Part of the /gedg/ compendium.
Unlike this part of the compendium, you have to pay. Unless you are a seasoned buccaneer, that is.
b-but I don't want to read books
Programming and Architecture
- Game Engine Architecture: Powerful and thicc.
- Mastering Algorithms with C by Kyle Loudon: Data structures and algorithms explained and written out in C
- The C Programming Language: If you can't build your game in assembly, you may as well settle for this. A legendary tome that is easy to find online for free.
Math and Physics
- Game Physics Cookbook: Lots of tasty game recipes.
- Linear Algebra Done Right: For those that want to go further down the linear algebra rabbit hole. Requires an understanding of basic proofs and sets.
- No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra: Book well-liked by many for being intuitive. There is also a free extended preview for those who don't want to buy the book.
- Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing: Numerical methods like inverting a matrix and solving differential equations.
- Ordinary Differential Equations: Learn differential equations from chad Russian mathemetician V.I. Arnold. Easy to find free online.
Rendering APIs, Shaders, and the GPU
- Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition: A must-read for graphics programming. Easy to pirate.
- Vulkan Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning Vulkan: The official Vulkan guide, not to be confused with the free online Vulkan documentation.