Pocket Guide to Elden Ring for Sp/erg/'s

Ver. 1.7 Last updated April 11th, 2022 ~


--------------------------SPOILERLESS ZONE-------------------------------


New & Returning Player Pointers

Character Creation

  • Your starting gift isn't especially important outside of the earlygame - for the major two you may be caught up on, there's more Golden Seeds in the game than the Flask cap, and Stonesword Keys are almost common compared to Stonesword Locks once you've got part-way through the game. All of the gifts are optional, just pick whatever sounds the best to you.
  • Character Class isn't as much of an earlygame choice, as it is a latergame choice dictating the base stats you can't respec. Think of what kind of character you want in advance, and go for the class with the least stats in the stats you want to ignore. If you're indecisive, Wretch gives you blanket coverage, or Vagabond gives you a more balanced spread if you're apprehensive about spells and just want to smack things around.
  • While there are more options, the engine is heavily based off of the DS3 one (which in of itself was simply an improvement of the Bloodborne one). If you already have sliders for DS3, they'll carry over almost identically.
  • Chest sliders affect shoulder width, not breasts. If you max them out on a female character, it *will* look like a tranny.
  • Likewise if you try to taper a chin as much as you can, you'll just end up with a spergy overbite.
  • If you're having trouble with a face being in uncanny valley, but can't quite identify what's wrong with it, try the 'Similar Faces' option and find something you prefer to work off as a new base from there. Note, these faces are completely randomised, so going in and out of menus will give you a new set of Similar Faces, even if you change nothing.
  • If, after a period of actually playing the game, you realise your character looks a bit weird; in the hub area there's a wardrobe you are able to change your name and appearance for free without having to commit to a full respec. For changes that appear to be about of your control - there's a box you can untick.


  • Make sure you level VIT. Every possible playstyle and class benefits from it; all other stats are optional. Don't be Kevin.
  • New to this entry, there are a limited few attacks from some enemies that are intended to be avoided by jumping instead of dodging or shielding. These are often telegraphed as pulses, or short-height floor-based attacks. Their lingering AoE's catch rolls, and their hitboxes go under shields.
  • Some attacks are designed to be rolled, some attacks are designed to be blocked. Solely focusing on one or the other will get you killed - and it's likely that the first boss you're railroaded towards will teach you that very well.
  • Read item descriptions when you find the time - not only do they make up the brunt of the lore / worldbuilding for you to figure out, but they often give hints and subtle directions. In the case of drawn maps, notes and key items; reading the item description is almost mandatory to understand their intended use.
  • The darkness in some areas has been turned way up for this entry. This is intentional - if you want to explore somewhere dark or at night, you'll probably want some kind of light source.
  • Weather affects gameplay past FX. While you can figure out most for yourself without me spoiling them, the only one that's unclear is that if it begins raining leaves, your Rune acquisition will increase for the period and enemies with glowing eyes that offer x5 their usual rewards will begin to spawn.
  • It's a noob trap to fill up all your equipment slots - you only need 2-3 things in your weapon slots and it's higher priority to have quick, uninterrupted access to flasks than it is to scroll past a single-use consumable.
  • Controllerfags, you're able to bind all your buttons in this title. I'd advise you bind Roll to LTrig and WA to L3, so you don't need to take your fingers off the movement / camera sticks.
  • Chest Armour silently dictates poise + stance recovery; going naked increases jump distance.
  • If it feels like an enemy is taking less damage than they should, try a different type of damage - Standard, Pierce and Strike. Alternatively, try an element; changing affinities via Ashes of War is free.
  • Button mashing shortens PvE enemy grabs.
  • Homeward Bones may not be present in this soulslike entry, however a reward that the first NPC you find gives you at the end of his questline works like a discount non-consumable version.
  • If you want to test if a fall is lethal, throw a Rainbow Stone. If you want to survive the fall, use Soft Cotton. Both your fall execution and Torrent's fall execution limit are identically hardcapped at ~20-25m; the only difference is that Torrent doesn't stagger and can take jump-pads down.
  • Respecs are technically unlimited in this game once you reach it - you won't get grub'd and be forced to start a new game. That said - you don't get them for free (the items are limited) and you still cannot revert your level below what you're currently at.

Other hints.

  • If you can see something, you can reach it.
  • If you can hear something, you can reach it.
  • You can drop things on the Chariots. Look up when you're in the clear.
  • Glowing Tracks die easily
  • EVERY Ruin has a cellar. Some have 2. None have 0.
  • The Three Wise Beasts are nearby, you'll find them easiest at night.
  • If your clothes get dirty, clean them
  • Crystal Darts makes Stone go insane
  • Only a true Burger King can perform Erudication.
  • Gravity is Hole-y, because Holy is Divine.
  • Latin means death. Going to churches might help you survive though.
  • A Merchant's Tent can only be destroyed by a merchant
  • If you need to get naked for something, chances are it's going to rape you. What are you gonna do then - un-rape yourself?


!!! !!! EXPLORE MORE !!! !!!


'Without spoiling anything, what are the easy / hard builds for going through the game with?' (PvE)

Not here to be controversial, I'm just trying tell you roughly how building each will go, playing blind. This is subject to change with patches (for example, many Arcane-based weapons were bugged on release, making it a less than viable), but for the most part, the PvE balance in the game is as follows;



Middle-of-the Pack

Pure DEX
Pure INT


Pure STR
Pure FTH
Pure ARC

Only now, have you completed the game.

