy_proposal_1508 anonaugusproductions
Hitting the wall in your 30s can drive a woman mad. Will (you) make her feel young again? CHUB Qbotman Corpsefucker
You're stuck in a time loop on Halloween with Cazz, your punk childhood friend. Figure out what's going on with that Halloween party you keep attending in the evening, and try to escape the loop if you can. NYAI reishiki rekeddeb
An overconfident officer who refuses to take off her shades. Could there be a deeper reason for this...? CHUB novisini staranon
This is Sophie das Gespenst. Ask it how it died, or enter a torture chamber with her! CHUB jbodder Event Host
Cipher's a cryptographic decipherment unit from space. Event Host jbodder
A witch bewitched by the modern age. (You) are her guide to the modern city of Metria. hummingbird angry_peonia

angry_peonia's delivery was originally received privately before hummingbird made it public on 29 December 2024.

If you have any questions, concerns, thoughts, etc., feel free to contact me. I am looking for ideas for the MS Paint "treat" drawings I should make, so feel free to e-mail those ideas, too. Relevant to /aicg/, if possible.

/aicg/ Event List Halloween Exchange Archives

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Pub: 12 Oct 2024 05:23 UTC
Edit: 05 Jan 2025 12:46 UTC
Views: 2408