art by Warwickia aka ninetales anon

Linoone, a cheerful courier working for Delibird Deliveries, is a former human who goes by many different “top secret code names”, as he calls them. To Clover Guild members, he makes himself known as “Solid Linoone”, while at work he goes by the ultra top secret nickname of “Kaczynski”, a secret name so secret that it is affectionately shortened to “Kaz” by his boss Debby. While silly, both those nicknames are a reference to the kind of work he does for both groups.

“Solid Linoone” is a reference to the side work he does for the Clover Guild as an informant for Lliam, the Guildmaster. Because Linoone gets to go everywhere around Capim Town as a courier, he is quite informed about the town’s current state of affairs and he’s also observant about many of the town’s folks' routine activities. Lliam, often called “Colonel” or “Major” by Linoone, occasionally gives him missions when he wants Linoone to gather information on a specific group or individual of interest, to which Linoone gladly accepts. As a human, Linoone was a big fan of the Metal Gear Solid series, which is where the Solid Linoone name comes from. While on missions, Linoone enjoys LARPing as Snake, often making up scenarios in his head of his operations being of utmost importance for the world, but in reality most of his missions are quite simple and not dangerous....MOST oft them... Anyhow, he gained quite a lot of practice with sneaking and spying, but contrary to the real Solid Snake he roleplays as, Linoone is far from being a competent fighter, in fact, he dislikes combat and avoids it whenever he can. His dislike of fighting doesn't mean he's coward though, as he will always try to find a way to achieve his goals or help a friend through other means.
Other than acting as an informant, Linoone is solidly (heh) connected to Clover Guild, as he enjoys hanging with members after work to talk about the newest freshest memes and listen to their adventure stories.

“Kaczynski”, his top secret nickname at Delibird Deliveries, is a reference to his delivery of Debby’s explosive packages to offenders of the company. It turns out also lives in a shack in the outskirts of Capim Town, so this nickname is even more fitting but that is just a coincidence. Kaz, as Debby calls him, is quite proud of his work as a mailmon for Delibird deliveries, he takes his work very seriously and always aims at delivering (heh) maximum performance. He claims to be the fastest on-land mailmon from the Grass continent, comparing his delivering skills to “Takumi” from “Initial D”. While Linoone is indeed a fast courier, this is at the cost of his clumsiness on the streets of Capim Town. While his species are known for being fast on a straight line, Linoones are notorious for being terrible at handling sharp curves and turning. Because of this, it is not unusual for Linoone to crash into other Pokémons, smash into walls or even fall from a building or cliff.
Receiving a package from Linoone is usually a pleasant experience, as he takes great pleasure from his work as a mailmon and his naturally cheerful attitude tends to be contagious. Also... particularly observant Pokémons might notice that Linoone has a very good chemistry with his boss Debby. Perhaps, even a suspiciously strong chemistry…

Linoone’s past human life as a meme connoisseur often bleeds into his life as a Pokémon, much to the dismay of other, more subtle humans from the Clover Guild. He makes very little effort to hide any reference he makes from the human world and he actually enjoys seeing the bewilderment of native Pokémons when they hear him or others talk about jargon one would only hear in the most depraved internet forums. Linoone also has a bad habit of teaching native Pokémons memes without their knowledge, as he finds the reactions of fellow humans hilarious when said memes resurface in front of them. Strangely enough, Debby is the only native he knows that is completely unfazed by his human references, and even more strange, sometimes she inexplicably understands them, which surprised Linoone when he first met her.

Despite his flaws, Linoone is ultimately a kind pokémon, with an optimistic outlook on life who will always find joy seeing other pokémon having a good time!

Also, it is a known fact that he dislikes cock and ball torture.

Here's a very short story featuring Linoone by Debby anon, if you want a feel for the character

Pub: 02 Sep 2023 01:29 UTC
Edit: 14 Apr 2024 00:52 UTC
Views: 367