Astrologer Starting Class, No Summons, No Spirit Ashes, No Weapon Arts, No Ashes of War, No Sorcery / Incantations, No Weapon, No Shield, No Upgrading Weapons, No Status, No Armor, No Talismans (except Daedicar's Woe, Scar/Soreseal and Scorpion Talismans), No Equipping *Anything* with a Passive (aside from the previously whitelisted Talismans), No Levelling, No Upgrading Flasks, No Remembrances, No Rolling, No Staggering, No Lockon, No Playing above 20 fps, No Consumables, No Golden Runes, No Great Runes, No Backstabs, No Stealth, No Ranged attacks, No Poison, No Jump attacks, No Music, No Horse (except when required for a jump to progress), No Glitches (Wrongwarps etc), No trying to make the game easier for yourself, Launch patch only, No Fast Travel + Every time you die outside of scripted events, start the game again. 100% non-respawning enemy completion.


'but seriously, I'm seeing all these posts; what shouldn't I do?'

For the most part, people really don't care about your PvE experience. It's your game, your experience, your character. That said, there are two major things most people have gripes with;

  1. Summoning of any kind (NPC Summons, Multiplayer, Spirit Ashes) - The predominant common factor to summoning is that it exponentially increases the breathing room you get by distracting an enemy for periods at a time, giving you easy (or less forgivingly, 'unintended') windows to both recover health and deal damage, on top of constantly applying pressure onto the enemy so they are unable to recover their stance (setting them up for lots of criticals). Even when Bosses gain an additional 50% health per instance of a Summon, the benefit of a Summon vastly outweighs the added health (unless they die almost immediately).
    NOTE: There is a boss literally designed to be summoned on (it's obvious when you get to it), in this case go ahead.
  2. Looking up overpowered things in advance to try to breeze through the game. There's a line to be tread on this one, because if you naturally find things that happen to be strong in PvE and are drawn to using them; nobody cares for the most part (aside from suspecting you for looking them up, but if you genuinely didn't, fuck 'em). The criticism is specifically the act of spoiling yourself to look up things that will steamroll the game for you as it trivialises the game (in usually unintended ways) and leads to stagnant build diversity.

Use the rest of the entire game to your advantage - if you can find a sniper spot, if you want to try to stall out an enemy with status, if you want to respec to try to target a trouble Boss's weakness - go ahead. It's your game, why else should we care?


Softcaps & Hardcaps

  • VIG = 40 / 60
  • MND = 60
  • END (Stamina) = 50
  • END (Load) = 25 / 60
  • STR / DEX = 25 / 53 / 80
  • 2H STR (Requirements) = x1.5
  • DEX Cast Speed = Linear (4.8 DEX = 1% Increase; 48 = 10%, 99 = 20%)
  • FTH / INT (Spell) = 25 / 50 / 80
  • FTH / INT (Pure Catalyst) = 60 / 80
  • FTH / INT (Hybrid Catalyst) = 30 / 45
  • ARC (Spell) = 20 / 53 / 80
  • ARC (Catalyst) = 30 / 45
  • ARC (Discovery) = Linear

FTH / INT scaling in terms of catalysts varies; the ones shown are merely the most common ones. All current ARC catalysts are 30 / 45.

More organised / intuitive / stat-wide graphed version coming soon

VIG - END graphs




NPC Info - Questline Checklist, Drops etc

Lengthy, but covers everything and roughly how to do it, while spoiling as little as possible. Intended to be checked at the end of every region as a reminder, not in advance as a walkthrough;

NPC Checklist


Checklist of Things to do before the obvious / major Point-Of-No-Return

To begin with, most of the map is unaffected and you're not locked into moving into NG+. If it wasn't obvious from story events already, only the area directly under the Erdtree will be affected (the Sewers and surrounding Altus Plateau are also untouched). While listing everything would be a chore, the major missable / forgettable things on a playthrough beforehand are as follows;
~ Get the Bolt of Gransax (required for the achievement); located on the quite large Bolt embedded into the City.
~ Clean up Goldmask's questline if you haven't.
~ Kill the Lion (hidden belowbehind a fountain, right and down from West Capital Rampart Grace)
~ Kill the Gargoyle (prayed to near the West Capital Rampart Grace)
~ Kill the Erdtree Avatar (main street)
~ Kill the Ulcerated Tree Spirit (courtyard region, below the dragon wing)
~ Head to the upper level of the (real) Roundtable Hold and loot the place
~ Get the 2 Perfume Bottles (first at the tower down to the main city from the wall, second in a chest at the far end where all the Misbegottens are)
~ Get the Black Bow (North of Avenue Balcony Grace)
~ Get the Golden Order Principa book via the jumping puzzle in Godfrey's boss room
~ Kill the Invisible Scarabs (Barrier of Gold via the lift down from Godfrey's fight)
~ If you want it, farm the Gladiators for their Duellist Set (it's only area in the game they will drop)
~ Just run through the entire city again, one last time, with your overlevelled equipment, just to be sure
~ Do any last minute free clothing alterations before Boc becomes inaccessable


--------------------FULL / MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD----------------------


Invasion Info

Smithing Level Ranges

Still the more important factor for invasion, the Smithing Calculations are as follows

Standard Path Smithing Level * 7/6 + 2.5 Smithing Level * 1.166666667 + 2.5

*Somber Path* Smithing Level * 2.5

tl;dr, It's based on the Smithing stone level used, with some wiggle room.

