Elden Ring pasta

General info

General guide
A twink's guide to 14 flasks
Weapon art damage guide
Quest Failure Points and Missable Items

Manual checklists

Automatic checklists

Build planners

HP, FP, stamina, and equipment load charts

Complete build planners

These are fully featured build planners with AR calculation for weapons, defense for armor, optimized starting class for your chosen stats, etc.

Incomplete build planners & tools

These planners are missing features and are therefore incomplete, or they are tools dedicated to optimizing one thing.

Interactive maps



Before going to Fextralife, make sure you have the ublock origin installed on your browser with the following filter applied: wiki.fextralife.com###sidebar-wrapper
Some anon made a custom CSS sheet to make the fextra map fullscreen, hide ads and hide the watermark.

Matchmaking info

TL;DR: use this calculator to know who you can summon or invade according to your level. For weapon upgrades, use this table:

Regular|Special|Reg range|Spec range
    0  |   0   |   0-3   | 0-1
    1  |       |   0-4   | 0-1
    2  |   1   |   0-5   | 0-2
    3  |       |   0-6   | 0-2
    4  |       |   1-7   | 1-3
    5  |   2   |   2-8   | 1-3
    6  |       |   3-10  | 2-4
    7  |   3   |   4-11  | 2-4
    8  |       |   5-12  | 2-5
    9  |       |   6-13  | 3-5
   10  |   4   |   6-14  | 3-5
   11  |       |   7-15  | 3-6
   12  |   5   |   8-17  | 4-7
   13  |       |   9-18  | 4-7
   14  |       |  10-19  | 4-7
   15  |   6   |  11-20  | 5-8
   16  |       |  12-21  | 5-8
   17  |   7   |  12-22  | 5-9
   18  |       |  13-24  | 6-9
   19  |       |  14-25  | 6-10
   20  |   8   |  15-25  | 6-10
   21  |       |  16-25  | 7-10
   22  |   9   |  17-25  | 7-10
   23  |       |  18-25  | 8-10
   24  |       |  18-25  | 8-10
   25  |  10   |  19-25  | 8-10


Datamined info

Patch notes & News

28.6 million units sold - Source 2
App Ver. 1.16 Regulation Ver. 1.16
App Ver. 1.15 Regulation Ver. 1.15
App Ver. 1.14 Regulation Ver. 1.14.1
App Ver. 1.13 Regulation Ver. 1.13.2
App Ver. 1.13 Regulation Ver. 1.13.1
App Ver. 1.12.3 Regulation Ver. 1.12.4
DLC Accolades Trailer
5 million copies sold of the DLC
App Ver. 1.12 Regulation Ver. 1.12.2
App Ver. 1.12 Regulation Ver. 1.12.1
DLC launch trailer
DLC release timings
DLC day 1 patch on June 20, 2024
25 million units sold
DLC story trailer
Zhihu interview (chinese) - Translation (Twitter) - Translation (Google Docs)
DLC Gameplay Reveal Trailer
Miyazaki interviews: Eurogamer - IGN - Famitsu - Famitsu translated by /u/theangryfurlong
App Ver. 1.10.1 Regulation Ver. 1.10
DLC possibly coming out in February 2024
App Ver. 1.10 Regulation Ver. 1.10
Infographics part 2 - Alt
App Ver. 1.09.1 Regulation Ver. 1.09.1
App Ver. 1.09 Regulation Ver. 1.09
Infographics part 1 - Alt
Shadow Of The Erdtree expansion announcement
20 million units sold - Alt
App Ver. 1.08.1 Regulation Ver. 1.08.1
App Ver. 1.08 Regulation Ver. 1.08 - Colosseum update
App Ver. 1.07 Regulation Ver. 1.07.1
App Ver. 1.07 Regulation Ver. 1.07
App Ver. 1.06 Regulation Ver. 1.06
App Ver. 1.05 Regulation Ver. 1.05 - (Text changes, Radahn crater, Map change 1, Map change 2, Map change 3)
App Ver. 1.04.1 Regulation Ver. 1.04.2
App Ver. 1.04 Regulation Ver. 1.04.1 - (Text changes)
App Ver. 1.03.2 Regulation Ver. 1.03.3
13.4 million units sold
App Ver. 1.03.2 Regulation Ver. 1.03.2
12 million units sold
App Ver. 1.03 Regulation Ver. 1.03.1
App Ver. 1.02.3 Regulation Ver. 1.02.2
App Ver. 1.02.2 Regulation Ver. 1.02.2
App Ver. 1.02 Regulation Ver. 1.02.1


Dubious stuff

If you want to cheat, use the Cheat Engine table made by the folks from The Grand Archives (aka TGA) Discord server. They are the ones who made the Dark Souls 3 table. Don't give yourself cut content or items you're not able to drop for other players if you want to be extra careful about not getting flagged. If you want to spawn cut content items, use this spreadsheet or this one to get the hex ID and spawn it with itemgib. Warnings and bans are shared between all accounts, so family sharing will not save you.

Cheat Engine serves you adware during installation and sometimes it's not possible to opt out of installing it. You can get the clean CE 7.5 files here if you want to skip the installer.

Because of EAC, it is not as easy to cheat as it was in previous games. No cheats or mods can be used while EAC is running since it prevents modifications to the game's process, which makes tools like Cheat Engine useless, and it seems to also check the integrity of the game's files, which makes modding useless. In order to properly use CE or mods, you have to launch Elden Ring without EAC. To do this, use the offline launcher mod made by LukeYui. Get it from NexusMods or GitHub. There are other methods to launch Elden Ring without EAC, but this is the recommended way.
Launching Elden Ring without EAC will prevent you from playing online, but will allow you to use CE or other mods.

  1. Launch Elden Ring without EAC
  2. Cheat
  3. Launch Elden Ring with EAC and play online

Warning: Unauthorized tampering with the game has been detected

This is a warning. You are not banned yet. Delete the characters you have cheated with if you don't want to be banned.

Warning: Your account has been penalized

You are banned.


Hexinton's table is literal spyware. It is encrypted to prevent seeing or tampering part of its source code and it scans your discord.exe process to make sure you're part of their Discord server - if you're not, the table has limited functionality.

Other tools

Other pastas

Main /dsg/ pasta: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18E8bdTK-2ODVaemrFF-v6WEDjV0htlpUOvi9lWABbM0/pub

Edit Report
Pub: 14 Apr 2022 09:25 UTC
Edit: 15 Dec 2024 22:18 UTC
Views: 35273