As for other notes on Smithing Level;

  • If an item over a player's highest smithing level dropped specifically by an Invader, it's stored as a soft value and not accounted for in their summon limits - this is intentional from previous titles, to prevent new players having their summoning range bricked, even if the item is overpowered. If an item is dropped by a Red or Yellow Summon, it will raise the Smithing Level permanently. Furthermore, hosts cannot even see dropped items above their total internal smithing level range.
  • NPC item drops do increase the Smithing Level; see the relevant section on who to avoid.
  • Flask Upgrade Level, Flask count or Talisman Pouches IS NOT accounted for in invasion calculations - hence why you'll hear twinks running through the game and trying to beat Morgott at Lv 10.
  • Spirit Ash Level IS NOT accounted for in invasion calculations. As such, if you are running through the game for a twink to invade with, it's recommended to use one unless you're deliberately trying to twink the game. Tiche's %age based damage, general damage-avoidance and semi-early + exploitable acquisition is ideal (Ringleader's Evergaol, Liurnia; Just bait Alekto to fall over the edge). If you don't mind respeccing for her to hardcarry you through, Tiche requires 26 MND, 15 + Navy Hood, Godrick's, Cerulean Amber +0 and Marika's Scarseal will get you that too; otherwise the Ulcerated Tree Spirit at the bottom of the Volcano Manor outside slope gets you your Cerulean Hidden Tear for 0 cost summons. For low FP twinks, Spirit Jellyfish (from Roderika), then the free 3-5 Giant Rats (Altus West Windmill) until the 5 Greatshield Soldiers (Nokron) should do you.


Player Level Range Calculations

It really is just the same as DS3. Just use the calculator below (proof is the link below that one).


Rough Ranges

First of all, make note that unlike all other previous titles, this game is indeed open world; significantly increasing level and weapon upgrade variation - an obvious one being whether a new player is following the grace markers obsessively and trying to take on Stormveil immediately at Lv1-10 / +0, if they've explored Limgrave and are Lv30-35 / +4 / +1-2, or if they went to Caelid early thinking that Stormveil was the chokepoint for the entire extended region and are thus Lv40-45 / +9 / +3. And that's not even accounting for those in the know, who are returning at ~70-90 after heading straight past Stormveil to pick up an EZPZ Godrick just to get into the Capital.
The only mandatory dungeons in the game are Leyndell, Farum and Ashen; most players doing Stormveil / Raya Lucaria as their two 'choices'. Every single other area in the game is optional to an extent, and thus will not be as reliable as the aforementioned for invading. Consider the below to also apply for Caves / Catacombs / Graves within the region; each with proportionally lower players depending on how short / obscure the dungeon is.

The following will naturally be rough estimates based on should be acquired at that point, often stopping a little bit lower to allow for the widest range possible - use some personal deduction if you're trying to target a specific range or if you don't mind losing some range to go a bit higher. Also, don't forget that if a given material level is located in a given place, a host will be actually exploring at the area at the material level just below it.

tl;dr? If you have a Lv5, a Lv28 and a Lv55 on top of whatever your meta-limbo PvP character is at (~100, your choice of meta-skimmer), you'll be able to invade every single level in the game. While you may be weaker in some areas, and certain areas may have better optimised levels that you can plan for (eg Stormveil = ~35), those 3 levels cover everything.

Lv5 / +1 / +0 Wretch (or unmodified Bandit) catches every non-Wretch starting class and a good amount beyond (25), with 5 points to spare for reqs. Ideal, since most new players are turned off by the Wretch class, and most Wretches are sweaty minmaxers (like yourself) who won't summon. Expect to need Talismans.
Lv28 is early-midgame, for Stormveil, Raya and early Caelid.
Lv55 comfortably catches most of Altus, some of Caria, most of Gelmir, late Caelid, most Undergrounds and reaches into Leyndell.
Your choice after for endgame; but around the late 90's / early 100's would be optimal.


Area General Range Shitter Point (Highest you might expect) Suggestion Invading Level (+Reg) (+Somber)
Limgrave 5-30 45 5 (+0 / +0) - Catches 5-30 (+0 / +0) OR 20 (+3 / +1) - Catches 18-42 (+3-4 / +1-1)
Castle Morne 13-18 45 14 (+3 / +1) - Catches 13-35 (+3-4 / +1-1)
Siofra 20-30 75 12 (+5 / +2) - Catches 11-33 (+4-7 / +1-3)
Stormveil 30-40 50 32 (+5 / +2) - Catches 29-55 (+4-7 / +1-3)
Liurnia 35-55 60+ 35 (+10 / +4) - Catches 32-58 (+8-12 / +3-5)
Raya Lucaria 40-50 65 42 (+10 / +4) - Catches 38-66 (+8-12 / +3-5)
Ainsel 40-55 65 42 (+10 / +4) - Catches 38-66 (+8-12 / +3-5)
Caria Manor 45-55 70 44 (+11 / +5) - Catches 40-68 (+9-13 / +4-6)
Altus Plateau / Highways 50-60 90 55 (+11 / +5) - Catches 50-80 (+9-13 / +4-6)
Leyndell 50-90 100 62 (+17 / +6) - Catches 56-88 (+14-20 / +5-7) Wild ranges.
Deeproot Depths ??? ??? Recommended to *not* to make a character specifically for this place; as most players don't even know it exists without a guide.
Nokstella (Liurnia Undercity) 75-90 100 82 (+17 / +6) - Catches 74-110 (+14-20 / +5-7)
Lake of Rot 75-90 100 82 (+17 / +6) - Catches 74-110 (+14-20 / +5-7)
Mt. Gelmir 55-65 100 60 (+11 / +5) - Catches 54-86 (+9-13 / +4-6)
Volcano Manor 60-85 100 64 (+17 / +6) - Catches 58-90 (+14-20 / +5-7)
Caelid 20-70 90 67 (+17 / +6) - Catches 61-93 (+14-20 / +5-7) Wild ranges, with how early it's accessable
Aeonia / Sellia 40-50 70 44 (+10 / +3) - Catches 40-68 (+8-12 / +2-4)
Castle Redmane 25-30 35 Recommended to *not* to make a character specifically for this place; no invading during the festival and no need / ability to summon afterwards means there's a very narrow window for most players.
Nokron (Siofra Undercity) 70-85 95 76 (+17 / +6) - Catches 69-103 (+14-20 / +5-7)
Mountaintop 80-100 110 88 (+19 / +7) - Catches 80-116 (+16-22 / +6-8)
Castle Sol 85-95 115 90 (+19 / +7) - Catches 82-120 (+16-22 / +6-8), Avoids 120 meta phantoms
Snowfield 85-110 115 94 (+22 / +8) - Catches 85-123 (+19-25 / +7-10), Avoids 125 meta phantoms
Mohgwyn Palace 35-40 OR 90-120 150+ Popular rune grinding location. (+22 / +8) - Catches - (+19-25 / +7-10)
Haligtree Branches / Town 90-125 125 94 (+22 / +8) - Catches 85-123 (+19-25 / +7-10), Avoids 125 meta phantoms
Eliphael 95-130 150+ 94 (+22 / +8) - Catches 85-123 (+19-25 / +7-10), Avoids 125 meta phantoms
Farum / Ashen 85-135 150+ 105 (+22 / +8) - Catches 95-135 (+19-25 / +7-10)


Other Basic Invasion Info

  • If you die during an invasion, your runes will drop in your world where you die.
  • You can safely collect Golden Seeds + Sacred tears for flasks, reaching the flask cap without it affecting your summon ranges. For additional preparation, you can hold 3 Raw Meat Dumplings (and 3 Neutralizing Boluses), which restore exactly 50% of your health but insta-poison you. Doing this counteracts the -50% capacity you have while doing online play.
  • The Red Fingers you spawn in with are mini-teleporters, placing you at a point semi-close to a Hostie. In some areas (eg Overworld regions, Castle Sol), these can spawn you outside of the area you want to kill Hostie in; but for the most part these are better used as escape tools for once you round a corner. With practice and experience, you can learn the fixed spawns, and roughly guess where your finger will take you if you want to be more aggressive after to either go in front or behind Hostie.
  • Furthermore, if you have Mohg's Great Rune equipped and active, you get a limited amount of Rune-items. Sacrifice 5% of your max health (one time payment), give nearby enemies lifesteal each time you use it as long as you're nearby - great for building up an enemysquad of your own, to counter the ganksquad, as it does apply to major enemies too (not Bosses though). This does not de-activate upon death during an invasion, so it's highly recommended to have active, as you'll make more than enough Great Runes to cover it in the long run.
  • Invasions will function regardless of the password in the Multiplayer tab.
  • You have a full 10 seconds of complete unstaggerable, untouchable invulnerability after spawning in; during which you can still hurt people. If you spawn right in the middle of the host's party, use it to wreak havoc (instead of panicrolling away when you can't even be damaged).
  • Mimic Veil (Stormveil, in a chest a floor up near the Grafted Scion) is almost free and makes it easy to blend in. Highlights include turning into rubble in areas you destroy beforehand, or turning into a spectral deer in the underground / mountaintops and literally walking up to hostie.
  • Some enemies pathing or attention will react to YOU getting damaged, so you can use that to manipulate the AI of an 'Alpha' / 'Elite' enemy to fuck over hostie.
  • Many Talismans and Spells have diminished effectiveness for PvP - most notably ones that add a flat %age such as the Dragoncrests (DCGS going from ~17.5% DR to ~4%DR), the ___Drake or the Scorpion Talismans. Check in advance, just in case you're equipping a dud.
  • Make sure to cap precious hatemail for the thread.
  • All overworld field bosses are available for invasion - just be careful of major sweeping / AoE's as they can often hit you too (just like they hit other enemies). For posterity, this includes the following;
    • Flying Dragons (Agheel {Limgrave}, Smarag {Liurnia}, Ekzykes {South Caelid}, Greyll {Northern Caelid Bridge}, Greyoll {Dragonbarrow} & Borealis {Mountaintop Lake})
    • Magma Wyrms (Unnamed {Base of Gelmir} & Theodorix {Snowfield})
    • Demi-Human Queens (Unnamed {Weeping Peninsula} & Maggie {Gelmir})
    • Tibia Mariners
    • Black Knife Assassins
    • Dragonkin Soldiers (Lake of Rot, Consecrated, unclear if Siofra's one works)
    • Gargoyles / Black Blade Kindred
    • Night's Cavalry
    • Bell Bearing Hunters
    • Death Birds
    • Tree Sentinels
    • Draconic Tree Sentinel
    • Omenkiller (Albanauric Village)
    • Godskin Apostle (Altus, Dominula)
    • Crucible Knight Siluria (Deeproot)
    • Ulcerated Tree Spirits
    • Erdtree Avatars
    • Fallingstar Beast (Altus South Crater, Gelmir Peak)
    • Ancient Dragon Lansseax (Altus x2)
    • Commander Niall (Caelid, and yes, he does buff you)
  • On top of all field bosses being available for invasion, the following bosses currently have known ways to enter their arenas, making them potential double-trouble fights. While method is varied and generally unreliable, it's something to make note of.
    • Rennala
    • Radahn
    • Fire Giant

Finally, >inb4

  • Remind yourself that you are heavily outnumbered, heavily out-balanced, Summons are often unrestricted by Co-Op limits because passwords (leading to that Lv1 Wretch having x2 Lv700 buddies in Limgrave) and the only reason you are here is because the Host went out of their way to use an item that offered them absolutely no benefit other than summoning, and then summoned anyways. Use every possible tool to your advantage, because it's either all you've got, or is going to be patched out soon simply because you've got it. As one Anon put well - summoning phantoms, especially overleveled """""downscaled"""""" phantoms, is literally cheating, and so it comes with the risk of being invaded. Risk vs. Reward. You're the risk.
  • You are invading, honor does not exist, do not whine in-thread when the ganksquad rape you the moment they see your dumb ass lock yourself in place and bow towards them. If you want 'honor', then do red signs or FC's.




Multiplayer Info

/erg/ Networking Settings

  • Multiplayer password: erg
  • Group password: erg (and any injokes you can think of)
  • Cross-Region Play: Perform Matchmaking
  • Voice Chat: If you're autistic / drunk enough
  • Don't forget to clear your multiplayer password if you want to help randoms.

State your platform if you want help / trading. Crossplay is not present in this title. PC, PS and XB currently all play exclusively. If you're trading, trade as a Red. Trading as a Yellow will get you interrupted by invasions, especially in the first areas. Again, can't stress this enough, make sure you're on the same platform.

Fight Clubs


  1. Look in the thread; there'll usually be an agreed primetime (often weekend evenings), but impromptus are still a thing.
  2. Find the Location, put on the password.
  3. Throw down a mark; Red / Yellow. Don't use an effigy, or you'll be put into the normalfag pool, passwords don't apply.
  4. Wait your turn; you'll know when it's time.
  6. You only get to heal post-fights, opinion isn't formed yet on how people feel about the Physik. Run out of flasks naturally, congrats, you've come the closest you can get to a proper 'win'. Wizened Finger out, wait for next Summon. Or fight to the death.


  1. Ideally, be in a region you haven't defeated the Boss in. Elden Ring is weird, so in that regard, literally do no bosses wherever you want to host. NG+ is recommended, if you're hosting. This allows you to summon 2 Yellows on top of 2 Reds, keeping the overall tempo and downtime between fights faster. If you are hosting an impromptu or duels, this step is not particularly required, just optimal.
  2. Find a place ideally near to a Grace, with no nearby enemies and
  3. Goldfinger Remedy, Taunters Tongue
  4. Summon 2 Reds, Summon 2 Yellows
  5. Let them kill each other. If they look at you, they're waiting on you to tell them who's next, just point at them
  6. If one of the Reds goes full Jokahmode, it's on you to put the animal down and not summon them in future. Yes, it's scummy, and no it's not everybody's elses issue if they're mid-fight when the Red flips their shit. Any spare Yellows should help, but don't just run across the map like a bitch and waste 10 minutes mid-FC over them.


  1. 4chan Primetime = Fri & Sat @ 20:00-00:00 UTC (According to 4stats.io)
  2. If nobody else is hosting, you host.


Various Meta Levels You'll See

Level Description
1 / 5 Ultratwink region; designed for invading brand new players at the First Step.
35 - 37 The generally accepted 'Stormveil meta', intended for invasions at Stormveil Castle, one of the most actively summoned-at places.
80-100 The current region anecdotally being floated by /erg/ Anons. As of yet a fixed point is still undecided.
97 The previously successful /bbg/ meta, technically unrelated to Elden Ring, due to red summons instead of invasion bells; but proof an internal and lower meta does work.
120 / 125 Youtube's meta, often referred to as Discord's meta too.
135 Biggest Pool, works with both the Youtube meta and the Reddit meta.
150 Reddit's meta.
150+ 'Overlevelled' Population is noticeably lower.


Tier List

When one for /erg/ is done.

Image description



  • The build you use for your first playthrough doesn't have to be meta-viable. If you were playing blind and then remembered that /erg/ exists only after beating the game after you naturally went to Lv218 (hey, you were struggling) with a sub-optimal class without even realising there was a meta level - don't get caught up about it. Just make a new character, plan it out, have fun with frens.
  • The default normalfag red sign duelling location is currently Raya Lucaria Main Academy Gate.
  • First Step, Agheel Lake North, Academy Gate Town and Smouldering Church all have high duelling traffic too.
  • Good possible locations for duelling / FC hosting, as noted on by myself and other Anons, include;
    • Just behind Artist's Shack, Liurnia
    • Volcano Manor Bridge, Gelmir
    • Divine Bridge, Leyndell (via the Weeping Isles Tower)
    • Tempest-Facing Balcony, Farum
  • FC's could theoretically be hosted in a low-traffic a cave with a nearby stake, which would allow for faster uptime invasion-entry and would loosely enforce a level bracket, though I've not seen any mention of it.



how 2 farm shit

Farming Guide



Limited Material Checklist (& other Items you just want the locations of)

Limited Material Checklist



Spell Catalyst Data


Borrowed from Anon.

Weapon Buff incantations are calculated with only your FTH stat in mind; use Gravestone, Godslayer or Finger Seals when buffing your weapons.

Gravestone Seal (x/x/x/60 = 282)
Godslayer Seal (x/x/x/60 = 291)
Finger Seal (x/x/x/60 = 286)

Best seals for pure Faith all the way until 70 FTH. Godslayer and Gravestone are the main ones to use really as they get a boost on the offensive schools of Incantation, Lighting Spear and Blackflame Orb, pick your poison or just use both and exchange depending on situation. Finger is okay too, but you won't get any buff.

Erdtree (x/x/x/60 = 273)

At 70 FTH this becomes the best seal overall, it gets a HUGE boost if you go all the way to 80 (70 = 313, 80 FTH = 353)

Giant's Seal (x/x/x/60 = 273)

Kinda bad, also you get this extremely late and the buff to Giant Incantations gets overshadowed by the other seals having better scaling.

Clawmark (50/x/x/25 = 240, 50/x/x/40 = 274)

Best for STR/FTH, scales super bad at high stats though, use is best at high STR and medium to low FTH only making use of Faith for self buffs and some offensive use. Deceptively, like all other Strength-scaling, can be 2-handed with Cinq in offhand for maximum beast output.

Dragon Comunion (x/x/x/40/40 = 315, even x/x/x/25/45 gets you 304 scaling)

Amazing seal for Arcfags, you can do low investment on Faith and dump into Arc and get huge results.

Golden Order (x/x/45/45 = 338)

Use it only if you have both stats invested in.

Frenzied Flame

This one has a C/C/C/B Scaling which makes it pretty good for quality builds with medium to low faith (25ish) for the buffs. The problem being that Dragon Communion is bugged at the moment and will apply instant Frenzy into the enemy, no point on using this unless you want to play fair and square during duels. 20/60/10/40 stats you get 250 Scaling, better than anything else at just 40 Faith, if you do 40/60/10/60 you get 276, pretty good for mixed builds.

Seal scalings


Staff scalings




Boss Weaknesses

Boss Weaknesses




Ending Explanations & Cut Endings

Mass Effect Tint-Shift Endings

  • Age of Fracture - Default Ending - Restore the Order. Marika is dragged back to the God-shed, no longer able to split via osmosis and loop the system, your player functionally becomes the prophet's spouse / consort for the forseeable. Nothing much changes with the present state of things.
  • Age of Duskborn - Fia / Death Ending - Not as much an edgy ending, but more a return to form, fixing the Elden Ring to it's initial form without Marika in place of the Rune of Death. Everyone in-universe is functionally immortal, all you do is flip the Death switch back on. The motivation for this is that if you don't fix things somehow, more people will eventually die on the inside, and become nothing more than soulless husks as a byproduct of the Prince of Death - Those Who Live in Death - doomed to wander for all eternity as spooky scary skeletons as the cancerous tumors that is the Prince of Death proliferates throughout the Erdtree. Turning the concept of Death back on allows these skeletons to be put to rest, and for everybody to be able to begin to die properly again.
    Despite being the 'Death' ending that sounds edgy from the name along, this is actually the anti-skeleton one and quite melancholic.
  • Age of Despair - Dung Eater / Omen Ending - Presents itself as a more crude / cruel version of the Duskborn ending, by ending the false-eternal life and returning everyone back to semi-evolved Omen-missing-links. The reality however, is that you're unironically playing into a sadistic fetishist's fantasy. Dung Eater literally wanted nothing more than to be an Omen himself, for whatever bizarre reason (generations-long unending agony and devolution aside), hence why he views the curse of the Omen as a blessing in a traditionalist sense. In essence, once everybody is an oppressed underclass Omen, nobody will be above them, and thus equality for all.
  • Age of Order - Goldmask / Perfect Order Ending - Goldmask is a transcendent genius who basically fixes the Universe without having to look up a guide. By removing Marika from the equation, it fast-tracks the will of the Golden Order directly to the people, allowing a omnipotent greater consciousness guide people directly and thus starting an age of literal perfection. There's no mention of the removal of free will, it's just that why would you choose any other option, compared to what a 1,000,000,000 IQ outer being suggests is the best idea?

Unique Endings

  • Age of The Frenzied Flame - Kalé / Hyette / Frenzy Ending - The Merchant's Outer Being wins, and obliterates the Golden Order / the Elden Ring off the face of the map, for the sleight against them during the not!Holocaust (that actually happened in this universe). Every sentient being left is in a state of agonized frenzy - unless Melina survives, wherein she vows to put you down like the animal you are - as the last remaining remanant of the Erdtree and the Elden Ring.
    If the merchants had to suffer, everybody has to suffer, this can be considere a 'vengence' ending. This originally had a far more complex and interconnected quest, and would have required seeing Kalé's quest to it's logical end to achieve; much like how Ranni's requires you to finish her questline. There was also a possible divergence relating to Melina - and not simply a different cutscene - Melina appears to have a fully programmed Boss fight within the files.
  • Age of the Stars - Ranni / Orderless Ending - A heavy mistranslation in English, the actual intent of this ending is removing Outer Influences entirely. Ranni drags all the ayy's away, allowing people to live a life free of outer influence - regardless of their decisions before or after it. It has nothing to do with making everyone cold, angsty emotionless husks - that's the shit TL. The player keeps her company for the rest of forseeable eternity in isolation; with varying dialogue on whether she likes the player or tolerates them.
    This may have initially been more divergant than a single word change as a double-pathed ending, but at least it's not one of the Mass-Effect'd ones.
    As for Ranni's ending, since it's so 'important', here's the 'correct' translation, along with the chickenscratch to base it off if you can read moonrunes.

すべてよ、冷たい夜、はるか遠くに思うがよい “To all, you may think of the chill night as infinitely far away” 恐れを、迷いを、孤独を そして暗きに行く路を さあ、行こうか “And now, let us go on our path of fear, doubt, and loneliness, into darkness” 私の律は、黄金ではない。星と月、冷たい夜の律だ “My Order will not be of Gold, but of the Stars and Moon, and the chill night.” …私はそれを、この地から遠ざけたいのだ “…I want to keep it far away from this land.” 生命と魂が、律と共にあるとしても、それは遥かに遠くにあればよい “…Even if life and souls are one with the order, it (the Golden Order) could be kept far away.” 確かに見ることも、感じることも、信じることも、触れることも …すべて、できない方がよい “If it was not possible to clearly see, feel, believe in, or touch the Order …That would be better.” だから私は、律と共に、この地を棄てる “That is why I will leave this place, along with the Order.”

While that is the most egregious, other mistranslations include:

  • Astel, Naturalborn of the Void = Astel, Voidspawn
  • Erdtree = Goldtree
  • The Order = The Will
  • Cleanrot Knights = Rotten Female Knights (play on words for japanese concept of Fujoshi)
  • etcetera
    Ask in-thread if you have questions about TL, you'll find more there.

Cut Endings

  • Age of Absolute = The Cut Marika 'True Ending' - Initially gleamed off of recorded dialogue from Marika, little is known about this ending other than is progressed as far as to exist and have lines recorded from Marika, praising the player after they 'fixed' her.
    For one of the datamined lines, you can hear it in this April Fools (but otherwise ignore the 'cinematic' itself): https://youtu.be/6PwzUYDsz1M
  • Age of the Devoured = Tanith / Rykard Ending - On top of the obvious setup of a snake devouring the world, Tanith was the first NPC ever created in the files (before Kalé even - Ranni has a custom model and thus isn't counted), indicating her related ending was intended to be the first one conceptualised. Taniths quest continues past her consuming Rykard, with Patches offering her a unique item, relating to her foreign backstory that was mostly cut during the events of the game. It's likely that after her business with Rykard, much like Fia's ending, she would birth / offer the player a Mending Rune as the product of her devotion, provided her overarching questline was finished beforehand (which, even in the game, is still heavily cut down on) - the end result likely being the Blasphemous Serpent devouring the world, as hinted at both in Rykards invitation and various item descriptions. Conjures imagery of Jormungandr - especially given the imagery of Erdtree being not!Yggdrasil.
  • Age of the Many Tarnished Ones = Asimi / Mimic Clones Ending - Related to a cut NPC (who is still in the game as an enemy Silver Tear, located within the Cave of the Forlorn), Asimi was supposed to be a Mimic that absorbed itself into the player (similar to the Frenzied Flame) and wished to assist the player in becoming the Elden Lord in it's own way. While the following is unsubstantiated, this was apparently by 'resolving' the worlds problems by making every single living being into a mimic / copy of the player no, I'm not bullshitting, at minimum, somebody else is. Take that as you will.
  • Age of Rot = Millicent / Melania Ending - The obvious Rot ending, which would have observed the player assist Malenia (yes, Malenia, not Millicent) across the world, ending at the Haligtree and fighting her there, before resolving her questline. The Ending would have observed the Haligtree usurping the Erdtree as the New Order, and the ayylmao of Rot overriding the ayylmao of Order. In essence, a Nergal ending with flowers - what does not rot cannot sustain new life. This went as far as voicelines being recorded, with Malenia progressively becoming more affectionate towards the player, before turning feral in the final stages as the rot overtook her; leading to her boss fight (also hence why there was initially so much marketing for her, despite her functionally being a easily missable secret boss on the level of the Darklurker, Ebrietas or the Nameless King in previous titles upon release - they were basically hyping her up as the NPC-waifu-turned-boss with her own ending).
  • Age of Slumber = Miquella / Rhico the Albanauric Ending - Related to an entirely cut NPC, Rhico, this would have been the Albanauric ending (possibly relating to Latenna too); wherein Miquella (and by extenstion the ayylmao related to Miquella, given Miquella / St Trina is an Empyrean) solves the worlds problems by simply putting everybody to sleep for the rest of time. Can't have problems with eternal life, if all of it is a literal dream. By basic deduction skills alone (look at all the Great Runes in the game, see what's missing in the pattern), it's highly likely that Miquella will be the subject of the near-certain DLC - whether his content was cut somewhat shortly before release because of crunch time like DS3's Ariandel for a double-DLC with the 'intended' DLC release, or if his content was intended to be delayed for post-release like most other DLC's (Old Hunters, Ringed City, The Lost Crowns) is the real question we will find out with time.

In total, that makes 10 definite 'Intended' Main Endings, which may have had variations to make them into 20 possible endings; of which we only got 6, of which only 2 were done justice.
Who knows - at the rate they're adding questlines back in, maybe they'll be back by the time the DLC rolls around.



Nerfed Bosses, by Patch

Patch 1.03

RIP Large Runebear(s) (Extreme aggression nerf, especially in the overworld)
RIP Radagon (Huge hitbox nerfs (~40%) and major damage nerfs across the board (~25%), now a midgame-scaled boss made trivial by summons in the late-earlygame, rather than an endgame / Malenia-matching boss designed for summons to be taken on in the late-midgame)
RIP Rykard (Extreme aggression nerfs, basically lets you kill him for free now, and no, this isn't exaggerating; hardest hit this patch)
RIP Stray Mimic (Hit by the same damage nerf as it's Ash-counterpart)
RIP Malenia (Grab nerf, moderate health nerf in line with the blanket nerf to STR-based heavy weapons)
RIP Shaman Archers (the ones in Siofra recieved a major damage reduction)

Patch 1.032

Radahn got some of his damage back, but still kept the major hitbox nerfs.

Patch ?.???

Placeholder. Because there *will* be more.
















>Latest patchnotes


>Launch FAQ



Build Planner (Lacks Armour Optimizer, for now it's more a stat / weight checker; we're waiting on a better one)
Stat Planner + Starting Class Optimiser
Summon Range Calculator
Name Censor Checker (It's the same list, dearest K***ht)

>PCheating / Modfagging Highlights
>>i shiggydiggy

Loading without EAC, offline-only.
All mods require this to be active while they themselves are active (and offline), cheat engine only requires it for as long as you're cheating things in offline. Easy Anti Cheat = Easy to circumvent.
Launch ER without EAC; Cheat; Launch ER with EAC and play online. Done and done.

Currently the best Cheat Table
Check in-thread if it's been busted and patched over, if you're reading this before the final patch of the game. Itemgib and addsouls are completely safe, giving yourself invalid items may get caught and your account bricked. Editing values to ridiculous levels / impossible when compared to other values (eg 99VIG at Lv10 or 200VIG) will get you banned.
99% ban avoidance = "Don't be dumb."
100% ban avoidance = "Don't cheat to begin with."
Specifically avoid using 'Hexingtons' Cheat table, it's a discordfag-only one, likely botnet / miner. May have also been rumbled as of writing, attracting b&s.

Compass Remover, cleans up HUD, highly recommended if you plan on playing offline.
If your PC can handle it, Render-distance Extender (again, offline only)

Like used condoms, don't download used / mule characters; who knows what the fuck the uploader has on their save that could net you a b&. Just use the usual cheat table method to make sure you're completely clean for when you go back online (at least then, any fuckups are on your hands).

If you're not on PC, enjoy a hacker-free experience~



Collages / In-thread OC

One-Week Collage Sauce

One-Month Collage PNG Sauce

>Additional Information

1.03 Armor & Weapon List
Detailed Gear Compendium
Motion Values



Interactive maps


Note: If you want to browse Fextra without your RAM taking a ballpeen hammer to the skull, it's highly advisory you have adblock(s) on due to the aggressive advertising and stream embeds.

>"What does everybody use to make webms?"

>inb4 dolphin porn
~40MB; opensauce, made by an Anon and it's commonly used across the site (even in the /wsg/ Sticky). Version linked technically isn't the most 'up to date' one, but the only changes made since this ver were to the name, because GitHub pulled it for having the word "retard" in the title. Welcome to the current year, if you've not been paying attention.
For filesizes, Encoding > Size Limit > 3MB; and Processing > Resize > (Bigger Width = Lower Quality; Smaller = Smaller) (Anywhere between 480 to 720p wide should do you).

>Archive of previous /erg/'s



Despite condensing the entire thing to less than 25% of it's initial size, extensive formatting / prose / spelling corrections and shaving 45k characters off the total charcter count, it appears the tourist OP Janny is still actively going out of his way to remove the link to related and the wider doc.
Other Anons were correct to say not to engage in needless drama over it; so if you find this thing helpful and think it would be helpful to other Anons, feel free to re-add https://rentry.org/ergPocketGuide to the OP, any time the guy does it for free. You'd be doing me (and hopefully other Anons) a favor. No need to make a fuss about it, he'll probably fuck off back and stop meddling with the OP at some point.
I'll remove this small part if it's no longer necessary, but until then, please bear with it.

If / when DLC comes around, I'll extend if appropriate then. If you can think of any ways to improve it further, just make sure the link to one of these docs in your post. I should see it in the offsite archives when I skim them, I can't realistically lurk 24/7.

While I really dislike using trips, and rarely post with it on, you can identify me in-thread under BigLol; if you can think of anything else to add to the doc, just ask.




Edit Report
Pub: 21 Mar 2022 07:28 UTC
Edit: 11 Apr 2022 20:32 UTC
Views: 11848